2613 in that behalf, are ordered to be brought up Greengrocer, Confectioner, Dealer in Game, Poultry, before the Judges of the said Courts respec- Butter, and Cigars, and Retailer of British Wines, for- merly of No. 2, Fawcett-street, Bishop Wearraouth afore- tively, as herein set forth, to be dealt with said, Fishmonger and Dealer in Game, and during his according to Law: residence at Hutchinson's-buildings and Fawcett-street occupying a Shop at the foot of Bodlewell-lane, Low- Before the Judge of the County Court of street, Sundei land, for the Sale of Oysters. Durham, holden at the County Court House, in Alexander James Howell, formerly of Enfield, in the county Durham, on Friday the 15th day of October of Middlesex, Clerk, afterwards of the same place, Clerk and Tutor, afterwards of Harewood-grove, Darlington, 1852. in the county of Durham, Clerk, Incumbent of Darlington John Blain, formerly of Hope-house, near Whitburn, in the Surrogate, and Tutor, afterwards of the Vicarage, Dar- county of Durham, out of employ, and lodging -with lington, in the said county of Durham, Clerk, Incumbent "William Dunn, of that place, Farmer, then of Cleadon, in of Darlington Surrogate, and Tutor, and late of the the said county of Durham, out of employ, afterwards of same place, Clerk, Incumbent of Darlington and Surro- Bella View, near East Bolden, in the said county gate. of Durham, in partnership with Thomas Hopper, late of Patrick Campbell, formerly of Shildon, in the county of Bella View aforesaid, deceased, as Farmers, after that of Durham, Mason, Builder, and Contractor, and having a Cleadon aforesaid, out of employ, then of the Bents, near contract for building Rochester Hall, near Kelso, Scot- Whitburn, in the said county, out of employ, and lodging land, afterwards of South-terrace, Bishop's Auckland, in •with William Dunn, of the Bents aforesaid, Farmer, and the county of Durham, Mason, Builder, and Contractor, late of Whitburn aforesaid, Schoolmaster. afterwards of the same place, Mason, Builder, Contractor, Jacob Moses, late of Neasham-square, Sunderland-near-the- and Quarryman, afterwards of the same place, Innkeeper, Sea, in the county of Durham, Licensed Hawker as a Mason, Builder, Contractor, and Quarryman, afterwards Travelling Jeweller and General Dealer, and lodging of the same place, Innkeeper, Mason, Builder, Contractor, •with Mark Moses, of that place, Jeweller, formerly of Quarryman, Farmer, Postmaster, and licensed to let Moorgate-street, Sunderland-near-the-Sea aforesaid, of Hack Horses, and also carrying on business as a Quarry- the same business, and lodging with Barnard Abraham, man in partnership with Alexander Isaac, in the Chol- of the last-named place, Jeweller, previously of Houghton- singham Park Quarry, under the style or firm of Messrs. le-Spring, in the said county of Durham, of the same Campbell and Co. .and late of the same place, Innkeeper, business, and lodging with Edward Hopper, of the last- Mason, Builder, Contractor, Quarryman, Postmaster, and named place, Foundryman, and before that of Houghton- licensed to let Hack Horses. le-Spring aforesaid, of. the same business, and lodging •with Mrs. Dobbing, of the last-named place, Widow. Before the Judge of the County Court of William Asquith, late of Hartlepool, in the county of Durham, Labourer and Butter Dealer, lodging with Jane Devonshire, holden a't Exeter, on Saturday the ISpink, of Cleveland-street, Hartlepool aforesaid, previ- 16th day of October 1852, at Ten o'Clock in ously of the Golden Anchor Public-house, Grinton, the Forenoon. near Reeth, in the West Riding of the county of York, Samuel West Alabaster, late of No. 13, Bedford-street, Publican, Brewer, Farmer, and Pig Jobber. Plymouth, in the county of Devon, Baker and Con- "William Wheatley, formerly of Oscomb Woodside, near fectioner, previously of No. 109, High-street, Southampton, Bishop Auckland, in the county of Durham, Beer-house Baker and Confectioner, formerly of No. 2, Grenville- Keeper and Mason, and late of Thjnford, near Cornforth, street, Brunswick-square, Middlesex, and of No. 2, Black- in the said county of Durham, Journeyman Mason. more-street, Drury-lane, and of No. IB, Drury-lane, Mid- John Mowbray, formerly of Framwellgate Moor, in the dlesex, Baker, using the name of, and known as, Samuel county of Durham, Butcher, then of the same place, West (sued as Samuel West). oat of business or employment, and late of the same place, Innkeeper. "William Hall, formerly of Evenwood, in the county of N. B.