INDEX, VOLUME 67, 1982* Ab initio bonding model 421 Analyses, cont. Andalusite ABB0TT,R.N., Jr.: A petrogenetic el lestadite 92 9eothermometry ilr8 grid for mediumand high faujas i te 796 stability vs. topaz 956 grade metabasi tes 865 fayal ite 3\4 unit-cel I and optical ABERNATHY,S.A. and F.N. fayal ite, synthet ic 3\9 propert i es l2l8 BLANCHARD:Variations in unit ferri-annite | 182 Andesi te cel I parametersand in the fl uorphlogop i te 539,545 Japan I X-ray diffraction intensity fluortrenpl ite 539 sulfide saturation 877 ratio I (200)/l (100) in the forster i te \7t ANNERSTEN,HANS, TORE ERICSSON lazul ite-scorzal ite series 6r0 9arnet I t22 and ANESTISFILIPPIDIS: Cation ABMHAIi,KURT see CHATTERJEE, gersdorffi te | 059 ordering in Ni-Feolivines l2l2 N.D. 725 grossular t243 _ see NORD,A.G. 1206 ABMHAI{,l.l.ll. see KOPP,0.C. t\9 hastingsite 559 Anorthoclase, structure 975 Absolan, new data (abstr) 4t7 tiigbomi te-8H 374 Anorthos i te Achondrite, caswelI si lverite t32 hornblende 6,il60 New York r4 Acmite, lliissbauer spectral hyalotekite |013 rev i ew | 087 analys i s 3lI ilmenite 26,33,913 Antarctica, osumil ite 762 Adularia, thermodynamicdata 950 ja rosewich i te I 045 Ant iphase structure, yoderite 8l AGEE,J.J., J.R. GARRtSON,Jr. jervisite 602 AoKl, KEN-lCHlR0and HIRoKAZU and L.A. TAYL0R:Petrogenesis joaqulnite 8il FUJlltAKl : Petrology and of oxide minerals in kimber- kamaci te r28 geochem i st ry of ca I c-a I ka I i ne lite, Elliot County, Kentucky 28 kanonai te 1222 andesite of presumed upper Al bi te konyai te I 036 mantle origin from ltinome- Ge calorimetry 718 I amprophyre 909 gata, Japan I melting relations 451 lazulite 6il Aoat i te thermodynamicdata 950 Li, Al silicates 97 analysis | 003 Albite-ol igoclase I lzardite-lT 589 s i I icate sul fate 90 rev i ew 543 magneti te 6,26 APTED,H.J.: Control of loss of stabiI ity 653 margaritasite t282 iron to platinum capsulesand Albitite, breunnerite 822 medai te 88 effects on samariumpartition- Al bri ttonite, d i scredi tec t56 minamiite I l5 ing betweengarnet and melt 1069 ALDRIDGE,1.P., J.S. TSEand G.M. monazi te 357 AMKI , TAKAHARUsee l100RE,P.B. l0l2 BANCR0FT:The identif icat ion nrontebrasi te t00 Arctlte, newmlneral (abstr) 621 of Fe2+ tn the l.t4 site of cal- muscovI te 5f,70,fll2,ll23 Argentina, preisingerite 83, cic amphiboles:discussion 335 Na cl inopyroxenes 574 Arizona, Li minerals in pegma- Alexandrite effect, monazite 356 norberg i te 539 tites 97 Alkali feldspar, phaseboundary ol ivine 6,34\,910,920 AR}IERUSTER,TH0l,lAS and F.D. BLOSS: or ientat ion 926 orthopyroxene 768 0rientation and effects of Afndite, Canada 907 osumilite 772 channel H20 and C02 ir Alpha radiation damage,zlrkel ite 615 osumiI ite granulite 767 cord i er i tE 284 Aluminumsi I icate trlple point I I l8 paulingite 802 ArsenocrandalI ite, new mineral Alurnotantite, newmineral (abstr) 413 perovskite t4,91\,922 (abstr) 854 Alunite, Japan I 14 petersite l04l ASHWAL,L.D.: ltineralogy of Anblygonite, phase relations 494 phillipsite 796 mafic and Fe-Ti oxide-rich Amesite, lR spectra and cation phlogopite 9ll,92l,lll2 differentiates of the llarcy ordering 1005 phlogopite, barian 998 anorthosite massif , Adi ron- Anphibole,analyses llll plagioclase 