SEMESTER START AUGUST 2015 uia.no/en #uniagder IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Norway has three emergency numbers: WELCOME TO THE UniVERSITY of AGDER Medical: 113 Fire: 110 We are very pleased that you have chosen Norway and Agder for your studies. We hope that you Police: 112 will find the information in this booklet helpful during your first weeks at UiA. In addition to the orientation programme, you will find maps and some practical information to help you get used to If you need a doctor during regular hours, your new home. contact information is available in Fronter and on the website. Just call for an appointment. YOUR FIRST DAYS SEMESTER AND EXAMinATion REGISTRATion You will receive all the information you need at orientation for At orientation you will receive a username and password for your In the event of any emergency, the University of Agder international students on 7 august. This includes UiA e-mail account, Fronter and the StudentWeb. The International procedures for registering with the police, registering for classes, Education Office will guide you through the semester registration has a crisis plan that will go into effect. and answers to all of the practical questions you may have. process on the StudentWeb. You must downlaod our new app to You will find details on the website. Members of the Erasmus Student Network will introduce you to life access your semester card after registering. You cannot get access in Norway and arrange social events the first weekend before the to all of your information in Fronter until you have registered for Norwegian students arrive and the official semester start festival classes and examinations. begins. Degree-seeking students will have to pay the semester fee and approve your individual education plan on the StudentWeb before STUDYING AT UIA you receive your semester card (in the app). UiA’s primary information channel is www.uia.no. You will find messages, links to the StudentWeb and the Learning Management ALL students have to register for classes and examinations on the System Fronter, practical information, examination information, StudentWeb by 1 September for autumn and 1 February for spring. the ECTS course catalogue, schedules, an overview of student associations, and lots of useful links here. Fronter is also used as If you miss the deadlines you will not be able to register for an information channel by your lecturers, professors and study exams! programme coordinators. Students are expected to read the information on the web, in Fronter and sent by e-mail. E-mail sent from UiA will go to your UiA e-mail account, not your private e-mail account. Contact: THE ECTS COURSE CATALOGUE Phone: 38 14 10 00 (Campus Kristiansand) The ECTS course catalogue is found here: uia.no/ects. It is Phone: 37 23 30 00 (Campus Grimstad) a translation of the Norwegian study handbook, and you should E-mail: [email protected] find all course descriptions here, as well as a lot of useful practical Please note that changes to the programme may occur. information. The examination regulations are also included, and Photo: Iris Engen Skadal, May Elin Aunli, Martin Grina, Olav Breen, Bård Ek,.Thomas Andersen, Studentorganisasjonen i Agder and students are expected to be familiar with these. Aptum Kommunikasjon, ESN Agder. 2 3 Trenger du hjelp, spør på Servicetorget. Her svares det på spørsmål om blant Kollokviegruppe: En liten gruppe studenter som arbeider annet opptak, eksamen og utveksling. sammen om studiestoffet - en fin måte å lære pensum. STUDENT CARD Population Registry in Kristiansand or Arendal. SERVICE CENTRE NOK 1,00 per page. To refill your account, go to http://followme. uia. In addition to the semester card app, you will have to get a physical Kristiansand: Kjøita 42; Arendal: Friergangen 4 The Service Centre is one of the first places you will go. Here you will no or contact IT-Services. student card. The card will entitle you to borrow books, access find information about your studies, examinations, admissions, etc. buildings, print, copy and scan. You will receive a PIN that you can HEALTH AND INSURANCE The Service Centre can also organize student counselling. UniVERSITY LiBRARY use to get into certain buildings after closing time. You can also The library has a full range of information services as well as access You must be insured while you are in Norway. European students Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00-15:30 use your student card and semester card to receive special offers to books, magazines, films, computers and quiet areas to study. See should order a European Health Card. You will then be treated as a Phone: for students throughout Norway. To get your student card, you the library’s separate brochure or website for more information: Norwegian when seeking health services. Students from outside