La”Kksf/Kr Vkns”K

La”Kksf/Kr Vkns”K

la”kksf/kr vkns”k Incident Response System (IRS) for District Disaster Management in District Pithoragarh vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 v/;k; IV dh /kkjk 28 dh mi/kkjk 01 ds vUrxZr o`ºr vkinkvksa ds nkSjku tuin fiFkkSjkx<+ esa vkink izcU/ku izkf/kdj.k ds vUrxZr iwoZ esa xfBr fuEuor Incident Response System (IRS) dks fuEu izdkj leLr vkinkvksa gsrq fØ;kfUor fd;k tkrk gSaA S.N. Position of IRS Nomination in IRS 1. Responsible Officer (RO) District Magistrate (DM) Pithoragarh 05964-225301,225441, 9410392121, 7579162221 1.1 Deputy Responsible Officer (DRO) ADM/CDO/ Officer Next to DM 2.0 COMMAND STAFF (CS) 2.1 Incident Commander (IC) Superintendent of Police (SP) Pithoragarh 05964-225539, 225023, 9411112082 2.2 Information & Media Officer (IMO) District Information Officer (DIO) Pithoragarh, 05964-225549, 9568171372, 9412908675 NIC Officer Pithoragarh 05964-224162, 228017, 9412952098 2.3 Liaison Officer (LO) District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) 05964-226326,228050, 9412079945, 8476903864 SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh 05964-225950, 9411112595 2.4 Safety Officer (SO) SO Police 05964-225238, 9411112888 SDO forest 9410156299 FSO Pithoragarh as per Specific Requirement 05964-225314, 9411305686 3.0 OPERATION SECTION (OS) 3.1 Operation Section Chief (OSC) SP Pithoragarh 9411112082 DSP Pithoragarh 9411111955 DFO Pithoragarh (For Forst Fire) 05964-225234, 225390, 9410503638 CMO Pithoragarh (For Epidemics) 05964-225142,225504, 9837972600, 7310801479 3.2.1 Staging Area Manager (SAM) CO Police Pithoragarh 05964-225539, 225410, 941111955 RI Police line Pithoragarh 05964-225130, 9410546489 3.3.1 Response Branch Director (RBD) SE Civil Circle, PWD Pithoragarh 05964-225220, 228309, 9759215378 PD DRDA Pithoragarh 05964-225404,228238, 9434530886 3.4.1 Transportation Branch Director (TBD) ARTO 9411112152 Supported by District Supply Officer 05964-225283, 225532, 9412910041 3.5.1 Road Operation (Group in charge) SE PWD Pitoragarh 05964-225220, 228309, 9759215378 3.6.1 Nodal Officer (Air Operation) SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh 05964-225950, 9411112595 4.0 PLANNING SECTION (PS) 4.1 Planning Section Chief (PSC) Chief Development Officer Pithoragarh (CDO) 05964-225336,224106,225304, 9520848000 4.1.1 Resource Unit Leader (RUL) SE PWD Pithoragarh 05964-225220, 228309, 9759215378 SE Jal Sansthan Pithoragarh 05964-225379, 235306, 9410347047 DDMO Pithoragarh 05964-226326,228050, 9412079945, 8476903864 4.1.2 Situation Unit Leader (SUL) DDO Pithoragarh 9412079945, 8476903864 DPRO Pithoragarh 05964-223174, 8979784559 4.1.3 Documentation Unit Leader (DUL) DHO Pithoragarh 05964-225275, 7579443185 DSTO Pithoragarh 9412923165 4.1.4 Demobilization Unit Leader (DUL) PD DRDA Pithoragarh 9434530886 5.0 LOGISTICS AND FINANCE SECTION ( L & F SECTION) 5.1 Logistics & Finance Section Chief ADM Pithoragarh 05964-225202, 227002, 9456789555 5.2 Service Branch Director (SBD) SE RWD Pithoragarh 05964-226065, 9411105717 CEO/DEO Pithoragarh 05964-225227, 9412165271, 9412943448 5.2.1 Communication Unit Leader (CUL) State Radio Officer Pithoragarh Divisional Engineer BSNL Pithoragarh, 05964-227000, 9456596754 5.2.2 Medical Unit Leader (MUL) CMO Pithoragarh 9837972600, 7310801479 Supported by DHMO 9412987201 DAMO 05964-228312 CVO Pithoragarh 05964-225319, 9568482843 5.2.3 Food Unit Leader (FUL) District Supply Officer, Pithoragarh 05964-225283, 225532, 9412910041 DFSO Pithoragarh 9411305686 5.3 Support