San Diego Public Library New Additions June 2010 Adult Materials 000 - Computer Science and Generalities California Room 100 - Philosophy & Psychology CD-ROMs 200 - Religion Compact Discs 300 - Social Sciences DVD Videos/Videocassettes 400 - Language eAudiobooks & eBooks 500 - Science Fiction 600 - Technology Foreign Languages 700 - Art Genealogy Room 800 - Literature Graphic Novels 900 - Geography & History Large Print Audiocassettes MP3 Audiobooks Audiovisual Materials Newspaper Room Biographies Fiction Call # Author Title [MYST] FIC/AKUNIN Akunin, B. (Boris) Sister Pelagia and the red cockerel [MYST] FIC/ALBERT Albert, Susan Wittig. Holly blues [MYST] FIC/ALFIERI Alfieri, Annamaria. City of silver [MYST] FIC/ATHERTON Atherton, Nancy. Aunt Dimity down under [MYST] FIC/BANNISTER Bannister, Jo. Liars all [MYST] FIC/BARBIERI Barbieri, Maggie. Final exam [MYST] FIC/BEATON Beaton, M. C. Death of a village [MYST] FIC/BEATON Beaton, M. C. Love, lies and liquor [MYST] FIC/BEATON Beaton, M. C. The perfect paragon [MYST] FIC/BLACK Black, Cara Murder in the Latin Quarter [MYST] FIC/BLACK Black, Cara Murder in the Palais Royal [MYST] FIC/BORG Borg, Todd. Tahoe silence [MYST] FIC/BOX Box, C. J. Blood trail [MYST] FIC/BOX Box, C. J. Nowhere to run [MYST] FIC/BOX Box, C. J. Savage run [MYST] FIC/BRADLEY Bradley, C. Alan The weed that strings the hangman's bag [MYST] FIC/BRAUN Braun, Lilian Jackson. The cat who had 60 whiskers [MYST] FIC/BRAUN Braun, Lilian Jackson. The cat who went bananas [MYST] FIC/BROWN Brown, Rita Mae. Cat of the century [MYST] FIC/CAIN Cain, Chelsea. Evil at heart [MYST] FIC/CARL Carl, Lillian Stewart. The charm stone [MYST] FIC/CARL Carl, JoAnna. The chocolate cupid killings [MYST] FIC/CASEY Casey, Kathryn. Blood lines [MYST] FIC/CASTLE Castle, Richard. Heat wave [MYST] FIC/CHILDS Childs, Laura. The teaberry strangler [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha A holiday for murder [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha A murder is announced [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha A pocket full of rye 2 [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Westmacott, Mary Absent in the spring [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha And then there were none [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Appointment with death [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha At Bertram's Hotel [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Cards on the table [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Crooked house [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Death comes as the end [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Death in the air [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Death on the Nile [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Double sin and other stories [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Easy to kill [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Endless night [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Hallowe'en party [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Mr. Parker Pyne, detective [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Mrs. McGinty's dead [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Murder at Hazelmoor [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Murder in retrospect [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Murder in three acts [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Murder on the Orient Express [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Murder with mirrors [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha N or M? [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Ordeal by innocence [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Partners in crime [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Peril at end house [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Postern of fate [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Remembered death [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha So many steps to death [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Taken at the flood [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The A.B.C. murders [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The body in the library [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The clocks [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The golden ball and other stories [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The hollow 3 [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The mirror crack'd [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The moving finger [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The murder at the vicarage [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The murder of Roger Ackroyd [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The mysterious Mr. Quin. [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The mystery of the blue train [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The regatta mystery, and other stories [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The secret adversary [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha The seven dials mystery [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha They came to Baghdad [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Towards zero [MYST] FIC/CHRISTIE Christie, Agatha Under dog and other stories [MYST] FIC/CLARK Clark, Cassandra. The red velvet turnshoe [MYST] FIC/CLARK Clark, Mary Higgins. The shadow of your smile [MYST] FIC/CLARK Clark, Carol Higgins. Wrecked [MYST] FIC/CLEEVES Cleeves, Ann. Red bones [MYST] FIC/COEL Coel, Margaret The silent spirit [MYST] FIC/COLE Cole, Sam Cape greed [MYST] FIC/CONNELLY Connelly, Michael Nine dragons [MYST] FIC/CONNELLY Connelly, Michael The narrows [MYST] FIC/CONNELLY Connelly, Michael The scarecrow [MYST] FIC/COOK Cook, Thomas H. The fate of Katherine Carr [MYST] FIC/COPP Copp, Rick. The actors guide to greed [MYST] FIC/CORNWELL Cornwell, Patricia Daniels. Blow fly [MYST] FIC/CRAFT Craft, Michael Flight dreams [MYST] FIC/CRAIG Craig, Philip R. A vineyard killing [MYST] FIC/CRAIS Crais, Robert. The forgotten man [MYST] FIC/CURNUTT Curnutt, Kirk Dixie noir [MYST] FIC/DAVIDSON Davidson, Diane Mott. Fatally flaky [MYST] FIC/DE CASTRIQUE De Castrique, Mark. The Fitzgerald ruse [MYST] FIC/DEAVER Deaver, Jeffery. The burning wire [MYST] FIC/DEAVER Deaver, Jeffery. The cold moon [MYST] FIC/DOHERTY Doherty, P. C. The magician's death 4 [MYST] FIC/DOSS Doss, James D. Shadow man [MYST] FIC/DOWNIE Downie, Ruth Persona non grata [MYST] FIC/ELLIS Ellis, Warren. Crooked little vein [MYST] FIC/EMERY Emery, Anne. Children in the morning [MYST] FIC/EVANOVICH Evanovich, Janet. Lean mean thirteen [MYST] FIC/EVANOVICH Evanovich, Janet. Sizzling sixteen [MYST] FIC/EVANOVICH Evanovich, Janet. Twelve sharp [MYST] FIC/FAIRSTEIN Fairstein, Linda A. Hell gate [MYST] FIC/FERRIS Ferris, Monica. Thai die [MYST] FIC/FIFFER Fiffer, Sharon Sloan Scary stuff [MYST] FIC/FITZGERALD Fitzgerald, Conor. The dogs of Rome [MYST] FIC/FOWLER Fowler, Earlene. State fair [MYST] FIC/FRENCH French, Tana. The likeness [MYST] FIC/GEORGE George, Elizabeth This body of death [MYST] FIC/GOLDBERG Goldberg, Lee Mr. Monk in trouble [MYST] FIC/GORMAN Gorman, Edward. Ticket to ride [MYST] FIC/GRABENSTEIN Grabenstein, Chris. Rolling thunder [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. U