7 tfi Fieff fugiment ftoy I r4,ust r a k an fl rtitte ry 2009 t-fc lo giefffugiment 2009 COTWETVTS CommaadingOfficer LTCOL M.Shaddy RegimentalSergeont Mojor WOI B.Annstroag 28" Field Bottery MAJ G.Apptewhite 113"'Field Battery CAPT G.Nichots Australia Dq) Salute CAPTM.Jones Ex Shot Sta LFX Mdrch LT T,Egqn Ex SlazeeleLF){ Jun WO2P.Sengos Ex Fast Burrr LFX Sept LT G. Newton Training Prcgram RHQ Mortarc llikipedia The Infantry Load WO2Kurihg (Arrny Website) The Yeu ih Photos WO2Sengos /SSGT Kennedy Nominal Roll Mr p,M,Keys Waftie Photos The Internet Misc Articlesfrom the /, F,AB ,r,ar Diories A ustra I ian War M emorisl t CommandingOflicer this has To all membersof 7 Fd Regt, congratulalionson your efforts in 2009 While us' I can been a most challengingyeai with considerablerestriclions being placed upon^ year ln alsoso statethat during my 3 yearsas CO' this has alsobeen our most successlul l ;eeting targetsset by iigher and in our abiliB to setthe foundation.forfr':ture success usto rise and can truihful-l,vsay that the spirit and dedicationoiyou all hasagain allowed I applaud .""t tf',"r" "Lutl"ng.r' Toihisend, full creditgoes to membersofthe unit and successes vou for the work and dedicarionyou have shownrhis year' In particular'our continueto be in the provisionof: task5 a. Soldiersfor Ops,particularly in the Solomonls and on boardersecurity b. Joint Fire Team (JFT) capabilil-Yto 2'd Division's High ReadinessReserve IHRR) c. ReserveResponse Force (RRF) capability for securityOperations d. Supportto ADF activitiessuch as Talisman Sabre alrd Special Forces taining e. Sefting the foundation for unit groMh and transition to a ne\1'offensive supportdelivery system fot the Division BRIG Despitethe challenges\re faced,our targetsremain unchanged Our Commander' Force s;i;., h^ made tiar support for ADF operations,meeting Reserve-R€sponse us (RRF) and High ReadinessResen'e (HRR) largetsas the-greatestgoals imposedon to sho!" the andthe R.servesin general. I can statewith pride that 7 Fd Regt continues 8 unit way in all theseu.Jas. Fol instancesince last I wrote we have had o! have Company m#bers in the Solomon Is, 2 in border defenceoPerations, I at Rifle our LT Butterwonh and 4 engagedin fhe Victorian BushfireAssist activitiesincluding Wallin who actedas the 8 Bde detachmentcommander' for the We havebeen no lesssuccessful in providingHigh ReadinessReserve capability and BDE. Our requirementshave beento provide2 HRR JFT/ForwardObserver team these' we have the requisitenumbers signed or have indicatedthey will sign to me€t we though one is short ofthe rank re-quirementsto be acceptedthis year' In additron' and have"anumber who are in the processof si$ing to meet JFT requiresfor 5 BDE meelrng drive$ meetingBDE ratherthan unit targeis Well andtruly we are-more-than morepeople under HRR,JFT roles than our "otfr".goalshere.- Indeed as of September,TFd had closeto u"y nCe reserveunit in iustralia. The story is similar for RRF- We are 40% over the targetsset for us and thereare still othersin the unit who have indicated their interestin j;ining RRF. Having saidthis I must emphasisesthat the commitment By ouisolaie.s ttuueglu"n- injoining ttrenRl andthe HRR arenol to be underestimated' and enteringthese sch-.-es ou. soldi... acceptthe call to be trajnedto the highestlevels provide-a commitmentto serveon short notice. Thereis little doubt that 7 Fd gunners notethis anddeliberately seek 1l) meet this call frre Despitethese targets, we havenot slowedin meetingour fiaditional role of^offensive naumbgr.:fLFXs' have suppon fo. the 6DE. This calendaryear we have planned9 trainrng shownwhat we can do by providingoffensive firc supportfor the SpecialForces yeat all and Darticipatedin TalismanSabre. The latler is panicularlynoteworthy This our HHR membersnot on operationsaflended Talisrnan Sabre ajoint ADF andAmerican exercisein Queensland.Under the leadershipof CAPT Fiower our HRR providedJFT servicesand laid the groundworkfor future supponby showingoff the prolessionalism and knowledgeof 7 Fd membersto their ARA. counlerpans l applaudall of our HRR membersfor their effons here Havingsaid this I needto saythat 2010 hold even more challenges not leastbeing th€ starl of our transition to Light Arlillery or morlars. Directives from higher have confirmedthat 28 Bty will give up thejt gunsand convertto mortarsirom April 2010. Our I 13 Bty $'ill retainits gunsin the meantimebut will transitionto mortarsfrom April 2011. While as gunners\4e arelikely to be most emoliveabout losing the Sunsu'e must be cognisanlthat this transitionis in fact a new opportunityfor the R-A.Aand the reserves in general.lt allowsRese eRAAunitstofill anichecapability and \\'ill seeus filling genuineoperational gaps within ADF formations As with the I-IRRand RRF I am sure yoLrwill take the