6,23,1123 dacks, NewYork 14 Amphibolite preisingerlte 835 ATKIN,B.P. see HARVEY,P.K. 534 hornblende | 155 pyroxenes 20,253 Austral ia petrogenetic Arid 865 quartz diorite | 135 cordierite 28\ Analclme,calorimetric data 736 retz ian 844 ferri-annite ll79 Analyses, chemical retzian-(Nd) 844 l*igbomite-8H 37t amphibole llll rhyol it ic tuffs 1275 huntite correction 1290 analcime 737 rutile 34 pegmatitic muscovite ,9 andalus i te l22Z sapphirine 771 seussite in ureilite 126 andesi te 4,878 scapolite 1232 Austria, microcline-san idine anorthoclase 977 scorzal i te 5l I transition 43 apat ite 92,lOO3 serpentine 910,920 bario-orthojoaquinlte 8l I seusslte 128 basalt 4,878 sillimanite 749 P-eucryptite, phase relations 483 biotite 6,769,1002,11?3 splnef 3h,770,912,921,1113 B-spodumene,phase relat ions 483 breunneri te 82\ staurol lte ll22 BAILEY,S.lJ.: l,lomenclaturefor campigliaite 386 stilpnomelane 1186 regular interstrat i f icat ions 39\ carbonates 914 strontiojoaqulnite 8l I 8ANCROFT,G.ll. see ALDRIDGE,L.P. 335 cascandite 602 talc | | 12 Bario-orthojoaqu in i te, new caswellsilverite 134 tephroite \71 mineral 809 chlorhastingsite 1002 topaz 351 Bartelkeite, newmlneral (abstr) 413 chlorite I I 12 t retrbl I te 5\5 BART0N,ll.D.: The thennodynamic clinohumite lll0 troi I ite 128 properties of topaz solid cl inopyroxene 6 "viridine'r 1222 solutions and somepetrologic Co ol ivine 471 wi I keite 92 appl icat lons 956 cobaltite 1049 zlrkel ite 515 cordierite 288,769 Anatexis, amphibolites 865 x Prepared by Michael J. Holdaway and Debbie Ledbetter, SouthernMethodist University, Dallas,Texas. Cygan 1293 BARTON,l.l.D., H.T. HASELTON,Jr., Breunnerite,in.albitite 822 Chlorophoenicite, new data B.S. HEI{INGWAY,0.J. KLEPPAand BRINDLEY,GEORGE: review of cJag (abstr) | o8l R.A. ROBIE:The thermodynamic trlinetals (Nenrecz) 192 Chronium,new mineral (abstr) 854 properties of fluor-topaz 350 BROWN,B.E.: review of cTags and Clay nineral regular inter- BasaI t the Resource c@iogjsf, (Long- stratif icatlons, nomenclature 394 differentiat ion and diffuslon 900 staff, Ed.) 861 Cl inohumite,analyses | | l0 JA DAN I 8Rot,ll,c.E., Jr. (Ed.): The Cl lnophosinaite, newmineral nucl eat lon 886 mineralogyof pegnatites 180 (abstr) 414 sulfide saturation 877 Brucite, stability ss. periclase 269 Cl i nopyroxene Basaltic Alass, iron crucibles I r44 BUCHER-NURI{lNEN,KURT: 0n the analyses 6 BASSETT,tl.A.: revlew of p}pto- mechanismof contact aureole cool ing rate 251 e-Iastic illl ElecXrc-Optic formation in dolonitic country Co olivine, heat capaclty and Progretties of Crgstals rock by the Adamello Intrusion entropy 470 (Narasimhamu rty) 862 (northern ltaly) il01 Cobaltite, structure 1048 BAYLISS,PETER: A further crystal Buffer, QFH 463 Cobaltkoritnig ite, newnineral structure ref inementof Buffering, metamorphicfluids 142,149 (abstr) 414 cobaltite l0lrg BURT,D.lt. see LONDON, C0LE,W.F. and C.J. LANCUCKI: _: A further crystal struc- DAVID 97,\83,\94 Huntite from Deer Park, ture refinement of gers- Burtite, newmineral (abstr) 8stl Victoria, Austrelia: a cor- dorffite 1058 rect ion l29O BEDLIVY,DOM and KURTIIEREITER: Cornancheite,new mineral (abstr) 622 Preis ingerite, Bi30(0H) (ns04)2, Calcic amphiboles,Fe2+ in !t4 335,340 