EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Studeftt Nonvib l e nt C o ordinati~g Committee Chairman John Lewis. Executive Secretary James Forman Membe rs at Large Courtland Co x Be rnard LaFayette Marian Wright Staff Members at Large Julian Bond Prathia Hall John 0'Nea 1 Project Directors Bill Hansen Don Harri s Bob Moses Othe rs Me mbe rs of the Committee Ma ri'Jn Barry Butch Conn ~ Be n Grinage Eddie McKay Lester McKinnie William Porte r Gl oria Richards on Gw en Robinson Advi sors Miss Ella Baker Dr. Howard Zinn Student Nonvi o l e nt Coordina ting Committee 8! Raymo nd Street, N.W. Atlant a 14~ Ge orgia 3 0314 t e l ephone : 404-688-0331 Minutes of' Exec.comm. Meeting Sept. 6-9 Atlanta Julian Bond, field reports: Little progress in Gadsden desr:>ite demonstrations. Withdrawf Fayette County - Walter Tillow there, leaving - demonstrations repulsed Americus. CB King suggests march to Andersonville Sherrod " prayer pilgrimage to Americus to protest Albany-Americus situation. Mel Wolf of ACLU offered their services in indicti!lents. Cambridge. Agreement there not implemented. Eleaaor Holmes rec. by Courtney Cox to replace him as rep. on lfarch Committee. Finances: Jan1-July 31 Receipts 142,208 Expend. 116,518 Balance 26,333 Danville: SNCC there since June, 500 jailed, 63 hospitalized,little gained,but since June BOO have registered. Suggest boycott Dan River Mills Fa~nville, Va. SNCC lett here due to conflict with ~\CP Ruby Doris Smith on staff rel3t1ons: too many white workers Albany. Scholarships: $15,000 available fram. United Civ.Rts.Org. for SNCC people returning to school. Tougaloo,J1·orehouae,w.va. have scholarship money ready. Mississippi: univ.suffrage-oneman, one vote, Justice Dept. is arguing in one statewide suit, literacy test unnecessary since state hasn't given Negroes education. '~con. problems there are bad but the whole count~J suffers from essentially the same problems. Miss. is as bad as it is racially only because of the Negro-white ratio. The situation could be this bad anywhere this ratio prvvailed. J&nie Whitten up for re-election toHouse in '64, Eastland '66. Whitten ch'n of subcommittee which funds Dept. of..lgric. Moses proposes move t~Jississippi. Decision, agree on long-range .focus on Miss. Moses will head comm. to clrify what this means. Immediate crisis, Americus-Albany. Sherood heads canm. for proposals on Amer-Albany. March on Wash: decisions: Eleanor Holmes will rep. SNCC on March; we will continue support of it, try to get sup:_:~ort of March Comm. for local action. Suppu.rt Peop•es Congress of 1~rch Comm. nour participation (in u~rch Comm.) won't mean we don't initiate our O'M.n action. Rep. should send memo to Exec.Comm. after each meeting. Extend Tougaloo-Miles program. Scholarships come from Welfare,Education & Legal Defense Fund, a tax exempt wing of United Council of Civ. Rts. Orgs. (T.aconic,etc.) Can use Jac~{ Pratt of Natl Council of Churches for bonds. SUnon & Shuster photographic book, profits split with Core Stearn Family Fund has money for articles-research, reached thru Harper' a. ~50 JO grant from SCEF cx~!lxx SNCC minutes - 2 Consensus on move toMiss: Launch one man-one vote campaign l ~ ove enough personnel there to im.) lement this, and see how wor:m out. Coord-comm. meeting as soon as possible in !.~ iss. Moses-Lewis-F~man-Baker will implement, report to coord. comm.meeting. Frien~ s of SNCC ~ should cone. on helping South - direct action in support of South. Staff: Atlanta: James Forman Albany: Worth Long Charles Sherrod J"ulian Bond :Joyce Barrett Sandra Hayden Don Harris Norma Collins J"ohn Purdue James Bolton Ralph Allen Betty Miles ?eter de Li~sovoy Chessie Johnson Phil Davis \Vm. Porter Joni Richards Nancy Stearns 0J Robert Mants Danny Lyon David Beii Bobhi Yancy Volunteers: Hike Sayer J"ames Daniels Ruby D!mis Smith Randy Battles James Rudblph Charles Brown Vera Cridd~n Miss: (Greeaaood,Jackson,Greenville, Clarks dale ,Hat tie sburg ,Holly Springs, Pine Bluff' Columbus) Wm. Hansen Bob Moses Lulu Johnson Ruthie Buffington Sam Block Lee David James Jones 1-lcA:rthur. Cotton Emma Bell Ben Grinnage (j) Lawrence Guyot :Mary Iane Noah J,Yashington Milt ~' n Hancock Oscar Chase Bruce Jordan Willie Peacock DougSchreare;r John Bradford · Donald ~·/hi te Helen o 'Neal Ruby Wright Jesse Harris Tenn: (3 F i chard lfre y Bobby Talbert Sheila Kessler James Peacock James Jones G Martha Prescod Charlie Cobb Danville Willie :McGee Charles McLaurin Avon Rollina :Mathew Hughes Ca.ri Arnold Matthew Jones Willie Blue Dickie Flowers Tom Hol:t G John O' Neil Sam Giles Gerry Bray Iva.nhee Donalson Frank Smith Claude i'leaver SNCC - 3 Selma: :nev. seborn ? oweln , ';-;ilson Brown 3 "' nev.Thomas Brown __ ) Gadsden: Avery mlliams Eric Hainey Pot McEaderry Claudia Rawles ~-y Julia Prettyman Jim J.ionsonis Wash. Bill ~:iahoney No part. place: Bruce r.ordon Sam Shirah Mary _~ ins Jane Stembridge ?reedo~ Singers: Cordell Reagan Chuck Neblitt Bernice Eeagon Rut ha Iiarr- '.e 3erthf• Gober Nevi staff: Mary Verela, Selma (literacy pr ject with ;.>ri est) •,;e ndy .klann • for 3'.7 Ga. _lj ob!'i Ya ncye- Southern Campus Coord. _. ....· '1'homas brown, Selrr.a Hendy ::Semstei n, Atl. Debbie .Arr.is, il.tl. Carol l,r.erri tt, };';iss. Priorities for winter: I·!iiss. Project Staff recruitment Car!'lpus protest gro :ps A?proved nandolph ~ lackwell sug,_;_:. for SNCC voter reg. group in NC urban area tobalance hard-core concentration. Bruce Gordon wi ll look into g et ~ ins union or~onizer~ into GNCC. areas. Hire t!our campus travellers to work under Coord., set up work-study programs. .
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