September 23, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1699 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 104TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CRO- Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act. Coal Sgt. Meyer served nobly in Iraq and at the ATIAN SONS LODGE NUMBER 170 mining is a lifeblood industry in southwest Indi- conclusion of his tour there volunteered for an- ana and throughout the Midwest. We have other deployment, this time to Afghanistan. He HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY abundant reserves of the natural resource has described the events of September 8, OF INDIANA throughout my state and the citizens of my 2009, in the Kunar Province of northeastern IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES district depend heavily on coal mining and the Afghanistan as the ‘‘worst’’ day of his life. With burning of coal for electricity. In fact, 98 per- that in mind, and the details of his heroism Friday, September 23, 2011 cent of Indiana’s power generation comes contained in the Medal Citation, I will not re- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis- from coal. count the terrible events of that day. Because tinct honor to congratulate the Croatian Sons The Environmental Protection Agency has of his actions, thirteen Marines and Army sol- Lodge Number 170 of the Croatian Fraternal gone to great lengths to disrupt coal produc- diers, as well as twenty-three Afghan soldiers Union on the festive occasion of its 104th An- tion in the United States—in many cases hap- made it out of an ambush to live and serve niversary and Golden Member banquet on hazardly and without recognition of the eco- another day. And the bodies of four fallen Sunday, October 2, 2011. nomic and social benefits derived from coal American servicemen and a mortally wounded This year, the Croatian Fraternal Union will mining and the electricity it generates. Army soldier—Marines 1st Lt. Michael John- hold this gala at the Croatian Center in The further hampering of our country’s abil- son, Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson and Staff Merrillville, Indiana. Traditionally, the anniver- ity to mine and utilize coal will have drastic ef- Sgt. Aaron Kenefick; Navy Corpsman 3rd sary celebration entails a formal recognition of fects on the economy—hitting hardest those Class James Layton; and Army Sgt. 1st Class the Union’s Golden Members, those who have areas, like my district, that depend on coal for Kenneth W. Westbrook—made it home to their achieved fifty years of membership. This jobs and paychecks. loved ones and a grateful country. year’s honorees who have attained fifty years That said, there are utilities in this country As he received the Congressional Medal of of membership include: Geraldine M. Doll, that have completed or are making currently Honor at a White House ceremony on Sep- Marko Frankovich, Anthony R. Glibota, Sharon the strategic investments necessary to comply tember 16, with his usual modesty Sgt. Meyer Haynes, Domenica Jaksa, Mary Ann Maggi, with the EPA rules this bill seeks to delay. dedicated the award to those brave men: ‘‘The Thomas D. Meeks, Mary Ann Pala, Dennis R. These investments have been made at signifi- main thing that we need to get from that day Pollack, Mary Kay Rhodes, Judy A. Rodri- cant cost to the utility customers, who are pay- is that those guys died heroes, and they are guez, Anthony A. Samanich, Lorna Gail Scott, ing higher rates as a result. greatly missed.’’ Having recently marked the Patricia C. Tonkovich, Dennis Tuskan, Diana As this legislative initiative moves from tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that drew M. Voyt, and Katherine M. Zarth. House passage to Senate consideration—and us into war, as Sgt. Meyer reminds us, our These loyal and dedicated individuals share negotiation between the two bodies—it is im- Nation must commit to memory the service this prestigious honor with approximately 324 perative we find a workable solution that both men and women who have sacrificed their ut- additional Lodge members who have pre- protects the investments these utilities have most since in order to ensure the security and viously attained this important designation. made and are making while maintaining the sovereignty of our blessed Republic. This memorable day will begin with a mass underlying intent of the bill before us. It is impossible to convey how proud I am at Saint Joseph the Worker Croatian Catholic For this reason, I plan to work toward such to join the American people as we honor Sgt. Church in Gary, Indiana, with the Reverend a solution because not doing so would leave Dakota Meyer. Like him, I believe that in com- Father Stephen Loncar officiating. The ban- those utilities at a significant competitive