Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19074-9 - The Cambridge World History: Volume V: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 Ce–1500 Ce Edited by Benjamin Z . Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Index More information Index Aachen, 126, 180 Islam and educational institutions, 135–7 ‘Abbasid Baghdad, 186, 346 North, see North Africa. ‘Abbasids, 48, 100, 166, 187, 194, 200, 252, 398, northern, 681–2 411, 505–6 sub-Saharan, see sub-Saharan Africa. Caliphate, 24, 168, 199, 211, 213, 238, 252, West, see West Africa. 346, 402, 406 western coast of, 8, 254 Court, 180, 195, 199 Afro–Eurasia, 31, 33, 142, 667, 670–1, 674–7, ‘Abd al-Malik, 505 680, 682–3 Abd al-Rahman III, 346, 349 trade and commerce, 233–54 Abelard, Peter, 129 afterlife, 200, 546 absolutism, 99, 113 agrarian reformers, 52–3 Abu Ishaq al-Sahilil, 601 agricultural growth, 216, 626 Abu-Lughod, Janet, 634, 683 agricultural production, 220–1, 246, 318, Abū Mufarrij, Shaykh, 299–300, 302 336, 531 Acciaiuoli, 259, 266 agricultural societies, 95, 105, 669 Achaea, 580 agriculture, 20, 45, 53, 97–8, 100, 107, 148, adab, 191–2 334–6, 376–7, 669 adaptation, 22, 34–5, 328, 415, 476, 500, 559, permanent, 49, 54 668 rainfed, see rainfed agriculture. Aden, 4, 279, 301–4, 552, 674 wet-rice, 518, 525 administration, 123, 134, 180, 432–3, 532, 534, agro-literate societies, 212, 217, 225 539–42, 576–7 agro-urban civilizations, 29, 145, 149–50 centralized, 24, 332, 506, 578 Akroinon, 157, 564 imperial, 33, 555, 644 Albertus Magnus, 45 indirect, 539–40 alchemy, 125, 340 tax, 561, 570, 575, 577 Aleppo, 72, 134, 354, 391, 432, 571 administrative expertise, 518, 521 Alexander the Great, 343–4 administrative models, 32, 381 Alexandria, 155, 263–4, 269–70, 273–4, 276, admirals, 259, 271 279, 292, 345, 418 Adrianople, 575, 579 Algeria, 402, 606 adultery, 87 alliances, 80, 155, 253, 389, 495, 518, 562, 580, advisers, 73, 184, 515 606, 622 Aegean Sea, 274, 564 marriage, 35, 147, 621, 643 aesthetics, 191, 436 political, 185, 190, 545 Afghanistan, 26, 165, 373, 375, 396, 406 Almagest, 347, 349 Africa, 2, 5, 9, 12, 109–10, 340, 342, 415, 562–4 Almohads, 12, 162 East, see East Africa. Almoravids, 372, 394, 596, 606–7 hierarchies and solidarity, 109–12 Alps, 277, 322 Horn of, 170, 394, 486 alum, 259, 268, 275, 282, 524 685 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19074-9 - The Cambridge World History: Volume V: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 Ce–1500 Ce Edited by Benjamin Z . Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Index More information Index Amalfi, 274, 567 Arabic science, 341, 353, 356 Amarāvatī, 451, 457 Arabization, 671, 673, 681 Amaury, king of Jerusalem, 12 arable land, 334, 371, 472, 670 ambassadors, 201, 347, 349, 540 Arabs, 12–13, 271, 343, 353–4, 368, 399–403, Americas, 8, 18–19, 33–4, 71, 83, 117, 141–2, 174, 411–12, 564, 566 328–9 warfare, 155–8 educational institutions, 137–40 Aragon, 276–7, 281, 497 hierarchies and solidarity, 109–12 Aramaic, 292, 399, 401, 411 Amoghavajra, 462, 464–5 archaeological research, 311, 614, 618, 625 Anagarika Dharmapala, 477 archaeologists, 112, 588, 610–12, 617–18, 625, anal intercourse, 86–7 627, 629, 