Staunton Virginia Beach Washington Bellingham Centralia Kennewick

Staunton Virginia Beach Washington Bellingham Centralia Kennewick

735 -8369. Licensee: Apple Valley Broadcasting Inc. Virginia, Washington TV Staunton Co- owned: satellite of KAPP Yakima. ABC. Darrell ADI No. 60; see Richmond market Blue, gen mgr; J. Marcus Abod, stn mgr; Thom Spencer, news dir; Neil Bennett, chief engr. 'WVPT -ch 51, 525 kw vis, 67.6 kw aur, ant gen sls mgr; Anne Driscoll, prog dir; Dave Donahue, 2,230Ú46g. Sep 9, 1968. 298 Port Republic Rd., prom mgr; Eldon Brown, chief engr. On 21 CAM's Harrisonburg 22801. (703)434 -5391. Licensee: She- Pasco -196,000 subs. nandoah Valley EN Corp. PBS. Wash atty: Coving- ADI No. 126; see Yakima market ton & Burling. Arthur E. Albrecht, pres; Harold Good, WTVR -TV -ch 6, 100 kw vis, 15.1 kw aur, ant bus mgr; Jeff Schleifer, dew dir; Wanda Swecker, prog KEPR -TV-ch 19, 490 kw vis, 88.3 kw aur, ant 1,049t/840g. April 22, 1948. 3301 W. Broad St. 23230. dir; Cathee Clausen. prom mgr; David Burgess, dir of 1,203Ú354g. Dec 28, 1954. Licensee: Retlaw Enter- (804) 254 -3600. TWX: 710 -756 -0178. Licensee: Roy engrg. On 15 CAN'S- 94,000 subs. On 4 trans. prises Inc. (acq 11- 25 -86). CBS. Rep: Katz. Wash H. Park Broadcasting of Va. Inc. (acq 11 -65). atty: Wiley, Rein, & Fielding. Dale Hazen, VP & gen Ownership: See Park Communications Inc., also Virginia Beach mgr; Steve Crow, stn mgr; Stu Seibel, prog dir; Jim nwspr. CBS. Rep: Blair. Wash atty: Wiley, Rein & Hall, news dir; Don Eckis, chief engr. ADI No. 42; see Norfolk- Portsmouth -Newport News Fielding. Richard Pegram, gen mgr; Wanda Lewis, - KNDU -See Richland. gen sls mgr; Bailey Dwiggins, film buyer; Charles Hampton market Fishburne, news dir. On 22 CAM's- 100,120 subs WVBT-ch 43, 5,000 kw vis, 500 kw aur, ant Co-owned: WTVR-AM -FM. Rates: $2000; 300; 250. 425Ú450g. (CP: 1,648 kw vis, ant 1236.56t). Not on Pullman air, target date unknown. c/o Daniel Goldman, 408 W. ADI No. 77; see Spokane market WWBT-ch 12, 316 kw vis, 63.1 kw aur, ant Bute St., Norfolk 23510. (804) 627-4436. Permittee: 790t/1,000g. Stereo. April 29, 1956. Box 12 23201; Virginia Beach Television Inc. Daniel Goldman, pres. *KWSUTV-ch 10, 117 kw vis, 11.7 kw aur, ant 5710 Midlothian Turnpike 23225. (804) 233-5461. 1,350Ú300g. Sep 24, 1962. Edward R. Murrow TWX: 804 -230 -2792; FAX: (804) 230 -2793. Licensee. Communications Center, Wash. State U. 99164. (509) Jefferson -Pilot Broadcasting Co. of Va. Ownership: 335-6588. Licensee: Wash. State U. PBS. Dennis See Jefferson -Pilot Stns. NBC. Rep: Petry. Wash atty: Washington Haarsager, gen mgr; Warren Wright, prog mgr; John Kirkland & Ellis. Jim Babb, pres; John Hutchinson, Gray, chief engr. On 28 CAM's- 116,000 subs. On gen mgr; Ellen Shuler, gen sls mgr; John Shreves 1 trans. Co-owned: * KWSU(AM)- KRFA-FM- KFAE -FM. prom mgr, film buyer & special projects mgr: Paul New TV-ch 24, 100 kw vis, Ant 9701. Not on air, target Escobar, controller, Harvey Powers, news dir; Dave Bellevue date unknown. 