28747 05 pp. 519-548 r1ah.ps 4/11/02 12:10 PM Page 519 2 3 INDEX 4 5 6 7 8 9 A remote monitoring, 185–92 sound effects and filtering, ac3dec, 500 coding, 186–89 377–80 Accent, 424 compiling, 189–91 system preparation for, 370 Accounts, root, 11 testing, 191–92 types of digital audio, 366–69 ack (Snort rule option), 257 Apex DVD player, 419–20 amplitude-based, 366–67 Actions, Snort, 252 API, Apache, 182–85 frequency-based, 367, 369, activate (Snort action), 252 apxs tool, 189 380–81 Active reconnaissance, 233 arch directory, 17 MP3 (MPEG Layer 3) add command (CVS), 123 Artistic License, 6 format, 368–69, 381 2 Aeromail, 158 aRts, 407 Ogg Vorbis format, 369, 2 installation of, 165 ASF files, 500, 501 381 2 using, 171–75 Aspect ratio, 446 RAW format, 368 2 agetty command, 81–82 Attachments, e-mail, 174 WAV format, 368 2 AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), Attacks on networks, 232–34 vinyl record transfer to CDs, 2 54 browser-based, 288 384–95 2 under wine, 339–40, 345 denial-of-service (DoS), 50, audio system and, 386–87 2 Albing, Greg, 477 232 CD creation, 393–94 2 alert (Snort action), 252 “Man in the Middle” (MITM), MP3 file creation, 394–95 2 AllowUsers (SSH server option), 269 preparation for, 385–86 277 profiles of, 260 recording, 387–89 3 Amplifier, audio, 386 scripted, 234 removing clicks, pops, and 3 Amplitude-based method for by sniffing, 217 hisses, 389–90 3 storing digital audio Audacity waveform editor, trimming cuts, 390–93 3 (PCM), 366–67 375–77, 380, 387, 413 writing audio to CDs, 3 Analog-to-digital (A-D) Audio CDs, burning, 363 382–84 3 conversion, 366 Audio processing, 365–97. See Authentication, RSA/DSA, 3 Animation, 461–62 also Music production 285–87 3 Anthem, 402 audio files from CD, 372–73 Autoconf, 12–13 3 Antisniff, 228 editing (cut and paste), AvantGo, 330–31 3 Apache, 114, 158, 162, 177, 375–77 avifile, 497 4 179–93 format conversions, 380–82 avifile-0.53.2, 499–500 API, 182–85 mixer properties, 370–72 AVI files, 483, 497, 498–501 4 module basics, 180–81 recording, 371, 374–75 AVI-XMMS-1.2.1, 501 4 4 4 519 28747 05 pp. 519-548 r1ah.ps 4/11/02 12:10 PM Page 520 520 INDEX B Capital cost of software checkout command (CVS), 122 Backdoor software, 54 distribution, 507 Chorus sound effect, 380 backup switch (pilot-xfer), 310, Capture, video, 484, 487–88, Client-server configuration 4 312–13 492–93 for NAT, 72–74 BacteriuM, 407 Cathedral and the Bazaar, The, 7 for PLIP networking, 70–71 6 bash, 298 CCD, 447 Client/server model, CVS, Berkeley DB, 220 cdda2wav, 352–53 120 Berkeley Software Distribution cdparanoia, 372–73 Clipping, 370–72 (BSD) licenses, 6 cdrdao, 382–83 Close-up, 32 9 BIOS, 14 cdrecord, 352–53, 356, 358, COAST project, 236 0 Bit depth, 366 382–83, 393–94 Codecs Bit rate, 368–69 CDs audio, 369 Blackbox, 302 audio, 363 video, 483, 487, 500 BlackICE, 222 files from, 372–73 Color balance, 453 4 bladeenc, 381 MP3 on, 418 Colors, in PovRay, 466, 473–75 Blender, 459, 460, 461, 475, 476 writing, 382–84 Comer, Douglas E., 73 6 BMP, 444 remote burning of, 347–63 Command line, 2 Bootable CDs, 363 audio CDs, 363 Commercial music, 497 /boot directory, 15 blanking CD-RW, 355–58 commit command (CVS), 122 Booting the kernel, 22–23 bootable CDs, 363 Communications, 59–84. 