• 7 ' BATtttlDAT, A PM L IS. 1940 rOUBTEBlfy 0 s a 0 iu it t t ^ttnifna .^v^rage Dalty CMrculaHon,' For the .Month of March, l4w istorical tugmignts LAWN MOWERS^ 6,368 P^YonlW nd ■ P u b li c SHARPENED ir© Bdild/^is Spring? REPAIRED SEP FOR BUILDING S e t b a c k f Town’s Boundaries It Is tiros to have yo«r mow*) SPECIAL prepared for tho eemtag see 5100. A N D g P son. TONIGHT the &idian» camped beilde a email Ifdcpcsling \ Facta Are pond, now one ot the EaM Hart- Is Jkatibheeter Green. High and STAR'n.NO A f 8:16 Phone 5937 , (by* ;TqU Wro In the/Poantry Brought fo\Light by ford’a water reaervolra, a abort die- hatj|U M town. ^ Masonic Temple tance northweat of the houae. ^FtM Search of Records Coult Houae iir^ located <m Hehrob : KARLSEN’S 3 Merchandise Order priziM/ ^ K N B e h l avenue Where Keeney atrtet inter- LAW N MOWER SHOP Door Prize! Refreshment*! By Civil Engineer. afeta- ’ , Next To K. R. Depot / . Admission 89c. ^ Indian Camp SOe BocUand fntVresti'nj ficU ibout the early ..The email valley that dipa do«^ ' - - - ' V ' ”.. ' .......■ ______ hlirtory of Glaatonbury have been trom, Mlnnechauf\|nountain pa^- , . ,,_cr V.. *•t'S a abort dlatance to the north OFFER ' ^ " ' '-A,' brO..£htbrought to lighth*ht by a civil engineer / who hiui made conalderehle of a Inc: epot for the Tndlafia. A am^l ers hobby ijl deh'Ing.Into ancient data. quarry in a< Aeld near the house ^n. 3567 \ S A M M Y ’S ] ■¥' John T. Henderaon of S Korth haa been uncovered from time to Beacoh atreSrt'Hartford. He waa time, showing' remnanta of Aint TAXI rocka aiid crude tools with Which haalated In hlK^lonff continued re- the nativea Wrought out their bat­ aearchea by eahher data authored tle apearheada. Many broken *] ,hy Robert O. R^er, Dr. I>e . J. head* were once found around Wars Abroad I Six-Mile Race Trag^y BftmSHAtllRAIDCM Report yessels Sunk Offers WhUtlea and H er^rt T. Clark of quarry. At End of First Mil^' STAVANSiRAmPORT Disconnected aforlea about jtbiit ‘Mor^N^rrib*® Olaatonbury and frob) their And* l^leaa, Comlurlablc C old house Indicate that at / one Ooorteoas Service At All ^^slnicli^ Than Ev(^’ in Navy and Air Force For Your ^Sunday IfM n o r Ingaynepa of .the towh',^ Glaaton* time shortly after it was biiflt. It Dee* Summit, Mo., April 18. iTvw More Allied Subma­ Session With, Lions His bury' were publlabed f ^ dlatrtbu- —W —Harley HatAeId.'2l. and ! wea.'the headqiiartera for toe offi­ ^^Hkt ieerh W Goy^rning. SWSKNPAawks TO. rines .Sent to Hottoin; . Idea of Quiet Evening New Bolts al^ NaEis in^ tJoTi during the Tercentenary of ! two rampanions decided to DEFEND I^UTRALirr 7 \ that town fpur yeara a|fo. \ cers of-S cornpany of aoidtera who were camped nearby. Tm plain CITY TAXI ^^%pard of 4*an Ameri­ race the six miles home to. Norwegian Torpedo- Westwood, Mas*., April 14.— lii'^idesfireau Sections I '' Menrheater'a growth ' add d*- wnrat of the l!oult Houm/ waa used DES.MS ML'RFtftj' j Greenwood. After 'only one ,'Vi -ilartc Smith'* Ides of s Itatiian Style lopment wa# Ctmtlguoue to/Glaa- can lJnioi| Capi|ai. I mile, HatAetd collapsed amj i NiUTRAUTY VIOLATIONS , And. Around Scant for drilling these Cbloplal protec- oer THIS 48e9S boat (Aipturedx Nazi quiet night St home is—a ees- bury'a, although the acUternent I died. Dr. C. Q. Deitch, coroner, / , *lon with s i-ouple of lion*. Our I'laHr of'thia town .wae af>arce mftll eany tore of the settlerA / PROTESTED "MARTIAL Merrhantship Sunk by -viB; \ Landing Officers MauMjwbed Washington,' April 15.-—.^ blamed over-exertion of the. LAW EXTENDEO . An employe of (3T Everett in the ITl^.'s. After the purchaaa ■ heart. i Specially c lb. of tlV Second FhieMIle tract from Although no reco^^h'aa been un­ ' (A P )—Terming wars abroad British Air Raiders at coke c0mpan.y, Smith spends Week-End Cramm^^ covered, *lt haa b tm passed down V— ---------- -----i------------------ :—e 4RMKPLACES SUARDAT mont of his evenings in hta gar'- the Tbdian thief^erramiigua In “ more horrible and destruc- Bergen^ Strong Blork- With Tales of Succet^J Ready forV«n*" Iflta, the aettleri th e living along by generations tKet the Ihdlans 5TRATE6IC CENTERS ag\; where he traius his two swept .down out/bf the blU* , . one tjvc than ever,”* 'Preaident caged , pets Satan, an 18- rho Afid P1»c^ Toar Order ?Uit4inl»y. the river, then called ‘‘Naubiic ade Admitted Set Up^ es Farma,'\originally part Of Weth- filgiH and Hllteiy all of tho'cATiCers IRON Roosevelt said today the 21 ; months old male, weighing 300 quartered'^ tm <5oult b^ae. Navy to Back j.Itoiind*. and Stmbs, aged three- eraheld, \recefved allottm^ta of Hiiott stays'----- — American republics could Imported Bla^k Olivon . 