Land at former Sunderland College North Hylton campus, Sunderland Planning and Development Brief October 2017 Offers in the region of £1.5 Million Contents Introduction 1 Section 1: Planning and Design Guidance 2 Location and description 3 Site Context 4 Planning Policy Context 5 Site Constraints 8 Land use and quantum of development 10 Planning and Design Principles 11 Section 2: Tender Process and Submission Requirements 14 Additional Information 15 Tender Process 17 Appendix 1: Abnormal Policy 20 Introduction Sunderland College and Sunderland City Council are seeking to dispose of its freehold The disposal will be conducted through a two stage process, set out below. interest in 3.3 ha of surplus land at the former North Hylton Campus, North Hylton Road, Sunderland. Stage one: The sites offer an opportunity to provide new residential development of high quality Developers are now invited to submit planning and design proposals for consideration family accommodation within this established residential area. in accordance with the requirements set out in this brief. Located within North Sunderland the site is strategically placed between Sunderland The deadline 12 noon on Friday 12th January 2018 City Centre ( 2.5 miles) and Washington (3 Miles). The area is close to retail and leisure facilities of Southwick Local Centre and employment opportunities at Sunderland City Stage two: Centre and Nissan (2.5 miles). Those developers whose submissions in the opinion of Sunderland College and This planning and urban design brief has been prepared in partnership between Sunderland Council are satisfactory, and in the case of redevelopment proposals Sunderland College and Sunderland City Council to support the disposal of the joint comply with the requirements of the brief, will be invited to submit a financial offer. land interests and to ensure development achieves the highest possible planning and urban design standards. The brief identifies the key planning and design issues most The successful applicant will be required to submit their proposals for pre-application relevant to this site and indicates the considerations that will be used among other stage two advice. things to assess submitted proposals. Candidates should therefore consider the advice offered as part of this brief and clearly demonstrate through their submissions how their proposals meet these requirements. Requirements for the comprehensive development of the site are set out in Section One of this document. Former College buildings Existing hardstanding on site 1 Section 1: Planning and design requirements 2 Location and description Location and description The site is located within the North Hylton area of Sunderland, a predominately residential area with good access links to local retail and community facilities at Southwick Local Centre (0.5 miles), and Sunderland City Centre (2.5 miles). The brownfield/greenfield mix site is relatively flat in nature and was previously occupied by Sunderland College Hylton Campus until its closure in 2016 when the Cemetery college relocated to Sunderland City Centre. Allotments To the north lies the former Mapelwood Primary School and associated playing fields with allotments and cemetery beyond this. Directly to the east is English Martyr R.C Primary School and an existing residential area of predominately semi-detached family dwellings. To the south is Southwick Industrial Estate consisting of a variety of single Former School and two storey industrial units with some instances of brick constructed office blocks. Primary edcar Road Directly to the west is an area of open space and old aged miners cottages beyond R School which lies further residential areas of predominantly two storey family dwellings. lton Road North Hy Approved residential Southwick Industrial Estate development Supermarket Wessington Way (A1231) Hardstanding on site View westward across site Location plan 3 Site context Connections Directly to the west is a row of single storey white render aged miner cottages, beyond The site is situated between North Hylton Road and Redcar Road providing excellent this a residential area consisting of two storey semi-detached properties of red brick connections to the wider local highway network. Wessington Way is 800m from the construction. site and provides links to the A1231 and A19 which provide further connections to Washington and the regional road network. To the north west of the site is an existing residential area of inter-war semi-detached bungalows of traditional construction with front and rear gardens and low level With regard to public transport the North Hylton area is well serviced by buses boundary treatment. providing regular access to Sunderland City Centre, Doxford Park, Washington, Houghton and Newcastle. To the north east the English Martyrs RC Primary school is predominantly single storey in nature with a small element of two storey toward the south. The school is of The site is not subject to any public rights of way however in the south west of the traditional brick construction and grey tile pitched roof. site a pedestrian route is provided through the amenity green space which will require retention. To the south links are provided to the National Cycle network including To the south beyond Hylton Road the built form consists of two storey office blocks connections to Sunderland and National Cycle Route 7. of traditional brick construction however due to the changes in topography the most easterly block presents only one storey onto the site. Surrounding built form The former college site is situated within a well established residential area of inter-war and post war properties. The surrounding built form to the east consists of two storey linked properties of brick and render construction with some properties having modern additions such as bay windows and porches. Miners cottages to west Residential properties to north west North Hylton Road Redcar Road 4 Planning Policy Context National Planning Policy Framework character and distinctiveness. In March 2012 the Coalition Government published the National Planning Policy • Preventing both new and existing development from contributing to or being put Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) replacing all at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by unacceptable levels of former Planning Policy Statements and Planning Policy Guidance. At the heart of the soil, air, water or noise pollution or land instability. NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development, however, the NPPF • Minimise impacts on and provide net gains in biodiversity where possible. also establishes the following principles relevant to this site and to which development • Encourage opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments. proposals must adhere: Local Adopted Planning Policy & Guidance • Seek positive improvements in the quality of the built environment as well as in people’s quality of life. Unitary Development Plan • Encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously The council’s saved Unitary Development Plan (UDP) contains the most up-to-date and developed. relevant development policies for the city and will be a major influencing factor in the • Deliver a wide choice of high quality homes, widen opportunities for home redevelopment of this site. Ranging from site specific planning policies relevant to this ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. site, or more general city wide policies relevant to all developments within the city. • Respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials, whilst not preventing or discouraging appropriate • H4: New housing innovation. • H16: Affordable housing • Address the connections between people and places and the integration of new • H21: Open space in residential areas development into the natural, built and historic environment. • B2: Scale, massing, layout and setting • Establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create • CS1: Community facilities attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit. • CF1: New community facilities • Create safe and accessible environments where suitable access can be achieved • CF5: Education by all. • CN17: Retention of trees • Seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing • CN18: Nature conservation and future occupants of land and buildings. • T14: Highways • Create visually attractive places as a result of good architecture and appropriate • T22: Parking landscaping. • NA14: Redcar Road College campus development • Function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development. Emerging Core Strategy and Development Management Policies (2017) • Support the transition to a low carbon future. The emerging Core Strategy provides the overarching policy framework to guide the • Take account of landform, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping development of the city over the next 15 years and once adopted will replace the to minimise energy consumption. current UDP. The emerging Core Strategy is currently at the preferred options stage • The desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local and is not formally adopted; however, it is now considered a material consideration in 5 determining planning applications. Residential Design Guide SPD The
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