-- is - ' ' , - . - . THEASHINGTX)NyHEBaMWj8PaATrf 26., 1.-- 'W "? '' - .3'MA- waa cosspelied'tc-- ' t an 'encore. Mrs. ,Orosb and "FruWltagsBACBCT tlflM 'WMUkar --1 Hear m, Thrus atvs"a "Somswbtre a, Vote Is Cailier" "Kr. Jett "Dear Religion mi&iSocidt Service MUSIC Heart" aol "Mother.,"Machree." Mr. ANMUra Joaes "Oat on the BMn'stf ribstwnf,". and Mrs. Ormsby and mm Whltaker spoken objet la Toa-ca;- M Waldensian Church, and he ha a closer fellowship araoac dab xnusleirJa rna'ljLTti,""traa Puccini's "La purpose, as .ta"tibjotI U rejarded,by f'Pasaage Bird .Farewell" ' "Bpring Bl. 0, C. M0MAN TO HAD: , ;.. The fifth (TeniBC of tha Xatte jof urn s4 in" several of the principal cities', of men. the establishment of a headquar- Cbamlaade's 'Men Coeur Chaste," tVe offlcials .the mo as" one. of Tims Is Bo Charming.". x eVery Study given' tha Washington h America, and vlsiteditbWuraeroua .farm- ters in important city for traveUng aab. at i-- Thought of Ton." by Natalie highly educational value,,, ' MailWilTJlat KBIE- COIPHUCI uui - A featare.of ithe'ereninsT was the ren- j ing colonies in. Mis- members; Club, last'WedTwdayjrvealnir. waa,cea-sldere- d Glbbs- lyric soprano waa ' From the title, Mr. FreuM'a talk win of tha Waldenaes and a elosa affiliation between -- TowBMBd, Mrs. dering of the difficult accompaniments by conference," souri, Colorado, Utah, arc His' subject church and social organisations. The plan meat very CJte-.'- ana mam revponaea 10 an ba one both interesting ana Deaesciai. as Miss Visa Behsie Humphreys, The midwinter Bible by those in ajtendance tha Jeffries. Washington Is: Struggles and tha Work-- of the includes the selection in city encore Carrie Jacobs Bond's it will 'deal la part upon "America's place Mr. Franklin which la to be' held in 'The each of successful ever offered by the club, Thja with, 'The and Jackson. jr which - 8' 18 bo" Waldensian-Church- ." ona prominent organization, which .. in ar- from February- to will under will organization muatciana is laiy ana in the musical world, iu lnaustnai, added 'much to the .enjoyment of those "engagements Bosio in ba offered membership In of slnrers and but not least on the program were tistic, and educational aspects. The edi- present. the leadership of Dr. Sol C Dickey, Tha or Bar. tho federstloa. composed women who haVe the last well-know- Washington A general of young numbers by Miss Hug. tor of Musical America has gives ad- the n direotor.of the Winona are. as follows: convention will later ba called. more xney the nlano Julia The orchestral numbers Included "Dawn Sunday, 11 a. rn., Baptist Church, The Idea has for soma time serious side of music at bean, gins. There is no' questJon'about the dresses of a similar character In other of Peace, march (Hereon); "Burlesque,' Bible conference. The committees in First been under take up the work of the various Huggins toJtHerpret statements have brought charge of the local work comprise sev- Avenue of tho Presidents ancLO street; consideration and has the encouragement thelrTneetings and not only ability ot Miss the cities, and his overture (Suppe): "Sounds from tbs Val prominent p. vesper service Young Woman's bf Catholic authorities.' meaning of the composer, and her very down both wrath and praise upon bis ley," "waits (Seldel); selection from "Mar eral Jof 'Washington's moat 10 m.i analyze the themes of the compositions was spontaneously applauded been able to cope with pastors. They are aa follows: Dr. Christian Association"; 730 p. nx. Wash- The movement begins with tha oldest gtod work head, but he has tha,' caprice, "Heart's Message" (San- - Phlio-patrl- and songs studied, but have them illus- Wallace Radcllffe, chairman committee ington Heights' Presbyterian Church, Catholic club Jn tha country, tha an club; who by the audience, until she waa compelled all. The capital of the nation is there- telmann), and "On parole," march Institute Philadelphia. trated by the members of .the respond with an extra number.) The fore anxious hear what this man has on program: Dr. Earls Wllfley, chair- Kalorama avenue and Columbia road; of It la td to (Potts). Society expected 3K,-0- 00 have in this manner given ana receivea program numbers by Miss Huggins were to say: This address will be entirely man committee on sale ot tickets; Dr. Tuesday, .10:30 a. m., Waldensian that a total membership of beneflt-ln-tbet- In great r search" for the hith Glinka-Balaklre- commit- meeting. Baptist Church. Avenue men the federation can "L'Alouette." by ' complimentary, the Invitations for which Mr. Oscar Franklin Comstock gave a W. B. Wedderspoon, chairman First ba reached. er Ideats In musical Interpretation. ' "Murmuring Zephyrs." by Jensen, 'and now being issued. The arrangements Thursday, nlghtrwlth tee on buildings: Mr. William K. of the Presidents and O street: 7:30 P. m. This, organisation Is not selfish, how are studio recital last a residence 1010 Massachusetts MacDowell's "Polonaise." For the extra been placed in the able hands of delightful program and fln Cooner. chairman committee on adver otJIrs. Barr. EPISCOPAL. many, many -- have a attendance. avenue, auspices So ever. In Its work, for after played Rabbit."