Appendices North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment 206 November 2015 © Andrew Wheatley Appendix 1: Bibliography and data list The key literature sources used for this study are listed below (publications and websites), with GIS datasets included at Table A1.1. ABP Marine Environmental Research. 2013. Understanding the Market and Supply Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council, Seazone Solutions. 2011. Historic Chain for Fish Caught and Landed in North Devon. Northern Devon Fisheries Local Seascape Characterisation: Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary. English Heritage. Action Group. Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council, Seazone Solutions. 2011. Historic Barne, JH, Robson, CF, Kaznowska, SS, Doody, JP, Davidson, NC and Buck, AL, Seascape Characterisation: South West Peninsula. English Heritage. (eds.) 1996. Coasts and Seas of the United Kingdom. Region 11 The Western Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council. 2015. Devon Historic Coastal and Approached: Falmouth Bay to Kenfig. JNCC. Market Towns Survey: Bideford. Devon County Council. Channel Energy Limited. 2013. Atlantic Array Offshore Wind Farm Environmental LUC. 2010. Joint Landscape Character Assessment for North Devon & Torridge Statement. Channel Energy Limited. Districts. North Devon and Torridge District Councils, Devon County Council and North Devon Coast AONB Partnership. 2013. Combe Martin & The Umber Valley Natural England. Historic Environment Action Plan. Cordiale, Landscape Mapping and North Devon LUC. 2014. Seascape assessment for the South Marine Plan Areas: technical report. Coast AONB Partnership. Marine Management Organisation. Cumberlidge P. 2008. Bristol Channel and Severn Cruising Guide. Imray. McInnes R, Stubbings, H. 2011. A Coastal Historical Resources Guide for England. Exmoor National Park Authority. 2011. Exmoor National Park Local Plan – Crown Estate. Publication Draft. Exmoor National Park Authority. National Trust (various). Spirit of Place documents and Statements of Significance Exmoor National Park Authority, 2012. Exmoor National Park Partnership Plan for estate land. 2012-2017. Natural England. 2012. An Approach to Seascape Character Assessment. Natural Lieberknecht, L.M.; Hooper, T.E.J.; Mullier, T.M.; Murphy, A.; Neilly, M.; Carr, H.; England. Haines, R.; Lewin, S.; and Hughes, E. 2011. Finding Sanctuary Regional MCZ Natural England. 2014. An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment. Natural Project Final Report. Natural England, JNCC, and Science Advisory Panel. England. Keene, J. 1996. Braunton Burrow Ecology Trail. Thematic Trails and English North Devon Coast AONB Partnership. 2014. North Devon Coast AONB Nature. Management Plan 2014-19. North Devon Coast AONB Partnership. Keene, P, Keene, J. 1997. Northam Burrows Estuary Environments. Oxford Brooks Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. 2013. Seascape Character University. Assessment. Keene, P. 1997. Westward Ho! Against the Sea. Oxford Brooks University. Porlock Manor Estate, the National Trust, Porlock Parish Council, Exmoor National Keene, P. 2006. The Cliffs of Hartland Quay. Thematic Trails. Park and Natural England. 2015. A Vision for Porlock Marsh - Draft. Porlock Manor Estate, the National Trust, Porlock Parish Council, Exmoor National Park and Keene, P. 2014. North-West Devon Coast: A Celebration of Cliffs and Shoreline. Natural England. Thematic Trails. Preece, E. 2007. Exmoor Landscape Character Assessment. Exmoor National Park Halcrow. 2010. Shoreline Management Plan Review (SMP2) Hartland Point to Authority. Anchor Head. North Devon and Somerset Coastal Advisory Group (NDASCAG) North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment 207 November 2015 Main websites used http://www.boatstories.co.uk/ http://www.johnhmoore.co.uk/hele/lime_burning.htm http://www.braundsociety.org/ http://www.joshuadayphotography.co.uk http://brocross.com/industrial%20history/limekilns.htm http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/ http://www.charterboats-uk.co.uk/ http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/protectedsites/ http://www.cmsac.co.uk/local_guide.htm http://www.landmarktrust.org.uk/lundyisland http://www.coastwisenorthdevon.org.uk/beach-profiles.html http://www.lundy.org.uk/ http://coastalwalker.co.uk/2014/03/15/138-hartland-point-to-clovelly/ http://www.lundymcz.org.uk/ http://environment.data.gov.uk/bwq/profiles/ http://www.lyntonandlynmouth.org.uk/attractions/valley-of-rocks http://explorethecoast.org/ http://ougs.org/local_geology/article.php?id=96&&branchcode=swe http://www.cornishcoastphotos.co.uk/ http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ https://designatedsites.naturalengland.org.uk/ http://www.northdevon-aonb.org.uk/home http://www.devon.gov.uk/hartlandpba.pdf http://www.northdevonjournal.co.uk/ http://www.devon.gov.uk/hartlandpba.pdf https://planningportal.marinemanagement.org.uk/ http://www.devon.gov.uk/walk41 