9235 Neb.175th, Bothell, 98011. Frasier, bcst opns mgr. On 49 CAM's- 218,853 P -N -P ADI No. 15; see Seattle- Tacoma market Licensee: Broadcasting. subs. Rates: $600; 250; 40. KBEH -ch 51, 5000 kw vis, 500 kw aur, ant WXEX -TV- (Petersburg). ch 8, 257 kw vis, 34.4 kw 1,635Ú272g. (CP: 1,022 kw vis, ant 2,4241). Not on air, Richland aur, ant 1,050t/999g. Aug 15, 1955. Arboretum Stereo. target date unknown. c/o 980 West Sunset Way, ADI No. 126; see Yakima market Place 23236. (804) 330 -8888. FAX: (804) 330-8881. Isaquah 98027. Permittee: Bellevue Broadcasting Co. Licensee: Nationwide Communications Inc. Owner- Ltd. Ownership: Darlene C. McHenry, gen ptnr, 20 %; KNDU -Ch 25, 550 kw vis, 55 kw aur, ant 2,416Ú180g. ship: See Nationwide Communications Stns. ABC. Marie G. O'Neill, ltd ptnr. 30 %; Jerry O'Neill, ltd ptnr, July 1, 1961. 3312 West Kennewick Ave., Kennewick Rep: Katz -American. Wash atty: Fletcher, Heald & 30 %: Wayne D. Tanaka, ltd ptnr, 10%; Dennis D. 99336. (509) 783 -6151. TWX: 510- 777 -5353. Li- Hildreth. Joseph Lewin, gen mgr; Jack Porray, gen Sutter, ltd ptnr, 10 %. censee: Farragut Communications (acq 2-88). NBC. Rep: Seltel, Art Moore. Wash atty: Wiley, Rein & sls mgr; Sandhi Kozsuch, opns dir; Ann Fitzgibbon, KBGE 33, 1,418 Ant -ch kw vis, 938t. May 17, 1989. Fielding. Elliot Kleeman, gen mgr; Dave Dalthrop, stn prom mgr; Wayne Lynch, news dir; Tom Beauchamp, 417 2nd Nest 98119. (206) 286 -5299. Licensee: mgr; Rita Lockhart, prog dir; Ken Toney, prom mgr; chief engr. On 47 CAN'S- 282,745 subs Robert Gill Communication Ltd Partnership. Wash atty: Christine Brown, news dir; Ed Lyon, chief engr. On Bill Fitz. Bob Gill, pres & gen mgr; Joel Eisenberg, 17 CATV's-44,275 subs. On 3 trans. gen sls mgr. Roanoke `KTNW-ch 31, 53.5 kw vis, 5.35 kw aur, ant 1,198Ú36g. Oct 18, 1987. Murrow Communications ADI No. 89; see Roanoke -Lynchburg market Bellingham Center, Washington State U., Pullman 99164 -2530. 'WBRA-TV-ch 15, 631 kw vis, 92 kw aur, ant ADI No. 15; see Seattle-Tacoma market (509) 335-6511. Licensee: Washington State U. 2,050Ú265g. Stereo. (CP: 3,112 kw vis, ant 2,0621). PBS. Dennis L. Haarsager, gen mgr; Warren Wright, KBCB -ch 64, 42.7 kw vis, Ant 2,217t. Not on air, Aug 1, 1967. Box 13246 24032. (703) 344 -0991. FAX: prog dir; Elizabeth Carroll, dew dir; John Gray, chief target date unknown. c/o 111 3rd St., Des Moines, engr. Co-owned: KFAE -FM, KWSU(AM), KRFA-FM. (703) 857 -7205. Licensee: Blue Ridge Public Tele- Iowa 50309. Permittee: Prism Broadcasting Corp. vision Inc. PBS. Wash atty: Cohn & Marks. Samuel P. McNeil, pres; Larry A. Dyer, gen mgr; Jon Boettcher, KVOS -TV -ch 12, 229 kw vis, 45.7 kw aur, ant prog dir; Sara Bemiller, prom mgr; Ronald Smith, chief 2.370Ú141g. June 3, 1953 1151 Ellis St. 98225. (206) Seattle engr. On 25 CAM's- 137,009 subs. On 2 trans. 