GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL President of Republic Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia Minister for Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications Gilberto Kassab MUSEU PARAENSE EMÍLIO GOELDI Director Nilson Gabas Júnior Research and Postgraduate Coordinator Ana Vilacy Moreira Galucio Communication and Extension Coordinator Maria Emilia Cruz Sales Coordinator of the National Research Institute of the Pantanal Maria de Lourdes Pinheiro Ruivo EDITORIAL BOARD Adriano Costa Quaresma (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) Carlos Ernesto G.Reynaud Schaefer (Universidade Federal de Viçosa) Fernando Zagury Vaz-de-Mello (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso) Gilvan Ferreira da Silva (Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental) Spartaco Astolfi Filho (Universidade Federal do Amazonas) Victor Hugo Pereira Moutinho (Universidade Federal do Oeste Paraense) Wolfgang Johannes Junk (Max Planck Institutes) Coleção Adolpho Ducke Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Natural resources in wetlands: from Pantanal to Amazonia Marcos Antônio Soares Mário Augusto Gonçalves Jardim Editors Belém 2017 Editorial Project Iraneide Silva Editorial Production Iraneide Silva Angela Botelho Graphic Design and Electronic Publishing Andréa Pinheiro Photos Marcos Antônio Soares Review Iraneide Silva Marcos Antônio Soares Mário Augusto G.Jardim Print Graphic Santa Marta Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) Natural resources in wetlands: from Pantanal to Amazonia / Marcos Antonio Soares, Mário Augusto Gonçalves Jardim. organizers. Belém : MPEG, 2017. 288 p.: il. (Coleção Adolpho Ducke) ISBN 978-85-61377-93-9 1. Natural resources – Brazil - Pantanal. 2. Amazonia. I. Soares, Marcos Antonio. II. Jardim, Mário Augusto Gonçalves. CDD 333.72098115 © Copyright por/by Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, 2017. Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, constitui violação dos direitos autorais (Lei nº 9.610). Presentation The National Pantanal Research Institute (INPP) was created by Law Nº. 12,954, of February 5, 2014 and aims to integrate and articulate actions in the Pantanal region, promote new initiatives and provide the development of models and databases To integrate the transfer of knowledge generated in the region. It is based in the Campus of the University of Mato Grosso, in Cuiabá, because it is not yet fully regulated, it functions as an Advanced Campus of the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Research Unit directly to the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications. The Amazon and Pantanal have similar biotic and abiotic characteristics in several aspects such as biodiversity, land use pressure, water scarcity and urban explosion. The gathering of articles from researchers from both regions working on a theme as important as the conservation and sustainable use of resources in wetlands will provide new academic and scientific knowledge on the Amazon and the Pantanal. The Natural Resources Book in Wetlands: From Pantanal to Amazonia edited by the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi / National Pantanal Research Institute aims to promote the publication, dissemination and socialization in the national and international scope of the intellectual production on Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Innovation that deals exclusively with the Pantanal Biome and Amazon Biome through information on the biological diversity of populations and communities of animals, plants and microorganisms and their ecological patterns and processes; Development of technologies, patents and innovations, as well as biotechnological products and processes based on biodiversity. It contemplated researches carried out by teachers and Students of the Doctoral Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology in Network/Regional North/Pará; Doctors and Students of the Doctoral Program in Network/Regional Center West (MT, MS, GO and DF) and Researchers of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Wetlands (INAU). Maria de Lourdes Pinheiro Ruivo Coordinator of the National Research Institute of the Pantanal Summary ................................................................15 Stakeholders in community management of turtle in Brazilian Amazon Aldeniza Cardoso de Lima, Antônia Queiroz Lima de Souza, Carolina Joana da Silva, Paulo Cesar Machado de Andrade and Wagner de Deus Mateus ................................................................37 Endophytic fungal diversity associated with the roots of cohabiting plants in the Pantanal wetland Andressa Ricci Biz, Elisabeth Aparecida Furtado de Mendonça, Euziclei Gonzaga de Almeida and Marcos Antônio Soares ................................................................71 Terra preta nova: environmental biotechnology, green patent Antônio Pinheiro ................................................................90 Methodological baseline for dendrochronological studies in the pantanal Erica Cezarine de Arruda, Eliana Paixão, Cátia Nunes da Cunha and Jochen Schöngart ..............................................................115 Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Hyptis suaveolens roots Jaqueline Alves Senabio, Igor Pereira da Silva, Jane Lima dos Santos and Marcos Antônio Soares ..............................................................137 Pedological relationships with the macrohabitats of the Pantanal wetland Léo Adriano Chig, Ricardo Santos Silva Amorim, Cátia Nunes da Cunha, João Paulo Novaes Filho and Eduardo Guimarães Couto ..............................................................162 Floristic, Phytosociology and Spatial Distribution of a monodominant Mauritia flexuosa L.f. forest in an Southern Amazon in the Arc of Deforestation Nilo Leal Sander, Ricardo da Silva Ribeiro, Dennis Rodrigues da Silva, Antonio Miguel Olivo Neto,Célia Regina Araújo Soares Lopes, Joari Costa de Arruda, María Teresa Pulido and Carolina Joana da Silva ..............................................................183 Bioprospecting Serjania marginata Casar.: chemical and larvicidal evaluation and agricultural productivity Silvia Cristina Heredia-Vieira, Matheus Escobar Falco, Priscilla Rezende Motti, Karla Rejane de Andrade Porto, Antonia Railda Roel, Maria do Carmo Vieira, Néstor Antonio Heredia Zárate, Wagner Vilegas and Cláudia Andrea Lima Cardoso ..............................................................206 Understory of the seasonally-flooded brevi-semideciduous Vochysia divergens forest, Pantanal, Brazil Erica Cezarine de Arruda, Eliana Paixão, Cecilia Maria Vieira Pinheiro da Silva and Catia Nunes da Cunha ..............................................................233 Hymenopteran predators, parasitoids and pollinators caught with malaise traps in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil Antonia Railda Roel, Angélica Maria Penteado-Dias, Kwok Chiu Cheung, Edilson Silveira, Linda Karoline Garcia de Souza Silva and Suellen Soares ..............................................................251 Effect of insecticide from brazilian cashow nuts liquid (CNL) Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae) Karla Rejane de Andrade Porto, Priscilla Resende Motti, Antonia Railda Roel, Alexandre Alves Machado, Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso and Rosemary Matias ..............................................................267 Vegetation composition in a Permanent Plots System: an Adaptation of the RAPELD Method for Neotropical Wet Savanna Cândida Pereira da Costa, Luciana Rebellato and Cátia Nunes da Cunha List of authors Alexandre Alves Machado Professor at Catholic University Dom Bosco [email protected] Aldeniza Cardoso de Lima Student ao the Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Legal Amazon - Bionorte Network Federal University of Amazonas [email protected] Andressa Ricci Biz Student of the PostGraduate Program in Tropical Agriculture Federal University of Mato Grosso [email protected] Angélica Maria Penteado-Dias Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Natural Resources Federal University of São Carlos [email protected] Antonio Miguel Olivo Neto Student of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences University of the State of Mato Grosso [email protected] Antônio Pinheiro Professor at the Federal University of Western Pará [email protected] Antônia Queiroz Lima de Souza Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Legal Amazon - Bionorte Network Federal University of Amazonas [email protected] Antonia Railda Roel Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology and Biodiversity of the Midwest Catholic University Dom Bosco [email protected] Cândida Pereira da Costa Researcher at the School of Agricultural Engineering University of Campinas [email protected] Carolina Joana da Silva Professor of the Posgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Legal Amazon - Bionorte Network State University of Mato Grosso [email protected] Cátia Nunes da Cunha Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology and Biodiversity of the Midwest Federal University of Mato Grosso [email protected] Cecilia Maria Vieira Pinheiro da Silva State Secretary for the Environment of Mato Grosso [email protected] Célia Regina Araújo Soares Lopes Professor at the State University of Mato Grosso [email protected] Cláudia Andrea Lima Cardoso Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources. State University of Mato Grosso do Sul [email protected] Dennis Rodrigues da Silva Student of the Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Agroecosystems.
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