Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 12-21-1963 The Ledger and Times, December 21, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 21, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4389. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4389 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. In 20, 1903 Meleeted As A Rest All Round Ftentuety Community NewsDaDer TING In The Afternoon Daily Newspaper God For Murray We and Trust Calloway County ,..nited Press International , ef4 ova 84th YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, December 21, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 301 Orchestra Members Mrs. Alice Campus Lights Trevathan - Are Named Bitter Cold Breaks More eeche.atra members for the Mitt say State College musical mode( 'ton. "Campus Lights" have been Passes Away director ennounced by the show's Records Across Nation nerry Trentham The orchestra mrmberi are: Saxe Mrs Alice Hand Trweathan. wid- chonce -Dere Peck, Murray; Carolyn 3t1,' of the late William Herbert Childers, Huntsville, Ala.; Jerre Eivhth Tiros Is Trevethan. 'massed tessav yesterday Donsan. West Palm Beach, Fla.: Sent Into Orbit Mercury Dips To Freezing On at 11.15 at the tee of 92, fonovrine Charles Hutchins, Oak Ride, Tenn.: an extended inness. and Ftanion Popp tlardo, Jamestown. , a CAPE KE'NNEDY ,lea - The Me. Travathan died on April 19, N.' Y. Gulf Coast; Travel Dangerous United States rocketed its eighth 19e9. Trombones -RoycePatterson, tin- Tiros sitellite into orbit today to Mrs Trevathan made her home ier. City. Tenn • Lee Somers, Pa- anti back • the first -instant" pic- A with a daughter Mrs. W. C. Skin- Phe Cole, Evansville; and By United Press International the Impoundment of water behind tures of earth's weather ...twine, ,mrsttfrolii441.:: ner of 1687 Ryan. Other survivors sandy James. Huntsville. Ala. Markland Dam. The camera carrying moonlet Bitter cold broke more records are a ipendson William C. Skinner Trumpets-Bich Matta, Virden. The U.S. Army Engineers at Lou- rode into the sky in the nose of a across the North today and sleet .1 of Dallas, Texas; three great grand- 111 ; Patrick Flaherty, Lorain. Ohio: isville said there was ice in the [ three stage Delta rocket that ran sprayed highways with ice through- children. Portland Canel, but none yet in the This ts south Lodge, the kidruip motet run by Harrah s (tub for ita entertainers nab Perino. Virden, Ill.; Daryll 21st straieht out the Southein Plains Te:np_ea- Funeral arrangements are in- up an unprecedented river at McAlpineDam. Davis, ilopkinsville; and Gary Mas- tures dipped to freezing along the complete at this time Burial will success. Another traffic death wee added sett°. Herrin Ill, roared from its launch- Gulf Coest be at the Murray Cemetery and The rocket to the list of fatalities attributed to Flutes--Netta Wainseott Hunts- and ts Funeral Home ing toad atop a pillar of flame the cold spell since last Sunday, a the J. H Churchill Linda Segree, Hop- The mercury dipped below zero ville. Ala : and smoke at 4:30 a. m. (EST). Ten Is in charge of arraneetricate at C licago for the ninth conse- figure which now has reached at minutes later, the federal space Horns---Vickey Harmon. Mayfield. cutis Aly-a record for December :east 19. agincy said all stages had fired Princeton. -and eluneed to 20 be,ew at Water- Barbara Perckel. 19, of kouis-ville, end Alma Alkock, properly. -Jane Thomas, West La- towr N was killed at 2:15 am, todity when Roland Carter Strings Robert Gray, nisnager of the Sayette, Ind.; Bill Criswell. Fast har car went out of control on an Wins Schoiarship Tiros project, said "the flight ap- At -- ie. Minneapolis. Minn.. erunswiek. N. J.: Beverly Goode. icy patch of street in Louisville and pears very satisfactory " registered 13 below. St Louis Mo., lyierray; Pat Rowland. East Bruns- crashed into a utility pole. Rcland Cartel .schentletry and biol- The satellite's new camera sy- zero and Louisville, Ky 7., above. wick. N .1. Robert Kady. East Bruns- ogy nutter at Mirray State Consee stem-designed to send cloud pie:- wick. N. J.: Mary Hamilton. Pahl- from Felton has been awarded an term directly to forecasters AILS to A mixture of freezing rain, light .ah; Joyce Ann Barley. Hceleinsville! assistarithip of $3,000 pli's tuition be 'turned on as the moonlet sped snow and sleet brewed tra- Joe Bouton, Pieria, Tenn.; and Keila at the University of Tennessee. across the United States-Canada vel clinger across parts of Arkansas, '[iakers Down Wakelend, Nit d