MWSS UNIVERSITY of GEZIRA SUDAN NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2012 Geography of peace: Putting human development at the centre of peace in Sudan MWSS UNIVERSITY of GEZIRA SUDAN NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2012 Geography of peace: Putting human development at the centre of peace in Sudan Copyright © 2012 By the United Nations Development Programme House 7, Block 5, Gamaá Avenue P.O. Box 913 Khartoum, SUDAN Website: www.sd.undp.org The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Design, layout and production by Phoenix Design Aid A/S, Denmark. ISO 14001/ISO 9000 certified and approved CO2 neutral company – www.phoenixdesignaid.com. Printed on environmentally friendly paper (without chlorine) with vegetable-based inks. The printed matter is recyclable. Printed in the European Union Cover page by Phoenix Design Aid A/S, Denmark Copyedit Angela Marie Stephen P.O. Box 4278 Washington, DC 20044-9278 The analysis and policy recommendations of the Report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Development Programme, its Executive Board, or its Member States or the Government of Sudan. The Report is an independent publication commissioned by UNDP SUDAN. It is the product of collaborative efforts by a team of independent consultants, the Sudan Human Development Report Advisory Committee and UNDP. TEAM FOR THE PREPARATION OF SUDAN NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2012 Team of Authors Ahmed Mohamed Hamad Alnoury Mutasim Ahmed Abdelmawla Mohamed Dirar Almahi Alobeid Ahmed Elnagi Mohamed Hamid Adam Kamal Eldin Hassan Ibrahim Eldaw Advisor Christopher Kuonqui NHDR Team Saeed Abdalla, Former Undersecretary, Ministry of Welfare and Social Security Rabab Almehaina, Ministry of Welfare and Social Security Fatima ElSheikh, Head of Poverty Reduction, MDGs and HIV Unit, UNDP-Sudan Ahmed Elhag, Poverty Programme Analyst, UNDP-Sudan Eman Abdalla, NHDR Project Manager, UNDP-Sudan Amna Ibrahim, former coordinator to the Ministry of Welfare Kamal Mubarak, former Coordinator to the University of Gezira Consultancy House Peer reviewers Ali Abdel Gadir Ali, Director, Arab Planning Institute, Kuwait Habib Hammam, former UNICEF Resident Representative Samuel K. Ewusi, United Nations Mandated University of Peace, Ethiopia Getachew ElTahir, Economic Advisor, UNDP Mohamed Abdel Gadir, IFAD, Country Programme Officer Advisory Board Her Excellency Minister of Welfare and Social Security, Ms Amira ElFadil, former State Minister Adil Awad Sulaiman, former Undersecretary of Ministry of Welfare, Saeed Abdalla Saeed, Raja Hassan Khalifa, Samia Salih Mohamed, Abdalla Ahmed, Burrai Osman, FathelRahman Abdalla Abdel Majed, Salam Abdalla AbuElGasim, Altayeb Abdalla Altayeb, Azziza Altayeb Osman, Omer Karar Balla, Ilham Osman, Azziza Haroon Mohamed, Keiry Abdel Rahman, Kamal Ahmed Ismail, AbdelAzim Younis, Awaad Mustafa Mohamed, Wissal Hassan Abdalla, Mawa- hib Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelrazig, Kamal Ali Meddani, Sayda Salih Almomoun, Jamal Alnil Abdalla, Sami Khidir, Tageldin Abdalla, Shamseldin Zein Eelabdin, AlMegdam AbdelGhani, Rabab AlMahuna, Abdel Rahman Abu Doum, Ameer ElMamoun, Amna Ibrahim Ahmed, Khadiga Abu Elgasim, Sit Alnafar Mahjoub, Ibrahim Ahmed. Sudan National Human Development Report 2012 Geography of peace: Putting human development at the center of peace in Sudan FOREWORD The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) This first Sudan Human Development Report has commissioned independent annual Human De- takes stock of the gains Sudan has made in education, velopment Reports (HDRs) since 1990 with the goal of health and income over the last 30 years and provides putting people at the centre of development, going be- key indicators and measurements to monitor the hu- yond income as a measure of assessing people’s long- man development status for the first time in Sudan. It term well-being. The HDRs messages and the tools to produces a historical trend of human well-being, sub- implement them have been embraced by governments national measurements of welfare, and an analysis of and people around the developing world, as shown by cutting-edge development indicators such as the mul- the publication of many Regional and National Human tidimensional poverty index. The Sudan NHDR does Development Reports by more than 140 countries over not however consider the changing socio-economic the past two decades. and political setting in the postJuly 2011 period, which This report is the first National HDR for Sudan and was marked with considerable revenue losses as well is the result of extensive consultations with leading as low FDis, thus adversely affecting Sudan’s growth