t • • N O'RTH AM ER I CA N BA p T I ST GE N E RA L C 0 N FE REN CE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 m111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 111 11111111111m1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:u1111111 111 11111 11 1111111111m111111 111111111111 11 m111 11111 August 11 _.,,... 1955 (;he ~ Cl1tct The Ministry of Fl "-ctr~ oJ owe rs tlt.e Cben ez er Church, :Detroit, Atich . I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes A Trek to Adere, Africa pected, The Hunter fell in step with The Hunter and the Hunted me and we walked as one. BAPTIST HERALD A WONDERFUL CHANGE CONTENTS A true story by an inmate of the Federal Reformatory of Chillicothe, This business of praying, whic~ I Ohio, after he had heard a sermon by Chaplain A. E. Kannwischer. had formerly considered somethmg It is a deeply moving acount of the power of the Word of God for kids and old women, began to Volume 33 No. 16 take hold of me, and I found ~yself By CHARLES HARRISON CRANDALL asking him for strength. and gmdance. August 11, 1955 As the habit of praymg became a steadfast part of my character, I found FOREWORD search is not in sport. He is not seek­ The Ministry of Flowers • ing trophies to adorn his celestial that I no longer felt a need to curse mansion for neither is he vain. But when faced with unfortunate circum­ Cover . .. ......... .... ... E. J. Santee (HANGING one's entire personality stances. Also, I discovered how easy " The San ctuary of the Ebenezer is one of the most difficult tasks an in­ God stlu is "The Hunter." He is Church, Detroit, Michigan" searching patiently for you a nd me. it was to prevent my mind from ~e ­ LOWERS ARE GOD'S silent messengers to our lives. Their subtle dividual can ever hope to accomplish. coming infiltrated with the filth which The excommunication of life-long During the course of my 19 years, touch puts a spiritual stamp upon us that nothing can erase. The "Th e Hunter and the Bunted" circulated around me constantly. By Charles Ha rrison Crandall 2 habits from one's character takes a I have hidden in t he brush, so to flower vases and blossoming plants on the church platform or in Strangely, I felt a change come over ~ 2 great amount of determination and the speak , fearful lest I be foun d and Baptist Briefs . me. The contentment and peace of the sick room become pulpits from which God reveals the glory of infallible help of a Higher Being than captured by The Hunter. I have slyly m ind which I had searched so dili­ Editor ial mortal man. At 19 years of age, I am tried to shake this Pursuer, but I have his handiwork and the wonders of his love. for prior to this change, wer.e " The Ministry of Flowers" . ...... 3 now a testifying example of God's found that he can follow a trail with gent!~ now mine in reality. The conceit Flowers speak of beauty with a spiritual lift. Tennyson, the poet, " I Will Lift Up !\line E yes" . 4 extraordinary power. his eyes closed. Suddenly I stopped which I had for my personal appear­ to reflect! held a flower from "a crannied wall" in his hand and was inspired to "Sour ce of Strength In God" The environment of my early youth ance disappeared, for in his circle Rev. Walter Dingfield . 4 can only be described as pitiful. In Was I enjoying my freedom as physical characteristics are not taken say that if he could know all that the flower is in its created beauty, short, I was raised in the semi-slums much as I thought. Was I completely he would know "what God and man is"! Flowers in the church under­ " Heigh ts of Spiritua l Vision" into consideration. Rev. Fred Fuchs . .. .. • • . .. 4 of a large, industrial city. .happy in my present habitat? Was The false satisfaction which I felt score the minister's message of God's care and concern for us. "Con­ my past life as useful as it could h ave In a home devoid of Christian prin­ in myself after having successfully "A Sermon of th e l\'Iountains" been? Did I have peace of mind? I sider the lilies of the field! . .. How much more will God clothe you, Rev. c. T. Remple . ..... .. .. 5 ciples and an incompatible mother deceived someone died away into knew immediately that the answer to oblivion. The gr eed I had for money 0 ye of little faith" (Matthew 6:28 and 30). Flowers direct us to the " The Missionary's Trek t o Ade re, Africa" and step-father, it was inevitable that, each of these questions was "no." lacking the proper guidance, I should a nd power disolved into nothingness. things of the Creator, to the truths of God, to the touch of his beauty Miss Ida Forsch . 