H6798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 6, 2015 Feeding Device Act to ban the sale of Assad, and certainly no plan to deal most dangerous positions in the bat- large-capacity magazines and Denying with Russia’s new very powerful ag- talion. Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous gression in many areas of the world. Known as mischievous, he brought Terrorists Act to prohibit individuals Assad must go. ISIS must be de- with him to Europe an Agfa Memo, a suspected of ties to terrorist organiza- feated. America must stand firm and contraband 35-millimeter camera that tions from purchasing a gun, and H.R. show the world that we are a force to fit right in the palm of his hand. Ito 2380 and H.R. 3411, which fix our broken be reckoned with, not to be trampled spent his deployment in Europe, start- background check system. on. ing in 1944 until the war ended, taking Any of these bills would immediately f pictures of his surroundings. improve public safety in this country, From playing chess during downtime CELEBRATING THE LIVES OF BEN a country that sees its citizens die at to posing with the Colosseum during KUROKI AND SUSUMU ‘‘SUS’’ ITO the hands of a loaded gun 297 times their trek into Rome, he spent the war more than in Japan, 49 times more The SPEAKER pro tempore. The revealing the daily lives of this little than in France, and 33 times more than Chair recognizes the gentleman from known mostly Japanese American in Israel. Hawaii (Mr. TAKAI) for 5 minutes. unit. Any one of these rational, common- Mr. TAKAI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today However, many of Ito’s pictures also sense proposals would immediately to celebrate the lives of two trail- accurately depicted the brazenness of make life safer for men, women, and blazers for the Asian American commu- war. The 442nd was one of the first bat- children in cities and towns across nity, Ben Kuroki and Susumu ‘‘Sus’’ talions to reach the Dachau Concentra- America; yet, we are going to sit on Ito. tion Camp, and Ito took pictures of our hands because Republican leaders After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, dazed prisoners leaving the camp for would rather genuflect before the Na- Kuroki and his brother were one of the the very first time. He also captured tional Rifle Association than do any- first Japanese Americans to enlist in the despair of his fellow soldiers as thing that could help save the lives of the United States Air Force during they rescued the Lost Battalion. thousands of Americans. World War II at a time when over After World War II and through the The last time this institution passed 100,000 other Japanese Americans were GI Bill, he started an extraordinary ca- a major bill to prevent gun violence forced into incarceration camps with- reer as a cellular biologist and became was November 10, 1993, when the House out due process under the law. a researcher and professor at Harvard approved the Brady Handgun Violence The need for aerial gunners was high; Medical School, where he worked for Prevention Act and President Clinton so, Kuroki applied for the job, was ap- over 50 years. signed it into law. proved, and was sent to a 2-week course Ito donated his vast collection, thou- Mr. Speaker, I will end by saying I do in Britain. Kuroki received on-the-job sands of images, to the Japanese Amer- not know what it will take for us to fi- training. His maiden flight was on De- ican Museum in Los Angeles, as part of nally take action. But I do know what cember 13, 1942. their Before They Were Heroes: Sus I will do. I will continue speaking out During this time of heavy discrimi- Ito’s World War II Images collection. every week on the floor of this Cham- nation against Japanese Americans, In August, I had the opportunity to ber until we get something done that Kuroki’s flight crew was instrumental tour this exhibit. The images he cap- makes our communities safer and hon- in protecting him from the sneers and tured constantly reminded me of the ors the lives of all the victims who abuse by his fellow soldiers. courage of our Japanese American GIs have lost their lives in this country to Kuroki received three Distinguished who fought valiantly for our country gun violence. Flying Cross medals for volunteering while their families remained behind f to fly 25 combat missions against Ger- barbed wire. many and 28 missions in the Pacific. He AMERICA MUST STAND FIRM Today I rise to share Sus Ito’s tre- was the only Japanese American to mendous accomplishments and dedi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The serve as an aerial gunner in the Asia- cated public service with the House of Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pacific theater during World War II. Representatives. Louisiana (Mr. ABRAHAM) for 5 min- The son of Japanese immigrant farm- utes. ers, Kuroki was born on May 16, 1917, in f Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I just Gaithersburg, Nebraska. b 1215 wrote on the board that it has been After his many missions in Europe, LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION 1,510 days since the President said that Kuroki visited other Japanese Ameri- FUND REAUTHORIZATION Syria’s Bashar Assad must go. He is cans behind barbed wire to promote the still in office. military and asked other Japanese The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It is 767 days since the President Americans to join what would soon be- Chair recognizes the gentleman from drew the red line in the sand that said, come the 442nd Regimental Combat Pennsylvania (Mr. COSTELLO) for 5 min- if Bashar Assad used chemical weapons Team of the 100th Infantry Battalion. utes. on his own people, he must go. He is Ben Kuroki exemplified the embodi- Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. still in office. ment of patriotism and service above Speaker, last week, the Nation saw a What we are seeing in Syria—the ref- self. He often said, ‘‘I had to fight for very important program expire, the ugees’ humanitarian crisis, a bloody the right to fight for my own country, Land and Water Conservation Fund. I civil war, the rise of ISIS—is a direct and now I feel vindication.’’ rise today to encourage my colleagues response to this administration’s inept- Today I rise to share Ben Kuroki’s on both sides of the aisle to join with ness to handle these problems. tremendous accomplishments and dedi- me and call for a vote on a full and Now we have Russia’s Putin on the cated public service with the House of continued permanent reauthorization floor of the U.N.—on U.S. soil—saying Representatives. Ben Kuroki was the of the LWCF. America is weak. But we didn’t need definition of an American hero. For 50 years, this critical fund has Putin to tell us that by his words. He I would also like to take this time to added value to my district and to so has done it by his actions. He invaded recognize another extraordinary trail- many across the Nation. Last week, in- Crimea in Ukraine because he knew blazer for the Japanese American com- action by Congress led to the expira- that this administration would draw munity, Susumu ‘‘Sus’’ Ito. tion of the Land and Water Conserva- another red line, but do nothing about Ito, the oldest and only son of Japa- tion Fund, and I believe it is critical it. nese immigrants, was drafted into the that we renew our commitment to the America is losing her standing in the military in 1940. After Pearl Harbor, fund. world because we would rather appease his parents and his sister were sent to The fund helps our communities pro- our enemies than show strength. This the incarceration camp in Rohwer, Ar- tect critical lands by providing State administration still has no strategy kansas. During this time, he volun- and local governments with necessary handling ISIS, no tangible plan to han- teered to become a forward observer for funding and flexibility to develop and dle the Syrian problem or defeating the 442nd Infantry Battalion, one of the improve the very land on display for VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:42 Oct 06, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06OC7.002 H06OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 6, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6799 everyone to enjoy. Nowhere is it more Our public lands and outdoor recre- smallest percentage of any ethnic critical than in my home State of ation areas are an integral part of our group. Pennsylvania. heritage, civic identity, and local com- And even while 21⁄2 million new Over the past 50 years, Pennsylvania munity. I believe the Land and Water Latinos signed up for health care, 25 has received approximately $300 mil- Conservation Fund is one of our most percent of Latinos have no healthcare lion in land and water conservation important conservation programs and plan, and we battle high obesity and di- funding for protection in many areas of an excellent example of a bipartisan abetes. national significance, such as Gettys- commitment to the safeguard of our So I have seen these issues firsthand burg National Military Park, the Paoli natural resources and cultural herit- in my district and in California and, as Battlefield, the Brandywine Battle- age, and we must reauthorize it. a whole, have seen and have worked to field, Valley Forge National Historical As an original cosponsor of H.R.
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