671 -1212. Telex: 32-8812. Licensee: KVOS TV Inc. ADI No. 15; see Seattle-Tacoma market (acq 6-61). Ownership: See Ackerley Communications WDBJ-ch 7, 316 kw vis, 62.5 kw aur, ant 2,000t/78g. Inc. CBS. Rep: Seltel. Wash atty: Rubin, Winston & KCPQ-(Tacoma). ch 13, 316 kw vis, 31.6 kw aur, ant Oct 3, 1955. Box 7 24022. (703) 344 -7000. Licensee: Dierks. David Reid, VP, gen mgr & prog dir; John 2,000í/708g. 1954. Box 98828, 4400 Steilacoom Blvd. S.W.. Tacoma 98499. (206) 582-8613. TWX: WDBJ -TV Inc. (acq 11- 1 -69). Ownership: Schurz Gibson, gen sls mgr; Bemi Holsworth, prom mgr; 910.441- Communications Inc. CBS. Rep: Harrington, Righter Margot Wilson, news dir; Don Luchsinger, chief engr. 1606. Licensee: Kelly Television Co. (acq 2 -79). & Parsons. Wash atty: Brown, Finn & Nietert, Chart- 220 CAM's- 781.384 subs. Rates: $225; 175; 75. Ownership: Kelly Broadcasting Co. Fox, CBS, NBC. ered. Charles H. McKeever, pres & gen mgr; Carl Rep: TeleRep. Wash atty: Koteen & Naftalin. Roger Guttey, opns dir; George V. Bassett, gen sls mgr; Kay Offenbach, gen mgr; Robert E. Kelly, ptnr & prog dir; Hall, dir prog & prom; Jim Shaver, news dir; Al Dyson, Centralia Dan Jensen, stn mgr; Jay Maxey, gen sls mgr; Robert Galvin, prom mgr; Larry Brandt, chief engr. On 65 chief engr. On 66 CAM's- 251,000 subs. ADI No. 15; see Seattle- Tacoma market CAM's- 1,148,164 subs. Rates: $4,000; 600; 200. WEFC-ch 38, 1112 kw vis, 111 kw aur, ant `KCKA -ch 15, 537 kw vis, 64.6 kw aur, ant `KCTS -TV-ch 9, 275 kw vis, 55 kw aur, ant 1,625Ú346g. Nov 15, 1984. 612 Bullitt Ave., S.E., 1.500Ú180g. October 1982. 1101 S. Yakima, Tacoma 8301/5909. (CP: 316 kw vis, 63 kw aur). Dec 7, 1954. 24013. Licensee: Vine & Branch Inc. C. Kenneth 98405. (206) 272-1528. Licensee: Tacoma School 401 Mercer 98109. (206) 728-6463. Licensee: KCTS Wright, pres; R.B. Stewart Sr., gen mgr; E.T. Griffis, District No. 10. Wash atty: McKenna, Wilkinson & Association (acq 7- 15 -87). PBS. Wash atty: Dow, prog dir; Andrew Wright. chief engr. Rates: $75; 35; Kittner. Ron Lively, stn mgr; Debbie Emond, prom Lohnes & Albertson. Burnill Clark, pres & CEO; Tom mgr; Lori Vand, dew dir. On On 10 CAM's- 75,000 35. Howe, sr VP & stn mgr; Pat Malenson, press relations; subs. On 1 trans. WSLS -TV-ch 10, 316 kw vis, 47 kw aur, ant Walter Parsons, sr VP finance & admin; Ron Rubin, 2,000Ú241g. Dec 11, 1952. Box 2161, 24009. (703) exec producer; Dorothy Paton, dir dew; Michelle Barry, 981 -9110. TWX: 710- 870 -0428. Licensee: Park Com- Everett dir communications; Emie Neumann, VP tech svcs. On 116 CAM's- 1,611,980 subs On 6 trans. munications Inc. Ownership: See Park Communica- ADI No. 15; see Seattle-Tacoma market tions Inc., nwspr. NBC. Rep: Wash also Blair. atty: KHCV -ch 45. Not on air, target date unknown. 10642 McKenna, Wilkinson & Kittner. Roy H. Park, pres; KONG -TV -ch 16, 5000 kw vis, 500 kw aur, ant S. Downey Ave.. Downey, Calif. 90241. Permittee: L. VP & gen mgr; Pete Watkins, 1,2751/299g. Not on air, target date unknown. c/o James DeSchepper, Allen E. Horn. gen sls mgr; Maruma Warren, film buyer; Mark Leslie, First -Tel Systems, 7700 Edgewater Dr., No.

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