The Mayfly Newsletter Volume 9 Issue 1 Article 1 1-1-1999 The Mayfly Newsletter Peter M. Grant Southwestern Oklahoma State University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mayfly Recommended Citation Grant, Peter M. (1999) "The Mayfly Newsletter," The Mayfly Newsletter: Vol. 9 : Iss. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mayfly/vol9/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Newsletters at SWOSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Mayfly Newsletter by an authorized editor of SWOSU Digital Commons. An ADA compliant document is available upon request. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE a y fl y NEWSLETTER Vol. 9 No. 1 SouthwesternM Oklahoma State University, Weatherford. Oklahoma 73096-3098 USA January 1999 ISSN: 1091-4935 IXth International Conference: Fantastico! The IXth International Conference on Ephemeroptera was participation of ephemeropterists, especially students. held 16-21 August 1998 in Tail del Valle, a small town John reminded the more experienced participants of their nestled at 2.000 m above sea level in the mountains of obligation to help younger members fit into our "mayfly northwestern Argentina. Participants were treated to deli­ family.” cious regional food and the warm hospitality of the towns­ Eduardo presented John with a lapel pin displaying the people. More than 60 people from 25 countries were in emblem of the Universidad Nacional de Tucuman and attendance. thanked him and the Permanent Committee for their assis­ An informal evening reception was held on the 16th and the tance in planning this conference. conference officially began on the 17th with a welcome Participants were introduced to delicious Argentine coffee address by Dr. Eduardo Dominguez, convenor of the and snacks during the breaks. These were anticipated conference, who also thanked the many contributors and throughout the conference. sponsors of the conference (26 were listed in the program). Oral presentations then began on ecology, behavior, He also reported that two travel scholarships were provided phylogeny. and taxonomy. Elda Gaino led a discussion on by the North American Benthological Society for Vanessa the structure and ultrastructure of Ephemeroptera eggs. She Maldonado (Venezuela) and Giovanna Rocabado (Bolivia). encouraged the use of illustrations to complement written The Permanent Committee also provided travel scholarships descriptions of eggs. She further discussed fixation of eggs, for Milan Putz. (Czech Republic), Tong Xiaoli (Hong Kong) chorionic decorations, and how to collect eggs. Elda will be and Dasa Zabric (Slovenia). writing a summary of her discussion for a future issue of The Mayfly Newsletter. A poster paper session featuring papers on ecology Inside This Issue followed. Computer Database................................................. 3 The eggs I like best are Easter M ayfly M u sic............................................................ 3 W W W S ites............................................................... 3 eggs with a surprise inside! X th C onference P ro p o sal......................................4 Elda Gaino International Committees Meet......................... 4 Mayfly Publications...............................................5 Monday’s session concluded with an invited lecture by Dr. Slides for S ale...........................................................5 Pablo Goloboff entitled, "Post-Hennigian Cladistics.” Dr. 1997 M ayfly B ib lio g rap h y ..................................6 Goloboff later demonstrated a program he has written for Address Updates................................................... 15 phylogenetic reconstruction. The program PIWE, "Parsi­ mony with Implied Weights.” is available at the Willi Next. Dr. Fernando Prado. Decano de la Facultad de Hennig web site (www.zoo.toronto.edu/~mes/hennig/ Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, software.html). welcomed the participants. The topics for the oral papers on Tuesday were systematics John Flannagan represented the Permanent Committee and and biodiversity and the poster papers focused on morphol­ explained that the Committee’s primary function is to assist ogy and taxonomy. with the selection of the site for the next conference. Typi­ Bill Peters, on behalf of the Permanent Committee, pre­ cally. the mayfly conferences have been alternating between sented a mayfly pin to Eduardo for his work in planning this Europe and North America, with occasional meetings on conference. He also mentioned that two proposals have been other continents. The advantage of moving the conference submitted to host the next mayfly conference, and that copies sites around the globe. John indicated, is that it increases the See Conference on