Bioscience Discovery, 9(1):29-31, Jan - 2018 © RUT Printer and Publisher Print & Online, Open Access, Research Journal Available on http://jbsd.in ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print); ISSN: 2231-024X (Online) Research Article Study of Elemental Analysis of a Medicinal Plant - Canthium coromandelicum (N. Brum.) Alston Shaikh F.Y.* And Ghatge M. M. Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Matoshri BayabaiShripatrao Kadam KanyaMahavidyalaya, Kadegaon. 415304 (M.S.), India. *Email: [email protected] Article Info Abstract Received: 07-09-2017, Canthium coromandelicum(N. Brum.) Alstonisone of the important small tree Revised: 02-11-2017, belongs to Rubiaceae, distributed in peninsular India. The mineral analysis of Accepted: 22-11-2017 leaves and ripened fruits of Canthium coromandelicum was estimated by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The quantitative metal analysis of leaves Keywords: and ripened fruits shows the presence of vital essential minerals. The large Canthium coromandelicum, quantity Fe, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cr and minimum amount of Ca, Ni, Co, Cu were minerals, leaves, ripened found in the leaves and fruits. The ripened fruits showed large amount of Fe and fruits Ca is higher in than leaves. INTRODUCTION phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of Canthium coromandelicum(N. Brum.) whole plant extracts ofCanthiumparviflorumLam. Alstonis native to India, Sri Lanka, and tropical In the present investigation, an attempt was East Africa (Bridson, 1992). The leaves and roots taken to analyze the mineral content are astringent, sweet, thermogenic, diuretic, ofCanthiumcoromandelicum. febrifuge, constipating, anthelminthic and these are used against of kapha, diarrhea, strangury, fever, MATERIALS AND METHODS leucorrhoea, intestinal worms, and general debility The leaves and fruits of Canthium (Warrier, 1996). A decoction of leaves is used for coromandelicum were collected from dried area in wound healing in animals. It is traditionally used for Dahiwadi tehsil and washed in fresh running water snake bites (Mahishi, 2015). Leaf paste is externally to eliminate dust, dirt and possible parasites. applied twice a day to treat scabies and the ring Afterward, treated with de-ionized water and were worm infection (Anitha et al., 2008). dried in shade at 25-30 o C. The leaves and fruits Canthium as a herbal medicine is used for were converted in to powdered form. The mineral the treatment of diabetes among major tribal groups element extract were prepared following the method in South Tamilnadu (Ayyanar et al., 2008). The described (Toth et al. 1948). The acid digestion leaves are richest source of beta carotene method was used to estimate different inorganic (Rajaylakshimi, 2003). This plant is reported to elements. The estimation of mineral elements was have antioxidant activity (Chandra, 2014). Haroled carried out by using ‘Atomic Absorption and Abraham (2011) studied the preliminary Spectrophotometer’ in CFC (Common Facility Center) of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. http://biosciencediscovery.com 29 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print) Shaikh and Ghatge RESULTS AND DISCUSSION various elements in leaves and fruits indicated that Represents The quanititative account of Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn etc. were present in maximum minerals in the leaves and fruits of Canthium amount. On the other hand Ni, Co, Mn, Cr, Cu etc. coromandelicumis represented in table 1.These were present minimum amount of Canthium values are also depicted in graph 1. The analysis of coromandelicum. TABLE 1: The mineral content in the leaves and fruits of Canthiumcoromandelicum Sr. No. Elements Leaves Fruits 1 Fe 2.954 4.186 2 Ca 0.075 2.38 3 Mg 1.466 0.131 4 Zi 0.435 0.195 5 Ni 0.049 0.02 6 Co 0.023 0.003 7 Mn 0.492 0.111 8 Cr 0.395 0.075 9 Cu 0.075 0.115 Note:The values are expressed in percentage. Graph 1: showing percentage of minerals in the leaves and fruits of Canthium coromandelicum Iron plays an important role in the oxygen teeth in our body. Besides it, calcium is also transport to the cells. It is found in a protein called essential for nerves and muscles. Plasma calcium hemoglobin which carries oxygen from lungs to all has a role in blood coagulation. The calcium content over the body, to each and every cell. It has an found in the fruits of Canthium coromandelicum ability to donate and accept electrons. The iron was 2.38 % and in the leaves 0.075%. This is content was found higher in fruits (4.186%) than correlated with the results of Njoku and Akumefula that of leaves (2.954%) of Canthium (2007), who recorded1.310 % calcium in the leaves coromandelicum. The iron content recorded in the of Spondias mombin.The Magnesium is a key metal leaves (0.0146%) of Morinda pubescence (Devareet in cellular metabolism. Magnesium ions have been al., 2011). Bhogaonkar (2014) reported evolved for signaling, enzyme activation and 315mg/100g iron content in F. racemosafruits. The catalysis. The requirement of magnesium in adult Calcium plays a vital role in building of bones and human is 300-400 mg/day. http://jbsd.in 30 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online) Bioscience Discovery, 9(1):29-31, Jan - 2018 In present study, magnesium the content Bhogaonkar P Y, Chavhan V N and Kanerkar U observed in the leaves (1.466%) was higher than the R, 2014. Nutritional potential of FicusracemosaL. fruits (0.131%) of Canthium Fruits. Biosci. Disc., 5(2):150-153. coromandelicum.Yesufu and Hussaini (2014) Bridson DM, 1992. The genus Canthium reported 0.329 g/100 g magnesium in leaves of (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae) in tropical Africa". Kew Sarcocephalus latifolius. Zinc is extremely Bulletin, 47(3):353-401. important to numerous body functions. 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