2019 Provider & Pharmacy Directory 2019 醫療保健提供者及藥房名錄 Aetna Medicare Aetna Medicare ValueSM Plan (HMO) BROOKLYN NEW YORK This directory is current as of 05/15/2019. 本名錄資訊截止至 05/15/2019。 Other pharmacies, physicians, providers are available in our network. 您還可以使用我們的合作網路中的其他藥房、醫生以及醫療保健提供者。 www.aetnamedicare.com NR_1080_12808_C_FINAL_77 07/2018 72.01.650_CH-I For more recent information or other questions, 如需了解更多最新資訊或還有其他問題,請 please visit www.aetnamedicare.com or 造訪 www.aetnamedicare.com 或致電 contact us at 1-800-282-5366 (TTY:711), 8 a.m. 1-800-282-5366 (TTY: 711) 與我們聯 to 8 p.m., all time zones, 7 days a week. 絡,電話服務時間為 每周 7 天,上午 8 時至 晚間 8 時(所有時區)。 For more information on the network pharmacies in your area, please visit 如需了解您所在地區的合作網路藥房的更多 www.aetnamedicare.com/findpharmacy or 資訊,請造訪 www.aetnamedicare.com/ contact us at 1-800-282-5366 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. findpharmacy 或致電 1-800-282-5366 (TTY: 711) 與我們聯絡,電話服務時間為 每天 24 小時,每週 7 天。 Table of Contents Aetna Medicare plan information ...........................................................................................................3 Section 1 – Introduction ................................................................................................................4 What is the service area for the Aetna Medicare plan? ............................................................6 How do you find Aetna Medicare plan providers in your area? .............................................. 6 Section 2 – List of network providers ......................................................................................... 8 Primary care providers (PCP) ..................................................................................................... 10 Obstetricians and gynecologists / women's health specialists .............................................. 86 Specialists ................................................................................................................................... 111 Eye care providers .....................................................................................................................301 Dental providers ........................................................................................................................ 318 Behavioral health providers .....................................................................................................329 Behavioral health hospitals and facilities ...............................................................................357 Other participating providers (laboratories & facilities) ....................................................... 359 Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) ................................................................................................ 366 Hospitals ..................................................................................................................................... 367 Index of providers ..................................................................................................................... 368 Pharmacies ................................................................................................................................. 421 Disclaimers ................................................................................................................................. 451 目錄 Aetna Medicare 計劃資訊 .........................................................3 第 1 部分:簡介 ..................................................... 4 Aetna Medicare 計劃的服務區域包含哪些地方? ................................ 6 如何找到您所在地區的 Aetna Medicare 計劃醫療保健提供者? ....................6 第 2 部分:合作網路提供者名單 ........................................8 初級保健提供者 (PCP) ..................................................... 10 婦產科醫生 / 女性健康專家 ................................................ 86 專科醫生 .................................................................111 眼科護理提供者 ...........................................................301 牙科服務提供者 ...........................................................318 行為健康提供者 ...........................................................329 行為健康醫院及機構 .......................................................357 其他參與計劃的提供者(化驗室及機構) ..................................... 359 專業護理機構 (SNF) ...................................................... 366 醫院 .....................................................................367 提供者索引 ...............................................................368 藥房 .....................................................................421 免責聲明 .................................................................451 Provider & Pharmacy Directory / 醫療保健提供者及藥房名錄 Aetna Medicare ValueSM Plan (HMO) This directory is current as of 05/15/2019. 本名錄資訊截止至 05/15/2019。 This directory provides a list of your plan’s 本名錄列示了您的計劃的合作網路醫療保健 current network providers. 