9 Boot loader, LILO, 13–15 burning data, 358–59 See also Network(s)/ 0 Boot sector viruses, 14 duplicating CDs, 359–62 networking; Secure Bourne-again shell (bash), 298 80-min/700 mb CDs, 363 connectivity Brahms, 402, 406 finding drive, 355 non-IP dialup, 74–84 Broadcast 2000, 494 iso images, 353–55 /etc/inittab file, 77–80 4 Browser-based attacks, 288 kernel modification for, getty, 76–77, 81–84 Browsers 348–52 Parallel Line Internet 6 network, 96–98 mkisofs, 352, 354 Protocol (PLIP) Web, 185–92 using GUID for, 359–61 networking, 60–71 BSD licenses, 6 verifying, 359, 363 kernel compilation to BTTV chip set, 486 video (VCDs), 504–5 enable, 64–69 9 Buffer underruns, 353 vinyl record transfer to, NAT set up for, 71–74 0 Building blocks (primitives), 469 384–95 PLIP tunnel set up, 69–71 b[un]zip2, 296 audio system and, 386–87 Compiling, 8–10 Burn All GIFs Web site, 441 CD creation, 393–94 autoconf, 12–13 bzImage kernel, 21 MP3 file creation, 394–95 as encryption, 507 4 bzip, 21 preparation for, 385–86 Imakefiles, 11 recording to hard disk, make files, 11–12 6 C 387–89 Compression Cable modems, 48 removing clicks, pops, and in JPEG, 441–43 Cable providers, 46 hisses, 389–90 LZW, 440–41 9 Cables, two-way printer port, trimming tracks, 390–93 Compression/decompression 63–64 Censorware, 223 program, 296 0 Cameras Certificates, 163 CompressionLevel (SSH client digital, 447–48 on Netscape, 166–70 option), 275 positioning, 468 Change-coupled device (CCD), Compression (SSH client video, 484 447 option), 275 4 28747 05 pp. 519-548 r1ah.ps 4/11/02 12:10 PM Page 521 INDEX 521 Concurrent Versioning System. Debian, 26 Driver(s) See CVS (Concurrent integrity checks by, 241–46 interrupt, 69 2 Versioning System) VNC on, 40 polling, 69 3 Configuration system, Web server implementation, video, 486 4 interactive, 18–20 115 drivers directory, 17 5 Connectivity, secure. See Secure Debian Free Software Guidelines Drives, mapping, 99–100 6 connectivity (DFSG), 7, 8 Drum machines, 407–8 7 Console-based applications Delay sound effect, 380 dsize (Snort rule option), 256 e-mail-based, 133–55 delete switch (pilot-xfer), 311 DSL, 48 8 connecting, 134–35 Demos, music, 408–9 dsniff, 218–23 9 e-mail concepts, 136–37 Denial-of-service (DoS) attack, compiling, 221–23 Fetchmail, 136, 137–39 50, 232 required packages, 218–21 Procmail, 134–35, 139–40, DenyUsers (SSH server DUMB, 462 147 option), 277 Duplication of CDs, 359–62 security issues, 135–36, dep, 20–21 DVD players, 419–20 147–54 Dia, 303 Dynamic loading, 180 MP3 player, 417–18 Dialect, 424 dynamic (Snort action), 252 Consoles, text-mode, 76–77 Dialup, non-IP, 74–84 content-list (Snort rule option), /etc/inittab file, 77–80 E 257 getty, 76–77, 81–84 ecasound, 413 content (Snort rule option), Dictionaries Echo sound effect, 380 256–57 phoneme, 427 ECP, 63 2 convert command pronunciation, 426, 427 Editing 2 (ImageMagick), 445–46 diff, 295 audio, 375–77 2 CPU requirement, 26 Digital audio. See Audio video, 488, 493–97 2 crontab, 138–39 processing Editors, 295 2 Cryptographic basics, 196–98 Digital cameras, 447–48 waveform, 375–77, 380, 387, 2 Crystal Space, 462, 475, 476 Digital signatures, 135, 148, 413 2 CuBase VST, 402 203–6, 235. See also elm, 301 2 Cumulus, 407 