PREVIEW PREDICTIONS See pages 5-8 for a special Visit spartandaily.com for football preview section predictions on the upcoming season INSIDE Serving San José State University since 1934 NEWS Thursday, September 2, 2010 spartandaily.com Volume 135, Issue 4 • Workshop informs faculty on research proposal submissions 2 • Students volunteer Deadlines PHOTO: in community action class 2 • Student book discus- TIM O’BRIEN sion welcomes ‘Part-Time closing for Indian’ 3 • CAMPUS VOICES: What do you do to save exchange money? 3 • Haitians receive help from | CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER | CONTRIBUTING SJSU students 8 A&E programs • Tasty treats, zero CALLI PEREZ guilt 9 Staff Writer OPINION Although time is running out to ap- • Another fowl ply, SJSU offers students a chance to outbreak 10 • The stem of the broaden their horizons by studying in argument 10 foreign countries, said a study abroad • Traveling to the beat of my adviser. own drum 11 “The spring deadline for our inter- • What is being national student exchange program al- human? 11 ready past, but our bilateral programs • The real battle is at are still open through Oct. 2 to apply JOE TRAN, A SENIOR SOCIOLOGY MAJOR, CHANTS “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE, KEEP RAISING home 11 for the spring semester,” Veronica Malki STUDENT FEES,” WITH ON-CAMPUS PASTOR MARK PHIFER-HOUSEMAN AND JUNIOR ENGLISH said. MAJOR KATRINA SWANSON OUTSIDE CLARK HALL TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2010. According to the campus study ONLINE abroad department brochure, SJSU students have the opportunity to study SOCIAL abroad through six different programs MEDIA in more than 40 countries. Applying and organizing paperwork • Read the Spartan Daily Students fi ght budget blog to fi nd out what out- prior to one’s time abroad can be a pro- door activities campus cess which students must tend to the se- recreation is off ering mester before they plan to depart, Malki FFollow our said. ttwtweets on She said she studied abroad in Grana- TTwitter cuts with sarcasm da, Spain for a year. @spartandaily@ “I recommend students to go abroad for a year as opposed to a semester,” JEN NOWELL get cuts, with their slogan, “Billion- started at San Diego State, said the Malki said. “I get a lot of e-mails from Staff Writer aires for Fee Hikes!” group’s vice president, Herlinda students abroad asking to extend their “It gets people thinking,” Joe Aguirra. OUTSIDE visas into the next semester and I do With fl iers ready, signs painted Tran, a senior sociology major, Th e original protestors were what I can to help them. When you are and a bullhorn in hand, the Stu- said. “Th row ironic things out there hoping to get students’ att ention in there for just a semester, once you are dents for Quality Education chose and you will get their att ention.” a new and interesting way, Aquirra, comfortable and feel at home, it is time the high-traffi c area in front of Carrying a bullhorn, Tran, the a junior art history major, said. to leave.” Clark Hall to hold two protests in group’s president, led the chants, “Higher-middle class taxpayers Amanda Grunwald, a senior political two days. “Billionaires united, will never be believe students are lazy and don’t science major, said she studied abroad At the 15-minute protests on divided! ... Tax the workers, tax want to work for their education for a year in 2009-2010 in France. both Tuesday and Wednesday, the poor! Give the rich something funds,” she said. “It was really, really great,” she said. “I about eight members showed up to more!” as student protestors yelled Aguirra said she believes just the take part. along. High: 90° PROTEST Low: 62° See ABROAD Page 2 Th e group was protesting bud- Th e idea for the “reverse” protest See Page 12 Fair promotes SJSU Earth Science student involvement Institute boosted REBECCA HENDERSON by donations Staff Writer PHOTO: KENNY MARTIN equip them with supplies that will bet- Students who att ended Staff Writer ter enable them to teach their classes, Wednesday’s Student Organiza- SILVA DORIAN he said. tion Faire entertained themselves Th e Bay Area Earth Science Institute Th ese workshops consist of lectures with a number of activities that in- at SJSU recently received thousands of and fi eld trips, where Sedlock said the cluded salsa dancing, sword fi ght- dollars to continue teachers have a chance ing, painting and free popsicles. training teachers of to observe and expe- Each organization was divided grades 4-12 in areas of rience fi rsthand the into sections— club sports, aca- earth science, accord- subject they are going demic and honorary, cultural and PHOT. | CONTRIBUTING ing to an SJSU news to be relaying to their religious, special