., by Mae. Howe. very tlslng, and Dr. Henry Anstsdt, chair Evening Missionary weeks of the serious work anions; its she "Br'er Wlllard Mr. Archie Gibson was hoarse In ciety of Congregational Church . i songs, man committee on cnieruuniucu.. First only, an evening" musi- Dowel. ' his but Improved later in the pro ar Wednesday,. 11 : a. m., Presbyterlal Tha secretary of the Missionary members it elves Miss Marion West's work as accom aft- gram, jsissj was Dr. Sol C. Dickey, of Pittsburgh, First cals to which are Invited the friends of M tam Church of the Covenant this Mona nooerta successful rived cityf yesterday, and waa prayer meeting. New York Avenue Pres Department, the Rev. George W. Daven- panist is to be highly commended. She ernoon, o'clock, the double sextet. la two groups' of songs, which she sang In the port. the club who are Interested in just such ability of catching at vary In conference wljh the local commit- byterian Church; Thursday, 8 p. m., Is on a visit to his father, the Rev. Keep-I- ns has the the spirit of under the direction of Mr. Sydney Lloyd attractively, miss Jtarcuerlta wn. W. O. Davenport, high standards.of study this club Is ana support groups tee regarding the necessary arrange- Church ot the Covenant, Connecticut ave rector emeritus of Em- In the soiois: giving mat m Wrightson. with Mr. Hajrrey Murray at llama played two of piano pieces pro- nue "A Message from manuel Church, its work. "atmosphere as "wen as technical good style ments tor the sessions and tha - snd N street. Anacostla. Mr. Daven- The club's influence is felt not only In work. the organ.' will render,, the following with and expression. The last srram, Italy." with stereoptlcon views; Friday, port will preach tomorrow morning in cities, which Is so necessary to the successful Ye AU of One' Mind" (God- numoer waa ins "rater pan" song cycle, his "Washington, but in many other . music: "Be The sessions ot the conference will 1030 a. m.. Publio Library, auspices of father's former church, of which club accompanist. frey), incidental solo, Mrs. Gawler; Sanc-tu- s, a. charming work by Joan Treveisa, Missionary Union the Rev. William where some former members of the which was be held In the Epiphany Church In the Interdenominational Oscar Rooms U now have since removed, and tbey have start- "St. Cecilia" (Gounod), inciden- most beautifully performed Congraga; Study Class. rector. At night the Rev. Mr. Daven- The program given at the Friday Morn O by oirs. Miss evening and in tho First port, ed similar organizations in their new tal solo. Mr. Backing; "Thine. Lord" toward witman. Roberts, tionsl Church in the morning and aft who has the reputation of being homes. And the club has ing Music Club, last Friday morning, at (Campbell). Miss Hall: "I will Lay Me Mr. Witman, and Mr. Gibson. quite a good preacher, will be St, often waimngion was as solo, ernoon. METHODIST. at guests, who go to their homes with ine tiuo, follows: Down in Peace" (Hlles), incidental The sneakers for the conference In Thomas' Church, near Dupont Circle, and young women so strong Suite. E major, op. 11, andante sostenuto, MK Backing. Mrs. Frank Moore, Pearson, ot 'Atlanta. will preach the sermon. the spirit of these allegro quasi allegretto, presto. wife of Frank Pearson, dude some of the ablest preachers in them, learning from contact with moderate i Gl, a former G. The executive committee of the Y. P. Mr. Davenport, who Is accompanied by after allegro (Carl Ooldmark), basso of Washington, will sing offer- and teachers of the world. Dr. tho club members of their sincerity in vivace Miss Ida At the' Church ot the Covenant this the Campbell Morgan, London, pastor of , Congress M. P. his wife, will spend a few days here. Ewlng. Duff-Lewi- s: - tory on Sunday morning of S. C. E..' of Street their work, such visitors often take Mrs. "Mlt elner Was- evening .o'clock, the vested evening at the First to at that rerfilie," "Ein Pri- at t Baptist Church. Sixteenth and O streets. Westminster ChapeL is familiar Church, held a meeting on Wednesday, up the idea In their own cities with ex- Schwan." "Mlt elner choir of 100 voices, under the direction of tendants of Bible conferences at wi aeo um Promised to AI. mula veris." "Herbststlmmung," "Zwel Mrs. Pearson is the guest ot Mr.
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