I' 'V' Polls Open During Referendum Tomorrow from 6 aJm. to 6 p. m. - * \ t. Average Daily Net Press Run For Tho Week Ended The Weather AprU t7, IMg Fair tonight. Low. in upper 15,020 30a. Increasing cloudiness to­ morrow. High in low flOs. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. L X X X V n , NO. 178 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1968 (Olaealfled Advertieins on Psgo 28) PRICE TEN CENTS Political Disclosure At Columbia, * d 1 n 1 F 11 Students Set by Rockefeller Blockade v T > » ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Rockefeller was reported had been interpreted too literal­ Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller ready also to cancel his appear­ ly- Protesters will make “an announce­ ance on a tour with Republican Since that time. President ment concerning his politi­ governors in several western Johnson apparently took himself NEW YORK (AP)—An impa­ states early next month to ob­ out of the re-election picture by tient faction of the OolumUa cal plans” at 11 a.m. Tues­ tain InformaUon needed to put University student body tight­ day, Leslie Slote, the gov­ saying he would neither seek together a GOP platform for the nor accept renomination. ened today a blockade aimed at ernor’s press secretary, upcoming presidential nominat­ choking off a protest by fellow said today. In the meantime. Rockefeller ing convention. has been under pressure from students that has disru^ed the Slote’a announcement came In making known Rockefel­ Ivy League school for a week. as reports circulated in the Cap- many political leaders to de­ ler's intention of holding a news clare his candidacy. Columbia called off classes 2 , itol that Rockfeller would de­ again as efforts continued to conference Tuesday, Slote re­ NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. clare his cEuidldacy for the Re­ fused to go beyond his brief end the student sit-in at five Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky publican presidential nomina­ statement which said: buildings. tion. says an announcement by New But some students eager for Rockefeller has arranged to "Gov. Rockefeller will have York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefel­ an announcement concerning the school to return to normal fly a full complement of news­ ler that he is a candidate for the formed what they called the men with him when he travels his poliUcal plans at 11 a.m. to­ Republican presidential nomina­ morrow in the Red Room." Majority Coalition to end the to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on tion "could possibly” come be­ protest and threw up a blockade Thursday—on a trip that had Rockefeller surprised political fore May 16. around Low Memorial Library not been previously announced. leaders nationwide on March 1 Morton and William E. Miller, Sunday night. In Albany, today, the gover­ when he said that he would not the party’s 1964 vice phdsiden- They tightened it this morn­ nor met with top aides and ar­ actively seek the nomination tlal nominee, told newsmen Sun­ ing, saying they were cutting off 9 ranged'to meet with legislaUve this year. day they were sure Rockefeller all food and medical supplies (AP Fhotof&z) would seek the nomination. leaders and New York City He said then that he would for about 100 protesters inside. Surgeons Christian Cabrol an<i Gerard Guiraudon flank hospital surgery chief Dr. Maurice Merdadier. Mayor John V. Lindsay in an ef­ comment on the issues and They made the statement aft­ About 200 students manned the ly fort to clear up an impasse over would be available if a draft de­ er they had reported to Rocke­ blockade. the state budget and request for veloped. His associates said lat­ feller on their three.day tour of As the sky lightened over Co­ more state aid to big cities. er that he felt that his remarks six Midwest states sounding out lumbia on the seventh morning sentiment for him. of the protest, the campus was Doctors Concerned After their 20-minute meeting in a state of disarray. Red flags iT with Rockefeller in his Fifth flew from the roofs of two of the Avenue apartment, Morton said five occupied buildings. Several Demands Outlined for himself and Miller that spots on campus had turned Into "there’s no question in our a bivouac area. French Perform Transplant minds” that the governor will A group of students awakened seek the nomination. from spending a night in the on Jan. 2 at Cape Town. He blood pressure was high. The heart was taken from Mi­ ‘P oor ’ Campaign Shortly before meeting with open on the campus and began PARIS (AP)—The first went home from the hospital chel Gyppaz, 23, who suffered Rockefeller, Morton and Miller to brew coffee opposite the sim- French heart transplant The cardlo vascular or clrcu- March 16. fatal head injuries in an auto­ told newsmen that on their tour dial near the library. Others did operation was performed leutory problem developed dur­ mobile collision Thursday. they found strong support and caUsthenicB in grouipe. this