![1895-12-25, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
,, . " "" iß ' fie 73! —— —IUWMU » T V . r 4 ■ lassos.. As «SHERIFFS SALE. THE SMYRNA TIMES. 0 By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas o me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, in The Sacred and Symbolic Palm. from of the County Building, in the town of From the very earliest times the palm Dover. East Dover Hundred, Kent County and Smyrna, 7)el., tree has been recognized as « symbol of State of Delaware, on 703 MARKET ST. WILMINGTON DEL. Public Praise From Eminent Citizens. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Dec. 2Sth, 1895 victory. Among the Greeks and the TFESDAY, the 7lh day of JANUARY, A. D, 1S96, Very best set of Ti^eth, $8.00 Kefercaco to Complete and Permanent Romans palm branches were nsed to Another opportunity to buy at prices even _ . or) Cure-* in Thousand* ol Cases Where at 2 o’clock, p. m., the following described Real Extracting, - - \ |.hy»|cians have failed-44el a free copy decorate the buildings and streets of Estate, to wit : with Gas or Air. - -Ö0 | of Jluayon’s liuide to Health. Ask your their cities in honor of the return of a lower than last year’s forced sale on account of No. 1. Alt that certain piece or panel of land 1 Druggist for a 25 cent bottle ot Mull- In the village or town of Cheswold, in Kenton yon’s Remedies and cure yourself. r WOMEN’S EXALTED MISSION. victorious army. This custom appears \ Hundred, Kent county and State of Delaware, to have been taken from the eastern settling a partner’s interest. beginning at a stone on the south side of Main i Mr. H. C. Smith, No. G49 Perry street, Batter to Create a Good Home Than to slnet in said town of Cheawold, running from Newark, N. J., says: “After several phy- Excel In Any Other Endeavor. nations, but from what one in particu­ 1 said stone two hundred and eighty-four and one- The sewers and makers have disappointed half feet in a southerly direction along lands ot 33Ï1 SaïSÂlt Certainly th.r. 1. ,-iadon, lor two lar no one now knows. us iu Albert T Hoffecker to a stone on the north side Ï... pepsin and constant distress in the stomach, young people who have sworn to love At a very early age the Hebrews -were of New street, thence in an easterly direction and $1, $2, S3. chronic diarrhoea, catarrh, with continual eacjj other, no matter whether there is accustomed to carry palm branches on all making Clothing promptly. The season has been back* on a line of said New street ninety feet to astone a corner for lauds herein described and the west & poverty or wealth uo taatl.r whether occasions of rejoicings. This custom cot tier ot West and New streets, from thence in a having been observed eu the entry of ward. Between the two---- northerly direction along line of West street one rheumatism in the shoulder that I could the days arc bright or dark, to have a hundred and twenty and one-halt feet to the scarcely move my arm. I also had kidney home of their own, writes Ruth Ash- Christ into Jerusalem, the tree has come southeast corner of lands of F. A. Moore, thence SILVER Fillings, to bear a special symbolism among We have enormous stocks, and in in a westerly direction along line of said F. A. trouble, with backache and swelling of the more, discussing “The Mistress of the order to make Moore forty-five feet to the southwest corner of feet and ankles. In fact, it would be hard „ H ,, a r ..(i;,,q> Home Jonr- Christians. The primitive church used 75 cts. to find a more obstinate and complicated Small House, in Ladies Home dour lands of the said F. A. Moore one hundred and it to express the triumphs of the Chris­ quick sale, will sell at Half Price. sixty-four feet to the south side of aforesaid Main __ j, and I could scarcely believe Prof. naL Boarding house life is bad for street, from thence in a westerly direction along easeMunvon’s statement that his remedies | -women, and I do not believe that any tian over death through the resurrec­ Skilled Opernt in nl Brunch<■« line of said Main street forty-two feet to the place of Dentistry. would cure me. But I confess freely that I tion. As early as the second century of beginning; and said to contain Eighteen man has ever really enjoyed it. (Ltd . -, was completely cured by a short course of . - $32.oo Overcoats, $20.oo Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-five Feet of to make homes—to A. D. it became the emstom to carve $25.oo Suits, $15.oo land be the