In this Number: THE HABIT OF BEAUTY. See Table Contents, Page 5. P R i n r 1 o _ r r g THE NAUTILUS. iinm m H m m uiinTnnmU'J WONDERFUL FREE TRIAL OFFER OF THE VIBRO-LIFE THE LATEST, GREATEST VIBRATOR. NO ELECTRICITY. THE OKLY' HAND-OPERATED VIBRATOR WITH INTERCHANGEABLE, FACIAL, BODY AND SCALP APPLICATIONS. REMOVING WRINKLES FOR INDIGESTION Gives 500 to 50,000 Delightful and Effective Vibrations per Minute W omen remove wrinkles, double chin, baggy cheeks, etc., develop neck and bust, restore Complexion of youth and massage the scalp. Men massage after shaving, prevent baldness, relieve pain, indigestion, constipation, headaches, sleeplessness, rheumatism, deafness and nervousness. VIBRATION IS NOW RECOGNIZED the world over as the great­ est aid to health and beauty available. It promotes beauty and restores health by increasing the circulation of the blood to the part massaged. It is local exercise which builds up weak and scrawny tissues and distributes deposits of excess fat. You can perfect your face or figure to suit their needs, stop all pains due to congestion, inflammation of superficial muscles or irritated nerves and secure instant relief and per­ manent improvement in many ailments difficult to cure by ordinary means. VIBRO-LIFE VIBRO-LIFE USES NO ELECTRICITY WTTTT \ p p t irA Tnuc an^ can operated by a child, merely by turning the crank. Through LiL-AiUKb a marvelously simple invention, one turn of the handle yields 100 vibra- . tions, two turns a second yields 12,000 vibrations a minute. Nothing to get out of order, no expense for batteries or electric current. Small, light and convenient. Can j tucked in a hand satchel or a corner of the drawer in the dresser. Always ready for instant use. , lne_ speed of the Vibro-Life can be regulated from 500 to 50,000 vibrations per minute, according to the requirements of each particular ailment, per speed directions furnished with each machine. This feature makes the Vibro-Life the only safe and satisfactory vibratort For Rheumatism, Jmllgestion Very Effective in Congtipn- Slie Considers It a Necessity and Lame Rack tion Gentlemen: I am returning to Gentlemen: In reply to yours pf Gentlemen: Kindly send one of recent date, I beg to say that the you by bearer my vibrator. I ac­ your booklets to Louis F. Grave­ cidentally dropped it this morning Vibrator I purchased from you has line, No. 142 Franklin St., Albany, certainly benefited me wonderfully. and wish you would examine it to N. Y., as he wants to purchase one see whether it has been damaged I have been using it for indigestion of your Vibrators. I am very well and lame back. It has entirely pleased with the one I got from any. If so kindly repair it and re­ cured the lame back and has made you some time ago. I use it for con­ turn it to me at the earliest pos­ a great improvement on the indi­ sible moment, as I cannot do with­ stipation, and I find it very effec­ out it. I consider it just as neces­ gestion. I might also add that my tive, and cheerfully recommend it mother has used it for sciatic rheu­ to anyone suffering from that trou­ sary to a woman’s toilet as a comb matism. She says it is worth it? ble. You may publish this letter and brush. weight in gold. E. L. O’CONNOR, if you wish. Yours truly, MRS. G. L. CARPENTER, Pres. E. L. O’Connor Mfg. Co. WILLIAM O. SULLIVAN, 134 E. 16th St., New York City. 520 W. 111th St., New York. 233 E- 33d St., New York. TRY A VIBRO-LIFE AT OUR RISK 1 Vit?ro'L T e dU.if ht.s every. one who tries it. You need a vibrator for health, appearance, or both. We know that the Vibro-Life is positively the best $10.00 vibrator on the market. We know that if you try it, you will keep it. Hence we make you this Special Trial Offer: Send us $8.00 and state that you are a reader of 1 he Nautilus, and we will send you a complete $10.00, handsomely nickel-plated Vibro-Life, with three applicators, and full directions for use, express prepaid. If you are not delighted with it, return it by express collect, within 7 days of receipt, and we will refund every cent you have paid us. Don’t delay, as this offer may not appear again, and large sales are liable to exhaust our stock. Send your order now. Illustrated booklet on Vibration Free. EUREKA VIBRATOR CO., Dept. 75, 1269 Broadway, NEW YORK P. S.—We also make the Eureka Automatic Electric Vibrator, containing a motor, which runs by city electric lighting current. We do not make battery operated vibrators, as they are never satisfactory. When replying to advertisements please mention The N a u tilu s. TRANSCRIPT PRINT. In this Number: TH E H ABIT OF BEAUTY. See Table Contents, Page 5. THE NAUTILUS. NEW THOUGHT CENTERS. LIST OF BOOKS Following is a lis t o f New Thought centers, reading BY ELIZABETH TOWNE. rooms, bookstores, etc., where New T h o u g h t publications may be found, and where visitors are always welcome. PRACTICAL METHODS FOR SELF-DEVELOP­ MENT, SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, PHYSICAL. ATLANTIC CITY, IV. J.