From: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1996, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. Limitations of the Vickrey Auction in Computational Multiagent Systems Tuomas Sandholm * sandholm~cs.wustl.edu Washington University Department of Computer Science One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1045 St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Abstract 1 Introduction Auctionsprovide an efficient distributed Auctions provide efficient, distributed and autonomy mechanism for solving problems such as task preserving ways of solving task and resource allocation and resource allocation in muitiagent sys- problems in computational multiagent systems [16; 21; tems. In the Vickrey auction--which has 5; 24; 2; 8]. Auctions can be used amongcooperative been widely advocated for automated auc- agents, but they also work in open systems consisting tions [22; 1; 3; 5; 24; 2; 8; 9; 20; 13J--the of self-interested agents. They can be analyzed no~na- best bid wins the auction, but at the second tiuel~ what strategies are self-interested agents best best price. In certain settings this promotes off using (and therefore will use), and will desirable truthful bidding and avoids counterspecula- social outcomes--e.g, efi~cient allocation--still follow. tion. This paper analyses the circumstances The goal is to design the protocoLs (mechanisms) whenthis protocol is appropriate, and expli- the interaction so that desirable soda] outcomes follow cates the desirable properties and lack thereof even though each agent acts based on self-interest. in varied settings. The first part of the pa- Auction theory analyzes protocols and agents’ per discusses knowndeficiencies of the Vick- strategies in auctions. An auction consists of an auc- rey auction: bidder collusion, a lying auction- tioneer and potential bidders I. Auctions are usually eer, promotion of lying in non-private-value discussed regarding situations where the auctioneer auctions, lower revenue than alternative pro- wants to sell an item and get the highest possible pay- tocols, and the necessity to reveal sensitive ment for it while each bidder wants to acquire the item information. The second part of the paper at the lowest possible price. However, settings where presents our results regarding new limitations the auctioneer wants to subcontract out a task at the of the protocol, which arise especially among lowest possible price and each bidder wants to handle computational agents. These include ineffi- the task at the highest possible payment, are totally cient allocation and lying in sequential suc- analogous. tions of interrelated items, untruthful bid- There are three qualitatively different auction set- ding whena risk averse agent has local uncer- tings depending on how an agent’s value of the item tainty, and the need for counterspeculation is formed. In private value auctions, the value of the to make deliberation control (or information good depends only on the agent’s own preferences. An gathering) decisions when an agent has local example is auctioning off a cake that the winning bid- uncertainty. der will eat. The key is that the winning bidder will not resell the item in which case the value would de- *This material is based upon work supported by the pend on other agents’ valuations. On the other hand, National Science Foundation under Grant No. ]RI- in commonvalue auctions, an agent’s value of an item 9523419. Additional support came from a University of Massachusetts at Amherst Graduate School Fellow- depends entirely on other agents’ values of it, which ship. Also supported by the Technical Research Cen- are identical to the agent’s by symmetryof this cri- tre of Finland, Finnish Culture Foundation, Finnish Sci- terion. For example, auctioning treasury bills fulfills ence Academy, Leo and Regina Wainstein Foundation, this criterion. Nobodyinherently prefers having the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Honkanen Founda- bills, and the value of the bill comesentirely from re- tion, Ella and George Ehrnrooth Foundation, Finnish In- selling possibilities. In correlated value auctions, an formation Technology Research Foundation, Transporta- tion EconomicSociety, and Thanks to Scandinavia Foun- 1Thereare also auctions with multlple bid takers, i.e. dation. auctioneers. Sandholm 299 From: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1996, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. agent’s value depends partly on its own preferences egy result of Vickrey auctions means that an agent is and partly on others’ values. For example, an auction best off bidding truthfully no matter what the other in a task contracting setting fulfills this criterion. An bidders are like: what are their capabilities, operating agent mayhandle a task itself in which case the agent’s environments, bidding plans, etc. This has two desir- local concerns define the cost of handling the task. On able sides. First, the agents reveal their preferences the other hand, the agent