(WUTB ^ TUESDAY, n O ftMBBifc i, m s £tanr4irstpr Cttmttifl Hmtlik Average Daily Circulation The Wentkar For the Moath. of October, 1942 Foneaat el D. 8 . Woather KleaBor Berggren ta ohalr- EmergieneY Doctor familiar . ”M e d i t a t i o n” from o f the committee arranging Manchester^ Lodge Head ’Thaia’.’ arranged for violin and 7 ,6 9 6 ‘Hbont Town for the "cam^ night” program this Musical Club piano. House Owners I ' ' Dr. J. A. .Segal will respond | Colder, tonight with tompetatare evening of the Luther League at D ate Book For the aecond half of the pro­ Member ef the Audit tamng below treestng. Emanuel Lutheran church. to eraergMKgr calla tomorrow i gram compoaltiana of the late Bureau o f ClrculaUone al«M ttiiit Honor Guest afternoon. I Gives Program may bav* Tonight Ceclle Chamlnade, piantit, com- One case o f measles ta reported pofer of orchestral suites, songs Martehjnteiy^A City of ViUage Charm at ttaa xnit« In Manchester according to the Polls open until 9 this evening. and piano numbers' were studied. iti^ . FHday 'Voting place American Legion Pythians Give Testjmon' weekly bulletin of the State De­ an who attended and all who con­ Chamini|de / Grptfp En* The club takes Its name from To Get Fuel . Oil You (CtasolSed AdvertWug ou PU|U IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,4942 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS . ’oloek In the partment o f Health. Tiiere are no Home, Lronard street, opposite ial for John Wenneiv tributed toward making this party this famous woman composer. VOL. LXII„ NO. 30 ____ MU wnrdena who other reportable diseases here. State Armory. the success that it was. joys air Afternoon Two piano duets "Scraf Dance” Must Have the Lan^> M l hwl their ptcturea , Meeting of Pines Civic Associa­ gren Last Evening,/^ - and "The Flatterer” were play­ n |>oK at the BItte ' Miss Marion Tinker, Secretary tion, home of Mr. and Mra. Gil­ With the Composers. ed by Mrs. Virginia Whitehill lord’s Signature. of the. Manchester YMCA, has bert Saegaert, 72 Linmore drive. List Local Youth and Mrs. Marjorie Eldridge and been engaged by the Pioneer Par­ Wedneaday, November 4 A surprise testimonial dinner A fine program of modern and were followed by the beautiful vo­ All persons reporting the amount achute Company to supervise the a ■arwanei of IM American Legion Honie, 10 to was given John R. Wennergren at classical French music was en­ cal duet for mezzo-soprano and of oil used by them to the local rm- M m and Robert A. plant cafeteria located in the base­ 4:30 p.m., work on Red Croaa the Villa Louisa last night by the At Pilots <School joyed by members ~of the Chaml- contralto called "Nocturne”. This ment of the plant on Poreat street. melodic and harmonious number Uoning board today from. S o’clock o t MO Tona»d Turnpike surgical,dressinga. A standing In­ members of Ltnne Lodge No,* 72 nade Musical Club at its meeting until 9 o’clock and ggaln tomorrow ’ MBterday enllated In the United Miss Tinker has had an extensive vitation to all women to assist in was sung by Mrs. Ruth Bowlby experience in planning and pre­ and Memorial Lodge No. 38, Monday afternoon in the Federa­ between the same hours, must ' ittatea Army at the Hartford this worth-while effort for our Maxwell Field, Nov. 3 — Two and Mrs. Alice Shaw, accompan­ paring luncheons and banquets in K nightoof Pythias. Mr. Wenner­ tion Room of the Center church. ied by Eiearior Bennett. Mrs. Ben­ have their report signed by the aOlea. armed forces. Come at any hour youths from Manchester and Glas­ Mra. Eva Wood was in charge of owner of the house, if they are her official capacity in the YMCA, of the day most convenient. gren, a member of Linne Lodge, nett then played Qhaminade’s later at the Manchester Country was recently elected Grand Chan­ tonbury, Conn., haVe reported to the program, with Mrs. Marjorie rent payers. This has not been Meeting and lecture, Air Raid Eldridge and Mrs. Dorothy Keeney ‘Theme in A Major with Varia­ Tiroop 16, Boy Scoats of St. Club and at her Andover hostelry. cellor of the State of Connecticut. tions” . Mrs. Marjorie. Nelson, with given much publicity, but the site Jamea's aburoh will meet tonight Wardens of Precinct 3, St Mary's the Army Air Forces -Pre-Flight assisting. managers at the five different hall at 7:30. This dinner was an expression Mrs. Gladys Gilroy at the piano at T:SO in the church halt Members of the Alpina Society School for Pilots at Maxwell Field, A short business meeting was schools in town today ruled that Meeting at 7 30 of graduate of the esteem of his brother presided over by the club presi­ presented "Madrigal” , a tone poem will hold their monthly meeting KnigMs, and their appreciation of Alabama, from