challengeand overachieveas you have always succeededin doing Again the f'lexibility we continueto show setsthe reasons$hy 7 Fd Regt confinuesto suNiveand grow asa Reseneunit. On a final poinr I needto expressm)'. sadness in writing to you for the lasttime Atier 3 yearsit is time for me to move on. In addition,the time u'ill also be to hand for the OPSO,RSM, the two SMIGSand the padreto mov€ on to their new postings. To all thoseI thankthem for their elforts in helpingthe Regtmove forward Nonetheless,even a casualrevierv will showthat we will be losinga numberofsenior people Despitethis, I believethat throughyour efforts in the last fe$'yearsue havepicked up on the work of our ARA stalfatd havetruly setthe scenefor the unit to continueto grow liom strenglh to strength.ln addition,we have ensuredkey stalf continuity b)' the retentionof our 2 currenlBCs, Majors Applewhiteand Nicholson, our XO. Major Weaver,the ADIT and our oPS wo \\'hoassumes the positionof sMlc 28 Bt)' in 2010 Alsothenewco' 'Paddy' LTCOL Palmerand the RSM, WOI McGanyrepresenl a wealthof experience and unde$tandingas to R-AA issues.To8ether Nith the existing OCs will have no problemsin leadingthe unit duringthis currenttime of change.While I will lookback over the years and nole with pride the successthe unit has had and your supporl in makingthese happen, I alsoneed to look to the futureand look forwardto hearingofthe continuedsuccess ofthe unit. Despiteall that hashappened this year,we can restassured that $'e havecompleted much and have set up the groundwork to achieveour aims for 2010 There is also no doubt that our challengesfor next yearrvill be greatbut our experietcesof the pastshows we will haveno troubiein meetingthem. To thisend I wishto thankall membersofthe unlt for their suppoftbut also say this in anticipationfor the supportwe will receiveln the comingyear. Ubique Max Shaday LieutenantColonel CommandingOlficer WARR{NT OFFICERCLASS ONE B.L. ARMSTRONG REGIMENTALSERGEANT MAJOR 7IhFIELD REGIMENT As I sit downto *rite the RSMSrepofi for thisyear, I not only reflec1ofthe yearthal haspast but alsomy tenureas RSM 7'nField Regiment. On thewall ofmy officesits theRSM'S pace stick. Inscribed on the stickare the names ofthe formerRSMS ofthe Regimentdating back to WOI L.A. Cooperin 1972.There are many distinguished Gunne$amongst the list ofnames,I amproud to be listedalong sjde these mer. Thisyear the Regimenthas been as busy as it haseYer bcen, I haveattended many conferencesover the last fe\\'monlhs and many times Commanders have said to mc thatfie Regimentis pulchingaboye its $eight.Despite many distractions rlithin the SecondDivision and u'ithin the Corps generall) $'e are still prcducingcapabilitv. Muchof\\hat hasbeen achieve can be directl)attributed to thc hard\\'ork and positiveattitude ofthe seniorsoldiers within the Regiment, for this I wouldlike to say tharl(you.I wouldask that this continueinto thefuture, the leadership and drive to implementchange must be demonstratedat thislevel. To thesoldiers ofthe Regiment,thal]l you for yourpatience as we transitioninto our 'calm ne\\'weaponssystem. The dictionary describes the word patience as and uncomplainingendurance, calmness in waiting'. My recenttrip to the Schoolof Arrilleryand information provided by thehigher lerels ofcommand suggests that the $'aitis overand u.e can no$ geton wilh thejob in 2010. Thereare lots of rumourscirculating aboul the future ofthe RA-A$ithin the Second Division.This is a commo!occurrence as a lesultofa changein governnent,as the new govefi]mentexplore options and methods of steamliningand cutting expense. I amconfident that the Regiment will continueto playa role intothe futureas it hasfor manyyears. However, we cannot affordto 'standeasy' and become complacent, we mustcontinue 10 achieve capability. In closing,I wouldalso like to thankthe Officers ofthe Regiment.Thank you, for yourguidance and support during my timeas RSM. To themenbers mofing on posting,I hopethat you have enjoyed your posting at 7o FieldRegiment as I have.To thoseremaining, I wish youall thebest in thefuture. UBIQUE AUSTRALIADAY SALUTE26 JAN2OO9 FdRegt were proud to supporl the o""Y"ll 7 FdReqt and 23 for?:1y"":l:"dthe 21 Gun lJ"]" ii'ii"Jt. in" unitiproviolo three Gun Detachments S-aluteat MrsMacquarie's Chair' werelooking foMard Theweather on the day was splendid and all membeF recognisedand praised by i;'il;;;;,t. ilS;in Polys,the Gunners were inepuotic toi tneirpart in the day's celebrations startfollowed by movement to Theevent ran smoothly beginning with an early gurr""L"unde; Police escort for rehearsal During the rehearsal v"loriu participantswere "ui"ror*f Oiiff*u" performedand repeated to ensure^all commandersIn ;;;i;;il. ih; ""tduct of thedrills The Detachment
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