Y ' , ■ / / , '^ • . /. y-.i , . /TH -,'-: r',’: *4* ' . ;'A > W .y \ -1 ; '' ■v. ^T V : 'I ■ \u \- ■ '.■ ' ^ ' r' • », >. ^ A '\A\iV\ . ' ' '■■ ,1.'. V:11 V" t -t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 ■ ■ \ --- PAGE FORTY V .. Most Manchester St^rm Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock i® anrljp0tpr lEnm ing Pfc. Gary A. Thompson, aon U.S. Air Force Sgt. Frank J. Junior Warden Russell W. The Senior Cltlsens will spon­ ATeraga Daily Net Preaa Run of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Thomp­ Tedone, son of Mr. and Mra. Schlatter will preside f(>r the sor a food sale and gift table The Weather About Town son of 99 Maple St., rtumed to Richard Tandy of 60 Dartmouth Friday, April's, starting at .9 LAST THREE DAYS For The Week aHHI Shower* ending this evonlng Ehitered . Apprentice degree a.m. at the Senior Oltdsens Cen­ January 14, iaT9 this country recently from a Rd., recently participated In with partial clearing later. Low Pvt. Donald F. Denloy Jr., aon year of oopibat In Vietnam with when .Frienddilp Dodge of ter. The event Is open to all about 40. Tomorrow cloudy with of in', and Mra. Donald F. Den- Exercise Arctic Express, a Masons meets at 7:30 tomorrow gold card holders and to the i -I of 2 Alpine St., haa recently the 4th Infantry Division. Ho high 40 to 60. Saturday’* outlook will finish his remaining SVj NATO training exercise In Nor­ night at the Mhacnic Temple. public. Sm o or 15,890 — fair. returned from a 18 week tour of months of service - at Ft. Hen­ active duty at Bt. Ord, Calif. way. An aircraft electrician per­ Special lecture presentations Mancheeter— A City of Village Charm ning, Ga. manently assigned at Dyess will be given by Harold O. Christopher Cooper, son of Pvti Denley completed an eight* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cooper week baalc training courae fol­ AFB, Tekas, he provided essent­ Staiger, past master of Oriental ANNIVERSARY SALE Lodge of Masons tn Broad at 188 Feiguson Rd., has been VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 149 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 (Olaadlfled Adrerttidiig on Fage S8) PRICE TEN CENTS lowed by a five-week light Mias Unda Turgeon, daugh­ ial support for the Tactical Air named an (honor cadet for the v^ilole drlvera course. He la a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adetor J. Brook. Officer dress Is tuxedo. Command element that flow Refreshments wtU be served fourth marking period at Fred­ BUY ilOW AND SAVE! member of the U.S. Army Re­ Turgeon Jr. of 3 Durkin St, erick Military Academy, Ports­ serve in West Hartford. was recently eleoted corre­ Cl30 Hercules aircraft to help after the meeting. sponding secretary of the Con­ transport some 5,000 troops and mouth, Vn. He has also been chosen assistant squad leader Mns. Stanley Batee, director necticut Student Nursing Asso- equipment to the Tromsoe area Bernard Olovtno of the Bruns­ wick Parkade Lanes recently for Co. C, which is competing Sm oor Carriers Junk of 8buKliieM.er PubHc Health datkm’a third district A fresh- of Norway. The cold weather maneuver testing NATO's air donated a free afternoon of for the Utle of “Best Drilled Fulbright Boosts Nursing Aaaoclellan, reoeaiUy men at Bridgeport Hospital attended the Natkoiial I^eague School of Nursing, she Is presi­ and sea development Involved bow'Ilng to .the members of the Squad." 917 MAIN .STREET—MANCHESTER ‘Junk Mail’ personnel from United States, Bennet Junior High School spe­ Package tor Nurahig Assembly of Home dent of the school's drama club OPEN THl RSDAY TO 9 P.M. Postal Worker SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — HeaMh Agendea at the Hotea and librarian of the schoOl’B Canada, Britain, Italy and Nor­ cial education class of Mrs. Bar­ bara Damauskas. Read Herald Ada A federiU gr^nd Qmianodore tn New York City. choral club. way. Carswell’s Foes fused to Indict 18 postmen accused of throwing away, ^ sn\. WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen. J. W. Fulbright of Ar­ instead of delivering, about kansas broke ranks with most of his Southern Demo­ 6,800 pieces of "Junk mall." cratic colleagues today and announced he would vote The 28-member panel de­ Still Tied UP in Negotiations to return Judge G. Harrold Carswell’s SuPreme Court liberated about 40 minutes SE nomination-to c o m m itte e .