Open Journal of Forestry 2014. Vol.4, No.2, 161-169 Published Online February 2014 in SciRes (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojf) http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojf.2014.42022 Installation of a Riparian Forest by Means of Soil Bio Engineering Techniques—Monitoring Results from a River Restoration Work in Southern Brazil Hans Peter Rauch1, Fabricio Sutili2, Stephan Hörbinger1 1Department for Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction, Vienna, Austria 2Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil, Email: [email protected], [email protected] Received December 1st, 2013; revised January 6th, 2014; accepted January 26th, 2014 Copyright © 2014 Hans Peter Rauch et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Com- mons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro- vided the original work is properly cited. In accordance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copy- rights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property Hans Peter Rauch et al. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian. Soil bioengineering has been applied more and more in different regions of Brazil in recent years. The study in hand presents the installation of “new” riparian forest based on soil bioengineering techniques. This riverbank restoration work was implemented in the year 2010 and two onsite vegetation surveys, one shortly after the construction, and one in 2013. Besides that, the structures of reinforcement work, and its effectiveness were evaluated. By means of the vegetation survey, the applied species were examined for their ability to establish the riverbank in an environmentally sustainable way. Most notably, the species Calliandra brevipes Benth. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae), Phyllanthus sellowianus Müller Arg. (Euphor- biaceae), Salix humboldtiana Willd. (Salicaceae), Bauhinia forficate Link (Leguminosae), Inga marginata Willd. (Mimosoideae) and Ateleia glazioveana Baill. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) showed a good growth development. The proportion of spontaneous vegetation increased significantly, with Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. becoming a dominating species. Resulting from that, the intervention can be as- sessed as functional and safe, but the strong increase of spontaneous vegetation is undesirable due to less flood resistance. The vegetated riprap could be the best to meet the expectations of the construction elements. Partly, the anchored willows showed as well a good growth development whereas the species used for the hedge brush layer could not develop as expected in large parts of the construc- tion. Keywords: Soil Bioengineering; Riverbank Restoration; Riparian Forest; Rio Grande do Sul Introduction 2002; Durlo et al., 2005; Zeh, 2007; AMEC Environment & In- frastructure, 2012; Sutili et al., 2012; Acharya et al., 2008).The In the recent past, soil bioengineering projects carried out in riparian vegetation has a major role in the river-bank’s protec- Brazil were done in the region of Rio Grande do Sul within tion, through the roots system and the plant cover, improving river stabilization works, to protect agricultural land of small the soil particles aggregation in a low cohesion situation, re- regional farmers. The soil bioengineering techniques, which are the use of living plant material for civil engineering structures, ducing the runoff and resulting in a lower erosion rate and se- can be a helpful instrument for civil engineers taking into ac- dimentation of the river channel (Holanda & Pinheiro da Rocha, count not only technical but also ecological, sustainable and 2010). Previous research already assessed some potentially socio-economical aspects. These methods have meanwhile useful plants for soil bioengineering works. Several studies regained worldwide recognition for their use in river and civil have already been performed to investigate native, riparian engineering projects (Howell, 1999; Acharya et al., 2005; Durlo species, their biological and technical properties, and soil bio- et al., 2005; Li et al., 2002; Lammeranner et al., 2005; Wu et al., engineering structures for their applicability in restoration 2006; Petrone et al., 2008; Petrone et al., 2010). The principle works in Rio Grande do Sul (Altreiter & Plunger, 2004; Sutili of biological engineering constructions is based on the combi- et al., 2004; Durlo & Sutili, 2005; Florineth et al., 2006; Denar- nation of dead and living materials and the emerging positive di, 2007; Vargas, 2007; Monteiro, 2009; Rauch, & Sutili, 2009). synergistic effects. The dead auxiliaries (stone, wood, etc.) The acquired knowledge can be applied to the spreading area of protect the living plants until they undertake technical func- the plants and in this way, it can be useful in various regions. tions. After several years, a part of the auxiliary material This case study presents an intervention applied at the end of rots and the