same more or less; being a part of For more than 10 years we have success- Munyonks Remedies. I wish to particularly created women palm branches on the tombstones of 25.00 44 15.00 the same piece or parcel of land which Albert T. fully administered Nitrous Oxide Gas and j ret.0mmcnd his new catarrh treatment as make homes for the men they love and IO.00 HolVecker and Marv E. his wife by their indent­ Vitalized Air, for extracting teeth without tju. mildest and yet the most promptly cur- for the children whom God will send to those who had died for the faith, and 20.00 ure dated the 13th day of May, A, D. 1885, con­ ative of any I have used.” them. And a home must be started at about the same time all pictures of mar­ 20.OO 44 veyed unto Lewis Stock well, which was recorded pain. IO.00 44 in the office of Recorder of Deeds at Dover in and putsMunyon up a separate’s Homeopathic specific Remedy for each Company disease, I the beginning. of« this ,1.1. new life.n#» Dotv ,not tyrs were figures holding representations I6.00 8.00 for Kent comity in Record Book P, vol. 6. page of palm branches.Jn thofw 43S. Ac. Reference thereto being had will more ____ _____ * i n n i t 1 it p11 1 r\ nr/ri At all druggists, 25 cents each. wait for a big house and many servants, fully and at large appear, and all ami singular Thousands Good Warm Suits and Overcoats, $5.oo DOVER MACHINE WUKRo Personal letters to Prof. Muuyon, 1505 I but make happiness exist in a little the buildings, improvemenss, fixtures, ways, Arch street, Philadelphia, answered with Cotise with one maid as it help. It can «S. The dyspeptic cut. woods, waters, water courses, easements, rights, -'ÎÀ liberties, privileges, hereditaments, to said lot. ------------------------------ free medical advice for any disease. , , T, ...___ *49 ries a dreadful load . ----------------------- dntww..jMtMMi te doue. I know it can. j-ïîvon his back. It seems piece and parcel of land belonging or in anywise E. L. JONES CO., T HKvnBI,,K„lN « « „UTroJ Do not shrug your shoulders and say appertaining The improvements upon which Sc y^?as if he were really are a two story frame dwelling-house, with front ' E’ Hendrickson. M. 1. Hutton | you dQ uQt like honsework. Work is on­ M rt made up of two men, and back porches, barn, stable, carriage-house DOVER, DELAWARE, iJrx One of them atubi. and other outbuildings. ly disagreeable when it is badly done, WANAMAKER & BROWN tious, brainy and en. and from washing the silver and glass No. 2. All the right, title, claim and interest of ergetic ; the other S. Brady Cooper in and to all that certain lot, to dusting the bric-a-brac and beating up piece or parcel of land situated in the town of General MachinisisS Iron FoundersJ-E' HENDRICKSONS co sick, listless, peevish Sixth and Market Ninth and Chestnut Cheswold (formerly Morton), in Kenton Hun­ a cake everything may be daintily done and without force. Notwithstanding the very LIVE STOCK dealer u dred. Kent county and State of Delaware, the and well done if you go about it in the The w e a It m a n boundaries of which are described as follows; lloilur», Engine», Pulley», limiting. weighs the other one low prices—the rule is still beginning at a stone a corner oflol previously eon Oil mid («H» Machines« Are. 30(h «V .Market SI». Philadelphia, I’n. | right way and with the right spirit. j / [' 2? down. The dyspep. veyed by deed of Albert!'. Hoffecker and Mary Yon will have to bo considerate, and yon V r.\ tic may be able to do in force to pay Railroad \ E his wife to Eila Pippin, thence in a southerly Consignment« are respectfully solicited. Card pretty good work one direction and in line with lot of said Ella Pippin All Tools required in Canning Factories ami market reports sene un application. All in will have to be patient. You will cer­ day, and the next day one hundred and tifiv-four feet to a stone corner u'drieh nromptly answered. Check sent immr tainly make mistakes, but each mistake fare— on very moderate pur­ WM. H. WANAMAKER of said lot ol said Ella Pippin and lands of Albert Patterns and Casting to order. Agent «lately «»fier sale of goods because of some lit­ T Hoffecker. tlie me westerly with lands of Al­ for Mercer Steam Heating Boiler. I is one stop toward success. Burden your­ tle indiscretion in eating, he may be able to chases. bert T Hoffecker and lot herein described forty- self with patience, consideration and do nothing at all.
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