INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. (For index to these, see pages xiv-xv.) AAC ADU AACHEN (Prussia), 942, 975; tech.. ABYSSINIA, boundary, 226, 275, 647, nical schools, 944 921, 1054 Aalborg (Denmark), 807 - commerce, 650, 922 Aalen (Wurttemberg), 983 - King (Negus), 647, 648 A.arau (Switzerland), 1336 - leased territory, 275, 647 Aargau (Switzerland), 1333, 1335 - railways, 651, 922 Aarhus (Denmark), 807 - religion, 649, 831 Aba (Belg, Congo), 279 - roads, 651 Abaca Island (Bahamas), 345 - trade routes, 650, 922 Abaiang Island (Pacific), 436 - treaty with Italy, 647 Abdul Aziz ibn Sa'ud, King of Saudi Abyssinian race, 648 Arabia (Saudieh), 662 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1285 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah" Sultan, Acarnania (Greece), 986 (Kedah), 195 Accra (Gold Coast), 268, 269 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 190 Accrington, 14 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of Achaia (Greece), 986 Trans-Jordan, 204: Achimota Univ. Coll. (Gold Coast), Abemama Is- (Pacific), 436 268 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 234 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 345 Aberdeen, burgh, 17 Aconc&A"Ua (Chile), pro'V., 738 - county, 17 Acre (Palestine), 198, 201 ; port, 203 - university, 22, 23 Acre Territory (Brazil), 716, 718; Aberdeen (South Dakota), 601 rubber, 721 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 616 Adana (Turkey), vilayet, 1348; Aberystwyth College, 22 town, '1348 Abeshr (Wadai), 915 Addis Ahaba (Abyssinia), 647, 648, Abidjan (French Africa), 927 651, 922 - wireless station, 929 Adelaide(S. Australia), 400; airmail, Abkhasian, Soviet Rap. (Georgia), 372; port, 371 ; univ.,400 1271 ADEN, Protectorate, 97, 98, 121, Abo (Turku) (Finland), 850; uni- 216, 662, 664; bounda.ry, 97 ; versity, 851 garrison. 132 Abo ..Bjorneborg (Finland), 850 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 927 Aboisso (French West Africa), 927 Admiralty Is. (N. Guinea), 441 Abruzzie Molise,(Jtaly), 1036 Adnwa (Abyxsinia), 647 Abu, Mount (India), 148, 181 Adrar (M.auritania), 929 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 649 - (Spanish Sahara), 1313 ABYSSINIA, 226, 647.sg'l Adrianople (Turkey), town, 1348 - air force, 649 I Adua (Abyssinia). 648 1885 Y T 2 1386 THE S1'A'1'ESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1934 ADY ALA Adygeisk (U.S. S. R.) auton. region, Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1181 1254: Aguascalientea (Mexico), 1110; irriga- Aegean Islands, 986, 987, 1059 sqq tion, 1112; town, 11] 0 - Greek, minerals, 991 A.hmadi, EI, mosque, 831 - Italian, 1059 sqq Ahmedabad (India), 124, 157 - Turkish, 1347 Ahmed ibn Jabir, Sultan of Kuwait, AFGHANISTAN, 653 sqq 666 AFRICA, Central, Protectorate, see Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 850 Nyasaland Protectorate, 220 Aidin (Asia Minor), see A.ydin - Colonies in, Belgian, 280, 702 aqq Aigun (China), port, 749 -- British, 206 sqq Ain (France), dept., 862 -- French, 270, 287, 288, 888, Ain Galakka (Kanem), 915 889, 902 sqq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 903 -- Italian, 213, 226, 1053 sqq Aintab (Turkey), vilayet, 1348 -- Portuguese, 1224, 1231l1qq Aisne (France), dept., 862 -- Spanish, 1300, 1304, 1313, Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 429 ; 1314 ; see also Morocco, wireless station, 430 Spanish Zone, 1119 sqq Aix (France), univ., 868, 869 - East (British), 206 sqq Ajaristan, Soviet Rep. of [Georgia); -- (Italian), 213, 1043, 1058 sqq 1279 -- (Port.), 1225, 1233 sqq Ajk (Hungary), coal, 1015 - Equatorial (French), 889, 913 sqq Ajmer, town (India), 124, 148 - North (French), 888, 889, 902 sqq; Ajmer·Merwara (India), 125, 148 lee also Algeria, Morocco, - agriculture, 136 Tunis - area and pop., 121 -- (Italian), 1043, 1054 sqq - births and deaths, 121 -- (Spanish), 1300, 1804, 1313; - education, 149 ," also Morocco, Spanish - finance, 148 Zone, 1119 sqq - forests, 135, 136 - South (British), 227 sqq - government, 118 --Union of, 236 sqq - land revenue, 134 - s...West(British), 283 sqq -- tenure, 134 - West (British), 262 sqq - religion, 125 -- (French), 287, 288, 888, 889, Akassa (Nigeria), 264 922 sqq Akershus (Norway), 1167 --- (Port.), 1225, 1231 sqq Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1270 -- (Spanish), 1813, 1814 Akron (Ohio), 461, 584; univ., 585 Afrikya, seeTunis Aksaray (Turkey), vilayet, 1348 Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), vilayet, Aksu (Sin.Kiang), 765 1348, 1853 Aksun (Abyssinia), 647 Agadir (Morocco), 1127 Akureyri (Iceland], 1020 Agalega (Mauritius), 220 Alava (Spain), 1300 Agafia (Guam), 640 ALABAMA, 457, 499 sqq Agar (India), 176 - agriculture, 457, 500 AJl;denes(Norway), fort, 1171 - area and population, 457, 499 Agder, Aust & Vest (Norway), 1167 - cotton, 475, 500 A"ion Oros (Greece), 986 - port, 500 Agra (prov.), seeUnited Provinces - production and industry, 475,500 - (town), 124, 168 - representation, 453, 499 Agram or Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 1374, - univ., 500 1375 Alag6as (Brazil), state, 718, 719 - nniv., 1376 Ala'idin Sulaiman Shah, Sultan Agrigento (Italy), 1087, ) 038 (Selangor), 190 INDEX 1387 ALA ALL Alajuela (Costa Rica), 780; town, Albury (New South Wales), 877 781 Alcazar (Morocco), 1120 Aland (Finland), 849, 850 Alcoy (Spain), 1301 ALASKA, 458, 625 sqq Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 224 - area and pop., 458, 626 Alderney, government, 74; popu- - banks, 492, 628 lation, 18 - defence, 468, 470 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 41 - education, 464, 626 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1224 - fisheries, 483, 627 Aleppo (Syria), 898, 900; cotton, - gold, 478, 627 900; tobacco, 900; town, - government, 455, 625 899, 900, 901 - mining, 478, 627 Alessandria(Italy), 1034; town, 1038 - ports, 628 Alesund (Norway), 1168 - production, &c.,478, 483,627 Alexander I, King (Yugoslavia), 1372 - shipping, 628 Alexander Bay (Newfoundland), - troops in, 468, 470 paper-mills, 342 Albacete (Spain), province, 1300; Alexandretta (Syria), 898, 899; town, 1301 Sanjak, 898 ALBANIA, 6578fJq Alexandria (Egypt), 830 - air routes, 660 - air service, 203 - alliance with Italy, 658 - shipping, 839 - coast defence, 659 - town, 829, 830 - constitution of 1928, 658 - trade, 839 - King, 658 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 649 Albany (New York), 461, 573, 575 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 987 Albany (W. Australia), 405 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1224 Albay (Philippines), 636 ALGERIA, 889, 902 aqq ALBERTA (Canada), 291, 313 Bqq - area and pop., 889, 902, 903 - agriculture, 301, 303, 316 - education, 868, 869, 904 - area and pop., 294, 314 - faculties, 868) 869 - births, marriages, deaths, 295, 315 - finance, 902, 904 - constitution and government, 290, - governnlent, 861, 888, 902 313 - naval station, 876 - crops, 301, 302 - representation, 861. 