Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 1967 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Objectionable Literature, &c., Bill [21 SEPTEMBER] Questions 605 THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER, 1967 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. TOWN PLANNING DISPLAY Mr. SPEAKER: I advise hon. members that I have made arrangements for archi­ tectural students of the Queensland University to have on display in the Legislative Council Chamber their design for "The Valley of Tomorrow". The display will remain in the Legislative Council Chamber until Tuesday night next. In addition to the university display, the Main Roads Department has made available a model of the proposed Story Bridge Expressway. The display is well worth a visit by hon. members, and I also invite them to take friends in to see it, if they so wish. QUESTIONS APPEALS AGAINST PUNISHMENT, COLLINSVILLE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE OFFENCES Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Justice,- Does he propose to appeal against the inadequacy of the punishment imposed on any of the offenders involved in incidents at Collinsville connected with the recent industrial dispute and, if so, in respect of which offenders? Answer:- "The question of appeals in respect of the punishment imposed on offenders con­ victed at Collinsville in respect of inci­ dents connected with the recent industrial dispute is being considered. All the necessary information is not yet to hand." LIBRARY ACCOMMODATION, TOWNSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Education,- Has provision yet been made for satis­ factory library accommodation at the Townsville High School and, if so, of what nature and when will it be provided? Answer:- "It has not been possible to date to appropriate the necessary funds to permit a standard-size library-reading room to be provided at the Townsville State High School. This proposal will, however, receive further consideration later in the current financial year in relation to funds then available." 606 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions INVESTIGATION OF LIQUOR AcT OPERA­ studies in subsequent years leading to a TIONS BY PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE Bachelor of Commerce Degree within the framework of a School of Business Studies. Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The A lecturer in economics was appointed in Minister for Justice,- September, 1967. The appointment of an ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to an additional lecturer is planned for 1968." article in the Brisbane Telegraph of Sep­ tember 14, in which he is reported to (2) "The position of Professor of have said that he would ask his six-man Business Studies in the University College parliamentary committee to investigate how of Townsville was advertised on the Government's 1965 amendments to the August 14, 1967, and applications close Liquor Act are working in practice? on October 6, 1967. Applicants should hold a higher degree (Doctor or Master) in (2) (a) What are the names of its commerce, economics or business. The members, (b) how were they appointed, appointment will be made as soon as pos­ (c) do they drink alcoholic liquor and sible after the closing date." what and where, (d) what investigations, other than their own personal experiences, (3) "University academic staff are guide them in reaching their conclusions normally required to give six months' for submission to the Government, (e) do notice of resignation but this may be varied they visit any places in the remote country by negotiation." areas in the process of conducting their investigations and, if so, what places, and in what form are their investigations conducted? SMOKING AND INCIDENCE OF LUNG CANCER Mr. Chinchen for Mr. Ramsden, pursuant Answers:- to notice, asked The Minister for Health,- ( 1) "Yes." (1) Has his attention been drawn to (2) "(a) Mr. D. W. Cory, M.L.A., Press reports of the views of Dr. Hiroto Mr. A. T. Dewar, M.L.A., Mr. C. M. Naora, a Japanese cancer expert, expressing Hughes, M.L.A., Mr. W. B. Kaus, M.L.A., scepticism regarding the widely held theory Mr. S. R. Ramsden, M.L.A., Mr. P. R. that smoking causes lung cancer? Smith, M.L.A., Mr. R. Armstrong, (2) Has there been any major change M.L.A. (b) Appointed by Premier at in medical thinking on the theory? beginning of each Parliament. (c) Unknown. (d) and (e) As intelligent men well versed in the provisions of the Answers:­ Liquor Act, they can be relied upon to (!) "Yes." furnish well based observations on the workings of the latest amendments." (2) "No. I have been advised that articles published in the medical journals confirm the view that lung cancer is related SC'lOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, to the smoking of cigarettes. It is also TOWNSV!LLE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE considered to be a factor in the develop­ ment of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The peptic ulcer, coronary diseases, cancer of Minister for Education,- the bladder and cancer of the lips, tongue, ( 1) Has a school of business administra­ mouth and larynx. In