AS Government Deposed by .Right-Wing Coup Cor/ N.iburger As military tanks, supplied to the insurgents by a grant from suspicious character who should b ob erved clo ely." he said City Editor the Campus Studies Institute pulled onto Revelle Plaza. Jack that the junta should "cut the crap." Douglas pronounced himself provisional Chairman of the No word was available from the Third College A mbly. as The AS Council was toppled by a military coup at 2:30 Academic Senate and asked insurgent troups to eize all enate it had voted to exclude all reporter from its meeting other yesterday afternoon as Generalissimo Jim Sills led a junta to files. than repre entatives of DIMENSIO N and Fred Schwarz's insta ll Karl Keating as puppet dictator of the Associated Chri lian Anti-Communist Cru ade. Reporter were informed. tudents. As ousted President Mike I " Heavv" ) Palcic and When inlormed of Douglas' move . deposed Senate Chairl)1an however. that this step wa taken to maintain th image that surviving members of the AS Council fled ' to establish a Gabriel Jackson told the TRITON TIMES he intended to ask the college is being given a bad press. government in exile at Mesa College. Keating declared martial for the creation of an ad hoc committee to study the situation law . established an 8:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. curfew for resident and report back in two months. Acting Chancellor Herbert The coup was short lived . however. a by 4:00 it had been students. and abolished cooed room visitation. York told reporters he was entirely unaware of the toppled by the combined forces of Diddo Clark. the Yippies. Press censorship was immediately imposed by fiat. and all situation.and in any case had " no comment" on the matter. and the Anomal~' Factory. Commanding her troop from her ca mpus media other than DIME:\SIO:'<. which was declared psychedelically painted unicycle . Diddo shouted " hooray for the only official government organ. were ordered to cease our side" as her forces bore down on the retreating in urgents. Reve lle Provost Paul Saltman pointed out that the crisis publication. All Communications Board funds were confiscated apparently affected neither the colleges nor undergraduate Once restored to office. Palcic denied to reporter that to permit DIME:'<SIO:\ to be published daily in full color on slick paper. education . Therefore. he said. they did not concern him . When anything had happened . He only commented that Sill " ha hi s head up his butt. " told the re~ime had placed him on a list of " person of (Continued on page 2) triton ti Vol" .... Il, N,,"""r Z University of (alifornia, San Diego friflay, Apri' Z, "" Academic Senate Reevaluating UCSD' 5 Departmental Growth of social sciences, humanities and art obtain 80 Rose DeCosto per cent (120 out of the 150 FTE ) of the FTEs to Stoff Writer be allocated to UCSD in the coming decade. He comments, " I think it therefore reasonable to The expectation of "tight money" in the suggest on the basis of this FIG URI G THAT University along with a reevaluation of the IF THE UCSD faculty collectively would be demand for higher education in the future has willing to commit themselves to a statement, drawn the Academic Senate's attention to the that 80 per cent of the FTE".be allocated to problem of a restricted growth potential for social sciences, humanities and art, we would UCSD . then have a viable general campu . ,. Based on predictions from the 1970 Census, Jackson also has requested for growth in the thetotalstudent enrollment at UCSD by 1980 will new Department of Political Science and the be 10,000. Gabriel Jackson, Chairman of the San proposed departments of Clinical and Group Diego Division of the Academic Senate has Psychology and Urban and Rural Development. expressed his concern over this figure . For a For their growth he has listed 10 FTEs apiece campus located in the third largest among the 120 FTEs previously mentioned. metropolitan area of the state, 10,000 is Even with the addition of 150 FTEs problems relatively low compared to 27 ,500 for UCLA and still emerge because present salary levels are UCB and 15,000 which is desired for UCSD s inadequate, and no increase can be expected. total student population. The entire University system seems to be Within the next decade, UCSD may anticipate affected by this problem of restricted growth. Groundwork for the foundation of a Sigma Society for UCSD coeds was laid at an organizational the addition of 150 new faculty full time UC President Charles Hitch , concerned