Branch Director (Sup.BD) Chief Engineer PWD Pithoragarh 05964-224155, 9412004854 SE PWD Pithoragarh 9411197664 5.3.1 Resource Provisioning Unit Leader (RPUL) CVO Pithoragarh 05964-225319, 9837061566 5.3.2 Facilities Unit Leader (FUL) District Education Officer Pithoragarh 05964-225227, 9412929715, 9761420615 5.3.3 Ground Support Unit Officer (GSUO) GM (DIC) 05964-223574, 9412909661 DPO (ICDS) Pithoragarh 05964-227890, 9411599603 5.4 Finance Branch Director (FBD) SENIOR TREASURY OFFICER PITHORAGARH 05964-225331, 9415632070 5.4.1 Time Unit Leader (TUL) Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 5.4.2 Procurement Unit Leader (PUL) Deputy Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 5.4.3 Compensation/ Claims Unit Leader ADM Pithoragarh 9456789555 SDM All District Pithoragarh Tehsildar all District Pithoragarh 5.4.4 Cost Unit Leader Sub Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 1- mijksDr xfBr Incident Response System (IRS) ds vURkxZr of.kZr vf/kdkjh fdlh Hkh vkink dh fLFkfr esa v/kksgLrk{kjh dh vkns”k dh izfr{kk fd;s cxSj vkink dh lwpuk izkIr gksrs gh tuin vkikrdkyhu ifjpkyu dsUnz] fiFkkSjkx<+ esa ,df=r gksuk lqfuf”pr djsaxsA 2- vkink ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh vf/kdkjh ds }kjk vkns”kksa dh vogsyuk fd;s tkus ij vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 ds v/;k; 10 dh /kkjk 51 dh mi/kkjk d] [k /kkjk 52] /kkjk 55 dh mi/kkjk d] [k rFkk /kkjk 56 ds vUrxZr fof/krd dk;Zokgh vey esa yk;h tk;sxhA ¼lh0 jfo “kadj½ ftykf/kdkjh]fiFkkSjkx<+A la”kksf/kr vkns”k Incident Response System (IRS) for District Disaster Management in District Pithoragarh vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 v/;k; IV dh /kkjk 28 dh mi/kkjk 01 ds vUrxZr o`ºr vkinkvksa ds nkSjku tuin fiFkkSjkx<+ esa vkink izcU/ku izkf/kdj.k ds vUrxZr iwoZ esa xfBr fuEuor Incident Response System (IRS) dks fuEu izdkj leLr vkinkvksa gsrq fØ;kfUor fd;k tkrk gSaA S.N. Position of IRS Nomination in IRS 1. Responsible Officer (RO) District Magistrate (DM) Pithoragarh 1.1 Deputy Responsible Officer (DRO) ADM/CDO/ Officer Next to DM 2.0 COMMAND STAFF (CS) 2.1 Incident Commander (IC) Superintendent of Police (SP) Pithoragarh 2.2 Information & Media Officer (IMO) District Information Officer (DIO) Pithoragarh, NIC Officer Pithoragarh 2.3 Liaison Officer (LO) District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh 2.4 Safety Officer (SO) SO Police SDO forest FSO Pithoragarh as per Specific Requirement 3.0 OPERATION SECTION (OS) 3.1 Operation Section Chief SP Pithoragarh (OSC) DSP Pithoragarh DFO Pithoragarh (For Forst Fire) CMO Pithoragarh (For Epidemics) 3.2.1 Staging Area Manager CO Police Pithoragarh (SAM) RI Police line Pithoragarh 3.3.1 Response Branch Director (RBD) SE Civil Circle, PWD Pithoragarh PD DRDA Pithoragarh 3.4.1 Transportation Branch Director ARTO Supported by District Supply Officer (TBD) 3.5.1 Road Operation (Group in charge) SE PWD Pitoragarh 3.6.1 Nodal Officer (Air Operation) SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh 4.0 PLANNING SECTION (PS) 4.1 Planning Section Chief (PSC) Chief Development Officer Pithoragarh (CDO), 4.1.1 Resource Unit Leader (RUL) SE PWD Pithoragarh SE Jal Sansthan Pithoragarh DDMO Pithoragarh 4.1.2 Situation Unit Leader (SUL) DDO Pithoragarh DPRO Pithoragarh 4.1.3 Documentation Unit Leader (DUL) DHO Pithoragarh DSTO Pithoragarh 4.1.4 Demobilization Unit Leader (DUL) PD DRDA Pithoragarh 5.0 LOGISTICS AND FINANCE SECTION ( L & F SECTION) 5.1 Logistics & Finance Section Chief ADM Pithoragarh 5.2 Service