scholars, government officials and development prac- and public spending. titioners. The report examines the relationship between As with all Human Development Reports, the con- human development and conflict in Sudan. It shows clusions are not in any way a statement of neither UNDP that where conflict surges and thrives, among and policy nor the Government of Sudan. The report aims within communities, human development suffers the at stimulating discussion and debate by policy-makers, 6 most. And, where conflict is not the case, opportunities practitioners and the informed public, lead to further to expand human freedoms, obtain better educational research and analysis, and serve to guide new insights opportunities, greater and equitable gender participa- into peace and human development. In that context, tion, improved infrastructure and better health services we hope that it will assist Sudan in engaging a par- were realized. However, in Sudan, human development ticipatory and committed public dialogue for human and conflict remain tied together. The Sudan Human development, at the national and sub-national levels Development Report takes aim at disentangling this enabling its citizens to build fulfilling lives for them- complex relationship. selves and their children. I would like to congratulate This report comes at a critical moment in Sudan’s and thank all those who took part in the preparation of recent history. In this new era in its history, Sudan faces the Sudan NHDR, especially the team of authors for their an unprecedented opportunity to make and build a creative contributions, and the entire editorial team for lasting peace – to create ways to enable its diverse their dedicated efforts. I am especially grateful to the people to live harmoniously together and with their independent Advisory Board, under the guidance of neighbors and mediate differences peacefully. The re- Her Excellency, Ms. Amira Alfadil, Minister of Welfare port sets out a broad-based agenda for Sudan- recom- and Social Security, for providing quality assistance and mending the creation and implementation of a national feedback throughout the process, and to UNDP col- strategy for human development and offers a human leagues, here in Sudan and UNDP Headquarters notably security index to capture the effects of conflict on hu- the Regional Bureau of Arab States and the Human man development. Building and implementing a hu- Development Report Office for their invaluable advice man development agenda should form the core aims and support . of Sudan as the country moves forward. Ali Al – Za’tari UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator UNDP Resident Representative FOREWORD Within the framework of the importance which the The report and the analysis it contains present a Government of Sudan accords to the human develop- reference document for studying ways of ensuring hu- ment concept as a vital element that has its impact on man development gains in support of peace building the Government’s strategy for the welfare of the human and sustainability of peace and, the drawing of guide- beings, the Council of Ministers issued Directive No. lines for advancing the human development process 55/2009 which entrusted the Ministry of Welfare and and enhancing the needs of children, the elderly and Social Security, the task of preparing the first Sudan those affected by the conflict. It also provides an agen- National Human Development Report. Based on this da for rebuilding the systems that enhance human Directive, the Ministry undertook the necessary actions development in Sudan at a time when the country is and measures and established an Advisory Board that entering a new phase in its path. It attempts to explore supervised the report process with the active participa- the factors which may impede the role of policies in ad- tion of experts, specialists and academic institutions. dressing community problems. The report as well offers The rigorous dialogue among these groups adopted a sound and rich foundation for launching a construc- the theme of the report “Peace and Human Develop- tive dialogue to assist decision-makers and community ment” which coincided with the prevailing situation in leadership in drawing policies and strategies based on the post-era of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement methodology and scientific means by using current (CPA) in Sudan. information and indicators drawn from the 5th National The preparatory work began in mid 2009 with the Census of 2008 and the Sudan MDG Report of2010. collaborative efforts of all participants of the Advisory I would like to extend my appreciation and
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