UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Covering th~ period {rolD 16 July 1950 to 15 July 1951 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: SIXTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (A/1873) New York 1951 ( 107 P.) NOTE All United Nations documents are designated by symbols, i.e., capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document [Original text: English] TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction vu PART I Questions considered by the Security Council under its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security Chapter 1. COMPLAINT OF AGGRESSION UPON THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1 Introductory note 1 A. Communications relating to the establishment of the United Nations Command and first report on the course of action undertaken under that Command 1 B. Resolution of 31 July 1950 concerning Korean relief. ... .. 1 C. Draft resolution submitted by the United States on 31 July 1950.. 2 D. Consideration of the provisional agenda of the 480th, 481st and 482nd meetings ' , . 2 E. Continuation of the discussion of the complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea. ....................................... 8 2. COMPLAINT OF ARMED INVASION OF TAIWAN (FORMOSA).............. 27 A. Adoption of the agenda. .................................... .. 27 B. Discussion of the question of an invitation to a representative of the Central People's Government of the People's RepUblic of China.. .. 28 C. Discussion of the legal effect of the vote on the Ecuadorian draft resolution 34 3. COMPLAINT OF BOMBING BY AIR FORCES OF THE TERRITORY OF CHINA.. .. 37 A. InClusion of the item in the agenda. ......................... .. 37 B. Order of consideration of complaints of the People's RepUblic of China and the question of an invitation to a representative of the People's RepUblic of China................................... 38 C. Order of consideration of United States and USSR draft resolutions 41 D. Discussion of the United States and USSR draft resolutions. ... .. 41 E. Further ccmmunications from the People's Republic of China and the United States of America.. ...... .. .. .................. ... 42 4. CONTII\TUATION OF THE CONSIDERATION OF THE ITEMS ON THE "COMPLAINT OF ARMED INvASION OF TAIWAN (FORMOSA)" AND THE "COMPLAINT OF AGGRESSION UPON THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA". ..................... .. 44 A. Discussion of the provisional agenda of the Security Council.. .. .. 44 B. Statement of the representative of the United States of America. .. 44 C. Statement of the representative of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. .. ...... .. .. .............. .. 45 D. General discussion and decisions of 30 November 1950........... 47 E. Decision of 31 January 1951 to remove the item "Complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea" from the list of matters of which the Council was seized................................. 5] F. Communications relating to the item "Complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea" received subsequent to its removal from the Council's agenda 51 111 Chapter Page 5. THE PALESTINE QUESTION. •••••••••...•.•...••••..•••••••••••...•• 53 Introductory note 53 A. Lebanese plane incident of 24 July 1950.. ................... 53 B. Charges of alleged violation of Egyptian territory by forces of Israel 53 C. Report of the Chief of Staff of the Truce Supervision Organization. 54 D. Charges of alleged violation of Jordan terl"itory by Israel forces. .. 54 E. Reply of the Government of Israel.. ........................... 54 F. Resolution of 17 November 1950.............................. 55 G. Reports of the Chief of Staff of the Truce Supt~vision Org~r.ization on t~e. activities,. d~cisions and status of operations of the Mixed ArmIstIce CommIssIOns 60 H. Charges of alleged violations of the Israel-Syrian General Armistice Agreement 61 1. Resolution of 8 May 1951.................................... 62 J. Resolution of 18 May 1951................................... 64 K. Communications received sub!iequent to the resolution of l8 :r-.1ay. .. 67 6. THE INDIA-PArISTAN QUSSTION................................... 69 A. Report of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan 69 B. Consideration of the report by the Security Council. ............ .. 71 C. Resolution. + 30 March 1951................................. 77 D. Consideration of further communications from Pakistan.......... 81 E. Further communications from the parties. .................... .. 82 PART Il Other matters considered by the Security Council and its subsidiary organs 84 7. ADMISSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UNITED NATIONS > ., 84 8. ApPOINTMENT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS.. 85 9. COMMISSION FOR CONVENTIONAL ARMAMENTS. ..•....•...•........ .. 85 A. Activities of the Commission and its Working Committee. ....... .. 