can recontract out the task truthfully which allows globally efficient decisions to in which case the cost depends solely on other agents’ be made. Second, the agents need not waste effort in valuations. Next, I discuss four different auction pro- counterspeculating other agents, because they do not tocols [12]. matter in making the bidding decision. In the English (first-price open-cry) auction, each Vickrey auctions have been widely advocated and bidder is free to raise his bid. Whenno bidder is will- adopted for use in computational multiagent sys- ing to raise anymore, the auction ends, and the highest tems [22; 1; 3; 5; 24; 2; 8; 9; 20; 13]. For example, bidder wins the item at the price of his bid. An agent’s versions of the Vickrey auction have been used to allo- strategy is a series of bids as a function of his private cate computation resources in operating systems [24; value, his prior estimates of other bidder’s valuations, 2], to allocate bandwidth in computer networks ’L22; and the past bids of others. In private value English 8; 9; 20], and to computationally control building en- auctions, an agent’s dominant strategy is to always bid vironments [5]. On the other hand, Vickrey auctions a small amount more than the current highest bid, and have not been widely adopted in auctions among hu- stop whenhis private value price is reached. In corre- mans [14; 15] even though the protocol was laid out lated value auctions the rules are often varied to make 25 years ago [23]. the auctioneer increase the price at a constant rate There are severe limitations to the applicability of or at a rate he thinks appropriate. Secondly, some- the Vickrey auction protocol. This paper explores times open-ezit is used where a bidder has to openly these limitations. It is important to understand thcsc declare exiting without a re-entering possibility. This limitations in order not to ascribe desirable character- provides the other bidders more information regarding istics to a protocol when the protocol really does not the agent’s valuation. guarantee them. On the other hand, the Vickrey auc- In the first-price sealed-bid auction, each bidder sub- tion protocol may well be a good choice in situations mits one bid without knowing the others’ bids. The that do not exceed the applicability limits. highest bidder wins the item and pays the amount of The first part of the paper details the knownprob- his bid. An a8ent’s strategy is his bid as a function of his private value and prior beliefs of others’ valuations. lems regarding the Vickrey auction. These problems In general there is no dominant strategy for acting in have been discovered by auction theorists and practi- this auction. With common knowledge assumptions tioners, and they have led to the lack of deployment regarding the probability distributions of the agents’ of Vickrey auctions among humans. The problems in- values, it is possible to determine Nash equilibrium clude bidder collusion (Section 2), an untruthful auc- strategies for the agents [12]. tioneer (Section 3), lying in non-private-value auctions In the Dutch (descending) auction, the seller contin- (Section 4), lower revenue than alternative protocols uously lowers the price until one of the bidders takes (Section 5), and the necessity to reveal sensitive in- the item at the current price. The Dutch auction formation (Section 6). The wide application plans is strategically equivalent to the first-price sealed-bid Vickrey auctions in computational multiagent systems auction, because in both games, an agent’s bid matters suggest that these limitations may have been forgot- only if it is the highest, and no relevant information is ten. The first part of the paper serves as a reminder. revealed during the auction process. The second part of the paper presents our results re- In the Vickrey (second-price sealed-bid) auction, garding new limitations of the Vickrey auction proto- each bidder submits one bid without knowing the oth- col. The settings that suffer from these new problems ers’ bids. The highest bidder wins, but at the price of arise especially among computational agents. The the second highest bid [23; 11; 12; 7; 4]. An agent’s newly discovered problems include inefficient alloca- strategy is his bid as a function of his private value tion and lying in auctions of interrelated items (Sec- and prior beliefs of others’ valuations. The dominant tion 7), untruthful bidding when an agent has local strategy in private value Vickrey auctions is to bid uncertainty (Section 8), and the need for counterspecu- one’s true valuation. If an agent bids more than that, lation whenan agent has local uncertainty (Section 9). and the increment made the difference between win- ning or not, he will end up with a loss if he wins. If duce the same allocation at the sameprices. Onthe other he bids less, there is a smaller chance of winning, but hand, in correlated value auctions, the bids of other agents the winning price is unaffected 2.
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