Combeite,new data (abstr) 418 a new species from San Juan Calcite, high pressure experi- Comptonscattering 53\ Province, Argentina: its ments 23\ Contact metanrcrphism,dolomit ic descript ion and crystal California marbles ll0l structure 833 el lestadite 90 Cooling rate, clinopyroxene 251 Berdesinskiite, newmlneral faujasite 794 COOPER,B.J. s€e SPEER,J.A. 804 (abst r) 107\ joaquinite group 809 Cordierite BERKEBILE,C.A. and ERICDoWTY: wilkeite 90 anaI yses 769 Nucleation in laboratory XROquantitative analysis It35 high-pressurephase transition 277 charges of basaltic compo- Campigliaite orientation of channel H20, sition 886 newmineral 385 Coz 284 _ see DOWTY,ERIC 900 st ructu re 388 CoRRENS,C.tl., menorial of 399 BERKLEY,J,L. see KEIL, KLAUS 126 Canada Corundum-eskola i te, mixing BERNOTAT,ld.H. and G. }I0RTEANl: I amprophyre 907 propert ies 7?5 The microcl ine./sani d ine paulingite 799 Coutinite (=Lanthanlte-(Nd) ), transformation isograd in CAPOBIANCO,CHRIST0PHER and newmineral (abstr) 414 metanprphic reg ions: l,restern ALEXANDMNAVRoTSKY: Calori - Crystal structure Tauern Wlndowand llerano-llules- metric evidence for ideal anorthoclase 975 Anterselva complex (Eastern mixing of sil icon and germanlum campigliaite 388 Al ps) \3 in glasses and crystals of cascandite 604 BERNSTEIN,L.R.: llonazite fron sodium feldspar composition 718 cobaltite 1048 N,orth Carol ina having the Carbonates, analyses 914 corundum-eskolaite, synthetlc 727 alsandrite effect ,56 Carbonatite, phlogopite 997 gersdorffite 1058 Biot ite Cascandi te graftonites, synthetic 8?6 amphibolites 86j newmineral 599 hafnon, synthet ic 804 anaI yses 6,769,1t23 structure 604 hilgardlte group 1265 haI ogen I 002 Caswellsllverite kigbomite-8H 373 intergrowth with muscovite I t95 newmineral t32 hyalotekl te I 0l 2 BLANCHARD,F.N. see ABERNATHY, (abstr) newmineral 854 ilmenite-type HgSi01' 788 s.A. 5t0 Cechite, newmineral (abstr) | 074 I awsonbaueri te lo29 BLENCOE,J.G. see SCHMIIKE,J.A. 269 Cesanite, newmineral (abstr) 621 I ithiophorite 817 BLOSS,F.D. see AMBRUSTER, Cesstibtant ite, newmineral I izardite-lT 587 THOHAS 284 (abst r) \13,t291 minamiite ll5 _ see GUNTER,lrlCKEY |2r8 Chabourneite,new mineral muscovlte 69 B0CT0R,N.Z, and F.R. BOYD: (abstr) 621 ol ivine, Fe-tlg-Ni 1206 Petrology of kimberlite from Chalcedony, structural hydroxyl t248 oxybiotite 298 the DeBruynand l{artin fiine, Chalcopyrite,in fluid inclusionst37 preisingerite 8J6 Bellsbank, South Africa 9t7 Chameanite,new mineral (abstr) | 074 synthetlc CuqBlS6, 760 B0DNAR,R.J, see ZOLENSKY,l{.E. t37 CHARLES,R.l'1. and ROSEIIARY thadeuite l2O BoETTCHER,A.L. see BoHLEN,S.R, 451 VIDALE:T€rnperature cal ibra- yoderite 76 BOGOCH,RON, LUDtrlG HALICZ and tion of a new rapid quench zirkel ite 615 YATACoVNATHAN: Breunnerite vessel 175 cULLERS,R.1., JANTCE'.tULLENAX, from the Tarr albltlte com- Chatkalite, newmineral (abstr) 621 l,l.J. DlllARCoand STEVEN0RDENG: plex, Sinai 822 CHATTERJEE,N.D., HANSLEISTNER, The trace element content and BOHL€tl,S.R,, A.L, B0ETTCIIERand LUDGERTERHART, KURT ABRAHAI,I petrogenesisof kimberlltes in V.J. WALL:The systemalbite- and R0LF KLASKA:Thermodynamic Riley County, f\ansas,U.S.A.
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