633 Anastasius, Emperor, 560, 562 archaeology, 16, 23, 109, 394, 592, 619, 643–4, Anatolia, 155, 158, 373, 377, 400, 535, 540, 564, 649 566, 569 archbishops, 12, 428–9, 441 ancestors, 403, 587, 590, 593, 605, 620, 650 archery skills, 163, 168 Inca, 642, 645, 647–8, 662 architectural forms, 550, 620, 623 Soninke, 590, 593 architectural styles, 601, 642 Ancona, 269, 276 architecture, 72, 138, 182, 195, 311, 315, 321–2, Andahuaylas, 644 620, 625 al-Andalus, 71, 237, 276, 279, 326, 349, 431, 433, civic, 618, 630 597 monumental, 588, 620 Andalusia, 277, 281, 329 Arghun, Ilkhan, 443, 549 Andes, 638, 642–5, 648, 650, 654–6, 658, 660, arid regions, 44, 47, 51, 403–4 662 aristocracy, 118, 120, 160, 164, 189–90, 258, Andronikos II, 580–1 520–1, 531 angels, 416, 438 Guanzhong, 515–16, 520 Angkor, 16, 60–1 military, 370, 575 Angkorean Cambodia, 16, 24 aristocratic clans, 220, 514–16, 521 animal husbandry, 46 aristocratic patronage, 183, 195 combined with rainfed agriculture, 52–5 Aristotle, 45, 126, 129, 339, 345, 351, 356 Ankara, 582 arithmetic, 129, 132, 350 anthropological approach, 55 Armenia, 154, 267, 420, 427, 540, 543, 546, 560, anthropologists, 46, 109, 111–12, 310, 592, 568 610–12 Armenians, 22, 424, 432, 546, 564, 569, 571, 575 Antioch, 154–5, 160, 274, 418, 420, 569, 571, 575 armies, 102, 153–4, 156–7, 162–5, 371–2, 565, Antisuyo, 638, 650 567–70, 575–6 Antwerp, 273, 277 large, 149–50, 362, 578 apostasy, 430 Mongol, 530, 547 apostles, 7, 418–19, 422 Roman, 154, 158 Apulia, 272, 281, 572 standing, 83, 514, 520, 523, 526, 531 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 129 thematic, 571–2 Arab, tribes, 394, 400, 402, 405 armor, 149, 152, 170, 173 Arab conquests, 11, 15, 21, 25, 395, 399, 401–2, Arras, 260, 262 411, 430, 433 arrows, 146, 156, 161, 173, 447, 602 Arabia, 2, 20, 236, 239, 373, 399–400, 403–4, arsenals, 270–1, 331 411, 559–60 art, 15, 316, 320, 322, 326, 329, 335, 545, 624, 650 western, 389, 404 art forms, 32, 468, 474, 476–7 Arabian Sea, 290 art styles, 34, 633 Arabic, 12–13, 131–2, 297, 299, 345–7, 349–50, Arthaśāstra, 99, 287, 292 378, 401–2, 409 artisanal expertise, 318, 320 inscriptions, 297, 436 artisanal processes, 316, 335 script, 299, 391, 396, 400 artisans, 302, 320–4, 326, 329, 331, 457, 542–4, Arabic erotic literature, 88 607 686 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19074-9 - The Cambridge World History: Volume V: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 Ce–1500 Ce Edited by Benjamin Z . Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Index More information Index Ascalon, 15 Avignon, 180, 266 asceticism, 80, 200, 420, 422, 434 Awdaghust, 596, 607 Ashikaga period, 121, 125 Axial Age, 206–7, 209, 212–13, 216, 218–19, Asia, 317–18, 340, 415, 443–4, 447–8, 454, 225–6, 665–7, 681 460–2, 466–7, 476–7, 580 legacies, 207–12 Central, see Central Asia. religions, 208, 211 East, see East Asia. ‘Aydhāb, 279, 299, 301 Inner, 365–7, 370, 375, 537 ‘Ayn Jalut, 162, 165 northeast, 542 ayurveda, 85 South, see South Asia. Ayyavole, 305 Southeast, see Southeast Asia. Ayyubids, 238, 279 southern, 46, 58, 452–3, 672 Azerbaijan, 377, 535, 554 southwest, 18, 665 Aztecs, 3, 25, 137, 140, 610, 613, 619–20, 626, West, 11, 166, 