THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) - Vol. LXVII-NO. 10 NAIROBI, 9th March 1965 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES I PAGB Appointments, etc. E.A. Customs and Excise-Application for Anti- dumping . 231 The Children and Young Persons Act, 1963-Approved Voluntary Society . 214 Civil Aircraft Accident-Inspector's Investigations . 231 Law Examination for Administrative Officers-Results . 214 1 Liquor Licensing . 23 1 The Mining Act-Expiry of Mining Locations . 215 Probale and Administration . 231 Kenya Stock . .. 215 Resident Magistrate's Court at Nakuru-Unclaimed Petty . Deposits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 233 The Advocates Act-Notice . 215 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction , , , . , , , . 233 The Wild Animals Protection Act-Appointments . 215 The Societies Act-Registration, etc. 234 Sale of Farms-Nyandarua District . 215 1 The Companies Act-incorporation, etc. 236 The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 221 The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act- Ministers Licensed . 238 The Industrial Court- The Trade Unions Act-Registrations . 238 Cause No. 11 of 1964 . 226 Local Government Notices . 238 Cause No. 4 of 1965 . .. .. 227 Business Transfers . 239 The Supreme Court of Kenya at Mombasa District Registry-Criminal Sessions Calendar .. 228 Dissolution of Partnership . 239 The Animal Diseases Act-Infected Areas 228 . changes of N~~~ , . , . , . , , , . 239 Vacancies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 229 SUPPLEMENT No. 18 The Land Titles Act-Secondary Certificate of Ownership 230 Bills, 1965 The Registration of Titles Act-Provisional Certificates 230 1 Industrial Licences . SUPPLEMENT No. 19 Legislative Supplement E.A.R. & H.-Tariff of Harbour Dues and Charges LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE No. 5 . .. 230 63-The Registered Land (Application) (No 4) Tenders . 231 I Order, 1965 . 119 2l4 THE KENYA GAZEW E 9f* A4arch 1965 GAZSTTE Ntm cE No. 857 D. Kolir (A 30), African Courts. S. Karena (A 237), African Comts. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION OF KENYA J. K. M'matbiu (A 225), African Courts. A. K. Mwanje (A 50), Administration. APN INTMENTS N. Mugallo (A 61), African Courts. L. Mwangi (A 83), Administration. Jos1AH KIN ONUI ARAP KIRUI, te be District Commissioner, W. Mayenga (A 104), African Courts. Central Nyanza District, Nyanma Province,with effect from G. Mwago (A 227), African Courts. 3rd February 1965. G. Mugenyo' (A 233), African Courts. JusTus KALEwA NooTo, to be District Oëcer, Nyeri District, P, Mwangl (A 234), African Colzrts. Central Province, with elect from 8th February 1965. C. M. Ndingbri (A 20), Judicial. LIVINGSTONB 'IYBULA OKARA,to be District Commissioner, South C. M . Ndoo (A 181'), M rican Colzrts. Province, with efect from 27th N. Ngugi (A 204), Administration. Nyanza District, Nyanza W. A. M. Ndilo (A 96), Judicial. December 1964. J. C. Nyundo (A 234), African Courts. CLIFFORD NICHOLAS BOLTON, to aCt as Director of Audit, B. T. Orangi (A 223), Administration. Excheque'r and Audit Department,with efect from 1st Janu- B. Ochieng (A 165), African Courts. ary 1965: J. Ombodo (A 57), African C'ourts. EvAxs OMANI OBARS, to bo Distdct Oflker, KilifiIlistrict, (loast S. 0. Ogessa (A 16), Administration. G. H. Omondi (A 25), Administration. Province, with olect from 26th January 1965. E. M. Psenjen (A 48), Administration. FluNcls M wANIKI KASINA, B.A., to act as Senior Assistant A. S. A. Shuruty (A 218), Administratiofl. Secrdary, Ministry of External Asairs, with esect from 1st W. K. Kttiend (A 112), African Courts. N ovem ber 1964. J. K. Samson (A 215*), African Courts. J, Shichenga (A 58), African Courts. PROMOTIONS A. Tarus (A 184), African Courts. A. A. Tanjut (A 39), African Courts. Pxtm CLXRK NAxcxpaow, u.x. (cxNTAB.), to beUnder Secretary, J. W . Wanpla (A 130), African C'ottrts. Treasury, with eiect from 20th July 1963. M. Wabuko (A 66), African Courts. JOSBPH AUGUSTINE GETHENJI, to be Assistant Director of Personnel, Directorate of Personnel,with effect from 1st July (ii) Section 11 ; - 1964. Passed By Order of the Commission. D. 0. Gesicho (A 101), African Courts. B. Gathaka (A 231), African Courts. W . M UREITHI, D. G. Kimani (A 14), Administration. Secretary. J. Kahi (A 7X, African Courts. J. Masinde (A 132), African Co.urts. F. O'. S. Masinde (A 137), African Courts. G AZETTB N OTICE N o. 85% J. S. M athenge (A 2), Administration. C. J. Ndiga (A 177), African C, ourts. THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS ACT, 1963 R. Njogu (A 80), African Courts. (No. 8 oj 1963) H. Owiro (A 179), African Courts. Tite followiag passu in individual papers are published for ArrRovl!o VOLUNTARY SOCIETY the information of unsuccessful candidates. Tho opporplnlty is IT IS hereby notised for gcneral information that in exercise taken to remind candidates that a pass in an indivldual papor of the powers conferred by section 63 (1) of the Cllildrqn and cannot be carried forward to the next examination : each Young Persons Act, 1963, the Minister for Home Affalrs has Section of the examination must bo taken and passed as a aP1FOVed- whole. 