OBSERVATIONS OF A MASTER TEACHER: PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS MORE WORRIED ABOUT JOB SECURITY THAN EDUCATION PACIFIQ \~~, B, TODD ENDO both unprepared and unwil­ how Question. are not import­ I , ITIZEN ling to Introduce their stu­ ant but I am .aying that the • M,""'"hlp 'ubIIClll.n: Japlnm Am.rlCln tlllllllS .....t. us. 'll[sft'J t, L.. ,"'o.ler, CI 90012 (2131 MA 6.4471 Cambl·ldge. Mass. dents to tho excilemenl of why questions are equally, if 'ubllshl' Weeki, Empt Lilt W"k " LII. v.lr - ~CIaJJ ...",t ,.1. aL Los Aslttla. Calif, One dAY in A discussion learning. not more. important. with two teachers Twas 2-1I1ost 01 tho t.achoro working with this summer, As a Master Teacher. , avoided sUuaLions where they Vol. 65 No. 13 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1967 Edit/Bus. Office: MA 6·8936 TEN CENTS we talked about an interview were not mutero 01 the .1 .... I had conducted with A stu­ For 8. month Ulis summer I had the opportunily to par­ room. the truth dver. dent named Fred in Boston. Thus, they stuck to ques­ In describing the bny's diUi­ ticipate in an experimental EDC·MDC CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS: program whose goals were to tions with clear-cut answers. tulLies. 1 rcmarked that he They wanted to know what Text of Enomoto Speech WAS totally uncomfortable motivate junior high school underachievers and to pro­ body at knowledge they were with the new social studies supposed to lmpart and need­ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL UPKEEP curriculum he was studying. vide in-service instruotion fo,r to EDC-MDC Convention a number at Vermont public ed to know exactly how far Fred wan led a texlbook so along they were in the task that he could know the be­ school teachers. The program The U,eme oI this 7th BI­ to 0 top position In govern­ was sponsored by the Putney and how successful they were. OF ASIA IS JAPAN'S NEW ROLE: SHIMODA ginning and end; he want­ They were reluctant to devl­ ennial EDC-MDC Joint Con- ment on some level. ed everything in black alld School, a prestigious pro­ In every sense we are to .. gressive private school, iso­ .te from pre-set lesson plan. ventlon is "A Quarter Century CHlCAGO-Takeso Shimoda, and industrial development of white so that he could be ab­ for fear of venturing Into day a "respectable" minority, warmest hospitality and found lated in the Vermont hills. After . .... It I. y" t t w'o but a minority, nevertheiess. newly-appoinled J a p • n e • " those countries. and called for new homes. Even during the solutelv sure what he was re- areas in which they were not American help in the en­ 8ponsible for on a test; he My roie was that of master in total control. monlhs early to celebrate We are still visible and be­ ambassador to the United unfortunate period of strain­ Thanksgiving Day, but It deavor. wanted 10 know what the teacher in the social studies. How do these predispo­ cause we look different, we States, said Sunday that part ed relations between the Unit­ My duties we.re to supervise strikes me that there Is in­ are still alien. The discord in American - Japanese friend­ ed States and Japan, the citi­ right answers were to every sitions affect the teaching of of his country's new role in ship often was mentioned in question lhat was asked. the teaching of the 50 junior social studies? deed much for us to be thank­ the pleasant little Nisei world zens of Chicago well demon­ high school students and to ful for today. The alien cli­ the world will be the "eco­ the speech in the Great Hall strated lbeir good will." Fred was neither inquisi­ One answer would be to r described lies in the fact nomjc development and social lead discussions with the in­ mates of places like Gila Riv­ that our participation on the of the Pick-Congress hotel. It He said the Japanese Amer­ tive nor excited about the think of how many of the stabilJzation of Asia." was Shlmoda's first visit to subject. He wanted structure service teachers. important questions worth er, Arizona; Tule Lake, Calil.; American scene is stili con­ icans responded witb a "dis­ "Japan is now entering A Chicago and his ftrst public and security. There was much to praise considering in a social studies Amache, Colorado; Rohwer, ditional. There are still ex­ play of disciplined and dedi­ in the program. The progress Arkansas and Topat, Utah. ceptions to our claim to full stage where it is actively tor­ speech in the United States cated conduct indicative of After I had described Fred, dass have clearcut answers. since his appointment. the two teache.rs comnlcoted oI bolb lhe