Stoneille. • He also has been awarded a e200 border on its fourth orbit late this Northern Louisiana and Mississippi. Other orchestra members are: scholarship for use in graduete mcming at about 11:34 .a m. (EST). The Texas Panhandle and Okla- a am Stuck. Date an. Ohio, bass: school from the Alpha Tau 01111ga A total of 42 stOons in 14 coun- homa also reported slippery high- Fulton County Jche Darnall, Muriay. guitar; and Foundaticn Fund. tries was tensed to pick up "thee ways. Denni, MeGraime, Long -snind,- N. This echolarshin is based on scho- minute" weathes photographs fAn Y. drums. Hazardous drivina wsrnemo. were lastic ability and faaternity par- mtellite as it V hille:1 diroegh the posted for most of •Miesiseippi. Last Night ticipation. space 425 miles above earth. bridges were closed in mans' areas For three summers Carter has Malfunctions M the rocket's me- Last Days Before of the state and police urged mo- served as a trainee in the deptrt- I had fee:el three noseoene- An Fill agent examines room from which soung Sinatra was kidnaped. John FO•a. a chanism torises to stay home unless travel The Leiters of Calloway County, , ment of pharmacology it the. Uni- Christmas Are Hectic ments of....t...1.51\ laurelling since Toes- musician who ass dining with Sinatra at the time. and was left bound, leases the motel was necessary. snapped back into the win column versity of Tennotsee in Memohis. For Mrs. Breathitt The Illinois and Mesissioei riv- last night with a win over Fldton CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA fedice had ale men under arrest but no major clues to the kid- ! He is president of Beta Beta, a even previous Tiros weather ers were ice-covered above the Al- County. • naping of Frank Sinatra Jr from a Statelirie. Nev motel. The only eyewitness, musi- t member of the Student effiliates of satellites have been launched sue- ton. M.. Dam and the Missouri Leading et every stanza. the Leit- cian John Fuss, was unable to make a positive Identification. American Chemical Society. cor- ceesfully, but each was a.ble to send By CAROLE MARTIN River was blocked by ice at ,everal ers poured 71 points through the responding secretary of Alpha Tau Its photographs only to a pair of United Press; International points Fleeting ice filled the Mis- net to 66 for Fulton. &mega. and past president of the elaborately equipped ground sta- FRANKFORT. K. irl Last sissippi from linen te Columbus. The Lakers held a 20-11 margin ATTEND I a: eTITUTE German Club. He was chosen for tions. 'innate sheppine. moving a !aunty Ky . and the weather bureau said at the end of the first auarter and "Who's Who in American Colleges About three minutes after blast- of four children- one of them nurs- an lee gorge may develop today or 42-30 at the halftime_ The margie Last Of Quints Ready To Co and Universities" this year. rocket's booster stage sep- c off. the Sunday at Greenfield near 3 Bend. ing a case of !lacken pox-and was raised 62-43 at the three quartet Mac Tuctor manrger of the Ben- arated on schedule. sending the entertairun; 33 foctball players for into mark. ton brrnch of Wf Kantucky Book- opper stages soaring deeper calmer. All Misuasuppi FUNK WV trai- !anon County. spurred on Irg dome From Hospital Today keepin r r.d "is ": C Hugh Story Is space. nee lasibilien St. Lath med Cairo Jimmy Argo rallied in the final that are The second stage also fired on . neeeet.; of the loceil of Pr°mated- Recently elhese are the things was hilted Prtda• because of es- period but fiesIvay those of uirit fice, aitecietell th.: a:ewe:h. annual the last four days be- schedule Ind separated as planned. • ABFIlaggli g. D. VT The ly will spend the holiday at home, helping make !ollw Nate' r a the lee Nen- mark. tax institute by the In- the most hectic for space agency officials said. lest of the fame= Ftv-.her quin- he 'said. sponsored fore Christmas . Argo held wenn Wows for the terne! Revreue Service on Thurs- I Kentucky's new 'meets preeared to leave St. Luke's -Where can you go with five lit- USS GRAFFIAS trirrNc Hugh Frances Breathitt. In ottter weather news: nieht with 25 points with his team- day and Friday. P. Ste'-s'. boatswain's mate second fiist lady. lioeietal today for a •'quiet" Christ- , tile ones only three month old-- -An ice truck at Minneapolis. mete Jimmy Harrison putting The institute serteined te the class, USN. "on of Mrs. Cora M. Minn.. froze up Friday in 18-below ma. at Prime their first ' especially in MU cold weather.' Gov Edward T.
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