wwwwww:w May 18, 1992 Volume 24 Number29 University of California, Irvine Filipino Cultural Night ASU CI calls elections valid in spite of privacy violation DESIREE HEDBERG, Stafj Writer Kesselman. In regards to this year's method, AS VCI Despite doubts about the constitutionality J udicia1 Board Chair Chad Azue ca said, "Even of this year's election, ASUCI ratified nex~ though we need to safeguard the student's year's executive and council seats last Tues- privacy, we need to safeguard the election day. process ... It 's almost like a Catch-22." Exactly 2,446 students voted, bringing Azueta said it is possible for any student to this year's voter turnout up to 19 percent from file a petition with the Judicial Board regard- last year's 17 percent. Seniors led the turnout ing ASUCI actions. Petitions are available in with a 31.2 percent class vote. the ASUCI office. Sixty percent of the students voted against Next year's executive line-up will be: changing the name of Peter the Anteater: 39.8 Rigoberto Rodriguez as president, Kristy percent voted no to supporting Gay and Les- Jones executive vice president, David as bian Housing; 40.2 percent supported Greek Kesselman as academic affairs vice presi- housing; and 46.6 percent opposed a S 10 dent, Ralph Guzman for administrative af- campus recreation fee. fairs vice president and Garret Matsuura for The Legislative Council seats wiU be: student services vice president. Jennifer Mazgedian, Peggy O:ieng, Dave M. Though many candidates thought the vot- Chu and Eric Ebell for at-large; Amy ing procedure was not unconstitutional, they Schauwecker, Alex Camacho and Jason . said they would try to support a different Bennett for biological sciences; Neil Perry method next year. for fine arts; Crystal Hart and Dana Iavarone "I would like to see it done next year in a for humanities; Marie Carrington and Mehrdad way that's completely anonymous," Guzman Amani for physical sciences; Sophia Ko Ilia<; said. for social ecology; Chad Kunimoto, Susan "I agree, next year we need to come up Huang, Jean Kim and Kelvin Parker for so- with a system that ensures privacy," said cial sciences. Anti-rape activists show 'i'Ugt =n. Wr'l'mlflJW, wrdit-'11 JULIA MERRITT, Staf!Writer from the romance novel Sal'age Tonnent which she said provided a model of whar we Shouting "Stop rape, organize! We don't are taught about romantic relationships. want to be victimized!" and "Hey bey, ho ho, "A ' real ' man has a hard time not leaping when I say no means no," about 70studencs and upon and raping a woman wl.en he sees her anti-rape activists marched on campus Thurs- ... and a 'real' woman will surrcnderto love ·s day in a demand for greater campus safety. 'savage torment."' Goldsmid said. Organized by the Rape Action Group for She said while she did not want to judge Empowerment lR.A.G.E.]. the noon march other people's leisure reading, we ought to be ended with a rally in front of the Administra- able to uncover the assumptions m:ide in tion Building. what we are reading. Harry Mersmann, a social ecology gradu- The demonstration can1e in the w:lke of ate student and one of the students to "speak two alleged mid-af1emoon rapes in Aldrich out." said rape is a men's issue as well as a Park three weeks ago. TI1e victims h:i.ve not women's issue. yet come forward. J-Mc:krftn,N• U__,,., "Rape is a man 's problem; men are aJso ASUCJ Safety Commissioner Angie Habis UCI' s Kababayan performs "lgorot Suite," part of ils Thirteenth Annual Pilipino raped, rape happens to people we care about said so far this school year, 62 incidents of Cultural Night held last Friday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. The event incorporated and men do it. The only way to stop rape is sexual aggression have been reponed to the dances, skits and singing to present different aspects of Pilipino cultural life, said Co- when men stop doing it." Women's Resource Center. coordinator Jay Sanchez. The lgorot were the only Pilipino tribe not colonized by Paula Goldsmid, director of the UCI foreigners. The suite used dances such as war-dances to depict lgorot traditional life. Women's Resource Center, read an excerpt See RA.GE.. page 10 Ban on sex-chat via electronic mail stirs up debate ADAM ENTOUS, Staff Writer electronic news system called USENET, a undcrthebeadingalt.se.x and rec. arts. erotica. by a female student who wac; electronical ly worldwide bulletin board system in which Users who want these files back must request mailed copies of obscene materia.1 from :in It's May 11 and Ron Lee of San Diego thousands of computers exchange material. them