sludents and the are but distant memories. As acceptance, and many exam­ mulating its new foreign poli­ truly first-class American citi­ ]' d say vel'Y tew. A teacher cies from a lresh point of zenship." that thal was a good des­ teachers was astounding. Yet, who sticks to questions with our J ACL Hymn says in part, pl•• and anecdotes can be cil­ Moved from West eo ..1 cription of them also. This I would like to concentrate on "Out of the war in which my ed. As our national legal view/' Shimoda said before clear-cut answers usually 750 gathered for the 7th Bi­ He compllmented the JACL Economl. Ties GroWlnr was one of the surprises I my initial obserVAtions of sticks to the dull tactual brothers died . .... Our bro­ counsel has said, we who both the students and t b e thers who gave up their live. think that we have it made ennial Convention of the on its activities and leader­ He noted growing ties, in­ received this summer. I was questions in the usually duti ship and louched on an an­ very surprised to meet so teachers since these would on the alien battlefields of could well remember that Eastern and Midwest District cluding economic ones, be:­ textbook. Co un c i i s of the Japanese niversary - the convention, tween Cbicago and the Mid­ many teachers who were probably be more reievant \0 Another way of looking at Europe and Asia. provided us there is a notable absence of the existing realilies of pub­ with the kind of legacy with Japanese AmerIcans on the American Citizens League. held Sept. 1-4, marks the west, and Japan. the effect 01 this approach is He said there is an "Asian 25th anniversary of the evac­ "Within 10 years by 1975 lic school education in this to consider the view at the which we started the Ion g really top echelon of private country. road back. To them we owe industry and public liIe. D e­ realization of the need to uation of perS'ons 01 Japanese midwestern exports to Jap"; IN THIS ISSUE teacher as truth giver. In this ancestry from the western My initial observations dis­ more than can ever be re­ peodlng upon what we want make concerled efforts to­ are expected to more than GI»~ERAL -Situation the student's role is portion of the United States • NEWS turbed me immensely. paid. To the structure of to settle for, we really haven't wards the most basic objective double," he said. P ubUc school teachers worried necessarily thai of sponge shared by all Asians-tbe con­ during World War II. more about job securlty than My Iirst reactions were tbat soaking up the "truths" that American democracy w j t h run the lull race. In a press conference earlier quest of poverty." "Twenty-five years ago it educaUon (by Todd Endo) 1 the students were not receiv­ the teacher or textbook oUers. which it has been possible for in the day, Shlmoda, 60, said U.S. Public Health Service pro~ us to m a k e our comeback, Ollohe Shimada outlined meetings was here In Chicago and the motes Nisei to assistant surgeon ing an education mainly be­ The student is encouraged to he plans to visit as many rlUlk __ ... __ ......._ 5 cause the teachers were Dot despite the visible handicap. Against lhis backdrop, we of Asian countries initiated by midwest that many (evacuat­ states as possible while 'be memorize and to parrot and J apan to strengthen economic • JACL-NATIONAL interested in giving them an is, in most cases, discouraged of race and color and to those continually struggle wllh the ed persons) r e c el v ed the is ambassador. EDC-MDC Convention Highllghts: education. If these thoughts from thinking any indepen­ American. who kept taitb worn out question IIWhy Ambassador Shlmoda in first with us, we owe much. 01 public address since appoint~ are true, and my final re­ dent thoughts. The student is JACL?" P el'haps it is lhe ment; .Jerel' Enomoto challenges actions were no di11erent trom encouraged to listen and take phenomenon or the ffgrass is J ACLers lor m~ning!ul 25 yea.n: Part of Amuence Enomoto challenges JACLers to strive for more to come: JACL in strong reply my initial ones, then we as notes and is, in most cases, greener in the next pasture," on rum 0 r 01 concentration parents, students, ' and in­ It seems to me that the camps bemg r eope.ned __ 1 discouraged from carrying on years have treated us well. but I find the outlook of lerested citizens ought to con­ meaningful discussions. JACLers away (rom the West q~een • JACL-CHAPTER By and large, Americans ot meaningful record; Cincinnati lass chosen Hollywood offers wealth ot com- sider very carelully the ques­ In this situation, the truly Coast refreshing.
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