Holy orders For lay PeoPle Following in the Footsteps of St. Elijah the Prophet —Third Order Carmelites— By Anne Tschanz he Carmelite Order is unique Tin tracing its origins back to an Old Testament prophet. By tradi- tion, their founder is the Prophet Elijah and their spiritual home is on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. You can even fnd a statue of Elijah at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome near the Papal Altar where the inscription attests to Saint “Elias” as the spiritual founder of the Carmelites. And the words spoken by the Prophet form the motto of the Order: “With zeal I the well of Elijah. Jacques de Vitry the hermits of Mount Carmel, to have been zealous for the Lord God (d. 1240), Bishop of Acre, wrote betake themselves, not without great of Hosts” (1 Kgs 19:14). that men, “In imitation of the holy afiction of spirit, to parts across the The lay members of the Car- anchorite the prophet Elijah, led sea.” In 1291, the last of the Mount melite Order can doubly claim this solitary lives on Mount Carmel… Carmel monks, who were known for heritage for their own, citing this where in little comb-like cells, those their deep devotion to Our Lady, were passage from 2 Kings 2:9: “Elijah bees of the Lord laid up sweet killed as they sang the Salve Regina. said to Elisha: ‘Request whatever I spiritual honey.” Around 1210, St. Life was difcult for the Carmel- might do for you, before I am taken Albert Avogadro, the Latin Patri- ites who were evolving from being from you.’ Elisha answered, ‘May arch of Jerusalem, presented them a community of desert hermits into I receive a double portion of your with a “formula for life,” the Rule the more active life of a mendicant spirit.’” The Secular Carmelites of St. Albert, which enjoined them order. In 1247, Pope Innocent IV have described this double spirit to live a life of prayer, purifcation, approved a modified Rule more as the blending the contemplative abstinence and poverty. This Rule of suited to their increasingly cenobitic life with the active life. It was in a Life received the approval of Pope lifestyle. During this time of change, gentle breeze that Elijah heard the Honorius III in 1226 and with some tradition says that Our Lady ap- voice of God, and this contemplative modifcations still inspires the whole peared to the Minister General St. disposition of heart and mind is the worldwide Carmelite family today. Simon Stock in Aylesford, England, foundation of Carmelite spirituality. During the collapse of the Latin on July 16, 1251. Holding the Baby When the frst Christian monks Kingdom of the Crusaders in Pales- Jesus, she presented him with the came to live on Mount Carmel is not tine and continued harassment by the Brown Scapular and said: “This shall known. The foundation of the Car- Moslem Saracens, the monks began be the privilege for you and for all the melite Order dates to around 1154 an exodus to Europe. “The inroads Carmelites, that anyone dying in this when by tradition, Saint Berthold of the pagans,” wrote Pope Innocent habit shall be saved.” Historians dis- formed a hermit community by IV, “have driven our beloved sons, pute the actual lineage of the Brown Religious Life July/August 2018 13 Scapular, but it is true that the small Christ, under the patronage of the Brown Scapular is the sacramental Blessed Virgin Mary. The primary given to new members of the Lay obligations include daily contempla- Order as the sign and reminder of tive prayer, the Liturgy of the Hours their participation in the life and mis- (Morning and Evening prayer, and sion of the Carmelite family. Night prayer recommended), Mass Since the late 13th century, lay if possible, daily examination of people are known to have been as- conscience and regular reception sociated with the Carmelite Order. of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In 1452, Pope Nicholas V issued Retreats and days of recollection are the famous bull Cum Nulla addressed encouraged. Studying the writings to the Minister General, Bl. John of the great Carmelite saints give Soreth, authorizing the aggregation them holy lives to imitate. of lay people into the Order. Thus, Lay Carmelites have a deep de- was the beginning of the Second votion to Our Lady and receive the Order of Nuns and the Third Or- woolen Brown Scapular of Our der. Throughout the intervening Lady of Mount Carmel during their centuries, there was little uniformity formation. The scapular is the visible amongst the lay fraternities, though sign of belonging to the Carmelite some interpretations of the life en- While sharing a common patri- family, of their devotion to Mary, joyed more widespread popularity mony, the two Third Order Seculars