424, 436, 443, 492, 670 628–33 western, 340, 385, 442, 537 Aztlan migrations, 627 Asia Minor, 226, 277, 374, 416, 559, 564–6, 576, 578, 580–1 bāb mandū, 14 Askia Muhammad, 348, 603 baccalaureus, 129 Askias, 603–4, 607 Bactria, 345, 375, 514 Aśoka, King, 304, 447, 450–2, 460 Baghdad, 130, 133, 246, 248, 263, 276–7, 346–8, assemblies, 99, 102, 105, 127, 228 565 associations, 30, 85, 90, 95, 127, 223, 238, 257, ‘Abbasid, 186, 346 261, 264–5 court, 190, 263 merchant, 30, 261, 305–6 Jews, 237 Asti, 259 Mongol occupation, 227, 318 astrolabe, 330, 350, 352 al-Bakri, 135, 586 astrology, 125, 138, 194, 343, 345, 348, 355 balance of power, 491, 509, 531, 570 astronomy, 129, 132, 343, 348–9, 352, 354–5, Bali, 47, 306 410, 432, 543–4 Balkans, 154–5, 171, 224, 267, 392, 564, 569–70, Western, 349, 355 576, 581 Atahuallpa, 639, 662 Balkh, 246, 345 Athens, 343 Baltic Sea, 30, 160, 243, 261, 269, 276–7, 279 Atīśa, 467–9 Bambuk, 596–7, 607 Atlantic Ocean, 70, 257, 681 Banākatī, Muhammad, 14 Augsburg, 261, 283–4, 368 banking, 78, 90, 244–5, 249, 259–60, 263, 266, Augustine, St., 57, 417, 419 271, 371, 581 Australia, 18, 310, 328, 427 banquets, 185, 193, 196, 198 authority, 70, 73–4, 97, 99, 342–3, 418–24, 504, Banu Hud, 352 571–2, 606 Banyeres of Barcelona, 260 central, 179, 370, 571, 669 Bar-sur-Aube, 272 centralized, 244, 538 barbarians, 147, 151–2, 180, 220, 320, 559 ecclesiastical, 127, 347, 441 barbers, 296 personal, 134, 141 Barcelona, 260–1, 266, 269, 276–7, 281, 283 political, 190, 296, 455, 471, 474, 532 Bardi, 259, 266 religious, 138, 156, 504, 506 Barlaam, 22 supreme, 515, 518 barter, 53, 111, 264, 551 autocratic rule, 494, 499, 515 Barygaza, 292, 304 automata, 321, 330 basic education, 126, 132, 140 autonomic states, 665–6 Basil II, 568, 570, 575–6, 578 autonomy, 106, 220, 226, 252, 495, 559, 564, Basin of Mexico, 611, 616–17, 621–2, 625, 631 681 Basmils, 367 Avars, 366, 437, 486, 513, 564 Basra, 72, 266 Averroes, 356 Bateson, Gregory, 47 687 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19074-9 - The Cambridge World History: Volume V: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 Ce–1500 Ce Edited by Benjamin Z . Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Index More information Index battering engines, 150 bodhisattvas, 22, 452, 465 battles, 146, 149, 153–6, 159, 162, 165–6, 170–1, 576 bodyguards, imperial, 181, 184 see also names of individual battles. Bohemia, 160, 282 cavalry, 165 Bologna, 128 Bay of Bengal, 290, 451, 455 Bonnassie, Pierre, 260 Beckwith, C., 346 Bonsignori, 259 Bedouins, 361, 372–3, 376, 378 Book of the Eparch, 262 bees, 44 booty, 147, 152, 492, 538, 542, 552 Beijing, 4, 168, 180, 441, 467, 554, 677 Bordeaux, 260, 272, 277 Beirut, 270, 274, 276, 279 wines, 281 belief systems, 476, 606, 669 borders, 25, 149, 491, 525–6, 559, 562, 565–6, beliefs, 410, 417–18, 427–8, 434, 440–1, 464, 578–9 469–71 Borobudur, 465 Belize, 614, 623 Borromeos, 260 Ben Yijū, Abraham, 301–4 Boserup, Esther, 55 Benedict, St., 126 Bosphorus, 561, 581 benefices, 128, 198 Boucher, Guillaume, 20–1 Bengal, 73, 215, 238, 290, 312, 552, 679 Bourgneuf, salt, 277, 281 Bay of, 290, 451, 455 bows, 146, 158, 324,
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