interest and fra- release. (The students. ternities and sororities, according Chevron Corp. and workshops) He said teachers to the fair passport. Intel Corp. have each “ can also obtain profes- have been “SJSU has more than 300 orga- donated $166,000 and incredibly sional development nizations and this is a chance for ERIC MATTHEWS OF STUDENT AFFAIRS AND CHUMA $50,000, according to credits by att ending them to come out and meet the NNAJI, A SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MAJOR, the news release. useful for me the events. “Over the last 15 student body, especially new stu- JUGGLE PINS AT THE ORGANIZATION FAIRE AT THE on a number “(Th e workshops) years, we’ve worked dents and transfer students,” said “ have been incred- Lindsey Huff man, a senior busi- PLAZA DE CESAR CHAVEZ ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 1, 2010. with 2,000 teachers of levels. ibly useful for me on a ness marketing major. representing schools GREG SPEAR number of levels,” said Since SJSU is known to be a school,” senior hospitality major “Being involved has helped me from districts through- Harbor High School Teacher Greg Spear, a teach- commuter school, the fair was an Ming Renwick said. because I know that when I go to out the Bay Area,” said er at Harbor High opportunity for students to learn Cassandra Acosta, a junior me- school there’s all these diff erent Richard Sedlock, pro- School in Santa Cruz. to be more involved and reach chanical engineering major, said it things I want to be a part of so it fessor and chairman of “You have no idea how out to other students with similar is hard for students to fi nd a club keeps me motivated and it keeps the SJSU geology de- valuable this is. Th ey interest, Huff man, who works for on their own because most of the me meeting other people who can partment. make the classrooms student involvement, said. time, with so many diff erent fl iers, potentially help me out if I am do- Th e institute off ers workshops ap- enjoyable and help the teacher make the “It has helped me fi nd new they never know who to contact, ing badly,” Acosta said. proximately once a month that are science come to life.” friends in volleyball and get me but to meet face to face they can designed to enhance the teachers’ interested and more involved with form an instant connection. See FAIRE Page 4 understanding of the materials and See SCIENCE Page 4 2 NEWS Thursday, September 2, 2010 PHOTO: Students volunteer in ABROAD From Page 1 JOHN RUSSO RUSSO JOHN community action class met people from all over the world. I studied with professors from all ALEX SPICER recent immigrants and adults,” he said. over the world and I learned a lot Staff Writer children and providing Th e course also gives about Europe and about politics | CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER | CONTRIBUTING service to low-income students a bett er under- there. I also got a really fresh view “Get Engaged in and homeless families standing of the commu- of the United States and our poli- Learning” is a commu- and seniors seeking jobs, nity around them, Gainer tics and culture here.” nity action and service food and educational op- said. SJSU not only sends students class that is providing an portunities. “It helps students un- abroad, but also is home to inter- opportunity for students During the semes- derstand the great eco- national students, according to to get the credits they ter, students complete nomical disparities that junior engineering major Helder need to graduate and vol- a minimum of 48 hours are present in the Silicon Faria e Dias. unteer with local orga- of community service Valley, and I think they “I am from Brazil,” Faria e Dias nizations and programs, at one of several part- come away with a bett er said. “I have been here for about according to the class ner organizations, which understanding of what a month. I am studying computer brochure. include Sacred Heart, poverty really is,” Gainer engineering here for the semester, Th e course isn’t just Th ird Street and Project said. which is why I chose San Jose, and about showing up at sites SHINE, said Fallon, the Gainer said that it was I am hoping to extend my visa to and volunteering, said director of community rare for a student to come stay longer here.” Lecturer Brandon Gain- and leadership. out of the program with Faria e Dias said he is staying in er, one of the two instruc- Project SHINE, which a bad experience, and the International House and trans- tors of the course. stand for “Students Help- would recommend it to ferred from Federal University of It’s about understand- ing in the Naturalization any student who has the Itajuba in Brazil.
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