CLINICAL RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY Cortesy of Cláudio Florido Rodrigues M.D. INITIAL STEPS IN WRITING AND SUBMITTING A RESEARCH PAPER Passos iniciais na elaboração e submissão de um manuscrito Denise Pinheiro Falcãoa, Anthony Terrence O’Brienb, Rivadávio Fernandes Batista de Amorimb, Heitor Morenob, Felipe Fregnib, Maria Regina Chalitaa BACKGROUND: This article is part of a special series designed to help authors in the process of scientific writing.OBJECTIVE: To address the steps that should precede the writing and submission of a research paper in order to optimize the process. METHOD: The authors discussed among them some strategies that should be adopted before properly starting the manuscript writing. RESULTS: Key strategies were organized into five thematic groups, namely: 1) How to prepare yourself for writing, 2) How to organize and prepare the writing tools, 3) How to elaborate a draft, 4) How to choose a journal, and 5) Who should be an author. CONCLUSION: Key strategies should be adopted before writing and submitting a research paper. Such strategies might ABSTRACT improve the author’s performance, optimize the time spent, and promote a high-quality communication writing, more pleasantly. KEYWORDS: scientific writing; manuscript; authorship; education; publications. INTRODUÇÃO: Este artigo é parte de uma série especial que foi desenvolvida para auxiliar autores no processo da redação científica. OBJETIVO: Abordar as etapas que devem preceder a redação e a submissão de artigos científicos com o intuito de aprimorar o processo. MÉTODOS: Os autores discutiram entre si algumas estratégias que cada um costumava adotar antes de iniciar propriamente a redação de um manuscrito. RESULTADOS: Foram estabelecidas cinco etapas estratégicas relativas ao preparo prévio à redação de um manuscrito, a saber: 1) Como se preparar para a escrita, 2) Como organizar e preparar as ferramentas de escrita, 3) Como elaborar um esboço, 4) Como escolher um periódico e 5) Quem deve ser um autor. CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se considerar a adoção de RESUMO estratégias-chave antes de se iniciar a redação e a submissão de um manuscrito. Tais estratégias podem melhorar o desempenho do autor, otimizar o tempo gasto e promover uma comunicação escrita de alta qualidade, de uma maneira mais prazerosa. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: redação científica; manuscrito; autoria; educação; publicações. aFaculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Brasília (UnB) – Brasília (DF), Brazil. bLaboratory of Neuromodulation & Center for Clinical Research Learning, Physics and Rehabilitation Department, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School – Boston, USA. Correspondence data Denise Pinheiro Falcão – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Brasília – Campus Darcy Ribeiro – Asa Norte – CEP: 70910-900 – Brasília (DF), Brasil – E-mail: [email protected] Recebido em: 17/12/2015. Aceito em 30/12/2015 DOI: 10.5327/Z2447-2115201600010002 Initial steps in writing INTRODUCTION pressure, and a sense of failure can partially explain such All too familiar is the struggle that researchers face when condition.3 However, methodicalness and routinization are writing a scientific paper. Often, they feel overwhelmed when skills that must be refined by those who intend to be suc- challenged with the task of condensing years of research into a cessful writers, regardless of whether writing a manuscript, succinct and relevant text. Historically, renowned personalities theses or any other type of writing. Such abilities offer con- from the scientific community also demonstrated such afflic- siderable advantages when compared to those who do not tion:1,2 “A naturalist’s life would be a happy one if he had only acquire commitment and let procrastination takes place, or to observe and never to write” (Charles Darwin). In addition, simply decide to keep waiting for a moment of inspiration.4 William Osler stated: “There is no more difficult art to acquire Writing should be viewed as a pleasant and absorbing than the art of observation, and for some men it is quite as activity from start to end. Nonetheless, it is important to rec- difficult to record an observation in brief and plain language”. ognize the conditions and circumstances in which one feels Nevertheless, scientific writing can, and should, be an most comfortable to write. Moreover, have consciousness enjoyable task. In order to help young researchers and clini- about the importance of self-commitment and persistence cians, this text and subsequent series will present key points and acquire some good work routine habits. Such abilities that can aid the process. They can help lay the groundwork for push ones towards goals and achievements. circulating scientific texts, while increasing reader’s interest, comprehension