902 - education, 296, 315 - university, 868, 869, 904: - finance, 298, 815 Al Ghail (Yemen), 665 - forests, 303, 316 Algiers (Alger), 876, 903, 904 - Legislative Assembly, 291, 3]4 - naval station, 876 - Lieutenant-Governor, 293,814 - university, 868, 869, 904 -live stock, 802 Al Hazm (Yemen), 665 - mining, 304, 316 Alhucema Isles (Spanish Africa), ministry, 314 1800 - municipal districts, 314 Alicante (Spain), 1300 ; air station, - natural gas, 316 1311; town, 1301 - petroleum, 316 Aligarh (India), 124; univ., 126, 168 - political parties, 314 Ali Navaz Khan Talpur, ruler - production and industry, 301, (Khairpur), 181 302, 304, 316 Al Jauf (Yemen), 665 - railways, 316 Al Khamr (Yemen), 665 - representation, 291, 314 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1136 - wheat, 301 Allahabad (India), 124, 168; uni- Albuquerque (New Mexico), 572; versity, 126, 168 univ., 572 Allentown (Pa.), 593 1388 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1934 ALL ANG Alliance (Ohio), 584 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 164 Allier (France), dept., 862 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 224 Al Matamma (Yemen), 665 Amman (Trans-Jordan), 204 Almelo (Netherlands), 1136 Amoy (China), port, 749 Almeria (Spain), prov., 1300 Amran (Yemen), 665 - minerals, 1307; town, 1301 Amritsar (India), 124, 166 Almirante (Panama), port, 783 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1136; Almora (India), 764 canal, 1140; fort, 1140; port, Aloft Is. (Fr. Pacific), 936 1145; univ., 1137 Star (Kedah), 195 - (New York), 575 Alost (Belgium), 694 Amsterdam Island (Reunion), 920 Alpes, Basses- (Fra.noe), dept., 862 Amur provo (Manchuria), 762 - Hautes- (France), dept., 862 Anaconda (Montana), 560 - -Maritimes (France), dept., 862 Anaiza (N ejd), 662, 663 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 224 Ancash (Peru), department, 1203 Alpullu (Turkey), 1354 Anchorage (Alaska), 626 Alsace..Lonaine, 864, 940 Ancona (Italy), prov., 1036; town, - area and population, 864, 940 1038 - forts, 873 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 118, - univ., 868 121, 125, 149 Al Suds (Yemen), 665 - area and population, 121, 125, Altenburg (Thuringia), 981 149 Alton (Illinois), 526 - Chief Commissioner, 118,149, 150 Altona(Germany), 942,975; port, 956 - forests, 135, 149 41toona (Pa.), 693 - penal settlement, 149 Alvsborg (Sweden),province, 1318 - religion, 125 Alwar (India), 181 ; town, 124 Anderlecht (Brussels), 693 Amapala (Honduras), 1005 Andes, Los (Argentina), 670 Amarah (Iraq), 1025 - (Venezuela), univ, 1368 Amarillo (Texas), 606 Andhra Univ. (India), 126, 163 Amasya (Turkey), vilayet, 1348 (Uzbekistan), 1266, 1272 Amazonas (Brazil), state, 718; ANDORRA, 888 rubber, 721 Andover Staff College, 48 - (Colombia), 774 Andros Island (West Indies), 345 Amazonas (Peru), department, 1203 Anecho (Togo), 930 - (Venezuela.), ter., 1861 Anegada (Virgin Is.), 352 Ambado (French Somali Coast), 922 Aneityum Island (Pacific), 437 Ambala (India), 124 Angdaphodang (Bhutan), 708 Ambato (Ecuador), 821 Angers (France), 865, 870; faculties, Ambeno (Portuguese Timor), 1286 869 Amberg (Bavaria), Angkor (Cambodia), 895 Amboina (Dutch Indies), 1.149 ANGLO-EGYPTIAN SUDAN, 274 8'1Q, Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 437 913 AMERICA, seeUnited States - boundary, 913 -'British Colonies,
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