提供者。 This directory is for BROOKLYN NEW YORK. 本名錄適用於 BROOKLYN NEW YORK。如需了解 For a more complete listing of providers you 更完整的醫療保健提供者名單,可上網瀏覽 may go online to www.aetnamedicare.com/ www.aetnamedicare.com/findprovider, findprovider or call the Member Services 或致電您的會員卡上的客戶服務電話。 number on your ID card. 如需查看Aetna Medicare的線上醫療保健提供 To access Aetna Medicare's online provider directory, you can visit 者名錄,可造訪 www.aetnamedicare.com/ www.aetnamedicare.com/findprovider. For findprovider。 如有與本名錄包涵內容相關的 any questions about the information contained 問題,請撥打您的會員卡上的會員服務部電話或 in this directory, please call our Member Services 1-800-282-5366 (TTY: 711),電話服務時 department at the number on your member ID 間為 每周 7 天,上午 8 時至晚間 8 時(所 card or 1-800-282-5366 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. to 8 有時區)。 p.m., all time zones, 7 days a week. Aetna Medicare 是簽署了 Medicare 合約的 Aetna Medicare is a PDP, HMO, PPO plan with PDP、HMO、PPO 計劃。我們的計劃能否接收會員 a Medicare contract. Enrollment in our plans 取決於合約是否獲得續約。 depends on contract renewal. 3 Section 1 – Introduction 第 1 部分:簡介 This directory provides a list of your plan's 本名錄列示了您的計劃的合作網路醫療保健提 network providers. To get detailed information 供者。欲獲取關於您健康護理承保範圍的詳細資 about your health care coverage, please see your 訊,請參閱您的「承保範圍說明書」(Evidence Evidence of Coverage (EOC). of Coverage, EOC)。 SM If you are enrolled in an Aetna Medicare 如果您加入 Aetna MedicareSM Plan (HMO) 開 Plan (HMO) open access, you are not required 放使用,則不強行要求您選擇初級保健提供者 to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP), but (Primary Care Provider, PCP),但是我們仍然 are encouraged to do so. You are also free to 建議您選擇一位 PCP。而且,您可以自由接受合 visit network providers without a referral to 作網路內提供者的診療,無需轉介即可享受承保 receive covered services. You must use network 服務。除非是屬於急救情況或緊急護理情況,或 providers except in emergency or urgent care 需要接受區域外腎透析服務的情況,否則必須使 situations or for out-of-area renal dialysis. If 用合作網路內的提供者。如果您從合作網路以外 you obtain care from out-of-network providers, 的醫療保健提供者那裡獲得護理,則 Medicare neither Medicare nor Aetna Medicare will be 或 Aetna Medicare 均不會給付相關費用。 responsible for the costs. The network providers listed in this directory 本名錄中所列示的合作網路內提供者已同意為 have agreed to provide you with your health 您提供健康護理、視力、聽力及牙科服務。您可 care, vision, hearing and dental services. You 以隨意使用本名錄中列示的合作網路提供者。 may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory. 如果合作網路之外的提供者直接向您遞交費用帳 單,您不應支付帳單費用。將帳單遞交給 Aetna In cases where out-of-network providers submit Medicare 進行處理及確定您的費用分擔金額 a bill directly to you, you should not pay the bill. (如有)。我們的索償/帳單地址列於您的會員 Submit it to Aetna Medicare for processing and 卡背面。 determination of your cost-sharing amount, if any. Our claims/billing address is on the back of 住院或門診手術等一些合作網路健康護理服務需 your ID card. 要從 Aetna Medicare 獲得預先授權。這意味著 該服務必須首先獲得 Aetna Medicare 批准,方 Certain network health care services, such as 可納入本計劃的承保範圍。如需取得您的醫療保 hospitalization or outpatient surgery, require 健承保範圍的詳細資料,請查閱您的「承保範圍 prior authorization from Aetna Medicare. 說明書」(Evidence of Coverage, EOC)。如 This means the service must be approved by 果您所要求的服務需要取得合作網路內醫療保健 Aetna Medicare before it will be covered under 提供者的預先授權,則該提供者須在施行治療前 the plan. To get detailed information about 取得 Aetna Medicare 的預先授權。如果您的計 your health care coverage, please see your 劃包含合作網路以外的福利,且您決定接受合作 Evidence of Coverage (EOC). When you need 網路之外的醫療保健提供者提供的本計劃承保服 services that require prior authorization from 務,那麼我們建議您要求合作網路外的這位提供 a network provider, the provider is responsible 者聯絡 Aetna Medicare 以取得這些服務的預先 for obtaining prior authorization from Aetna 授權。 Medicare before treatment. If your plan includes an out-of-network benefit and you decide to receive covered services from an out-of-network 急救護理 4 provider, we recommend you ask your out-of- 若您需要急救護理,我們可在世界任何地方每 network provider to contact Aetna Medicare for 周 7 天、每天24 小時承保相關護理。不論您處 prior authorization of those services. 於 Aetna Medicare 服務區域之內或之外,我們 僅要求您在認為自己需要急救護理時遵循以下準 Emergency care 則。 If you need emergency care, you are covered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the • 撥打當地急救聯絡電話(例如 911), world. Whether you are in or out of an Aetna 或前往最近的急救機構。接受治療後,請 Medicare service area, we simply ask that you 儘快告知您的 PCP。或者若延遲對您的健 follow the guidelines below when you believe 康無害,則請致電您的 PCP。 you need emergency care. • 若您進入住院機構,您及代表您的家 • Call the local emergency hotline (for 人或朋友應儘快告知您的 PCP 或 Aetna example, 911) or go to the nearest Medicare。 emergency facility. Notify your PCP as soon as possible after receiving treatment. Or if a 如果您因出差或旅行而離開 Aetna Medicare 的 delay would not be harmful to your health, 服務區域,則仍然可享受急救護理和緊急需要護 call your PCP. 理的承保待遇。無論您是否位於服務區域內,都 可以隨時從可提供服務的最近醫療保健提供者那 • If you are admitted to an inpatient facility, 裡獲得急救護理服務。 you, a family member or friend on your behalf should notify your PCP or Aetna 處於合作網路服務區域之內時,HMO
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