6 After this question-answer session The low opinion I held for his chil­ go astray. ' upon our lives. Many a church service has been beautified and en­ "Sunday School Lessons" with myself, it was inevitable that I dren was redrafted and emerged as a Rev. B. Jacksteit . .. ........ 8 ,Over a period of the last .. nine years, should wonder how life in captivity­ feeling of kinship and a desire to co­ hanced by the ministry of fragrant flowers that were brought by lov­ \Vhat"s Happening . 9 my life has been a series of sinful God's captivity-would be. After operate. ing hands to the sanctuary. With eyes feasting upon the splendor of and pagan offenses against both moral much consultation with myself, I de­ In retrospect, my only regret in Our Den omination in Action . ... .. .. 10 and social codes of correct behavior, flowers, it is certainly much easier "to worship the Lord in the beauty cided that I might as well give it a regards to my decision to change is June Con t ributions .. ...... i3 for I would not r ecognize authority in cha nce. What did I have to lose? that I did not decide to do it sooner. of holiness." any form. The strange thing about Instead of pouncing on me and No longer does The Hunter doggedly Roger Wil11ams Press News this is that, even at an early age, I Flowers also convey a message of loving concern by others in Rev. E. J. Ba umgartner . ..... .. .. 14 casting me in a cage, as I had ex- follow my trail, but I follow HIS! knew God was after me. the name of Christ. Behind every bouquet of flowers there is a Obituaries . .. .. ........ ... ... 14 Perhaps the reason it took me so thoughtful donor, a consecrated gardener, a loving friend. The very March of E vents .. ... .. .. ..... 15 long to find him was because some­ one was constantly trying to force him sight of the flowers in the sickroom or from the invalid chair or at Spice or Life ... ..• .. ... .. .... 16 upon me. I recall how I would turn the funeral service is evidence of the comforting truth that someone a deaf ear when faced with "religion." is praying for you and is helping to bear your burdens in the spirit • Also, I remember awakening in a of Christ. You are not alone. Others are remembering you before t he cold sweat several times during the Bi-weekly Publication of the past few years after having a dream throne of mercy. God's arm is never too short to help you. Your ROGER WILLIAMS PRESS in which I accepted God into my life. troubles are the concern of many, many people. That is the message 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio e Th e Costa Rican Baptist Conven­ e The fifth session of the Council of I was determined that I would not that flowers speak with a mighty even though silent eloquence. Martin L. Leuschner , D.D., Editor become a "religious panty-waist." tion in Central America held its an­ Baptist Churches of Assam and Mani­ nual meeting February 8-11 in San Recently I was sitting in a federal p ur brought together 100 delegates Flowers also touch our lives with peace and healing balm. Tired Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, Business reformatory chapel service, listening Jose, with six Baptist churches repre­ and missionaries in t he northeastern Manager sented and two new churches accepted eyes ar e rested and burdened souls are refreshed by the look of .'1 intently to a sermon entitled, "God­ section of India. A new constitution • How Can I Find Him?" The chaplain, for membership. The total member­ was adopted, under which the gr eater flo wer, resplendent with colorful glory. They speak of heavenly ship of the eight churches is 433, to whom I shall ever be indebted, had shar e of the responsibility for carry­ things, of things that only God can do and create, of the more perfect THE BAPTIST HERALD is a publication t he rare knack of speaking calmly, with seven ordained pastors, six pas­ of th e N orth American Baptist G en eral tors not yet qualified for ordination, ing on mission work is vested in the life to which Christ is ever calling us. They open to us the portals into Conferen ce w ith h ea dquarters ut 7308 Mad­ forcefully, and convincingly. hands of nationa l Baptists rather than ison St., F orest Parl,, I llinois. It a lso mam­ and two missionary couples from the the chambers of a "peace that passeth all understanding." In the tains an active m em bersh ip in t he Asso­ With t he sudden realization of what Southern Baptist Convention, U.S.A.
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