------------------------------------- after hearing some five lEaster Essentials for Men and Boys He cUeclosed his stand in a testify in Carswedl's behalf, Sen. hours of testimony, U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate speech, giving a boost to Tydlngs, D-Md., had read tele­ Atty. James Browning Jr. The chief negotiators on ^ 9^1^^Srr_- d o w n t o w n m a n c h b s t b r the strategy of opponents to try grams to the Senate last week said. Pay increases and other he'll be with it all the w ay in these updated fashions to IdU President Nixon's nomi­ Indicating Tuttle was not willing He said the Jurors ques­ benefits for the nation’s nation by recommitting it to the to testify for OarsweU. tioned whether there was Postal workers left the bar­ save on Easter Fashions Senate Judiciary Committee. Fulbright said U would be criminal intent and whether • U se Y our Ons question that has been the mailmen had been In­ gaining sessions Thursday helpful to him and he thought to consult seParately with j M aster raised, he said. Is the willing­ other senators before they vote formed of regiSatlons relat­ Charge Your Choice ♦ ♦ *» for girls, 7 to 14 ness or unwllUngnesB of Cars- on CarsweU's nomination if the ing to third class "Junk" higher authorities. welfs colleagues on the 6th U.S. mail. Spokesmen declined to char­ Judiciary Committee would find Twelve of the 18 have re­ acterize the oetton os tnUcatlng -------- ^ I Circuit Court of Appeals to en­ out why there has been a ALL NEW SHAPES IN | dorse his nomination. signed since their arrest last either progresa or deadkMk, but short sleeve c f O S 9 change in Tuttle's position. Feb. 8. Browning said com­ there had been toreoaats eeiltar TWO GROUPS OF | He said that whUe the Judi- Also, he said, there have been otary Committee record con­ plaints against all were dlS' that agreement ooukl be buy 2 for reports that Another 6th Circuit missed. reached quickly. tains a letter from former Chief Judge, John Minor Wisdom, eu:- reg. 1.98 ea. Judge Klbert TutUe otfeirlng to Postmaster Gen. Whiten M. €>rt 3 .5 0 tiveiy opposes Carswell's nomi­ Blount went freon the oanfer- 1 .T T nation and blocked a move for enoe room to "oonsuit with oth­ FOR BOYS' I an endorsement by the court. er afOctels of the administra- Fulbright tadd that since the Kidnapers tkxi," a spokesman said. He did A. Blend of 65% polyester and 35% Dodd Urged Judiciary Committee completed not rule out the possibility that cotton with perma-press finish. its hearings, there also have Blount would call at the Whit* Regular spread collar. White, blue, been additional allegaUons of To Release House, re g . 10.98 maize, green. Sizes 14'A-17, ToVote^No^ bias against Carswell and var­ The cMef negotiator lor the ious bar groups and distin­ postal unloM, Jemes p. Ghdea, OR guished lawyers have an­ U.S. Envoy left to report to George Meozqr, On Carswell nounced their opposttinn to the president of the AFL-CIO, and nomination. SANTO DOMINGO, Domini­ Asst. Seoretory cf Labor W. J. B. Easy-cdre 100% nylon tricot strlpei can RepubUc (AP) — An ab­ in blue, brown, green, grey. Reg­ HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — He said it would be unfortu- Usery went to confer with Sec­ reg. 16.98 ducted U.S. air att^ h e, Lt. Ool. retary of Labor George P. ular spread collar. Sizes 14’A-17. The chairmen of the General As- nate if the Senate had to rely on Donsid J. Crawley, will be re­ sembly'B Judiciary Committee reports of these develop- Shultz. _, _ _____ . ments In deciding how to vote leased by his kuinapers at 3 Other offSettUs of the Post Of- are urging Sen. Thomas J. Dodd eonflrmation, Adding the in­ p.m. today at the Mexican Em­ flee Departmerit and the postal to vote against confirmation of lormaitlon ^loudd be obtained bassy here, the dhencellor of the iBiion heads zvonahied In sesrion the appointment of Judge G. through the orderly procedures University of Santo Domingo re­ to discuss what spokesman do- Harrold Carswell to the U.S. Su- at the Judiciary Committee, vealed. scribed as "tschnlcal pr«*>- preme Court. For these reasons, B\ilbright Dr. Rafael Kiaase Acta told •ems." Easter Blouses 2.66 "The highest court in our said, he would vote for return- newsmen that In exchange for A resumption at Adi negoUs- country deserves more than me- ing the nomination to the oom- Crowley some 20 xxditical pris­ tlom was scheduled at nddsMier- 1 / regularly $3.50 oners will leave for Mexico noon. diocraty," said State Sen. J<An mlttee while reserving Judg- Moat of the (troops which hod Polyester and cotton blend fab­ F. Pickett, D-Mlddletown, and ment on how he would cast a fl- aboard an unspecified airline at ric! ore permanently pretted— the same time. (been eoUed in bo brip ha»B* the never need ironing. Fancy lace Sbate Rep. John A. Carrozzella, nol vote on the nomination it­ mail were started homsnard, D-WailUngfcrd. self. Acta is a member of a three- V \ trimmed.
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