order that the public tion been lately established at Townsville should know the relationship between University College and have any lecturers cigarette smoking and these diseases a yet been appointed to the school? If so, pamphlet entitled 'Not only Lung Cancer when and on what date is the school to but Other Diseases Too' has been issued begin operation? by tbe Health Education Council setting out the relationship of smoking to these (2) Will a master of business adminis­ diseases and recommending that smokers tration or a person of equivalent profes­ give up dgarette smoking: emphasising sorial status be placed in charge of the that by giving up cigarettes these diseases school and, if so, when will the position may be prevented." be advertised and when wiU the appoint­ ment be made? ( 3) Is a professor as mentioned above DEATH OF ROBERT JOHN FERGUSON morally bound to give six months' notice (a) Mr. R. Jones, pursuant to notice, asked should he be presently employed? The Minister for Education,- ( 1) In view of the many disturbing An.nrers:- features and contradictory statements con­ (1) "In 1968 the University College of cerning the circumstances and events Townsville will introduce full-time first­ leading up to the accident to Robert John year studies in commerce and economics Ferguson, 265 McLeod Street, Cairns, after and will extend to second- and third-year being detained or apprehended by police Questions [21 SEPTEMBER] Questions 607 on Mu!grave Road, Cairns, at approxi­ INVESTIGATION INTO RAILWAY CLERICAL mate!:/ 9.30 p.m. on September 6, 1967, STAFF resulting in his collapse and death by Mr. R. Jones, pursuant to notice, asked asphyxiation from vomiting, will he in The Minister for Transport,- the public interest cause the fullest possible ( 1) Further to his Answers to my inquiry to be made into every aspect of Questions on August 10 and 30 about the the youth's death? Clerkal Advisory Board, did one of the Commissioner's high-ranking administrative ( 2) If a special report on it has been officers, following a visit by members of furnished to the Police Commissioner or the Board to the Railway Department to him, wiH he make a statement of its Building, Adelaide Street, refuse them content regarding the circumstances of the admittance and curtly interview and dis­ youth's death while in police custody? If miss them in the corridor outside his not, will he do so when the reports are office? to hand? (2) Were members of the Board, while on official business, confronted with Answer:- officers from the offices of the Chief Railway Auditor, the Chief Engineer, the ( 1 and 2) "The full circumstances of General Manager, the Chief Accountant, this death have been investigated under and the Secretary and informed that they the direction of a commissioned officer would not be permitted to carry out any of police and a complete report of this investigations in the precincts of their investigation is being prepared for sub­ offices? mission to the coroner at Cairns for his ( 3) If so, is this the usual procedure decision on the matter of the holding of and does it establish precedent in dealing an inquest. I feel that the Honourable with the board set up by the Rockhampton Member wiil agree with me when I state General Manager? that it would be improper for me at this ( 4) If not, why did the departmental juncture in the circumstances to make the officers not agree to have members of the statement sought." board hold enquiries and investigate the administration and clerical workings in their offices? (b) Mr. R. Jones, pursuant to notice, asked Answer:- The Minister for Justice,- (1 to 4) "No. The officers examining ( 1) Has the matter of the unfortunate clerical procedures are at present investi­ and tragic death of Robert John Ferguson, gating offices of the General Manager, 265 McLeod Street, Cairns, who collapsed Brisbane, and on completion will be and died shortly after having been detained directed to undertake further investigations by police on the night of September 6, as required by the Commissioner." 1967, at approximately 9.30 p.m., been brought to his attention? MEDICAL STAFF, REDCLIFFE HOSPITAL (2) If so, in view of the wide public interest will he arrange for a public inquest Mr. Melloy, pursuant to notice, asked The to be held into the circumstances surround­ Minister for Health,- ing the death of the youth, so that the ( 1) How many permanent medical staff findings of the coroner will be made known are there at Redcliffe Hospital? at an early date? (2) Is this number above or below establishment? If so, to what extent? Answers:­ ( 3) Is Redcliffe Hospital used in the m.ture of a staging hospital for doctors? (1) "Yes." ( 4) How many different doctors have (2) "The coroner at Cairns is making been on the staff at the hospital in his preliminary inquiries as required by the twelve months period ended June 30, law and as a result, has already indicated 1967? to the Department of Justice his intention ( 5) What is the shortest period served to hold an inquest into this death as soon by any doctor in this period? as possible after some further preliminary inquiries are completed.
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