The Victory Times Vol. II, Issue 7 Telling the Task Force Dragon story February 18, 2008 LTG Austin takes command of MNC-I Generals honor Odierno for efforts in stabilizing Iraq Story, photos by Army Sgt. Laura M. Bigenho 28th Public Affairs Detachment Army Lt. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III assumed command of Multi-National Corps-Iraq during a transfer of author- ity ceremony at Al Faw Palace Feb. 14. His predecessor, Army Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, is scheduled to be the U.S. Army’s next vice chief of staff. Army Gen. David Petraeus, Multi- National Force-Iraq commanding general, spoke highly of Odierno’s accomplishments and leadership as Army Gen. David Petraeus, Multi-National Forces-Iraq commander, Army Lt. commander of III Corps and MNC-I. Gen. Ray Odierno, outgoing Multi-National Corps-Iraq commander and Army Lt. Petraeus said Iraq was a much dif- Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, incoming MNC-I commander, salute the flag during the ferent place when Odierno first took transfer of authority ceremony Feb. 14. command 14 months ago. “The situation was very difficult,” ditional forces and he and his staff denying the terrorists the freedom to Petraeus said. “The bloodshed had began developing an operational con- launch their attacks from their neigh- reached horrific levels. The very fabric cept for their employment,” Petraeus borhoods,” Austin said. “Every day, of Iraqi society had been torn.” said. “His recommendations for what Iraqis are getting involved with the Petraeus said Odierno and his team came to be known as the surge forces government.” had a lot of planning and hard work has since been proven correct. They Austin previously served in Iraq in on their hands, but they stepped up reflected a mastery of the operational 2003 and as assistant division com- and made the tough decisions the level of war and they explicitly laid mander (maneuver) of 3rd Infantry country needed. out the concepts that have guided our Division (Mechanized). “He forthrightly requested ad- forces over the past year.” His other assignments include Odierno said he was humbled by commander of Combined Joint Task Petraeus’ remarks and for having Force 180 during Operation Enduring served among the ranks of others. Freedom in Afghanistan and most re- “You restored optimism to a coun- cently as chief of staff for U. S. Central try once enslaved by the influence of Command. He took command of XVIII terrorists and allowed a nation to take Airborne Corps in December 2006. control of its own destiny,” Odierno Austin said he plans to help the said. “I am humbled to serve in your Iraqis promote progress. ranks, and I salute each and every one “We will help the Iraqi government of you. Thank you for being at my side integrate local volunteers into the Iraqi and for being the Soldiers that you security force and other employment are.” opportunities that will promote prog- Austin said he looks forward to ress for this great country,” he said. working alongside the Iraqi security The Iraqis’ evident choice of peace forces, with whom he said he shares over sectarian violence will be key in the same ideals. continuing to make progress, Austin “Iraqis, like the Coalition soldiers said. Army Lt. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III takes by their sides, believe that there are “It is clear that the Iraqi people the MNC-I colors from Army Gen. Da- ideals and responsibilities that tran- have a new confidence in tomorrow vid Petraeus, MNF-I commander. scend the individual and they are and in their future,” he said. 2 February 18, 2008 Commentary Family values take on new meaning By Army Sgt. Laura M. Bigenho home to others. They shown me that the price of leaving is 28th Public Affairs Detachment always emphasize far greater than the price of standing their doors are open by one’s side, even in a relationship’s It took me 20-something years to re- — as long as guests darkest hours. alize that even though my parents may can tolerate two big Lastly, and most recently, mom and not have it all together, they aren’t all furry kids who have dad showed me how to cherish family that bad either. In fact, I believe them taken the places of — particularly those who clearly don’t to be among the best. There were some Bigenho their adult kids. Even have much time left here on Earth. This serious family values at the core of my then, they are quick to was especially true with my late Grand- fully functional dysfunctional family put the dogs in a “doggy resort” to ease ma. Her health failed quickly over the and they helped shape