p. 2 The Mayfly Newsletter is printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based ink. Conference (cont. from p. 1) of these proposals were available for reading. Participants that, in the future, if a joint mayfly-stonefly meeting is will vote for their preference at the business meeting. planned, a vote to determine the next conference site would That afternoon, the panel discussion, "What is the General be held during a joint business meeting of both groups. For Knowledge of Mayflies in the World: Past, Present and the next conference, though, only ephemeropterists would Future?” was held. This discussion was organized by Javier vote. The final vote would be announced later that evening Alba Tercedor. Panelists and the geographic area they during the dinner. (See related article on page 4.) discussed were Ian Campbell and Kyla Finlay (Australia); That evening the conference dinner was held at the Bill Peters (New Zealand, New Caledonia); Tomas Soldan Lunahuana Hotel. Bill Peters served as master of ceremo­ (Indomalay region, East Palearctic); Jean-Marc Elouard, nies. He began by congratulating the three recipients of the Mick Gillies and Jean-Luc Gattolliat (Africa, Madagascar); travel grants provided by the Permanent Committee and the Michel Sartori (Europe); Pat McCafferty (North and Central two recipients of the North American Benthological Society America); and Michael Hubbard. Manny Pescador and Maria travel grants. del Carmen Zuniga (South America). Each group of panelists Special medals (which looked suspiciously like those made a short presentation regarding the current knowledge of adorning the wine bottles) were presented to Javier Alba mayflies in the respective area. These presentations will be Tercedor for his expertise with fermented beverages. Michel published in the proceedings of this conference. Sartori for not getting an award as a convenor of the last Tuesday concluded with a demonstration of traditional international conference. Pat McCafferty for submitting a Argentine music and. dance. proposal to host the next mayfly conference, and Pete Grant for being the newest member of the Permanent Committee. Some people say the best On a more serious note, the members of the Organizing Committee were thanked. These included Dr. Eduardo Baetis is a flat Baetis - Dominguez, convenor. Dr. Hugo Fernandez. Dr. Marfa Gabriela Cuezzo. Lie. Vivian de Fatima Romero. Lie. Carlos Platybaetis Molineri, and Mrs. Carolina Nieto. Many students also Ian Campbell assisted with the organization. Eduardo was presented a plaque for his work as convenor. Wednesday began with a trip to a local estancia, "Las Bill announced that the votes were tallied and that the Carreras." This estancia is known for the cheese it produces. participants had voted for Perugia. Italy, as the next confer Visitors loured the facility where the cheese was made and ence (2001) site. (Read Elda's proposal on page 4.) samples of cheeses were provided and consumed with great The featured entertainment at the banquet was traditional relish. tango dancing. Some non-Argentine participants also The local gauchos also showed off their skills. Unknown to demonstrated their tango-dancing abilities. The dancing most of the participants were the equestrian ephemeropterists lasted until three in the morning (when the clerk turned oft who serve on the Permanent Committee, namely John the music). Flannagan and Javier Alba Tercedor. Everyone commented The joint symposium on mayflies and stoneflies began on how both of these gentlemen looked exactly like John Thursday. Oral and poster papers reflected this theme. Wayne astride a great steed. Two computer demonstrations were presented. Jean-Marc After lunch the oral papers dealt with ecology and morphol- Elouard discussed his program. "NOE: Nomenclature ogy. Oecologique et Environnementaie." (See related article > n A business meeting was held later in the afternoon. The page 3.) Permanent Committee will continue to use The Mayfly The second program was presented by Riley Nelson. Robert Newsletter as its official newsletter. It was also mentioned Ourso and Michelle Trautwein. and was entitled. "Multime- that copies of past proceedings are available. Profits, from the sale of some of these proceedings, will be used to supplement the travel scholarship fund. Has anyone seen my luggage? Because of his work on The Mayfly Newsletter, a motion was made to elect Pete Grant to the Permanent Committee. Pete Grant The motion passed. Two proposals have been received by the Permanent dia. Plccoptera. Ephemcroptera. and General Entomology: Committee to host the next mayfly conference. Elda Gaino Use of CD ROM and WWW Technology for Teaching and has offered
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