and coverage. Habitually, novice research- Self-awareness and time ers develop these skills after spending months or years on It is part of the process to identify the ideal time of the a research project, writing and submitting manuscripts. day for writing. The period whether morning, afternoon, Experienced reviewers critically evaluate the manuscripts, evening, or night can dramatically influence the enjoyment, and thus, authors have the opportunity to improve their writ- and productivity of writing. ing abilities. A structured approach to writing indisputably In case someone is more productive at night, this period of reduces hastily formed ideas and burden on the researcher, the day should be booked to write, and the morning (possibly while it accelerates the writing process. a less-yield period for this person) be used for “mechanical Therefore, the aim of this article was to lessen the strain activities”, as reviewing references and formatting tables.5 that researchers may experience when writing scientific arti- The time spent writing is also a critical aspect to consider. cles. For this purpose, the authors discussed among them It should be taken into account the length of author’s creative some strategies that each one usually adopted before properly attention. What would be the optimal length of an effective starting the manuscript, in order to optimize the scientific writing session that author could maintain? For example, allo- writing process and to make it a rewarding task. Key strate- cated blocks of at least two hours should be established prior to gies were organized into five thematic groups, namely: the beginning, in which other routine aspects of day-to-day are • how to prepare yourself for writing; postponed until afterwards.6 This is more crucial than frustratingly • how to organize and prepare the writing tools; putting together ideas on the spur whenever free time is available, • how to elaborate a draft; or even spending much long in unproductive writing sessions. • how to choose a journal; Establishing periods of goal-oriented work interlaced • who should be an author. with resting phases, 5-10-minute breaks, can help improve productivity. Setting focused, small, and clear objectives in It is important to mention that long before writing an these periods can help drive writing. For example, using two article, an adequate methodological design, execution and hours on Monday and Friday mornings, in which 50-minute analysis of the project would substantially influence its accep- writing goals are interlaced with 10-minute breaks to mentally tance into a scientific journal. No attempts were made to and physically stretch can give flow to writing. However, it is include rules on writing structure or grammar. important to decide whether length or frequency of writing sessions fits better to the author.5 Regardless the choice, make some notes of the final writing session thinking. This will HOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF avoid loss of important ideas between sessions and will help Writing tends to evoke anxiety that can result in a par- to recapture a linear reasoning for the next session start. alytic condition known as “writer’s block”. Doctor Edmund Therefore, before starting the writing phase of the research, Bergler, a famous Austrian psychiatrist, created this term organize your schedule to allow the writing compatible with in 1947. Lack of inspiration, illness, depression, financial work activities and attention to the family. 4 Geriatr Gerontol Aging, Vol. 10, Num 1, p.3-9 Falcão DP, O’Brien AT, Amorim RFB, Moreno H, Fregni F, Chalita MR Spatial awareness multiple draft versions, statistical analysis and graph software Likewise, mental acuteness is also influenced by one’s if needed, an adequate antivirus, reference manager software, surroundings. Be aware to minimize the chances of inter- and a backup encrypted virtual drive, or if allowed in the insti- ruption when writing. Aspects such as background sound, tution, online storage or an external hard drive. The same pieces like white noise, cold or hot lighting, organization of the of software should be used across the board by coauthors to writing area, temperature, colors of the walls, environment prevent conflicting software problems, for example, this can objects, location, and transit of persons throughout it should occur if different reference managers are used. be regarded. Furthermore, it should be considered the imme- Regarding this last issue, it should be verified if the reference diate availability of coffee, water, small healthy snacks and manager software coauthors would accept using it. There are other primary needs to be attended, since they can modify several payed and free software options. Some institutions the writing behavior. support
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