29([ lb. new’ lamia on the north and raat The Oqiilt MCiae contmna one.of FRENCH CLAIM m O R Y Berlin, April 15.— (A P )— ’ J snd-a-half years, and weighing London, April 16.— (AP)v iff THim TICONDS mhmr yM keep open the way to eventu­ ON WESTERN FRONT ; 175 pounds. • aectiona ofujlaatonhury. • , the raonatroim chimhayb^peculiar to The ONLY wtDfnotk tro« with CkrnTHny today announced! Great Britain annoiuuttri Original___ Owner*______ prrIod>ywlth a l^ ge chamber al peace “only if we are pre­ Plan to Add He acquired them as cubs H««t vp hi rtM HomIId. rw^ (w6 more Allied snbmurinos day she had landed SoM Imported Anchovies . T , 2 foF25e From the town' records .'of C}laa- Ifithe attl^Xuaed foyamokihg and pared to meet . force with from a Arm in Daredo, Tex. tonbury Invearigatlon has diecloeed curing myata\There are two Are- IrDfii (•WvtnlDiitly morliMl f«f . “ force if challenge is ever RELATIONS WITH BERLIN had been sunk in the Skager- • --------------- ’—, . 1.^ at' several points in Not ' pH types of faWkt. W»Iffis Dtify 3U Hu. More Vessels "Double Stalk Cel^'" Hearts JOe biiiifh tbe name* of original ownbea of placV^ In/the bbiise, one each In the mnde." N EAR CRISIS H A LT rak, a Norwegian torpedoboat to press the war against land abutting the Manchester town dlnlng-^^nr anaxltvlng room and a ANP THIS $4,95 ,.Mr. Roosevelt spoke before the OIL SHIPMEN TS captured and a German merr German -inVadfirs,,, while line In the towt^ of Olaatonbur^ large plHch oven In the small \ ' governing board of the Pan Amer- chantship idtnk by British air Navy and A it Force ;hii \We Have Happy float shortly after the division of the kitchen w W e ^1 Coult baking Stark Testifies That. Ef­ Low Countries Chef Owh»e' lean Union on the observance of ITALIAN FLEET OATHERi raiders at Beiyen. Establish-* new bolts at the Nazis A C^ptete tine Second Five Mile .tract was made. wuS evidently done, \ 'bar Summers' AUTOMATIC the organisation's SOth annlvers- Pickled / chvFF.E \» 'hd-area where Ui^fCoiilt Hoiiae fort to Enlarge Ex pan- F0R"MANEUVERS‘‘ ment of a strong British Na­ widespread sections in. ■ of ' le located waa onpe a\ prosperpua \ a ry 'and proclaimed a determina­ 17H. the-latest befng 1733-34. t e of the Westem hemisphere Sion Bill Will Have >1/- ______ _ V val blockade of Narvik, im­ Keeping Alert; around Scandifiavia. Munhroomn/ AMOcJeil Cdid Cuts From the Coop Rbadd west on the vulage with.severaramal) mills and —Herald Photo* •■tO\llve In peace ami. make, that nopk nearby qnd a s'malXechool. portant northern Norwegian brief atalement ip a jc Glastonbury aide of '(he Manches­ TTie,Coult House (1706) (above) on/Hebron ff\’« , p e iw secure.’* Department Siipport. fd fm *‘ ter line, tbe-origlnal *'fli«t” owners ' West of the.. (CPult >(0 0 8 0 , on BRITISH TJGNTENSEA/ttff •ore port, also was ficknowl- War Oflfice-Admiriilty i.vVIS’4*bl bury, one of the Arst hou.xos built In th/ second Five Mile ‘TiAct In'‘w’d f^ broadcast throughout Officials Calm o f apportioned border Ian what was then '' known aqb Pine bought from the Indiana (n 1873. BotU^ photo ...rliowa ai^lent OFAMERICAN/MAILS edged by the GfermanSx who muntque that British Plain, John Rllbum owned aTract S*M lodilws the n a te x u d transmitted abroad W'aahinrto'n, April 15.— i aWard^. the proprietors were: 3&- marker of three, mile trart and the /^cond purehase on Hebron by-short-waVe, the president desig­ said - their southern forces are on Norwegian soil cajl Pounrf seph Hill. March 28. 1720; NoSh of land which was awarded hiffi at avcriiie. near the village,, of AddI sot/ Below photo of Ckiult * Self dodafl Admiral ^arold R. Stark tc-xtlAcd, I .the time of the dlvlalon df. the stesj nated ho bnlierent by name when had “crushed” Norway’s at­ Dptprniinetl Not to B|e a week-end cramnAcd Phelps. March 29. 1732; KbenMer date shield. f«t8 aa^ot y*w today tm l an effort to enlarge the | Map show.ylate European wa r developments topped l»y the British Admiralty* announcement that Fox March *14. 1733-34; Mancmah ond-Elve Mile tract. ' , - \ he uaed these words apparently tempt to nibbilize In the Oslo these reports by the ‘ ‘Sanimy ’ ’ F ,»H ! Ml k daw , . ( directed at recent^ Euro|»8n de­ lAhn.OiOO^OOO Naval expansion hill’ Britain* Aecthad sunk seven Orman dpalrovers In a second daring naval attack on Narvik ■ harbor.
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