—1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Durham, Pitman, afterwards at lodgings at Tylam Bridge, Prisoner's discharge, notice of such intention must near Bishop's Auckland, in the said county of Durham, be given to the said Prisoner, in writing, which and at Evenwood aforesaid, Sinker and Pitman, after- may be left at the Gaol two clear days before the wards at Greenwood aforesaid, Pitman, afterwards at lodgings at Grimsley-row, near Crook, in the said county day of hearing above mentioned, exclusive of of Durham, and of Evenwcod aforesaid, Gamekeeper and Sunday, and exclusive both of the day of giving Pitman, and late of Bank Foot-row, near Crook, in the such notice and of the said day of hearing. said county of Durham, Pitman. Benjamin Jackson, formerly of Claypath, in the borough 2. The petition and schedule will be pro- of Durham, carrying on business in partnership with duced by the proper Officer for inspection Robert Jackson, as Drapers, Hosiers, Haberdashers, and Hatters, and late of Woodbine-cottage, near Red Briars, and examination at the Office of the Court in otherwise called Pitymee, in the county of Durham, out London, between the hours of Ten and Four, of business or employment (sued with the said Robert on this notice being exhibited; and copies of Jackson). the petition and schedule, or .such part thereof George Porteous, late of No. 153, High-street, Sunderland- near-the-Sea, in the county of Durham, Journeyman as shall be required, will be provided by the Shipwright, and living with Jane Hudson, of that place, proper Officer, according to the Act of 1st and. 2nd Widow. Victoria, cap. 110, sec. 105. William Coxon, late of Hylton Castle, in the county of Durham, Clerk to Messrs. Greenwell and Son, of the N.B. Entrance to the Office in Portugal-street, borough of Sunderland, Merchants, previously of North Lincoln's-inn-fields. Bridge-street, and afterwards of Broad-street, Monk- wearmouth, Durham, Ship Broker and Sworn Timber 3. The duplicates of the petitions and schedules, Measurer,formerly of Hallgarth-square, Monkwearmouth, and all books, papers, and writings filed therewith, Clerk to William Harley, of Monkwearmouth, Timber Merchant and Coal Fitter, and during all the time past will be produced by the Clerks or Assistant Clerks Owner of the schooner Petilla, of the port of Sunder- of the said County Courts, for inspection and ex- land. amination, at the Offices of the said County Couits Nathan Samuel, late of West Wear-street, Bishop Wear- respectively, at the Towns aforesaid, and copies mouth, in the county of Durham, Assistant to Joseph Samuel, of Lambton-street, Bishop Wearmouth aforesaid, of the petition and schedule, or such part thereof Fishmonger, previously of No. 4, Hutchinson's-buildings, as shall be required, will be provided according High-street, Bishop Wearmouth aforesaid, Fruiterer, to sec. 106 of tbe Act. All Letters must be Post-paid. Published by FRANCIS WATTS, Editor, Manager, and Publisher, of No. 1, Warwick Square, Pimlico, in the ' Parish of St. George, Hanover Square, at No. 45, St. Martin's Lane, in the Parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, both in the County of Middlesex. Printed by THOMAS RICHARD HARRISON and THOMAS HARRISON, Printers, at their Office, No 45, St. Martin's Lane, in the Parish and County aforesaid. Friday, October 1, 1852. Price One Shilling..
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