is for undertow [MYST] FIC/GRIFFITHS Griffiths, Elly. The crossing places [MYST] FIC/HALL Hall, Parnell. The Puzzle Lady vs. The Sudoku Lady [MYST] FIC/HAMBLY Hambly, Barbara. Dead and buried [MYST] FIC/HARRIS Harris, Charlaine. Dead in the family [MYST] FIC/HARRIS Harris, Charlaine. Grave secret [MYST] FIC/HART Hart, Carolyn G. Laughed 'til he died [MYST] FIC/HYLAND Hyland, Adrian. Gunshot Road [MYST] FIC/JAMES James, Bill Full of money [MYST] FIC/JAMES James, P. D. The private patient [MYST] FIC/JANCE Jance, Judith A. Long time gone [MYST] FIC/JARDINE Jardine, Quintin. Fatal last words [MYST] FIC/JENKINS Jenkins, Emyl. The big steal [MYST] FIC/JOE Joe, Yolanda. Video cowboys [MYST] FIC/JOHNSON Johnson, Craig The dark horse [MYST] FIC/KAMINSKY Kaminsky, Stuart M. Bright futures 5 [MYST] FIC/KANDEL Kandel, Susan Dial H for Hitchcock [MYST] FIC/KELLERMAN Kellerman, Jonathan. Deception [MYST] FIC/KELLERMAN Kellerman, Jonathan. True detectives [MYST] FIC/KING King, Laurie R. Night work [MYST] FIC/KING King, Laurie R. The god of the hive [MYST] FIC/KUHLKEN Kuhlken, Ken. The biggest liar in Los Angeles [MYST] FIC/LEON Leon, Donna. A question of belief [MYST] FIC/LEON Leon, Donna. A sea of troubles [MYST] FIC/LIMON Limón, Martin G.I. Bones [MYST] FIC/LUTZ Lutz, Lisa. The Spellmans strike again [MYST] FIC/MANFREDO Manfredo, Lou. Rizzo's war [MYST] FIC/MANKELL Mankell, Henning The dogs of Riga [MYST] FIC/MARON Maron, Margaret. Hard row [MYST] FIC/MARTIN Martin, Nancy Murder melts in your mouth [MYST] FIC/MARTIN Martin, Nancy Our lady of immaculate deception [MYST] FIC/MCCALL McCall Smith, Alexander The Kalahari typing school for men [MYST] FIC/MCCALL SMITH McCall Smith, Alexander Tea time for the traditionally built [MYST] FIC/MCCALL SMITH McCall Smith, Alexander The Double Comfort Safari Club [MYST] FIC/MCCALL SMITH McCall Smith, Alexander The miracle at Speedy Motors [MYST] FIC/MOORE Moore, Christopher Paying back Jack [MYST] FIC/MURPHY Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. Cat striking back [MYST] FIC/NABB Nabb, Magdalen The innocent [MYST] FIC/O'BRIEN O'Brien, Charles Deadly quarrel [MYST] FIC/OCEAN Ocean, T. Lynn. Southern peril [MYST] FIC/O'DONOHUE O'Donohue, Clare. A drunkard's path [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, Robert B. High profile [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, Robert B. Night and day [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, Robert B. Shrink rap [MYST] FIC/PEARCE Pearce, Michael A dead man in Naples [MYST] FIC/PEARSON Pearson, Ridley. Killer weekend [MYST] FIC/PEFFER Peffer, Randall S. Old school bones [MYST] FIC/PENNY Penny, Louise. The brutal telling [MYST] FIC/PEREZ Pérez-Reverte, Arturo. The Club Dumas 6 [MYST] FIC/PERRY Perry, Anne. Brunswick gardens [MYST] FIC/PERRY Perry, Thomas Vanishing act [MYST] FIC/PETERS Peters, Elizabeth A river in the sky [MYST] FIC/PETERS Peters, Elizabeth. Tomb of the golden bird [MYST] FIC/PINTOFF Pintoff, Stefanie. A curtain falls [MYST] FIC/QUINN Quinn, Spencer. Thereby hangs a tail [MYST] FIC/RABB Rabb, Jonathan. Shadow and light [MYST] FIC/REICHS Reichs, Kathy. Bones to ashes [MYST] FIC/ROBB Robb, J. D. Born in death [MYST] FIC/ROBB Robb, J. D. Fantasy in death [MYST] FIC/ROBB Robb, J. D. Memory in death [MYST] FIC/ROYAL Royal, Priscilla. Chambers of death [MYST] FIC/SANDFORD Sandford, John Chosen prey [MYST] FIC/SANDFORD Sandford, John Heat lightning [MYST] FIC/SANDFORD Sandford, John Hidden prey [MYST] FIC/SANDFORD Sandford, John Rough country [MYST] FIC/SILVA Silva, Daniel The messenger [MYST] FIC/SIMENON Simenon, Georges The bar on the Seine [MYST] FIC/STANSBERRY Stansberry, Domenic.
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