BANK Usual) Wwklr Enured is Bsfond-Olass' IrUtttt »Mt» Foil- VOLUME XLVII, NO.;31. oBoii it Rtd Dank. N, J. andir the Apt of March Id. 181V, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28,1925. etwocn her son, Bruno Terri, and jimong the schools outside of HATCHING THE ECLIPSE. SIGMUND EISNER'S WILL. e'r husband, John Porri, in a will 0 MOVE HIS BUSINESS. the high /chool. The enrollment of VISITING NATIVE' UND. vhlch was made sovon years ago. River street school 13 made up er son was named flsjixeiutor. tYES A&V SMOKED GLASSES RED BANK CHURCHES SHARE ROBERT S. JOHNSON HAS'OUT- iCHOOL SAVINGS almcBt entirely of foic gii born chil- VITO MARASCIO ON A TRIP GEORGE BRAY'S DAISY Mrs. Elizabeth A. White of As: (liwjj ehiefly of Italian parentage. UPTURNED TO THE HEAVENS. IN HIS ESTATES GROWN PRESENT STORE. ED AT RE! TO ITALY.V . •'•• TWO RACES. Jty. ,TBrk,iJwansfttJied her entire Jiost foreign countries practice Value of His Estate Estimated at How tho Broad Strpet Bank and tho far. state to" her granddaughter, Mary ncrerainj Business. Hat Cauted thrift, frugality nnd' caving to a His Mother WilFProbably Return All Boats of t1i«'North ShreWibutV '"' $12,000,000—Old Employees Rev Pripcip>jA.,,find...JeB.c|!)er:;i-';p.f thp. #11 Hour 0/ So—Controversy •• umnck, who was' also nnmed as Him to Rent One of the Stores in Tnuc|r;'greater1 extent than, the witli Him to tntl Her Days Here Cluh to Carry Numbers Wh^ii, ' celte Bequests—Widow Is Left the Buildinj; Formerly Owned by Schools pre' Inculcating the Sav- ;lo Whether » Man or Woman >• oxoc'utri^qf the_will.. Mrs. White Ujiitcil Stales and the.River street ( With Her> Four\Son» Who Are All Hiicin-—Club Members to En« Bulk of Estat. for Her Lifetime. ing Hnbit in Children. •Jit the.Moon. -V made hor will June Otli, 1921. " the Second NationalVBanfc- '" school's, banking account is an ex- -;t«r!h:h Red; Bank Visitors. , Httttie R. Jowejl of Tcnnont mnde Throe -weeks HEP n'; banking sj:,s: I .Not much business was. 'dono at The will' ot Slgmand Eisner, who' Robert S. Johnson has rented one emplification- of tkb fact. Vilo Marjiscio, who; for several •Tiio North •'Shrewsb'ary ICB boat ler.will in 1010.. She cllrccted-that tein was established in nil the hqd Dank Saturday morning be- died at his home on West Front 3f the stores in the building former- lied Kanlr Kac¥ Wrdnn L ;A"s • 1i5s alB0almos|lt -.always"""J8 , Kth!e e Cllscasc e years h:u conducted a /shoe fihininij p.nd yacht club Thursday resumed tombstone similar^-_to the ones wliori11 ^; ' K(:l1001I I1*'IS* S s' .1' IwsBn tHo hour of half-past eight •tract, Red Bnnk, January. 6th, was ly .occupied-by" the Second-hBtionul thVnunih^of baihS / 'ia«tkihgf-is-done, the parlor- inU,,hoction -.witli the' Mn- i««-yacht railing after over i)ncii Irid half-past nine o'clock. Pretty probated at freehold last week. Mr. ivor tha graves of her parents He bank and now owned by John S,- uii. pupn^oi cacn 01 :,„,',„;,„•-.„, ,,,i ,,!n,,,,nf „„„,,„„ ,,„„„• -1,.1!.tio barMshoy ftri'Front Street, the 08 rooms, of the .tchool. makei*^ "^ ^a\ weeks off',- , idlcne'3idlenes3s due ilo hqnvv touch nil tho «toro owners and prot- Eisner made his will January 7th, placed.on^ her .grave.-..-Ail' of her \pplegate ajul George- Hance Pat- po K dpppsil-e .tfio. fountain, left Saliiriltiy snows,'- liR!it nirz,. rain and tlidws.., 1920, and it was witnessed by Ben-! jptato was left to her sister, Eliza- ;«raon. Tha. quartern which were their'deposits.' The money is .then ! S'- ;° . ? i • ly much nil ,th« clerks vtere out on !1 e ho wln for thtt 5CI 0r hish morning on\ tha I steamship Cmite Seven kmU started In Thursrinv |ho siilowalks looking at the eclipse jamln J. Parker and Franif Mc- beth J. Symmes, who with Frank R. rticatod by tho bank have been di- taken to the Broad street national i ! ? . f. " bank. .ThTtfctalnumbor of pupils]"1!00'}1"1 "rst f^' ™ccV ^^i VerdIiI ifor Italy, wncra he-will spend afternoon's pvent for pointi on the!" Mnhon of the Second national bank lymmes, was named as executor," Ided into two'^torcs, one at the ir-the sun through smoked glasses enrolled, in tho schools-is 2,285. f"^,?1 P"1.""'- - On- the other two-tor three mojjths. Mr. Muras- Willinm W. Vaughnn trophy Gcorira of Red Bank, of which- Mi. southeast corner of Broad nnd-Wal- '"% • photograph pogatives, BusU Tho-total number'of denositoU. is :lland •«»«.»'"'