85 B. Discussion in the Security Council.... ....................... .. 86 10. DATE OF ELECTION TO FILL A VACANCY IN THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE •.•..•......•....................................... 87 PART III The Military Staff Committee.. ................................... .. 88 11. WORK OF THE MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .•.... 88 PART IV Matter submitted to the Security Council which was not admitted to its agenda 89 12. THE GREEK QUESTION............................. ............ .. 89 PART V Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed in the Council 91 13. REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE BRITISH-UNITED STATES ZONE OF THE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE.. ..•....................... .. 91 14. REPORTS ON THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. ....... .. 91 IV Chapter Page 15. REPORTS SUBMITTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS COM~rISSION FOR INDO- NESIA ....•.....•............•................................. 91 A. Reports submitted on 28 July and on 11 and 28 October 1950.. •.•• 91 B. Report on activities since the transfer of sovereignty. ........... .. 92 16. ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS (GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 495 (V» 92 17. DEVELOPMENT OF A 20-YEAR PROGRAMME FOR ACHIEVING PEACE THROUGI: THE UNITED NATIONS (GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 494 (V».... 93 18. UNITING FOR PEACE (GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 377 (V»...... 93 19. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES........................................................ 93 20. PANEL FOR INQUIRY AND CONCILIATION. ......................... .. 94 21. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE RECEPTION OF A DELEGATION OF THE WORLD PEACE COUNCIL BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL 94 22. ORDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL COFRT OF JUSTICE INDICATING INTERIM MEASURES OF PROTECTION IN THE ANGLo-IRANIAN OIL COMPANY CASE 94 APPENDICES I. Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting representatives ac­ credited to the Security Council. ................................ .. 95 Il. Presidents of the Security Council. ............................. .. 95 Ill. Meetings of the Security Council during the period from 16 July 1950 to 15 July 1951................................................ 95 IV. Record 01 the 140th meeting of the Military Staff Committee held 011 26 October 1950. ............................................. .. 98 V. Representatives, CI1airmen and Principal Secretaries of the Military Staff Con1n1ittee 99 v " '.. r ( C INTRODUCTION The Security Council submits the presentl report to the General Assembly in accordance 'with Article 24, par~graph 3, and Article 15, paragraph 1, of the Charter. Essentially a summary and guide reflecting the broad lines of the debates, the report is not intended as a substitute for the records of the Security Council, which constitute the only comprehensive and authoritative account of its deliberations. With respect to the membership of the Security Council during the period covered, it will be recalled that the General Assembly, at its 290th and 294th plenary meetings on 29 September and 7 October 1950, elected Brazil, the Nether­ lands and Turkey as non-permanent members of the Council for a term of two years, beginning 1 January 1951, to replace Cuba, Egypt and Norway, the retiring members. The newly elected members of the Security Council also replaced the retiring members on the Atomic Energy Commission and on the Commission for Conventional Armaments. The period covered in the present report is from 16 July 1950 to 15 July 1951. The Council held seventy-two meetings during that period. Part I of the report contains summary accounts of the proceedings of the Security Council in connexion with its responsibility for the maintenance of inter­ natiOllal peace and security. Part II covers other matters considered by the Security Council and its sub­ sidiary organs. Pa,t III deals with the work of the Military Staff Committee. Part IV provides an account of a matter which was submitted to the Security Council but which was not admitted to its agenda. Part V deals with matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed in the Council. 1 This is the sixth annual report of the Security Council to the General Assembly. The previous reports were submitted under the symbols A/93, A/366, A/620, A/945, and A/1361. vii " '.. r ( C Part I QUESTIONS CONSIDERED BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL UNDER ITS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY Chapter 1 Complaint of agg~'ession upon the Republic of Korea INTRODUCTORY NOTE: As' ,dicated in the p::-eceding B. Resolution of 31 July 1950 concerning Korean report (A/1361), the
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