October 17, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30441 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. stand at the ready every hour of every day to TRIBUTE TO JUDGE HENRY J. CELEBRATES CENTENNIAL be called upon should they be needed. We BRODERICK UPON HIS RE­ are truly blessed in this Nation to have the TIREMENT AFTER 20 YEARS AS HON. HELEN DELICH BENTLEY skill and knowledge of countless volunteer fire A MARIN SUPERIOR COURT OF MARYLAND companies which provide emergency services JUDGE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to our communities. Wednesday, October 17, 1990 Having the opportunity to join in the centen­ HON. BARBARA BOXER nial celebration was an honor for me. I cannot Mrs. BENTLEY. Mr. Speaker, my fellow co­ OF CALIFORNIA stress enough the selfless and giving attitude leagues, I rise today so that I may recognize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of these fine men and women. I sincerely the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Co. which cele­ Tuesday, October 16, 1990 brates its 100th anniversary on September 15 enjoy their comradeship and outstanding de­ this year. I had the honor and privilege of at­ votion to their work. Their work and contribu­ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and tending the centennial celebrations which tion to our community, State, and country de­ ask my colleagues to join me in honoring a marked an important week in the history of serves the utmost recognition and is truly fine jurist on the occasion of his retirement. the fire company and the town of Bel Air. commendable. Through giving of themselves, Henry J. Broderick, is retiring after 20 years Established in 1890, the Bel Air Volunteer they not only have worked fo; the betterment of distinguished service as a superior court Fire Co. has served the town of Bel Air and of their fellow man and the town of Bel Air, judge in Marin County. Since Judge Broder­ surrounding communities with a commitment but they also have made this a better Nation ick's appointment in 1970, he has enjoyed a to the needs of their fellow man. I am truly as well. The members of the Bel Air Volunteer well-earned reputation for toughness, fairness, touched by the sense of pride and responsibil­ Fire Co. recognize the profound affect their and intellectual rigor. ity toward the community that is exhibited by work has on the community and derive a dis­ The hundreds of individuals who have ap­ the men and women who volunteer their time tinctive satisfaction from giving to society. peared before Judge Broderick seeking justice over the past two decades have had good and energies to the fire company. Through Although I wish not to recognize one par­ reason to be impressed by his dedication to protecting life and property they have given of ticular person, for the true focus of my salute the highest principles of his profession. Hun­ themselves so that others may benefit. is to the company on its 100th anniversary, I dreds of attorneys have had the privilege of Given the dangers and demands of firefight­ do feel compelled to use for the purpose of ing, one would think that many might shy appearing before a jurist who adhered to the example the name of a senior member, Mil­ away from such work. Yet one cannot help most demanding standards of preparedness lard Purcell. Mr. Purcell personifies the atti­ but be impressed by the spirited and profes­ and pro'iessionalism. sional attitude with which these individuals ap­ tude and commitment shared by all the mem­ I wish Judge Broderick the best in his retire­ proach their work. Stories of firefighters being bers. A former chief, Mr. Purcell; has served ment, and I add my voice to the chorus of hit with falling walls and ceilings, holes in the company for half a century. At age 75, he congratulations. floors, sweltering summer heat complemented still serves the company rather than retiring by 80 pounds of equipment and fire coats so and, again does so with the unmatched com­ covered in ice that they could not be removed mitment and dedication shared by all the GOOD LUCK TO DR. NANCY without first chipping away the ice has not dis­ members. SPAETH couraged the willingness of ihese special men I ask how many individuals do you know and women. who demonstrate such remarkable character­ HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK The town of Bel Air as well as the entire istics? How many individuals do you know OF CALIFORNIA Nation has changed radically since 1890. Al­ who opt for continued work and service rather IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES though Bel Air primarily is surrounded by rural than retiring? As we are all aware, it is far countryside, what was once a quite sleepy better to give than receive. The members of Tuesday, October 16, 1990 little town has experienced a recent surge in the Bel Air Volunter Fire Co. serve as shining Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay population and development that has placed examples of this principle for I contend that tribute to Dr. Nancy Spaeth, the principal of new demands on the fire company. In addi­ such loyalty and affection for one's work only Castro Valley High School in California's Ninth tion, dramatic advances in technology have can come from the heartfelt satisfaction of Congressional District. Dr. Spaeth is leaving meant that firefighters also must keep pace helping someone in his/her time of need. the Castro Valley Unified School District after with the increasingly technological society in Mr. Speaker, fellow colleagues, it is with a 1O years of dedicated service to take a new which we live. deep respect and admiration for the work of position as associate superintendent for cur­ Life-saving equipment at the scene of an riculum and instruction with the Berkeley the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Co. that I extend accident at one time may have been a crow School District. congratulations on its 100th anniversary. We bar and sledge hammer. Today, they are re­ Dr. Spaeth began her career with the are forever in debt to volunteer fire companies placed by powerful cutting and spreading Castro Valley Unified School District in 1980 tools that quickly can extract an injured across our great Nation. Their hard work and became principal of Castro Valley High person from a car, yet demand a skilled and never shall go unnoticed. May God bless School in 1982. Under her leadership, Castro knowledgeable operator. I always am im­ them and protect them in all that they do. Valley High School became only one of 22 pressed by the amount of equipment and schools nationwide to be selected twice by techniques which emergency personnel must the U.S. Department of Education as a nation­ master and the life or death situations under al exemplary school, once in 1985 and again which they must operate. We indeed owe a in 1989. Castro Valley High was also designat­ great debt to these men and women who ed as a California Distinguished School in under the most stressful and dangerous situa­ 1988. tions perform heroic tasks on a daily basis. Dr. Spaeth has been an outstanding princi­ To enter a burning dwelling is something pal. She has worked to involve the community which few of us can say we ever have experi­ in the life of the school and has made use of enced nor hope to. However, these individuals community resources for students. She has • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 30442 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 17, 1990 also worked to improve the educational pro­ areas. They are being offered outstanding tarians hope to immunize every child in the gram through teacher evaluation and an em­ services through Commissioner Doebler's world for polio and other diseases that threat­ phasis on cooperative learning, critical think­ quick response and appropriate guidance to en our youth. The Wichita Falls club has ing, and problem solving. Her administrative problems they may encounter. pledged $21 ,000 over the next 3 years to style of seeking input and sharing decison­ Doebler's commitment to the community assist in this disease fighting program. making has contributed to a positive student proves his devotion to them, and inevitably Mr. Speaker, the accomplishments of the climate. proves he is well-deserving of this honor. Wichita Falls Downtown Rotary Club are too This year, Dr. Spaeth was selected as Cali­ numerous for me to mention today. Their in­ fornia's Outstanding Principal through the In volvement in community, county, State, Na­ Honor of Excellence Program which is spon­ CONGRATULATING THE DOWN- TOWN ROTARY CLUB ON tional, and international endeavors is example sored by the National Association of Second­ of their motto-service above self. However, ary School Principals. She was also the recipi­ THEIR 75TH ANNIVERSARY the most essential element to the success of ent of the Castro Valley School District's Larry the Rotary Club of Wichita Falls is its mem­ J. Goodman Education Service Award for the HON. BILL SARPALIUS bership. Their spirit of enthusiasm is evident in 1985-86 school year. She has also been OF TEXAS active in the Association of California School IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their work. With approximately 200 members, the Downtown Rotary Club serves Wichita Administrators by helping plan regional confer­ Tuesday, October 16, 1990 ences and participating as a panelist at Falls as the largest civic club.
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