me into the wife guests if need be. My parents may not last few years, and being thousands of and mom I someday hope to be. have much, but they’ve always shared miles away, I wanted to make every My parents taught me a lot. Perhaps what they have. visit and holiday count. I went home to the most crucial thing is to never go to Another value they instilled in me Pittsburgh on R&R in May not know- bed mad — stay up and fight. It may was the importance of putting our ing if it would be my last chance to vis- sound harsh at first, but think about it family first — from immediate family it grandma. Sure enough, those visits for a moment. The old belief that one to anyone who shares our family name were indeed my last. She passed away needs to sleep on it is so untrue. Mom to those unrelated who are somehow this past November. I was terribly up- and Dad taught me it’s best to resolve connected to our family. Regardless set I could not be home for her funeral, a disagreement as soon as possible — of how embarrassed others may have but forever grateful for the values my even if it means staying awake a few made us feel to be associated with the parents instilled in me. They taught me extra hours. Putting off resolution only family name at times, my parents re- to treasure the time I did have with her, adds grief, headache, worry and ulti- mind me that blood runs thicker than and for that reason I don’t have to live mately delays resolution, happiness water. with feelings of guilt or regret. and of course a good night’s sleep. Along the same lines, Mom and Dad After more than 33 years of marriage The second thing Mom and Dad showed me the meaning of standing by and four grown kids, I think my par- taught me was to be a giver. Their gen- your spouse — not behind, nor in front ents have this marriage thing figured erosity was evident to me as an ado- of, but beside him or her. Doing so out. They raised us the best way they lescent who had foreign exchange stu- may come at a cost sometimes, as it can knew, and instilled more values than dents living in our house and continues seem easier to take the back door when space allows me to list. Hopefully, I’ll to be years later as they open their tough times hit hard. However, they’ve be able to pass those values on myself. Chaplain’s Corner Vietnam. After 75 missions, his plane claimed. “You flew jet fighters in Who packs your was destroyed by a surface-to-air mis- Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty sile. Plumb ejected and parachuted Hawk. You were shot down!” parachute? into enemy territory. He was captured “How in the world did you know Army Chaplain Mark Frederick and spent six years in a communist that?” asked Plumb. MNC-I Ops/Plans Chaplain Vietnamese prison. He survived the “I packed your parachute,” the man ordeal and now lectures on the lessons replied. As I stand on the threshold of this he learned from that experience. Plumb gasped in surprise and grati- deployment, I want to share with you One day, when Plumb and his wife tude. The man shook his hand and a devotional article I found very help- were sitting in a restaurant, a man at said, “I guess it worked!” ful. another table came up and addressed “It sure did,” Plumb assured Charles Plumb, a U.S. Naval him. him, “If your chute hadn’t worked, I Academy graduate, was a jet pilot in “You’re Plumb!” the man ex- See WHO, page 6 The Victory Times is an authorized electronic publication for MNC-I Commanding General: Lt. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III The Victory Times welcomes columns, members of the Department of Defense. Contents of this MNC-I Public Affairs Officer: Col. Bill Buckner commentaries, articles and letters electronic publication are not necessarily the official views of MNC-I PA Sergeant Major: Sgt. Maj. Sharon Opeka from our readers. Send submissionsor or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the Department of MNC-I Command Info Chief: Staff Sgt. Jacob Boyer comments to derron.dickinson@iraq. Defense. The editorial content of this publication is the respon- Editor: Sgt. D.A. Dickinson centcom.mil. The editorial staff reserves sibility of the Public Affairs Office of Multi-National Corps-Iraq. Staff: Sgt. Laura M. Bigenho, Sgt. Abel Trevino the right to edit for security, accuracy, propriety, policy, clarity and space. March 18, 2007 3 A row of Tongan Marines stands at pa- Army Brig. Gen. Joseph Anderson, III Corps chief of staff, congratulates Capt. rade rest during an awards ceremony Tau Ahoelei, company commander, Royal Tongan Marine contingent to Iraq.
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