the Classification by the composer and the program tbjs has to be done. If the owner tomorrow evening at eight o'clock nurses, basement High school Center at Nashville, Tennessee, to dent, Mrs. Ruth Bowlby. The next of the house can not be reached Women of St. James'a parish building. Dr. Knapp speak^. his efforts in furthering the cause ended with the playing of the IWM changed the day for Red at the Italian-American clubhouse begin the second phase of their board meeting was announced for piano duet "Rigaudon” by Mrs. because of being too far awa^, Makes Further Monday afternoon, the thirtieth of there will be an exquse, but other­ Army of Opas aewlng, thereby leaving on Eldridge street. Thursday, Novomoer 5 training to become pilots in the Wood and Mrs. Keeney. the month at the home of Mrs. Wodneeday f m for those who vol­ Harvest Supper, V"Booster Club, nation's expanding air forces. Mrs. Edith Peterson. Mrs. Flora wise, the report must be signed by Richard MacLagan. .IP Oxford the landlord. unteer for work on Red Croee eur- North Methodist church, starts st Here they are receiving nine Chase and Mrs. Ruth Shedd will be 5:30. weeks of intensive military, physi­ atreet, hospitality chairman. In charge of the December meet­ Registrations today are being gtoal dresainge at the American The December, meeting, in Legion ball. Sewing sessions of S t Junior (..Tlamber of Commerce, cal and academic instruction pre- ing and members are reminded to taken at the Buckland, Nathan Arch Masons’ charge of the Bolton members, Hale. Manenester Green, Hollis­ Leads Party to Victory in State Jamea’s workers for the present Chamb^ of Commerce rooms at ^laratory to their beginning actual invite guests to hear the guest 8 p.m. flight training at one of the many was declared to be an open one artists perform. ter street and Manchester High Will be fai the kindergarten room with guests to be Invited. An en­ schools. Baldwin Leads Party / Friday, November 6 Follows Up o f S t Jamea's parochial school and Special Event primary flight schools in the South­ joyable program is to be given by the hour on Thursdays is 1:30 p.m. Board of Control meeting of the east Army Air Forces Training C. of C. at Y. M. C .A. at 6:30 Center. club members and guest artists. ALICE COFRAN p.m. Mrs. Ruth Taylor Phelps, pianist, Special Souvenirs Walter J. Parsons of Birch Old Timers Night to Be These men include: and Miss Yolanda Leiss, violinist, (RaowB As 4)neea AUm ) atreet who baa been a patient for Boy Scouts Court of Honor, Cadets Denis Arthur Lawrence, both of Willimantic will be pre­ SPIIUTIIAI. MEDIUM South church at 7:30. several months at the Memorial, Ohserved; Past High 143 Hollister street, Manchester, sented and a male octette from the At Firemen’s Ball Seventh Danghtor ot a ^veatli So* Over Rommel To Decisive Victory; Born With n Vea hospital, has been transferred to Saturday, November 7 Conn., was a student at Boston High school onder the direction Readinga Daily, tnclndlng Smday',' the Hsutford hospital. Priests in Chain* Ceremonial 'Fall Cedars of Leba­ University when accepted as an of G. Albert Pearson will sine non, M 'sonic Temple.. aviation cadet in the Army Air Carols. PurchA'iers of tickets to the 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ Collection of tin cans in salvage Forces. George Samuel Gill, 1690, Reader for Afternoon ment. In the Servlee of the P e^ S t Mary’s Woman’s Auxiliary campaign. Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury 44th annual Thanksgiving Eve so­ pie for SO Years. - win ii* rummage aale Thurs­ sons, will hold ’’Old Timers’ Night” Mrs. Bernice Thrall, who was Tuesday, November 10 Conn., had been id»the U. S. Army the reader of the afternoon, com­ cial and dance of Hose and Ladder leo Chnrch Htreet, Hartford, Comm. When High Gear Hit Swells House Power day morning at 9:1S in the pariah at a special convocation In thef Phone B-0097 Retail Credit Bureau meeting, for 20 months when appointed an mented upon the lives and musi­ Company, No. 1, S. M. F. D., will , house, mtrance from Locust Masonic Temple -on Saturday, Y. M. C .A., St 6:30 p.m. aviation cadet in the Army Air receive special souveqirs this year. ; atreet Those who can do ao are cal technique of the composers November 14. The chairs in the Wednesday, November II Forces. studied. The firemen have had souvenir fire Sweep ta Majority Con­ (Carries State by More ' urged to leave their oontHbutlons Annual Armistice night dinner chapter will be filled that night by The program opened with De­ alarm cards printed and everyone Smashes on Farm Belt : tomorrow afternoon o r evening at and dance, American Legion ball.
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