iJjr "�o >(ir-i d; 4. ,^ ' to ' Wk4*^^" mjxw^a U^meE ,r hui !ca1)crshi|i aitiJ inspiration imD'^^icitaiin to titc IitgK j^rii^rksV MARCELLUS HARTLEY DODGE ^ *^UutcT� SHftttii am CaiittDu. mSi <iU tnc oluiuiii the tuorto. � - - - tlmnii^tiiiut LAMBDA '03 See page I 13 UNDERGRADUATE ISSUE I960 NEW YORK FOUNDERS' DAY DINNER� HEAD TABLE Lambda Past Left to Right: Robert W. Milbank, Lambda '14, Banquet Chairman; Ray N. Spooner, '15, President Met. Assn.; LeRoy J. Weed, Theta '01 Past President Executive Council; Harold F. McGuire Lambda '27, Columbia U. Trustee; Franklin F. Bruder, Theta '25, Treasurer Executive Council; Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., Lambda '18, former Congressman; Alfred H. Morton, Omicron '19, Toastmaster and Past President Met. Assn. and Alumni Assn.; Earl D. Babst, Iota-Phi '93, Past President Executive Coun cil; Orrin S. Wightman, Delta '95; "Mr. Delta"; Ronald M. Craigmyle, Lambda '20, a Columbia Trustee; George L. Brain, lota '20, Past President Alumni Assn.; Peter A. GaBauer, Pi '25, Past President N.V. Met. Assn. m THIS ISSUE Page Page Marcellus Hartley Dodge, Lambda '03 113 Alumni Associations 122 N.Y. Founders' Dinner 113 The Chapters Speak 124 10th President of Alumni Association .. 117 Let's Go to Montreal! 151 Is America Worth Saving? 118 Lost Addresses 152 The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XLVI SUMMER 1961 Number 4 Editor Emeritus Editor EDWARD C. PEATTIE, Phi '06 PETER A. GaBAUER, Pi '25 Associate Editors LAURANCE G. WOLFE, Rho '38 HUBERT C. CROWLEY, Gamma '59 Publication Office: Curtis Reed Plasa, Menasha, Wis. Executive and Editorial Offices: Room 417. 4 W. 43rd St., Nezv York 36, N.Y. Telephone: Lackawanna 4-0036. Life subscription, $13; by subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents. Published in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Second class postage paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. MARCELLUS HARTLEV DODGE LAMBDA '03 HONORED AT N.Y. FOUNDERS' DINNER On December 2, 1960 the New York In making the presentation of the cita Founders' Dinner was Day sponsored by tion for Brother Dodge, Toastmaster Mor the New York Met. Assn. in conjunction ton introduced Ronald M. with the Executive Craigmyle, Council and the Lambda '20, long time associate of Brother Alumni Association. continued the They Dodge in the following maimer: precedent of honoring an outstanding Psi Brother M. U for his contributions to the Fraternity Craigmyle is a partner in the in vestment house of & Co. as well as his own particular On Craigmyle Pinney Chapter. and member of the N.Y. this occasion Marcellus Stock exchange since Hartley Dodge, 1926. He is chairman of the Board and Presi Lambda '03, received the citation ab (in dent of the Grant Portland Cement Co. and sentia due to last moment illness). The President of the Southwest Natural Gas Co. perennial Toastmaster, Alfred H. Morton, A devoted alumnus he has been president of Omicron '19, presided in his usual witty his class for more than 25 years. He is a and expeditious manner. founder and president of the Columbia Uni In turn, Brother Morton introduced versity Club Foundation. He received the Alumni medal in was Franklin F. Bruder, Theta '25, Treasurer 1949 and elected Trus tee of the in 1957. Executive Council, who extended the University greetings of the Council to those present Brother Craigmyle's presentation speech in the absence of Benjamin T. Burton, Chi follows: '21, President of the Executive Council Brother Morton and Brothers: who was at a Delta Delta speaking func It is a great privilege we have today to tion. honor our Brother, a Psi U. Extraordinary. If George L. Brain, Iota '20, President of you will pardon a personal reference, it is the Alumni Association expressed the probable that the reason I was selected to pre greetings for the Association. sent this citation is that I had the privilege of on October 1957 at another Brother Morton then introduced the being present 7,, ceremony honoring this same Brother. On that Hon. Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., Lambda I attended my first meeting as a member our main day '18, speaker, as follows: of the Board of Trustees of Columbia Uni Brother Coudert, was assistant U. S. At versity. The Trustees, as you may know, are torney 1924-25, southern district of New York. seated at a horse-shoe table with the most He became a member of the law firm of junior trustees, which of course was myself, Coudert Brothers in 1925. I might mention at one point of the horse-shoe and the trustees that Brother Coudert's father was a close in order of their seniority following around friend of the table to the other end at which the senior Marcy Dodge to whom we pay honor tonight. Was active in political afFairs. trustee