The GIST Research Master teaches you to under‐ International Research stand thoroughly how social practice, policies and Master Program technoscientific phenomena mutually shape each other and thereby structure the world in which we GIST – Governance of live and work, consume and govern. You learn this Innovations, Sciences and by using systematic concepts, heuristics and meth‐ ods to examine fascinating exemplary cases from Technologies (MSc) past and present. You develop a sensorium for long‐ term aspects of GIST and, at the same time, you learn how to keep in step with current practices. NAME OF EDUCATION GIST – Governance of Innovations, Sciences and Technologies (MSc) The master program trains you in the most fruitful DURATION 24 months, incl. 4 months for final master’s concepts and research methods of the social and project START DATE September 2011 historical sciences. All these insights provide you LANGUAGE English with a toolkit for successfully confronting the many, EDUCATION TYPE Full time, blended learning (presence & online courses), project & problem based often puzzling, problems and promises presented DEGREE Master ‘Governance of Innovations, Sciences and Technologies’ (MSc) by technosciences, their innovation and govern‐ CREDITS 120 EC ance. TUITION FEE 2009‐2010: €1620 (EU), €6547 (non‐EU) SPECIALIZATIONS a) Governance of Sciences and Innovations (GSI) Genomics, robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intel‐ b) Technology Dynamics and Assessment (TDA) ligence, neurosciences and e‐health are examples of c) Governance in the History of Science and Technology (GHOST) fields that involve expectations of economic profit WORK COMPETENCES a) Conceptual reflection and concerns about social and cultural changes. b) Empirical investigation c) Research skills and general work skills They stir debate among many diverse actors and d) Project work and application provide challenges for governance. Studying within EDUCATION FORMS 50% self study, 25% theory, 25% practice STUDY ABROAD Compulsory, max 15 EC the GIST Research Master will open your eyes to how enormously the sector of science, technology and research is growing, with huge importance for As developments in science, technology, innovation the economy and modern societies in general. and the contexts in which they take place become Current issues such as the technoscientific dimen‐ increasingly complex, so do the challenges posed to sions of energy policies and climate change scenar‐ their governance. We find these processes tran‐ ios, the assessment of large‐scale technologies, scending the boundaries of single organizations and massive governmental and private investment in nation states, and taking place simultaneously on a sectors such as the life‐sciences, the coordination global and local scale. Both the so‐called “devel‐ between private and public organizations, and the oped” world and regions with emerging polities creation of new products based on technoscientific and/or economies are facing extensive and radical research all point to the complexity of governance transitions of the social, economic, cultural, politi‐ challenges, which often arise under conditions of cal, technoscientific and knowledge order. A chang‐ constant change. The GIST Research Master pro‐ ing world requires changing or new tools of analysis. gram teaches you in a stimulating international en‐ At the same time, the analysis of the governance of vironment how to orientate in and structure the innovations, sciences and technologies (GIST) can no new and complex realities, using both approved longer be separated from the innovation of the and innovative means. The ambition is to demystify analysis of governance. the governance and innovation of sciences and Participants of this program will develop the knowl‐ technologies, to understand them as social proc‐ edge, vision, and reflective attitude to contribute esses in terms of practices, habits, rules, conflicts, actively to current developments in the governance compromises, discourses and narratives from the of innovations, sciences and technologies as re‐ perspective of everyday situations up to the level of searchers or as practitioners. systems. In terms of methodology, the program builds on its The master program teaching staff’s broad‐ranging expertise in qualita‐ The aim of the GIST Research Master (MSc) degree tive research methods (discourse analysis, inter‐ program is to enable students to analyze the dy‐ viewing, participant observation, etc., and compa‐ namics of sciences, technologies, innovations and rable methods from history), quantitative research their governance in all their complexities. methods (network analysis, surveys etc.), and pol‐ icy‐oriented and intervening methods (policy 2 evaluation, etc.). The multi‐level character of our The project‐based teaching approach means that research field calls for precise and empirically students learn step by step to develop a research grounded theories. theme not only for their master thesis, but also in The approaches most closely identified with Twente preparation for later applications for research fund‐ include the concepts of ‘evolving socio‐technical ing. This makes our research master an extraordi‐ landscapes’, ‘transitions of technical regimes’, the nary opportunity for ambitious students in a highly ‘multi‐level perspective’ (MLP), the ‘co‐evolutionary stimulating environment. Hence, this research mas‐ approach to reflexive governance’, ‘constructive ter program explicitly aims at teaching students technology assessment’ (CTA) and ‘strategic niche how to management’ (SNP) and cultural history. These a) reflect systematically and critically on GIST is‐ have been very influential in shaping conceptual sues thinking about technological change among re‐ b) carry out a research project searchers and policymakers, throughout Europe c) apply for research funding. and beyond. Participants in the program have the The program thus also serves as a solid foundation opportunity to work firsthand with the authors of for potential PhD candidates. The final semester can and leading specialists in applying such approaches. be viewed as a stepping stone to subsequent edu‐ Studies of GIST, especially in the Twente tradition, cation. The program is, however, self‐contained, have the dual potential of application to observing providing the tools, skills and experience required and informing actors in the field. But because there conducting social‐scientific research and profes‐ isn’t any one dominant theory, no single recipe for sional work in whole a variety of contexts. coping with all the ambiguities in the field, partici‐ pants learn to adopt a constructivist position and The International Dimension constantly reflect on their own impact as well as on The GIST Research Master program has a definite the development of images and the beliefs of part‐ international orientation. Teachers and students ners in the manifold fields of the governance and come from many countries, and the program is innovation of sciences and technologies. taught fully in English. We have numerous re‐ nowned partner institutions in several countries Details of the master program worldwide – research and policy institutions world‐ The GIST Research Master is a full‐time two‐year wide (incl. UK, Germany, USA, France, South‐Africa, English language program composed of 120 ECTS. South‐America, Scandinavia). Students spend part Half of the program (60 EC) involves compulsory of the program abroad in order to enhance the courses during the first year. The second year con‐ comparative character of their study and research. sists of specialization courses (45 EC) and a master The master thesis can be written in collaboration thesis (15 EC). The program is divided into two with international research institutions and other years, and the years are divided into 4 quarters organizations in the fields of the governance and each. The courses build from basic to advanced innovation of sciences and technologies. courses and research colloquia. Key research and working skills will be developed in project study Specializations format. Skills ensure academic and professional The program provides the means for understand‐ work qualification. The three lines of study (Gov‐ ing, assessing, and structuring the continuously ernance of Sciences and Innovations, Technology changing interactions among technosciences, inno‐ Dynamics and Assessment, and Governance in the vation and research processes, social practices and History of Science and Technology) offer courses institutions, and their governance. from all three STePS research themes. Students se‐ We assume that phenomena and problems in the lect one of the themes as their primary area of fo‐ field can no longer be understood satisfactorily only cus and ultimately write their master thesis in the in terms of the established systems of politics, ad‐ context of that theme. ministration and society. Boundaries between As a research master, the program addresses stu‐ themes, practices and actors have become fluid. dents who wish to carry out small‐scale research New constellations of actors must be investigated projects, as well as offering space for professionals as well as newly developing game rules. Constitu‐ who want to combine reflection and research with tive for our approach is thus a three dimensional more practical questions. For both groups, a pro‐ view including three tracks that focus on reflexive, ject‐based teaching approach is advantageous. policy‐oriented
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