—F. D. Martini, Palmist, 160 pages on antique paper, new half-tone of the Delaware ave. and Board Walk. author; well bound in cloth; price $1.00. DOSTOIV, MASS.—The Metaphysical Club, 211 Hunt­ THE LIFE POWER AND HOW TO USE IT. ington Chambers, 30 Huntington ave. 176 pages, well bound in vellum cloth, with autograph BRtriVSW ICK, O.—.Co-operative Book and Subscription picture of author. Latest book by Elizabeth Towne. Agency, R. 3. Price $1.00. CHICAGO, III__ Liberal Book Concern, 89 Washington JOY PHILOSOPHY. street. 75 large pages, bound in purple silk cloth stamped in CHICAGO, 111__ The Progressive Thinker, 40 Loomis gold; price $1.00. “Every line spark’les with lite street. and original thought.” CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand—Ida M. Bruges, YOU AND YOUR FORCES, or The Constitution Fendalton. of Man. DENVER, Col.—Denver Dry Goods Company. 15 chapters, green and gold, flexible cover, half-tone DENVER, Col__ J. Howard Cashmere, 1700 Welton of the author; price 50 cents. “Full of thought street. starters.”—“In many respects the most remarkable book I ever read.” DENVER, Col.—Dr. Alexander J. Mcl. Tyndall, Al­ bany Hotel. HOW TO GROW SUCCESS. KINGSTON, JAMAICA, B. W. I— Hale’s Popular 71 pages, strong paper cover, picture of author: Variety, 51 Luke Dane. price 50 cents. “A well of information and help. EXPERIENCES IN SELF-HEALING. K A N S A S C IT Y , M o.— Mrs. Emily Solomon, 411-412 A Spiritual autobiography and guide to realization, Hall Bldg. intensely alive and helpful; price 50 cents. “ A book LONDON, England—Higher Thought Center, 10 Chen of strong common sense, lighting up what to many is iston Gardens, W. ' a path of fear and mystery.” “Has done me more LONDON, England—L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial good than anything else.” Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E. C. HAPPINESS AND MARRIAGE. LONDON, England—New Thought Pub. Co., Ltd., T. Treats of the everyday problems of married life and W. Henry, Mgr., Temple Chambers, Temple ave., E- C. tells how to solve them successfully. 80 pages, heavy LOS ANGELES; CAL ----Dawson’s Bookshop, 713 South paper covers,, picture of author; price 50 cents. Broadway. JUST HOW TO WAKE THE SOLAR PLEXUS. LOS ANGELES, Cal.—Metaphysical Library, 611 Grant Paper bound; price 25 cents. German translation Bldg., 355 So. Broadway. by Bondegger, price 30 cents. “It contains a FOR­ LOS ANGELES, Cal.—The Ramona Book Store, 516 TUNE in value.” “Breathing exercises of great South Broadway. value.” “Not only the key, but explicit method. MELBOURNE, Australia—Miss E. R. Hinge, 115 JUST HOW TO CONCENTRATE. Collins street, Austral Bldg. Paper; price 25 cents. “A bugle call to those who NEW YORK CITY—New Thought College Free Read­ sleep.” “A power and an inspiration.” “So helpful. ing Room, 1011 Carnegie Hall. HOW TO TRAIN CHILDREN AND PARENTS. PITTSBURG, Pa.—“The Health Engineer,” Suite 701 Paper; price 25 cents. German translation by Bon­ to 705 Carl building, corner Wood and Ross ave., degger, 30 cents. “ It is great! Every father W ilkinsburg Sta., P. O. Box 174. and mother should have it.” PORTLAND, Ore.—W. E. Jones, 291 Alder street. JUST HOW TO COOK MEALS WITHOUT MEAT, SPOKANE, W ash.—Lew N. Benson, 114 South Post Paper; price 25 cents. street. PROSPERITY THROUGH THOUGHT FORCE, ST. LOUIS, Mo.—H. H. Schroeder, 3537 Crittenden by Bruce McClelland. street. German publications a specialty. Cloth bound, half-tone of author, 160 pages; price $1.00. ST. PAUL, Minn.—The Progressive Book Co., Drawer 653. THE STORY OF A LITERARY CAREER, By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. SAN DIEGO, Cal__ Loring & Co., 762-766 F ifth street. This book contains a foreword by Elizabeth Towne, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal----M. L. Creighton, 3491 19th who publishes it; and a supplementary chapter by street. Ella Giles Ruddy. Beautifully printed and bound in SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.— Olivia Kingsland, cor. Haight heavy paper, with illustrations. Price 50 cents. and Devisadero. NEW THOUGHT PASTELS. , , SAN FRANCISCO, Cal----D. W. McCurdy, 1466 M ar­ A volume of the latest and some of the best of Lila ket street. Wheeler Wilcox’s beautiful poems. Paper, 50 cents; SAN FRANCISCO, Cal----Occult Book Co., 1710 Devis- silk cloth bound, price 90 cents, postpaid. adero, near Sutter.
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