Vol. 5: 45–53, 2008 ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH Printed September 2008 doi: 10.3354/esr00111 Endang Species Res Published online August 21, 2008 OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS Applied conservation management of a threatened forest dependent frog, Heleioporus australiacus T. D. Penman1, 2,*, F. L. Lemckert1, 2, M. J. Mahony1 1School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, New South Wales 2308, Australia 2Research and Development Division, Forests New South Wales, P.O Box 100 Beecroft, New South Wales 2119, Australia ABSTRACT: Threatened species management should be based on reliable scientific research. The giant burrowing frog Heleioporus australiacus is a threatened species in south-eastern Australia, and is often recorded on land managed for commercial forestry. As a result, management prescrip- tions have been developed in the absence of significant research data. Here, we review the available research data and assess the potential for forest management practices to impact upon this species. The species is restricted to naturally vegetated areas, but avoids steep areas, large rivers and forests with high levels of vegetative ground cover. Individuals spend the majority of the year in the non- breeding habitat considerable distances from bodies of water in small (~0.05 ha) activity areas. Fire is unlikely to have any significant direct effects upon populations of this species, although longer term vegetative changes associated with certain fire regimes may have an impact. Logging is more likely to have a significant short-term effect on individuals in the logging area, but it is not clear whether the species populations are affected in the medium to long term. Current conservation man- agement prescriptions are ineffective for the species and only enforced if individuals are detected. Detection of this species is difficult and relies on strict climatic conditions. Therefore, new prescrip- tions, independent of detection, are required to provide a landscape approach to the management of this species. We propose that key populations be identified and protection zones established around these populations, which should be geographically separated to provide longer-term protection against stochastic events. KEY WORDS: Amphibian · Management · Forestry · Disturbance impacts Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION that has required management with little guidance from research data. Ideally, the management of threatened species Heleioporus australiacus is a large threatened myo- would always be based on reliable scientific research. batrachid frog in south-eastern Australia. Records of In reality, the rarity of many of these species often the species are from the coast and adjacent ranges restricts opportunities for the collection and analysis of from Singleton to approximately 100 km east of Mel- threatened species data. As a consequence, the man- bourne (Martin 1997, Gillespie & Hines 1999) (Fig. 1). agement of these species is based on either the precau- A disjunction of 100 km occurs in the records of the tionary principle or the ‘best guess’ approach. Where species from south of Jervis Bay to Narooma (Lemck- threatened species research does occur, we have a ert et al. 1998). It has been argued that populations to responsibility not only to present our research within the north and south of this disjunction represent sepa- the scientific community, but also to interpret our data rate species (Penman et al. 2004, 2005a) but this in terms of the conservation management of the spe- remains to be confirmed. For the purposes of this cies. Until recently, the giant burrowing frog Heleio- paper, we refer only to the northern and southern porus australiacus has been an example of a species populations (Fig. 1). *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2008 · www.int-res.com 46 Endang Species Res 5: 45–53, 2008 Fig. 1. Known localities of the giant burrowing frog Heleioporus australiacus; m: northern population sites; j: southern popu- lation sites. Dark shaded area in inset: study area in New South Wales and Victoria Throughout its range the giant burrowing frog is regions. In the northern populations (Forests NSW— considered rare, or at least rarely encountered. As a Hunter Region), stream buffer zones of 30 m are estab- result the species has been listed under threatened lished around all drainage lines within 200 m of a species legislation nationally under the Environmental known locality for the species. Two Forests NSW man- Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, in agement regions, South East Region and the South New South Wales (NSW) under the Threatened Spe- Coast Region, cover the southern NSW populations. In cies Conservation Act (TSCA) 1995 and in Victoria the South East Region, if an individual is found, a under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. Inclu- 200 ha exclusion zone is established, within which no sion of this species in threatened species legislation logging is to occur, and there are restrictions placed has occurred