« largeslarKest -deposit.deppiitejdo'ss • eio's fgej d Diother/iiHn yl \\VV . HHrn,v':' i L'i won thhe cventi isstwas riot hurt tho least, bit by Eisner had been a director dvor 25 STAMP COLLECTORS. i\ce streets and one on Broad street. made by v i 1,808. which the pupils .of thnt trip iabclnc m'a'tl,e'iri "the hopes of licr fourth, straight win* Is •aoBor.tion of tho stores. Evory- years. Mr. Eisner, was. the founder, Mr. Johnson has leased the store Mr. Gi Revenue Stamps Shown by, Arthur 83.7-10 pw'cent. "perauiilipjr'Wr to-return-with him Thomas Irving Brown'ii Huy Wliprfc arid head of ono of the largest uni- ivhich fronts on Broad street jind he p The total amount! ^ , idywho wanted to buy anything Trafford and T. Irving Brown. llls last vcd the to- the Uniteed Statca.' • Mrs. Claras- j WM rccaml nnd Reubenn Whitu'Whituss GoGot ||i|:ofT_the crrnhds -until lator In form manufacturing companies in ivill movo his radio business tbero of the. deposits-fr $1,816, or a trifle [ > : The - Monmotuh county philatelic. 0W c cenl c cio'si' i fouf r s"ons" ^ .-Franlt,'Do'niinic,!,TherFl'D'ii!Th e .thirdhid. Other, stnilvi' weirf* To1 day and, llko the storekeepers the world with the main), plant, lo- ebruary 1st." 'Ho has leased a por- more than $500 a-weck-ior the throe i.'<!u8 V ] »K to°[ tw<l°l>°«toro causesa. toOne be ] Vi :lub, compoead of amateur collec- The.lowest amount.now to |j Vilo and Jaine3, arc her only livinjj l'1-fehry' App! cute'.-! Whim, Ueniatmn id clerks, gazed at tho sun through cated at Rod -Bank. ,Ho was also a tion of his new quarters to Harold is that pupils in the. higher l.rel. tors of foreign and domestic postage the crodit'of any pupil.is one cent. rel/.tives and the sens have written i Fi^cke'n Our.i, und Cjcorjie FT. nribk'od^glassoa nnd negatives while largo real crttito" holder In Red Aiteiv, \ybo is nn electrician and who grades feel the money spending the mother to-induce her to come to j Ackorman's Tyro.-' stamps, met Friday night nt,the of- The highest deposit i3 ?20. ' '. ' i Iho moon shut out the light of the Bank. The. will does not'disclone eella electrical fixture's. - Ufa-. Allen America to moke, her home with |, Another point re.ee wri lirld l''rl- fice of Hcndrickspn & Stout on cxt011t a N the value of. the estata but- It., la now sharc/i part of the buildint; Tho syste.system of J.unki.iB.aJmnking.at tlithec ' ReRed i TO * ( " Broad street, -A largo part of the llank schools is known as education- \ tlcP'f,r Per'0,d ^ «*. anVme f tliini and to enjoy the comforts pi d:iy with. Mr. Bi-ay'n boat taking JpThe rhoori was throe minutes later estimated that. It will amount to where Mr. Johnson conducts his bus- ing their scliq.ul lives. The second evening was devoted to the-perusal al thrift service, It was evolved by for tho rest of her days. this event, m-jkiiiR her fifth Btraighfe |n*-: performing this feat than the $12,000,000, -,"-.'. iness oh White .street' • . reason is that many of these higher of an extensive, collection of United a New York concern and any bank V Frrana k ana d DominiDmi c Mnraaeinraaeio con-i i victorictory thithiss season'. ' Mr.- Drown'* {sti'Qhomers had predicted.- One 1 The, radio business has outgrown grade pupils have re;;ulr.r banking In the wilt; Mr., Eisner named his States revenue stamps exhibited by which adopts this-system;hn's to.pay duct the barber shop; Jnmes has a ! Say When was second nnd lian who gazed at'tho eclipse no- wife, Bertha' Eisner',''and his four its present quarters, and it'will bo accounts of their own. .8 'homas Irving ^Brown of Broad for the-system as well us for the shoe store adjoining the barber.shop White's Get' There third as ,irt ticed the1 moon's lateness in getting moved for this reason. Mr. John 1 soni,'-H. Raymond, J; Lester, Mori-; itroet, who has one of. tho largest stationery and other tbing3 supplied The school bank will-operate all, and\VHo lias the slioe shining par Thursday :! race.." Other boats in irj'tho job and ho remarked that son was one of tho first to engage in roe and Victor ElsneiyaB executors, imatcur postage stamp collections by tho concern for the. operation of the year. The details of just how lor. ,\ Tlie boys' have been very tho race were tho Whim, Tyro, thore was no man in tho moon, as selling and repairing wireless outfits The first.beciueBt:in'the will dispose* in this part of the state.
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