Refer to this map as: Wet Tropics Bioregion INNISFAIL SERIES WTMAveg 1:50 000 Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8162-4 EDITION 1 95 96 97 98 99 400 01 02 146°05' 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 410 11 146°10' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 420 146°15' 65 56a 2a 2a56a 17°30' 70a 2a 65 CARELLO PALM SWAMP 70a 17°30' CONSERVATION PARK 56a 61a 56a 2a 55a r 2a e 56a Flying Fish Point v 70a i 61c 55a Port of Innisfail 64 R Goondi e 2a Coconut Point 6 n 70a 64 to 2a d s a n Innisfail o Coquette Point WARRINA h 55a R o 2a J 61c Eglet Point 70a d CONSERVATION PARK r h 2a 64a o t 70a f 61c r Gladys Inlet f i 61a o 61a 64a l 2a C 63 N 55a 2 2a 70a 63 2a 61c 28b Harbour 61c 70a 61a 10c Innisfail 2a 2a 70a er 70a e Riv 2a ston John 70a 28b 62 70a 2a 61a 62 28 2a 2a 70a 56a Thompson Point 61a 8 68d 61a Coquette Point Road 61a MORESBY Coral 2a 176 56a 61a 70a 61 2a70a 2a 61c 61a 55a 61 15 2a 61a 70a RANGE 56a 70a 28b4a 2a 2a 61a 56a 2d 70a 4a 2a 2c M 61a 2d61a 2a 61a 2a 28b 61c Sea 61c O 8060 28b 61b 12 61a R 80 56a 60 61c 2a NATIONAL PARKE 61a 4a S 4 B 61b Y 177 7 2 61b 61a 2a 59 2a 3 61a 61a 59 B 56a r 55a u 61a 2a Mundoo c 4 e 12 MORESBY RANGE 56a NATIONAL PARK Etty Bay 6 61a 58 61c 61c 58 12 2a 4 d a 61c 56a 14 o R 57 on 56a po H a i R 57 J g 4a h ad A w o R N a 61c River y 69c Mount Leeper G ay 245 2a Wangan 12 B 56a E 61a ty ETTY BAY ROAD Et 61a 56 56a 56a 61a Johnstone 56 Mourilyan CONSERVATION 61a 61c56a 17°35' 17°35' PARK 61c 69c 238 61a 61a 55 South Mourilyan 61a 56a 55 12 9 56a 56a oad r R 4a 2a56a rbou 61a 2a 61a 61a Ha 28b 61a 70e 61a d a d o 70a d a 61a a R o 2a o North 5 12 R 70a 28b R 61a 28b 54 9 Mourilyan Harbour o i s 61a 70a 61c Goodman Point 54 v e 56a l n i 10 Port of Mourilyan o S 9 J Hall Point 28b 70e 2a 28b 70a n 70a n 2a 70e 70e 176 y Ethel Hill Boogan l 70e 28b F 93 Georgie Hill 53 70e 28b 53 Coast 15 168 70a 70a 61a 61a 70e 70a 2a Hayter Point 61c 2a 61c 61c 52 61a 28b 28b 70e 70a 52 61a 70a 10c 28b 61c 61c 28b 28b 56a 70e 56e 10b 108 Robinsons Beach 61a Railway 67e 70a Esmeralda Hill 61a 9 70a 61c 70e 67e 70a 56e 61c 10b 2a 61c 56a 70e 51 70a 56a 70a 2a 28b 67e61a 61a 7 56a 56a 51 61c 56a 28b Moresb 56a 63b 56e y 28b 70a 61c 10b 61a 70a 21a 67e 6 70a 2 56a 64a 28b 56e 70a 56e 2a 61c 80 61a 61c 70a R 56a 50 i Moresby v 80 e 70a 4 67d 50 61c r Browns Beach 32 21a B 70a 61c 70a 70a 61a r 61a u 70a 70e c 56a 10c e 67d 4a 70a 56a 28b 28b 61c 4a 70e 21a 2a 70e 13 2a 10b 67d 49 17 70a 70e 70a 55a 56e 70e 28b 56a 56a70a 49 61a 56a 70e 28b 56a 10b 21a 2a 28b 56a56e 70a 56a 82 70a 56a 2a 61a 61a 56a 21a H 56a 61c2a 28b i 70a 56a 70e g 56a Double Point h 56a 70e 10b 28b w 56a 64a 28b 28b 61a 56a 63b 61a 61a ay 61a 56a 56a 61a 56a 56a 56a 48 61a 61c 56e 56a 56e 56a 61c 70a 56a 67d 21 28b 56a 2c 56a 28b Lindquist Island 48 28b 4 4a 28b 130 61a 2a 56a 70e 67j 67d 56a 61a 56a 34 2a 61a 56a 56a 70e 56a56a 28b 28b 56a 61c 56a 56a 28b 70e 70e 119 33 28b 56a56a 70e 56a 61a 56a 56a 56a 56a 2a 2a 61a 56a 56a 28b 56a 56a 56a 47 56a 28b 70e 21a 2a 28b 56a 47 4a 28b 70e 21a 3 2a 56e 70a 70e 10b Cowley Beach 61c 61c 56e 56a 56a 56a 70e 56e 21a 28b 18a 56a 56a 17°40' 56a 56a 70e 17°40' 18a 61a 56a 64a Bresnahan Island 61a 70a 56a 56a 56e WARRABULLEN 2c 56a CONSERVATION 18a 56a 67d North Barnard Islands 68 61c 56a 56e 46 2a PARK 56a 56a 89 4a 56a 56a 2a 2c 56a 56a 56a 46 2a 18b 18b BARNARD ISLAND GROUP Jessie Island 61c 153 21a 61c 61a NATIONAL PARK 51 61c 61c 19a 105 70a 10b 10c 67 61c 2a 56a 55a 69e 61c 56e Hutchison Island 2a 61c 61c61a 56a 10b 67e 4a 4a 69e 66 61c Kent Island 2a 56a 56a 56a 2a 45 61a 61a 61a 4a 56a 10b 2a 67e 61a 45 61c 61a 61a 2a 61c 61c B 61a R 28b 61a 2a 61c O 61c 28b W 28b 28b 167 21a 2a 61c 109 61c 35 61a N 61c 44 61a 61c 61c 2a 61c 2a 61a 61c 44 67e 61a 28b 55a 61a 61a R 6 61a 41 21a 61c 28b A 61a 61c Creek N Inarlinga 79 G 55a 34 61c Brown Mountain 2a 104 E 43 61c 59 61c 166 