dis- memorating the events of that day in the far- quet will begin at 1 p.m. advantage in the marketplace—and frankly off mountains of Afghanistan, we may honor Mr. Speaker, I urge you and my other distin- would be unfair to the customer. I am hopeful those we lost while finding the strength and guished colleagues to join me in commending my colleagues will join me in this effort. courage to ensure that the American dream of Lodge President John Miksich and all mem- f freedom and liberty will never dim. bers of the Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge f Number 170 for their loyalty and radiant dis- CONGRATULATING SGT. DAKOTA play of passion for their ethnicity. The Croatian MEYER ON HIS RECEIPT OF THE TRIBUTE TO STATE SENATOR community has played a key role in enriching CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HARRY ‘‘HAP’’ MYERS the quality of life and culture of Northwest Indi- HONOR ana. It is my hope that this year will bring re- HON. JO BONNER newed hope and prosperity for all members of HON. HAROLD ROGERS OF ALABAMA the Croatian community and their families. OF KENTUCKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, September 23, 2011 TRANSPARENCY IN REGULATORY Friday, September 23, 2011 ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS ON THE Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to NATION ACT OF 2011 Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I pay tribute to the memory of a remarkable rise today in order to honor Sergeant Dakota man, State Senator Harry Edward ‘‘Hap’’ SPEECH OF Meyer of the United States Marine Corps and Myers, Jr., a lifelong resident of Mobile, Ala- the recipient of the highest military honor our bama and friend to many who passed away HON. LARRY BUCSHON Nation can bestow, the Congressional Medal on August 3, 2011, at the age of 72. OF INDIANA of Honor. During his lifetime, Hap was known for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born in Columbia, Sgt. Meyer’s upbringing unbending belief in others and in doing what Thursday, September 22, 2011 in rural southern Kentucky was was right. He was a husband, father, civil en- quintessentially American. In high school, he gineer, community leader and legislator. The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under distinguished himself—as an all-star on the Growing up in Mobile he attended Mary B. consideration the bill (H.R. 2401) to require football field and as a tutor volunteering his Austin Elementary School, Barton Academy, analyses of the cumulative and incremental time to special-needs students in the class- and graduated from Murphy High School in impacts of certain rules and actions of the room. Sgt. Meyer aspired to be a college foot- 1957. He received a B.A. Degree in Business Environmental Protection Agency, and for ball player until a chance encounter with a Administration and a B.S. Degree in Civil En- other purposes: USMC recruiter awakened in his heart the gineering from Auburn University in 1961. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I rise today in challenge to serve his country. His eighteenth Returning to Mobile, he began on a path he support of the legislation before the House— birthday found him at boot camp on Parris Is- would follow for much of his professional life, H.R. 2401, the Transparency in Regulatory land. serving and then leading the J.B. Converse ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:00 Sep 24, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23SE8.001 E23SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 23, 2011 Company/BCM Engineers where he was Village for their 35th Anniversary of excellent TRANSPARENCY IN REGULATORY president and CEO for two decades. Under service, and I know the Denton community ap- ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS ON THE his leadership, the company grew to become preciates their years of service. NATION ACT OF 2011 one of America’s top 100 engineering firms. SPEECH OF Never one to be content with sitting on the f sidelines when his community needed him, HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Hap was determined to make a difference, IN RECOGNITION OF THE OPENING OF MICHIGAN greeting new challenges with enthusiasm and AND DEDICATION OF THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his trademark positive attitude. He led the UKRAINIAN VILLAGE PARK AND Thursday, September 22, 2011 local business community as Chairman of the ANNUAL UKRAINIAN VILLAGE Mobile Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of PARADE The House in Committee of the Whole the board at St. Paul’s Episcopal School, and House on the state of the Union had under served on the Board of Regions Bank and the consideration the bill (H.R.
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