Kristiansand 38142100 need a valid ID and your semester card. You can get your card by uia.no/en/library using the self-operated photo booths located in Vilhelm Krag’s Hall of Europe will need proof of insurance from their home countries in Grimstad 37253200 (Kristiansand) or by the Service Centre (Grimstad). order to register with the police and apply for reimbursement E-mail: [email protected]. after receiving Norwegian health services. Opening hours (both Campus Kristiansand and Campus Grimstad): Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 20:00 RESIDENCE PERMITS IT-SERVicES Friday: 08:00 – 18:00 Students from outside of the EU and EEA should apply for a SPECIAL NEEDS You will receive a username, password and e-mail account on the Saturday: 09:00 – 15:00 UiA has several resources available if you have special needs. In residence permit BEFORE coming to Norway. Read the information orientation day 7 august. If you are not able to be there on that day, Kristiansand, the Office for Students with Special Needs is located in on the Immigration Department’s website, and contact your nearest please contact IT-Services to receive these. IT-Services is located in Sigrid Undsets Hus, building 46, Gimlemoen. Opening hours 10:00- CAREER CENTRE Norwegian embassy for more information. The application can be the library. IT-Services will offer a mandatory introductory course on 14:00. It is located on the fifth floor next to the Resource Centre in The Career Centre is located at the Service Centre and offers downloaded from https://selfservice.udi.no. Students from the US Monday 10 August. Online courses are also available. It is possible Grimstad. career counselling, job application courses, interview training and can also apply in Norway, but we recommend that you apply from to reserve certain rooms (videconferencing, multimedia, etc.) and Phone: customized workshops. home. Students from the EU and EEA do not need residence permits. equipment (cameras, projectors, etc.) through IT-Services. Go to Kristiansand 38141075 Phone: 38142383 or e-mail: [email protected] booking.uia.no Grimstad 37233338 EU/EEA STUDENTS /UiAkarriere If you are a student from the EU or EEA, you do NOT need a residence Six ways to contact IT-Services: permit before you arrive. You can just register with the police SPECIAL EXAMinATion ARRANGEMENTS • Web: www.uia.no/en/student/it-services shortly after arrival online: https://selfservice.udi.no. You will then If you need to apply for special examination arrangements for • Facebook: facebook.com/IThjelpUiA medical or other reasons, be sure to do this by 15 October for Timetables be asked to go to the police to pick up your permit. Make sure you • On campus: Help desk opening hours 8.00-15.30, Mon-Fri have photocopies of your insurance or your European Health Card autumn or 15 March for spring. More information and an application uia.no/en/student/schedules-at-uia and your letter of acceptance with you when you register. You may can be found on the web. • Chat: www.uia.no/en/student/it-services also be required to take a test to prove you have been vaccinated for • E-mail: [email protected] tuberculosis. FRonTER • SMS: “IT” and your request to 26112 Fronter is the Learning Management System used at UiA. In order • Phone: 38 14 17 00 NORWEGIAN ID NUMBER to get all of the necessary information about your classes through More information about Most students do not need a Norwegian ID number, but if you would Fronter, you must register for classes and examinations. like to work or open a bank account you may apply for one at the We recommend that you do this as soon as possible after arrival. A PRinTinG, scAnninG AND copyinG IT - Library - Fronter and more: Fronter course will be offered shortly after arrival. Your student ID card is also your priniting and copying card. The price for printing black and white pages is NOK 0.40 per page and colour is uia.no/en/student The campuses are within easy reach of the city centres by bike or on foot. There are also good bus connection between the campuses. You may also park your car on campus, but please note that places are limited and that you can only park on clearly marked parking spaces. 4 5 KRISTIANSAND ORIENTATion PROGRAMME 09:00 - 7 AUGUST • Students taking most classes at the Faculty of Social Address: Tollbodgata 45 orienTATion programme Sciences: Room HI-058 Opening: Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 08:30 – 11:00 ROOM B1 018 Changes to the programme may occur. • Students taking most classes at the Faculty of Fine Arts: * Special programme for international students Room G2 019 • Obligatory health check at the Health Centre/Vaccination Office* Meet outside your student accommodation: Mandatory activities in red Address: Gyldenløves gate 23 8:15: Roligheden and Kristian 4.
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