weekend but doctors The operation began Saturday ing the operation and the blood night at La Pitie Hospital and pressure suddenly lowered. Gyppaz. a metal worker, was interest in Rockefeller’s candi­ Hundreds ot students, some today expressed concern ended nine hours later. Heart There was speculation that returning to his home in the Gets Late Start dacy. Morton said: "We are for and some against the sit-ii«, for the patient’s recovery. there had been some brain dam­ Paris suburb of Bondy driving a here to urge that he announce stayed on eampus throughout Speaking with newsmen 30 surgeons Christian Cahrol and WASHINGTON (AP) — The collective bargaining, and revi­ Gerard Guiraudon headed the age, before the blood pressure small car, when it collided with as a strong, aggressive candi­ the night. hours after the operation, the another at an intersection. His Poor People’s Campaign got off sion of the food stamp program date.” About 400 sit-in supporters ei­ doctors reported the patient suf­ operating team. returned to normal, but Merca­ to a late start today as organi­ so that persons too poor to buy Dr. Maurice Mercadler, chief dler did not mention this possi­ car was thrown against a con- Morton, who had said recently ther slept wrapped in blankets fered a circulation failime dur­ cerete lamp post. zers outlined a series of strong stamps can get them,free. that Rockefeller prpbably would ing surgery and since then of surgery at La Pitie Hospital, bility. or sleeping bags, or sat talking Gyppaz suffered mortal brain demands for the Department of "The existence of hunger and announce his candidacy, shortly quietly. nerve complicaUons have set in. told a news conference "the Earlier, Mercadler had said injuries, doctors said. They said Agriculture. malnutrition in this country is Another 2S0 students, opposed condition of the paUent is caus­ there had been "neurological after May 16, said after the The patient is Clovis Roblaln, that with agreement of his fami­ The Rev. Ralph Abernathy an incontestable fact,” said a to the sit-in, either slept or ing anxiety among us.” complications which made the meeting that the announcement 66, a truck driver from central ly and that of Roblaln the heart and his "(Tommittee of 100” ad­ committee statement. talked nearby in the eenter of prognosis very reserved.” “ could possibly” be made be­ France, who had suffered for Mercadier said Roblaln had transplant was decided upon. vance scouts for the campaign "That hunger exists is a na­ the campus at the sun dial. A . fore that. years with a heart ailment. not yet recovered lucidity, but Roblaln was placed in a room, Gyppaz was declared dead after were more than an hour and a tional disgrace. That so little number of these helped faculty Morton said he and Miller, This was the world’s seventh did not explain further. He add­ sterilized with ultra violet rays, electro enchephlogram tests half late for their first activity, has been done in the past year formerly a Congressnan from members patrol Low Memorial ed that there had been no dlfti- after the operation. A human heart transplant opera­ were taken. In accordance with a 0 a.m. meeting with Agricul­ by the Department of Agfrlcul- Library, being occupied by upstate New York, were "most tion, but only one of the other culty in the operation itself. Roblain’s heart was in such a new French government di­ ture Secretary Orville L. Free­ ture to alleviate the known con­ members of Students for a optimistic” after thejr Midwest patients suiMved. He is Dr. He said the paltient’s electro­ bad condition that surgeons said rective drawn up only last man. ditions is shocking.” Democratic Society. trip and they felt there was a Philip Blaiberg, 58, a South Af­ cardiogram was normal, that they had held little hope for his Wednesday. Their fopr-page list of agricul­ Both factions numbered many The statement said that of 800 "great desire for an open con­ rican dentist who was operated his pulse was regnilar but his life. Cabrol and Guiraudon were ture demands included abolish­ women. counties Identified the depart­ vention,” even among Republi­ with Mercadler, but spoke only ment of subsidies to large farm­ Columbia’s President Grayson ment as among the nation’s cans already committed to an briefly. Mercadler responded ers for not growing crops, sup­ R. Kirk announced late Sunday only to written questions. port of farm workers’ rights to (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Eighteen) that the Ivy League school would be closed again today Mercadier said that for five pending "discussions relating to years Cabrol and Guiraudon P Ihrr a settlement of the present con­ Cavalry Hits '^Paydirt^ ’ had been conducting experimen­ troversy,” adding: “ Normal op­ tal work on cardiac surgery aind erations will resmne again as that plans had been ready since soon as possible.” last January for a human heart The student protest, which be­ Finds Camp, Supplies transplant.
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