stabilization of the bank is secured by the plants 2010, at the River Pardinho in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. (Gerstgasser, 2000; Schiechtl, 1980; Howell, 1999; Florineth, The riverbank restoration became essential due to a combina- OPEN ACCESS 161 H. P. RAUCH ET AL. tion of hydraulic induced erosion and bank mass failure. Bank mass failure resulted from fluvial erosion at the toe of the bank with a continuous removal of bank material, affecting a change in the bank slope by over deepening the bank and altering its angle. Additionally to the forces of the running water, sur- charge from the weight of trees on the top of the slope accele- rated the erosion process. Surcharge and near-surface moisture are, according to Simon and Collison (2002), destabilization effects that can affect slope stability. The objective of this study was 1) to document the implementation of soil bioengineering techniques and 2) to perform a comprehensive vegetation sur- vey in combination with an assessment of the slope stability, examining the midterm effect and functionality of dense vege- tation on slope reinforcement and the durability of soil bioen- gineering constructions. It is of high interest to analyze the vegetation after a certain period and evaluate the used species in order to be able to draft up efficient plant strategies for future riparian restoration works on degraded river embankments. Only in recent years, soil bioengineering has become more applied in Brazil. The research process in this field of study has been highlighting clear uncertainties in developing soil bioen- gineering standards from an engineering as well as from an environmental point of view. Materials and Methods Location The River Pardinho, a tributary to the River Jacuí, is located in the watershed of the River Pardo, in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The section where the intervention was realized is situated downstream of a reservoir dam which Figure 1. provides the water supply for the municipality of Santa Cruz do (a) The location of Santa Cruz do Sul in the state of Rio Grande Sul with 119.057 inhabitants (Heuser, 2013).The Pardo River do Sul and the states big watercourses; (b) The location where the basin is comprised of areas with a difference in altitude of up to river restoration work was implemented. 500 m. Approximately 40% of its total area applied to the mid- dle portion of the basin, where the municipal seat of Sinimbu is located, with altitudes ranging from 200 m to 500 m. The downstream (lower part) of the basin, where Santa Cruz do Sul is located, is characterized through flat areas with a slightly undulating relief (Commitê Pardo, 2011). According to Moreno (1961), the local climate is subtropical, with humid climatic 7 m conditions, hot summers and rainfall during all seasons. How- 6 m ever, in months of high temperatures, hydrological deficits can 5 m occur. During the rainy season, the area is sometimes prone to 4 m extreme flash flood conditions. The slope reinforcement con- 3 m struction was implemented at an actively eroding bank section 2 m at the left side of the river with more than 80 m in length (see 1 m Figure 1). 0 m The Causing of the Eroding Process Figure 2. Sectional view, illustrating the eroding process. The instability of the bank resulted from a continuous pro- cess of erosion, landslide, collapse and remove a lot material in the vertical axes, shifting its center of gravity in a less stable due to the action of the watercourse (see Figure 2). position. It captures and transmits wind power to the slope, The latter has shifted its axes outwards on this slightly curv- creating a lever that certainly amplifies the dynamics of land- ing river section. The instability of the embankment was exac- slides, triggered by the current of the stream (Durlo & Sutili, erbated by the steep angle of the embankment, preventing the 2005). vegetation from spontaneous establishment. Additionally, the vegetation that was planted initially along the river at the top of Methodology of Vegetation Survey and Evaluation of the margin (trees of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Mo- Construction rong) did not have any stabilization effect on the site. Actually quite the reverse occurred. This vegetation formed an overhead In the end of November 2010, two months after the last inter- 162 OPEN ACCESS H. P. RAUCH ET AL. ventions had been completed; a vegetation survey was carried ary in 2010. The intervention was executed in the following out in order to analyze the growth pattern of the plant stand. sequence: Firstly, the vegetated riprap was realized by using Therefore, 10 stripe-shaped transects where staked out along Calliandra brevipes Benth. and hardwood cuttings of Salix the riverbank. Each parcel had an area of 2 m in width and 15 humboldtiana Willd. Above, hedge brush layers of the species m in length, extending from the water level to the highest point Terminalia australis Cambess.
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