that meeUng last Wednesday in the Mandeville Suite. Although attendance was sparse, the women are equiva lent poSitions (FTEs). According to growth restrictions might affect the entire bopefQl that future meetings may yield better results. From left, tbey are Mrs. Lyle Hansen, Jackson, the distribution of the 150 FTEs will University, has appointed a University wide President of the Soroptlmlsts of La Jolla; Mrs. C.G. Quay, Co-chalrman of Youth Projects, Pacific determine what type of university UCSD will steering committee to discuss these problems. Region of the Soroptimlst Federation of tbe Americas; Miss Pam Vojtko, Muir freshman ; Mrs. R. J. become. If the present atural Science At the present, no UCSD faculty member is on Cyr, Chairman youth Projects, Pacific Region SFA. Departments were to grow proportionally from this committee. For this reason, Jackson and what they are now, by 1980 UCSD will have the Academic Senate have shouldered upon become an institute of science and technology. themselves the question of which direction Another route for UCSD weuld be to become a UCSD 's growth should take. Even with limited To Del Mar, Solana Beach general university. Jackson seems to be in favor resources, the Senate seems to favor building a of this and has requested that the tI",,;lrllm,>n general university on the San Diego Campus. AS Bus Line Starts Monday 'Coast Cru iser' Bus service between UCSD AS Commi sioner of Student sugge ts that .. in the long and Solana Beach, sponsored Welfare Steve Pomeroy, who run".the need for parking lots Bus Schedule by AS , will begin service was responsible for planning would b lessened".Acres of Monday morning . Dubbed the the service, cited ecology and land p(eviously de tined for Southbound runs leave Cliff asphalt coating would remam Street and Highway 101 in "Coast Cruiser", the white bus concern for the environment as bearing a blue stripe and the two reasons for u ing the bu . In their natural tate." Solana Beach at 7: 20, 8: 20 and The "Coast Crui er" Will b 9:20 in the morning and 4:40 , words .. ni er ity of Considering the co t of Ca lifornia " will make its operating a car, he ay , operallng on a trial basi thi 5: 40 and 6: 40 in the Afternoon. quarter , according to orthbound runs leave rey inaugural run leaving Cliff "there's insurance for one Street at 7:20 a.m. for Urey thing, and these day that' up Pomeroy. 'Th chedul and Hall at UCSD at 4:10, 5:10 and tops will b am nded from 6: 10 in the Afternoon . Hall , with stops along Highwa y around 200 a year. In addition, 101 , oa t Blvd ., and Camino a campu parking p rmit is lime to lime according to The bus will stop at: ugge tion ," he aid , adding -Urey Hall (UC D) Del Mar. around 0 a year. The e two items total about 5 a week . that information i available by -Fourth St. and Camino Del Il will make two more calling 453-EDNA . Mar The fare on the bus is 25 cent morning run at hour interval , each way or only 2.50 a week . Pomeroy conclude, " hop on - inth St. and amino Del leaving Iiff at 8: 20 and 9: 20. the bu in the morning and b Mar Afternoon run will leave rey In addition, Pomeroy notes, a ured of arriving at choolon - Fifteenth St. and Camino Hall at UO. 5: 10 and 6: 10. "One well-maintained bu will lim . The cruis r i af and Del Mar harging a 25 cent fare, th bu pollute the air far Ie than 20 warm ; th Wind , rain, and -Coa t Blvd . and Twentl th will complete a one-way trip in or 30 car who e driver zoom other danger of th op n road I. one-half hour . up Torr Pin Hill." H al 0 won 't reach you th re ," - Twenty-fifth St. and amino Del lar - Via de la Valle and Hwy. 101 - Dahlia Dr. (Bank of MD on Call After Hours America J and Hwy. 101 - Lorna ta o F (Plaza l.J and Hwy. lOl at 4S3-EDNA These TORREY PINES were liberated from Torrey Pines - liff t. and Hwy 101 late Park by UCSD groundsmen assigned to landscape Muir Th far I 25 ents 1n act Coil ge "by any means nece sary." Tbe trees will be planted In change. Th driver will carry two week , "after w see wblcb of tbem croak," according to a n chang . ground keeper. Tbe proleterlan worker explained that ooly one Th route and ' hedule will Petitions for AS Elections Available In four transplanted Torrey Pines urvlves the first two weeks, on tantly r . valuat d. The '\a nd we wouldn't want to plant any dead trees." More trees will dflv r will acc pt written be dug up from the State Park, depeudln& on bow many of the ugge tion to improv th at AS Office, 250 Matthews fir t bunch die.
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