http://www.plimsoll.org/WrecksAndAccidents/wreckreports/ https://new.devon.gov.uk/historicenvironment/devons-historic- http://www.porlockbayoysters.co.uk/heritage/ environment/ http://www.sailtrain.co.uk/navigation/charts.htm http://www.divernet.com/UK_Diving/ http://www.smuggling.co.uk/gazetteer_sw_13.html http://www.everythingexmoor.org.uk/ http://www.southwestcoastpath.org.uk/ http://www.exmoorher.co.uk http://www.swmaritime.org.uk/ http://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk http://www.thehuntersinnexmoor.co.uk/history/ http://www.explorebraunton.org/ http://www.trinityhouse.co.uk/lighthouses http://www.francisfrith.com/woolacombe/woolacombe-1906_56789 http://www.visit-exmoor.co.uk/coleridge-way/ http://www.golfsmissinglinks.co.uk/index.php/england/south-west/devon/ http://www.visitmyharbour.com/ http://www.heritagegateway.org.uk http://www.wavehub.co.uk/north-devon-tidal-zone http://www.historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/ http://www.westwardhohistory.co.uk/racecourse.php https://www.imray.com/uploads/Charts/Key_to_Symbols_2013.pdf http://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?72021 North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment 208 November 2015 Table A1.1: GIS data list Theme Data Layers Source (obtained from) Baseline Information Admiralty Charted Raster - various scales Oceanwise (eMapsite) OS maps - 1:250,000 Ordnance Survey Maps and Charts OS maps – 1:50,000 Ordnance Survey (NDC and Exmoor NPA) OS maps – 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey (NDC and Exmoor NPA) Mean High Water Mark Ordnance Survey Marine administrative boundaries Oceanwise (eMapsite) Boundaries/Extent of Local Authority boundaries Ordnance Survey Jurisdictions Shoreline Management Plan extents Environment Agency England Marine Plan Areas MMO Landscape/Seascape Character National Character Areas Natural England (Magic) Terrestrial Natural Areas Natural England (Magic) Wales Marine Character Areas NRW (LUC) Historic Seascape Character Assessment English Heritage Landscape/ Seascape Character Historic Landscape Character Areas Devon CC North Devon & Torridge Landscape Character Areas & Types North Devon DC Exmoor Landscape Character Areas & Types Exmoor NPA Devon Character Areas Devon CC National Marine Landscape (UK Seamap) EMODnet -funded by DG MARE National Parks Natural England (Magic) AONB Natural England (Magic) Landscape Designations Heritage Coast Natural England (Magic) Areas of Great Landscape Value North Devon DC Coast & Estuary Zone North Devon DC Natural Factors Bathymetry and elevation Bathymetry - elevation areas Oceanwise (eMapsite) Priority Habitat Inventory Natural England (Magic) Important Bird Areas/RSPB Reserves RSPB (Magic) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Natural England (Magic) National Nature Reserves (NNR) Natural England (Magic) Biodiversity & Designations Local Nature Reserve (LNR) Natural England (Magic) Exmoor & Somerset County Wildlife Sites North Devon DC & Exmoor NPA Special Protection Area (SPA) Natural England (Magic) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Natural England (Magic) Ramsar sites Natural England (Magic) North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment 209 November 2015 Marine Conservation Zones Natural England (Magic) UK SACs with marine components (Natura 2000) JNCC UK SPAs with marine components (Natura 2000) JNCC OSPAR Marine Protected Areas JNCC Biosphere Definitive Areas North Devon DC OSPAR Habitats 2014 EMODnet Infauna biotypes Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) Marine species recorder Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) Ray and whelk boxes Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) Fixed nets Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) Marine biotopes Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) Benthic grab sites Natural England (Biosphere Reserve) EUNIS Seabed Habitats EMODnet Ancient Woodland Natural England (Magic) Geology and Geomorphology Offshore bedrock & sediment geology BGS (eMapsite) Onshore bedrock & sediment geology BGS (NDC) Regionally Important Geological Sites (Exmoor, Somerset, North Devon & Torridge) Exmoor NPA, NDC Cultural/Social Historic Parks and Gardens English Heritage Listed Buildings English Heritage Heritage Protected Wrecks English Heritage Conservation Areas Exmoor NPA Scheduled Monuments English Heritage National Trails Natural England (Magic) Natural England recreation map data Natural England (Magic) Recreation CROW All access areas Natural England (Magic) Country Park Natural England (Magic) MTF Administrative areas Oceanwise (eMapsite) Shipping and navigation MTF Transport & routes Oceanwise (eMapsite) MTF Obstructions & wrecks Oceanwise (eMapsite) MTF Industrial areas Oceanwise (eMapsite) Renewable Energy Atlas Wind power ABPMer Industry, Energy and Renewable Energy Atlas Wave power ABPMer Infrastructure Renewable Energy Atlas
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