and of the commitment to imitate than others. It was said that Bl. John have some diferent emphases though her virtues. Participating in monthly Soreth wrote the frst Rule, but the both embrace a common heritage. meetings with other members is a frst published Rule was issued by The Lay Carmelite spirituality is in- sign of community and fraternity and Philip of the Visitation in 1675. spired by the example of Our Lady is part of the vocational call. Secular In 1562, St. Teresa of Avila in- and the Prophet Elijah. The Secular Carmelites also prepare for the spe- stituted a reform of the Carmelite Teresian Carmelites place a strong cial Carmelite feast days with fasting, Order in Spain and founded a new emphasis on the charism of St. Teresa penitential prayers and self-denial. branch of the Carmelite family of Avila. Both encourage the follow- One of the blessings of belonging to called the Discalced Carmelites, that ing of the teachings of Jesus Christ in a lay order is that after death you are followed the so-called Primitive Rule fraternal friendship with their fellow remembered in prayer and in masses of the Carmelites. The Carmelites Carmelites and as Christian witnesses ofered for the repose of your soul. eventually separated into two dis- to the world. As they grow in their relationship tinct congregations: the Order of The mission of every lay Carmelite with Christ, they can be the Lord’s Discalced Carmelites (O.C.D.) and is rooted in Baptism, whereby they are instruments in areas where the friars the Carmelite Order of the Ancient called to contribute to the sanctifca- and sisters cannot go in their families, Observance (O.Carm.). tion of the world. In a letter to the parish, workplace and community, In 1594, Pope Clement XIII Carmelite family on the 550th an- thus having a powerful sanctifying declared that both branches of the niversary of the issuance of the Papal infuence on the secular world. In family had the same right to a Third Bull Cum Nulla, Prior General Joseph Lumen Gentium, it says: “By reason of Order. Today, there are two Third Chalmers, O.Carm., wrote: “I believe their special vocation it belongs to the Order Secular branches—The Third strongly that lay Carmelites in the laity to seek the Kingdom of God by Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of sense of members of the Third Order engaging in temporal afairs and di- Mount Carmel (T.O. Carm. or Lay have a true vocation and are bearers recting them according to God’s will” Carmelites) and The Ordo Carmelita- of the Carmelite charism just as much (31). In a visit to Colombia in 1986, rum Discalceatorum Saecularis (Secular as the friars, nuns and sisters.” Pope John Paul II said: “You lay peo- Order of Discalced Carmelites— The vocation of a secular Car- ple, loyal to your secular identity, must OCDS or Secular Carmelites). melite is to live in allegiance to Jesus stay in the world as in your own envi- 14 July/August 2018 Religious Life ronment and there realize an active In chastity, they love God above and evangelical presence—a dynamic all as well as their neighbor and are and transforming presence—as the chaste according to their state in leaven in the dough, as the salt giv- life. In poverty, worldly goods are ing the Christian sense to the light of placed at the service of the Gospel. work, as the light in the midst of the In obedience, they are docile to the darkness of indiference.” will of God and those guiding the As a young man, St. John Paul II local community. The Beatitudes seriously thought about becoming “shed light on the actions and at- a Carmelite and wore the Brown titudes characteristic of the Chris- Scapular throughout his life. On the tian life” (CCC, no. 1717). In short, 750th anniversary of the bestowal of Carmelite brown scapular and the they strive for holiness by living as the Scapular, he wrote: Third Order Secular Rule. a disciple of Jesus Christ and “by To begin the process of becoming special vocation, undertake to live “Two truths are evoked by the sign a Secular Carmelite, there is a period in the world an evangelical life of of the Scapular: on the one hand, of discernment between the candi- fraternal communion imbued with the constant protection of the date and the community, usually a the spirit of contemplative prayer, Blessed Virgin, not only on life’s year in duration. With approval, the in imitation of the Virgin Mary, journey, but also at the moment of candidate begins a two-year period and animated with apostolic zeal passing into the fullness of eternal of formation leading to frst prom- according to the example and teach- glory; on the other, the awareness ises/temporary profession.
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