'rj.rs KlsuMu Dlocsss oF 'I'HB MILL HILL CATHOLIC MlsslON, E. N. Abrams (A 90), Criminal Procedure Code. P.0. Box 150, KAKAMEGA H. Asava (A 60), Criminal Procedure Code. to be an approved society for the purposes of the said Act. S. Aloyo (A 62), Evidence. ' S. Alushiola '(A 64), Criminal Procedure Codo and Dated this 3rd day of M arch 1965. Evidence. P. arap Bor (A 25 A), Criminal Prooedure Code. J. Barno (A 185), Penal Codo. D. ARAP MOI, K. Bonyei (A 186), Criminal Procedure Code. Mlnîster pr Home AFairs. H. Chesbol (A' 140), Local Aots. A. A. Chepkwony (A 44), Evidonce. E. Eshirumgo (A 59), Penal Code and Crlminal Procedure GAZETTE NOTICE No. 859 Code. E. Edambo (A 75), Civil Procedure Code. LAW BXAMINATION FOR ADM INISTRATIVE OFFICERS L. D. Galgallo (A 92), Penal Codo and Crimlnal lirocedure Code. JAXUARY 1965 1. Hunja (A 228), Penal Code and Evidence. B. 0. Ibrahijw (A 26), Civil Procèdure Code. Thg following oëcers hav-e passed the Law Examinadon for E. A. Idwasl (A 4), Local Acts. Adnutlistrative Oëcers hold on 11th, 12th and 13th Januàry A. Juma (A 144), Evidence. 1965 :- B. W. Kollikho (A 139): Local Acts. (t8 Passed Whole Examinatîon A. Kymunya (A 29), Cnminal Procedure Ceodeu L. Klmani (A 214), Loc-al Acts. S. Ajode (A 94), Administration. S. Kirega (A 27), Local Acts. J. Mwangsombo (A 121), Administration. P. M. Kuhora (A 115), Penal Code and Evidonce. P. T. Thomas (A 13), Administration. S. Khayanjo (A 74), Penal Code and Criminal Procetlro Code. (b) Paned Part 0/ Examinatîon K. A. Kochei (A 37), Ltjcal Acts. A. J. Kubo (A 187), Criminal Procedure Code. (i) Section I : - J. T. A. Kilel (A 41), Criminal Procedure Code. Passed wîth Dîstînction H. M. Kitambi (A 194), Local Acts. F. P. Loile (A 47), Penal Codo. J. G. Mutiga (A 46), Administration. H. M . Lempaka (A 87), Evidence. M. M. Ngao' (A 208), Judicial. M. M. Munyi (A 97), Penal Code and Evidence. A. M utsotso (A 65), Penal Code and Criminnl Procedm'o Paned Code. S. H. Adera (A 164), M rican Cottrts. K. Mureli (A 70), P'enal Code and Evidence. B. Achoki (A 103), African Courts. L. Mwangi (A 83), Local Aots. A. Aruwa (A 143), African C'ourts. E. Mong'qre (A 106), Criminal Procedure Code. M. L. Anditi Mingala (A 6), Administration. j. G. Muttga (A 46), Local Acts. C. N. Chomba (A 203), Administration. S. Malo. (A 149), Penal Code. J. D. Chango' (A 236), African Cottrts. J. P. Mrangovya (A 205), Local Acts. J. K. Etemeesi (A 23), Administration. A. Murlu (A 230), Penal Code and Evidence. P. Gachanja (A 34), African Courts. G. Mugenyo (A 233), Civil Proceduro Code. E. A. Idwmsi (A 4), Administrqtion. P. E. Masirdet (A 9O, Penal Code a&':G Evidertco. B. M. Kamwana (A 51), Admmistration. F,. K. Nallianya (A 131), Penal Code and Bvidence. J. M. Kiarie (A 216), M rican Cbttrts. J. Nyaga (A 213), Penal Codo. S. Kiroga (A 27), Judicial. B. Nyarangi (A 54), Penal Cbde and Evidence. R. A. Kqeech (A 45), M rican Courts. W . A. M . Ndilo (A 96), Civil W'oceduro Code. H. M. Kltambi (A 194), M rican Cburts. R. Njeru (A 162), Criminal Procedlzre Code. 9 t h M- a r c b. 1 9 Kw 5 THE K EN YA GAZETTE 215 J. Njeru (A 229), Penal Code. GAZETTE èCOTICE ;QO. 862 C. 0. Okwach (A 126), Penal Code and Criminal Proceduro Code. THE ADVOCATES ACT T. Otele (A 136), Local Acts. (Cap. 16) G. K. A. Okumu (A 24), Evidence. J. S. Ondiek (A 163), Penal Code and Criminal Procedure No'rlcs Code. D. Ogada (A 168), Penal Code. PURSUANT to regulation 13 (3) of the Advocates D. Onunda (A 171), Criminal Procedurc Code. (Admission) Regulations, 1963, as amended, it is horeby notified D. Ogutu (A 172), Penal Code. that an examination to be passed by applicants for admission L. Okech (A 180), Criminal Procedure Code and Evidence. ta tho Roll of Advocates under section 12 (i) (ii) of the Act J. Ong'weny (A 67), Criminal Procedure Code and Evidence. will be held at the Kenya School of Law, Kenyatta Avenue, J. L. S. Ooma (A 102), Civil Procedure Code. Nairobi, from Thursday, 8th April !to W ednesday, 14th April L. Ogutu (A 152), Criminal Procedure Code. 1965. A detailed timetable will be lssued to candidates. A. Okoko (A 156), Civil Procedure Code. Z. Oyula (A 158), Civil Procedure Code. Entries should be submitted by 15th M arch 1965, and candi- F'. P. A. Ongus (A 182), Penal Code and Eddence. dates are advised that, if three or more candidates enter from R.
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