GPG (GNU Privacy GPG integration with, 211 2 cut, 297 Guard) ELM jukebox, 431 2 CVS (Concurrent Versioning encryption without, 210–11 E-mail System), 118, 120–28, 296 hashing functions for, 197 concepts, 136–37 3 commands, 121–23 passphrases and, 208 programs and utilities, 301–2 3 conflict resolution, 123–28 validating, 204–6 security issues. See GPG 3 core concepts, 120 direction, Snort, 254 (GNU Privacy Guard) 3 repository, 120–21 Directory Directives, 164 speech-driven checking at 3 CVSROOT, 121 DirectX, 345 login, 428–31 3 Cygwin, 29 Discrete cosine transform tunneling through, 291 3 (DCT), 442–43, 444 video (V-mails), 505 3 D Display specification, 31 E-mail-based console 3 Data Encryption Standard distributed.net client, 53 application, 133–55 3 (DES), 196 DivX, 483 connecting, 134–35 4 Datagrams, fragmented, 72–73 Documentation directory, 17 Fetchmail, 136, 137–39, 301 Data-harvesting. See Sniffing Domain Naming System (DNS), Procmail, 134–35, 139–46, 147 4 DCT, 442–43, 444 54, 253 command execution, 147 4 dd, 295, 390–92 dpi (dots per inch), 438 recipes in, 140–46 4 4 28747 05 pp. 519-548 r1ah.ps 4/11/02 12:10 PM Page 522 522 INDEX E-mail-based console ext, 121 ForwardX11 (SSH client option), application (cont.) Extreme Wave, 460, 475 275 security issues, 135–36, Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 4 147–54 F 367 GnuPG to encrypt results, False positives in Snort, fragbits (Snort rule option), 256 6 148 261–62 Frame grabbers, 484 GnuPG to handle Festival, 424, 426–28, 431 Fraunhofer Group, 369 authorizations, 147–48 Fetchmail, 134, 136, 137–39, 301 “Free,” defining, 3–8 E-mail clients, GPG integrated .fetchmailrc file, 137, 140 FreeAmp, 371, 382, 417–20 9 with, 211–13 fetch switch (pilot-xfer), 311 Freebirth, 407 0 E-mail servers, 287 File browser, speech-driven, Free Software, 3, 508–9 Employee watching with HTTP 431–36 licenses for, 4–7 proxy, 288 File management tools, 294–98 philosophy behind, 7 Emulators, 333 file (program), 297 Great Schism in, 7–8 4 Encapsulation, in JPEG Files, comparing, 295 Free Software Foundation encoding, 443 File Transfer Protocol. See FTP (FSF), 4 6 Encryption, 135, 196–98, 270. File transfer with SCP, 270–71 Frequency-based method of See also GPG (GNU Filtering storing audio, 367, 369, Privacy Guard) frequency, 377, 378–80 380–81 compilation as, 507 in Procmail, 141–42 Frequency filtering, 377, 378–80 9 passphrases for decryption, Filters, spam, 141 Freshmeat Web site, 24 0 209–10 find, 299 fs directory, 17 public key, 197–98, 268–70 Finding, tools for, 299–300 fstab configuration file, 295 without signature, 210–11 Firewall(s), 265 FTP, 53, 54, 267, 268 Endianness, 368 getting out of, 279–82 encrypted, 268 4 Enhanced capability port (ECP), getting through, 283–85 masquerading of, 72 63 hardware, 58 6 Entrenchment phase of network- http-proxy-only, 289 G based attack, 234 IP, 49 g3d, 460, 475 Entropy pool, 201 IP address of, 52 gAlan, 407 EPP (enhanced parallel port), maniacally restrictive, 285 Game engines, 3D, 462 9 62–63 network, 49 Game hosting, 56–57 0 EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), port forwarding by, 54–56 GatewayPorts (SSH client 441 rules, 73 option),
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