61a 28b 43 55 61c 61c 28b 61c 61c 9 61c 67e 61c 61c 2a 61a 61a 3 2a Liverpool Coral 2a 42 61a 61a 61a 61a 61a 64a Warrubullen 61a 61a 42 2a 70a d 70a 28b oa 61c 56a R 28b 28b Creek 56 56a 123 2b owley 61a 61c 9 61c 2b 2a 61c C 2b 61a 56a 28b 70a 2a 10b 56a 28b Sea 28b 61a 61c 28b 16 M 61a 56a 41 cC 56a 64a 13 utc 2a 61c 10b 55a 2a he 41 on oad 70e R 2b 28b28b 63b 56a 61a 56a 28b 53 67j 56a 61a 61a 56a28b 61a 61a 67j 56a 63b 61a 67j 63b 56a 80 40 38 63b 2b 18 80 63b 55a 40 d 21a 61a 56a 55a y 21a 61a oa a KURRIMINE BEACH R w h g 10b 61a i 61a H 56a 21a 2b 28b 16 39 9 2b Spanos NATIONAL PARK 55a 39 Silkwood Road 64a n e l l e 41a Stephens Island u c 56f u 4 S b r i a lk r B 29 wo r 21a N o d J a 56a apoon South Barnard Islands R W 56f 55a 55a o BARNARD ISLAND GROUP 000m ad 55a 16 61c 21a NATIONAL PARK 38 38 56a Sisters Island 80 Silkwood East 55a 21a 41a 55a 61c 61c 61c 395000m E 96 97 98 99 400 01 02 146°05' 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 410 11 146°10' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 420 146°15' 012345Kilometres Date of map production: January 2009 © Wet Tropics Management Authority 2009 FULL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ARE SHOWN WITH FIVE MINUTE TICKS INSIDE THE NEATLINE GREY NUMBERED GRID LINES ARE 1000 METRE INTERVALS OF THE UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE MERCATOR GRID, ZONE 55 (MAP GRIDAUSTRALIA ), GDA Bartle Frere Cooper Point ISBN 978-1-921591-28-0 GRID VALUES ARE SHOWN IN FULL ONLY AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE MAP GN MN VERTICAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN HEIGHT DATUM; HORIZONTAL DATUM: GDA94; TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION; ELEVATIONS IN METRES TN Atherton Railway GRID Mena Creek Innisfail CONVERGENCE Allanton Hill (0.5°) GRID-MAGNETIC 221 ANGLE (7.7°) Rainforests Sclerophyll and sclerophyll Sclerophyll forests and woodlands Vegetation complexes and mosaics Shrublands and heathlands Unvegetated, cleared or non-native rainforest transitions Tully Clump Point True North, Grid North and Magnetic North are shown 2a Mesophyll rainforests 28b Eucalyptus forests and woodlands 64a Coastal beach complexes 67d Shrublands and heathlands Naturally unvegetated diagrammatically for the centre of this map. Magnetic North is correct for 2008 and moves easterly by 0.1° in 18a Closed Acacia forests about four years. 4a Palm-leaf rainforests 56a Melaleuca forests and woodlands 61a Secondary successional complexes Non-woody vegetation Rural, agricultural or urban areas 19a Closed Eucalyptus forests 68d 10c Notophyll rainforests 21a Acacia forests and woodlands 63b Wetland complexes Grasslands 69c Sedgelands Mangroves SERIES WTMAveg 70a Mangrove forests SHEET 8162-4 EDITION 1 Vegetation codes in legend boxes above are examples only. For a complete listing of vegetation codes and descriptions see back of map. 70e Mangrove grasslands and herblands VEGETATION MAPPING INFORMATION Abstract 14e Simple microphyll vine-fern forest characterised byUromyrtus tenella . Very wet uplands on suaveolens (on rock pavements). Dry uplands on granites. Lophostemon suaveolens±± Timonius timon Ficus rubiginosa ± Acacia leptostachya This series of vegetation maps of the Wet Tropics of Queensland Bioregion depicts the vegetation metamorphics. (subtype of 14a) (on shallow soils and rock pavements). Wet to dry foothills and uplands on granites and rhyolites. community types identified by J.P Stanton and D. Stanton. The mapping is based on their interpretation of 43g LowEucalyptus portuensis woodland + Corymbia citriodora subsp. citriodora + Syncarpia 1:25,000 aerial photography. Marked-up photography was scanned and orthorectified to the Authority's 14f Microphyll vine-sedge forest characterised bySyzygium kuranda + Pouteria euphlebia + Podocarpus glomuliferasubsp.
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