personally from the department. alt. sex posting. County sends the following electronic mes- The topics vary. On May 11 , files discussed The move fo llowed a significant amount According to Parker, the victim repeat- sage: I admit to lusting after young school- penile implants, permanent removal of pubic ofcon troversy. Students and staff in the School edly found notes in her personal mail. UCIPD girls. There is something about the smooth- hair, the effectiveocss of latex condoms in of Engineering complained that alt. sex is was called in to investigate the incidents as a ness oftheir bodies and the promise ofth ings preventing :mv infection and a three-part, frivolous and unrelated to academic pursuits case of sexual harassment. to come that I find very tantalizing ... Anyone 23-page long penthouse-style story about two and that certain sexually-oriented material is This sexual haras ment case, according to else interested? female lovers. obscene or pornographic. UClPD Acting Chief Dennis Powers, is un- Dali Milton, of the University of Wash- But at UCI, users who try to open these When asked how the files were chosen for usual because it took place elcctronica.lly. ington, writes this response just hours later: files are being blocked access, and are told, censorship, Vlilliam Parker, ~ctor of Aca- "I don't know of any other case like this. No girl that age can handle a sexual experi- "You 're not allowed to read alt. sex, sony." demic Computing, said, "It 's a judgement It is unique in its applica tion," Powers said. ence with an adult and not be hanned.Maybe About three weeks ago, the Academic call." 10e most "outrageous" postings have Parker said Academic Computing, after in other cultures, but not in the West. Computing Department. which plugs about been blocked, though Parker said he has electronically searching the system, may have 2,800 computer operators into the USENET never looked at the material in the files. Topics like these are common within the system. effectively blocked all access to files The decision stemmed from complaints 5ee CENSOR. page 8 2 Nzw UmvuSITY '1• NEws y 18, 1992 IN THIS WEEK'S EDITION NEWS IN BRJEF The UC R~1•ot.J rtctntly ate rcp~.cnta11vt on the tta.rch ··su... h. .a rcv1t :.hould •I ~ 1ll formed a seard'I eomnuncc to sc. convruttce t ludc 111. examma·ion oflhc .uuc l.E.M.P.finds new high at UCI DISABILITY 0Al' leano~rormenexi UClc.h.l.n- Irvine Host Hotel furc:andpuucie10 :.nc:Un1vcn1I) 1 "It's g;eat Iba& there's a campus marijuana legalizauon have Students and (11a1lty ocllor. •dm.a.nutr•rvc a.pJNllJt\IJ and orga lLOS Bo1<11.LA, Sw1fWn1cr arauecl poup lbat wouldteacllpeq>lesome- tbal easy access to pot miJbt lead cxpenencc "'hat 11 is hl:e 10 Ahdc from n:pts and (a<oll) R.. lnor UC l'rtlldto1 Oa'1d l\.&Ullotl CipcC:ll 'dbc:artap<io ~n. tn· llltse days. 25 doUars cao 6- thiog wonbwbile said yonnpieis1oexpenrneD111anearly be a disabled .lflldenl. 1hc eomauuec will Girdncrwl""""""'pr<•iciuilaclc ·he rc1.M1on1.h1p tk"°'l&-Cc:n Ille ::am as as tbal." been .,e. Pun.ben'nore, Ibey claun tbal a elude two Sl'\JoCkna-onegradu.a1e: Pckuon lu•e appo11>"'61 tZ..m<m· pu>es and •tic: Office ol 1bc Pr... cconeof1wodunp-anC1gl>lb- Hciu, who bas wod<ins to- raduation Specials an4ooelllldctgradwfc-analwmi bu team ro anlJll 1in Che ltaal•t<>n Jeni... the ltttc r "'td cc ormaniuana on tbosuee~ or wards the legalizatioo of pot ror 18 typical smotct lades mOIJvauoo, rq>«SCOUllY<UldamlJcmptoyu ln 1 k-uu1othe Tl'alblllOnPta.n· The ~Cllll WUo ')C 11Uc:kd 0) clwter Co< a special , ...,,,., years. inaews Ille risk or bean dJJease, n wcU as lbe. UC pres1dcnJ u J11 ""''Gtoup. the ,_ulz<tIlle &roup Ua.A<llanocllor l\IMC•E Yowog up oo campus. lkrcr feels the sole seasoo for luog cancet aod stn1U)er Mtb ex-officio member :o - .. ~•dcc< pnlblcms and .and wiU .acllld< tic: m-eUon ;.,.or Luccio Lopn d>eoe tbo bemp's lllegality is "misiaforma- dromc ledwgy. lrorucally, OOI a In honor of your day we offer family On.::cformcd.thcCOG.'U.'Ddlce•dJ ..&bot.he IOft&Cr term tll\)N that the lrvm ll<rX<ky and Swa Cniz " ·aldloogb, lorlwn. the IWO&le llOCI." made worse by tbo IU)lllres- sio~dc.iibaseverbttn ~rded ,.._ Clllcbdale.s ..loctt<l by .... and friends of ua our ucongratulatory Uiu¥C:mry vriU ieoc. u. whaa we Althoup Sh>d<Ol Rcseni l\o<• ica1ely linked. lbs speaal 1111er- 11ve powers of the Reapolllusb io. medical journal with duect beS pr<'Suknr and gllll<r opuuons &om believe ..,,u be ~ ,ubstarul&lly Wong w1U ftOI be •Hrcclt)· IJ'lYOl\'CJ C<lOC<'ms DOI the rmobng·pc>- administration.
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