primarily due to a small number of on conducting prescribed burns. In the South Coast records of the species suggesting the species occurs in Region, an exclusion zone with a 500 m radius (78 ha) low abundance (Mazzer 1994) and to a poor under- around the record is established. The more precaution- standing of the species ecology (Tyler 1997, Penman et ary approach was adopted in these regions, as fewer al. 2004). The species was listed under the TSCA records exist in these areas compared with the north- because its population and distribution were suspected ern populations. In Victoria, where individuals are to have been reduced; it was thought that the species detected in first order streams or away from streams, a faced moderate threatening processes and it was con- 50 ha exclusion zone is established. For records on sec- sidered to be an ecological specialist (i.e. it depends on ond order or higher streams, a linear buffer of 100 m is particular types of diet or habitat) (Lunney et al. 2000). established around the stream for 1 km up- and down- The 2 main perceived threats to the long-term survival stream of the record. of this species are fire and commercial forestry (Pen- These prescriptions were developed in the absence man et al. 2004). of significant research data and it is not clear how Management prescriptions have been developed for effective they are. Here, we review the biology of the this species on land subject to commercial forestry, giant borrowing frog, evaluate its conservation status although the prescriptions vary between management and assess the potential for logging and fire to impact Penman et al.: Conservation management of Heleioporus australiacus 47 upon populations of this species. Using this informa- appear inappropriate for the species in large river tion, we assess the appropriateness of existing man- valleys, coastal lowlands and on high peaks (Penman agement prescriptions and propose alternatives that et al. 2005a). could be applied throughout the range of the giant Studies on this species have been limited by the burrowing frog. small number of known sites and the lack of true or known absence sites. As a result, statistical analysis and verification of the derived statistical models is dif- SPECIES BIOLOGY ficult. The lack of true or known absence sites means that any presence/absence statistical approaches re- A complete review of the species biology is pre- quire the use of random or null sites. These sites may in sented by Penman et al. (2004). It was found that little fact be occupied by the species, i.e. false negatives, is known of the species’ habitat use and behaviour and the inclusion in a model as a negative site will bias throughout its range. Descriptions of habitat were model results. This has occurred, as the species is diffi- based on a small number of observations of the species cult to detect even in areas where it is known to exist. in a relatively small area (e.g. Gillespie 1990, Daly While statistical methods are available for dealing with 1996, Lemckert et al. 1998). Northern populations imperfect detection (e.g. MacKenzie et al. 2003, Tyre were commonly associated with heath communities et al. 2003, Wintle et al. 2004), data for such models (Mahony 1993), whereas the southern populations have not been collected for this species. were reported from a range of forest environments Detection rates for this species using common (Littlejohn & Martin 1967, Webb 1987, Gillespie 1990, amphibian survey techniques are extremely low. This Lemckert et al. 1998). occurs in part because the behaviour of this species is More recent radio-tracking studies have allowed for strongly associated with specific environmental condi- a comprehensive analysis of the species’ behaviour tions. The species is most active following rainfall of (Lemckert & Brassil 2003, Penman 2005). These studies at least 5 mm, when temperatures are above 8oC, have found that individuals spend the majority of the humidity above 60% and in still or light wind condi- year (>95%) in forest areas away from the breeding tions (Penman et al. 2006a). Using pitfall traps in site. In the non-breeding environment, individual frogs known population areas has resulted in detection have non-breeding territories, which are on average rates ranging from 1 in 800 trap nights (Penman 2005) 500 m2 or 0.05 ha. There is no significant difference in up to 1 in 3000 trap nights (Kavanagh & Webb 1998). the size of the male and female territories; however, Gillespie (1990) reported capturing no frogs in 5400 male territories are more commonly found closer to the pitfall trap nights in suitable habitat for the species in breeding site than female ones (males: mean = 99 m, eastern Victoria. The rate of detection using nocturnal females: mean = 143 m; Penman 2005). Within each road transects varies widely according to a number of territory an individual will have a number of ‘home factors, including habitat traversed, experience of the burrows’ or sites they frequently use and a number of observer and vehicle speed.
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