was sitting, and at the head table, the He was elected N.Y. State Senator in 1938, oflBcers of the University. The first order of business at this served for eight years with a distinguished meeting was of an honor record. In 1946 he was elected to Congress of the trustees, the presenting from the 17th N.Y. Congressional district, ary degree to this same Psi U. Extraordinary whom we honor Marcellus serving until 1959. As a congressman he also tonight. Hartley had become a member had an outstanding record. He became deeply Dodge, Lambda 1903, interested in electoral reform and in his last of the Board of Trustees on October 7, 1907, and the occasion was the term was co-author of the Moss-Coudert bill just 50 years ago, of the of Doctor of Laws, for electoral reform. This is the subject on bestowing degree Honoris Causa. You be interested in an J which he is going to speak and in view of the may from the statement of closeness of this last election, his remarks are excerpt Grayson Kirk, President of the in this very timely. University, conferring Brother Coudert some ^ enjoyed reviewing degree. "Marcellus of his earlier days in Psi U. He then gave a Hartley Dodge Industrialist�Educator�Son of Columbia most interesting survey of the problems and possible future pitfalls of the Electoral College. On this golden anniversary of your � 113 � THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON 115 unique service as a Trustee of Columbia University, your fellow Trustees take pride in presenting to you, Marcellus Hartley Dodge, Class of 1903, Columbia College, this token of their abiding respect, gratitude and affection. Your half-century of service to this University as a Trustee and as clerk for many years has no parallel in Columbia history. But we would not dwell too much on length of years. Infinitely more important has been the quality of your contribution and beyond that the unfailing inspiration of your very presence. You have been wise in counsel, generous in judgment, under standing in your consideration of the prob lems of tlie students, the teacher and the administrator. Quietly you have performed your good deeds. Your reward has been a selfless de light in the knowledge that good has been Past Presidents of Executive Council, accomplished. You have long rejoiced in Weed and Babst. remaining undiscovered. But today you stand unmasked in the of this presence taken care of by Marcy. How many of us, ex who know so well. With company you deep cept of course. Brother Ross of the Lambda, with memories that will warm happiness, know that the new home of the Lambda in our hearts as as we live, we inscribe long which many participated was really made pos the records of Columbia Uni upon lasting sible by the far-sightedness, tenacity and the this of our versity expression deep apprecia extreme generosity of this same Psi U. Extra tion for your unceasing effort, boundless ordinary. enthusiasm, for your shining intelligence Before presenting this citation, may I just and above aU for and your gentle kindly add an excerpt from a man, though not a You have blessed this institution and grace. member of our fraternity, who served a term all who have known . ." you. as President of Columbia. Dwight D. Eisen hower. The is short and to the This honorary degree remains for all time excerpt point. on the records of the University. But what "White House, October 3, 1957 many of the Brothers do not know is the dozens and dozens of fine things which were "Dear Marcy: done quietly for Columbia and for Psi U. by ". During my years at the University Marcy. On the South Court in front of Low as its President you were for me the living Library stand two impressive fountains. They symbol of Columbia's finest traditions� are not only an architectural adornment, but, and a constant source of inspiration and alas, served on occasion the evil they many strength ..." deeds of the "Black Avengers" in dunking re It is a source of that calcitrant freshmen. But how many of us know great regret Marcy that they were the gift of Brother Dodge. We could not be with us on this occasion. May all know, of course, that Hartley Hall, one of I read to you the telegram from Marcy ad our earliest dormitories, was given by Marcy dressed to Brother Milbank, Chairman of this and his family. Only a few of us know, how Founders' Day Dinner: ever, that Earl Hall was visited the Fire by "Hard for me to express the appreciation I and about to be condemned be Department feel for being honored this year. I am con cause of lack of fire an item proper escapes� fined to my home with a bladder infection not in the but the fire were budget, escapes and it is impossible for me to come to re and this same promptly quietly provided by ceive it.
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