Branch Director (SBD) SE RWD Pithoragarh DEO Pithoragarh 5.2.1 Communication Unit Leader (CUL) State Radio Officer Pithoragarh Divisional Engineer BSNL Pithoragarh, 5.2.2 Medical Unit Leader (MUL) CMO Pithoragarh Supported by DHMO, DAMO, CVO Pithoragarh 5.2.3 Food Unit Leader (FUL) District Supply Officer Pithoragarh ARTO Pithoragarh 5.3 Support Branch Director (Sup.BD) Chief Engineer PWD Pithoragarh SE PWD Pithoragarh 5.3.1 Resource Provisioning Unit Leader (RPUL) CVO Pithoragarh 5.3.2 Facilities Unit Leader (FUL) District Education Officer Pithoragarh 5.3.3 Ground Support Unit Officer (GSUO) GM (DIC)/DPO (ICDS) Pithoragarh 5.4 Finance Branch Director (FBD) SENIOR TREASURY OFFICER PITHORAGARH 5.4.1 Time Unit Leader (TUL) Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 5.4.2 Procurement Unit Leader (PUL) Deputy Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 5.4.3 Compensation/ Claims Unit Leader ADM Pithoragarh SDM All District Pithoragarh Tehsildar all District Pithoragarh 5.4.4 Cost Unit Leader Sub Treasury Officer Pithoragarh 3- mijksDr xfBr Incident Response System (IRS) ds vURkxZr of.kZr vf/kdkjh fdlh Hkh vkink dh fLFkfr esa v/kksgLrk{kjh dh vkns”k dh izfr{kk fd;s cxSj vkink dh lwpuk izkIr gksrs gh tuin vkikrdkyhu ifjpkyu dsUnz] fiFkkSjkx<+ esa ,df=r gksuk lqfuf”pr djsaxsA 4- vkink ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh vf/kdkjh ds }kjk vkns”kksa dh vogsyuk fd;s tkus ij vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 ds v/;k; 10 dh /kkjk 51 dh mi/kkjk d] [k /kkjk 52] /kkjk 55 dh mi/kkjk d] [k rFkk /kkjk 56 ds vUrxZr fof/krd dk;Zokgh vey esa yk;h tk;sxhA ¼lh0 jfo “kadj½ ftykf/kdkjh]fiFkkSjkx<+A Incident Response System (IRS) for District Disaster Management in District Pithoragarh vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 v/;k; IV dh /kkjk 28 dh mi/kkjk 01 ds vUrxZr o`ºr vkinkvksa ds nkSjku tuin fiFkkSjkx<+ esa vkink izcU/ku izkf/kdj.k ds vUrxZr fuEuor Incident Response System (IRS) dk xBu fd;k tkrk gSaA S.N. Position of IRS Nominated Officers 1. Responsible Officer District Magistrate (DM) Pithoragarh Ph.- 05964 225301, 9410392121 2. Planning Chief Chief Development Officer (CDO) Ph.- 05964 225336, 9456532814 3. Operation Chief Superintendent of Police (SP) Ph.- 05964 225539, 9411112082 4. Logistic Chief Additional District Magistrate Supported by Ph.- 05964 225202, 9456789555 Superintendent Engineer PWD Ph.- 05964 225220, 9759215378 5. Incident Commander at District Level DSP/CO Pithoragarh Ph.- 05964 225539, 9411111955 SDM Sadar Pithoragarh Ph.- 05964 225950, 9411112595 6. Nodal Officer (Air Operation) SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh Ph.- 05964 225950, 9411112595 Supported by DDMO and in Co-ordination with Army and ITBP Ph.-05964 226326, 9412079945, 8476903864 7. Liaison Officer / Nodal officer (Co-ordination) District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) Ph.- 05964 226326, 9412079945, 8476903864 8. Information and Media Officer District Information Officer (DIO), Ph.-9568171372 NIC Officer Ph.-9412952098 9. Staging Area Manager at Police Line Pithoragarh DSP/CO(Police) Supported by R.I Police Line Ph.- 9411111955, 9410546589 10. Section Head (Planning, Logistic and Operation) A Chief Medical CMO Pithoragarh Ph.- 05964 225142, 9927886702 B Chief Food Supply DSO Pithoragarh Ph.-9412910041 C Chief Transport ARTO Pithoragarh Ph.-9411112152 D Chief Communication Radio Wireless Officer Pithoragarh Ph.-9411112774 AGM (Telecom) Pithoragarh.

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