v; VOL. XXXVI. No. 10. MOKOM'MMI. T., KltlHAY, PKIlltUA 11 ! HlOI. HKMI-WHKICI.- tVIIOliK No. 'm VICTORIA DEAD AND WALES KING OF GREAT BRITAIN The End of a Just Reign of Sixty-Four Years Comes With Naught of the Tumult Predicted for Decades by the ifa;ya Prophets of History. d :i . i; THE DEAD QUEEN THE NEW KING 23. I Isle ot Wight, Jan. national history, for the court ladles from the darkness nnd, with bared The events of the last days descrlb-e- d Victoria Is dead and went busily to work ordering their head, said: "Gentlemen, lliu Queen In the bulletins are too fresh to need-- I VII reigns. The mourning from London. PRINCE ALBERT EDWARD passed uwuy at 6:30." repetition. At the lodge gates the COWES, event In the memory The world was Jarred when the an- - I All present reverently uncovered and (watchers waltel nervously. Suddenly generation, the most nouncement came, but In the palace at then shrill whistles and ringing of along the drive from the house came change In exist- Osborne everything pursued the usual CROWNED AS THE KING tho bells of bicycles In waiting were the ft horseman wlio cried, "The Queen Is ing conditions that could pos- course. Down in the kitchen they were signals for messengers to race to Cowes tleud!" us ho dnshqd through sibly be Imagined has taken place cooking a huge dinner for an assem- with the news. In a few moments the quietly, almost gently upon the anni- blage, the like of which has seldom place was deserted. Simultaneously Then down the hillside rushed a myr- versary of Queen's din- messengers on of the death the been known In Englnnd, and the 10,000 Soldiers Line Streets, London Given a Glimpse mounted white horses iad of messengers passing the fateful father, the Duke of Kent. The end of ner preparations proceeded Just ns If Nearly and dashed from Osborne. On their arrival bulletin from one to another. Soon the any wo- this career, never equaled by nothing had hnppened. The body of of Mediaeval Times King Unable to be Present at at Cowes tho correspondents found the surrounding country knew that .1 King man In the world's history, came in Queen Victoria was embalmed and will news known both nt Enst nnd West ruled over Great Britain. The loenr a. simply furnished room In Osborne probably be taken to Windsor Satur- Reading of Proclamation. Cowes fully fifteen minutes before It Inhabitants walked as IT In a dream House. This most respected of women, day. The coflln arrived last evening had been nnonunced to thoso In waiting through tho streets of Cowes, but they living or dead, lay In a great four-post- from London. , nt the gates of Osborne House. Tho did not hesitate to stop to drink the bed and made a shrunken atom, It wns thought that the Queen was streets wero already filled with sor- health of tho new monarch. - 9 Majes- whose aged face and figure were a cruel dying about- o'clock in tho morning, 24. London today was given a gllmpBe of mediaeval times. rowful crowds discussing Her mockery of the girl who in 1837' be- carriages were sent to Osborne Jan.. ty's dentil. fair and The quaint ceremonies with which King Edward VII was proclaimed at gan" England. cottage rectory bring . to rule over and the to all the MESSAGES OK CONDOLENCE. NEW SOVEREIGN Around her were gathered almost Princes and Princesses and the Bishop various points of tho metropolis exactly followed ancient precedents. The every descendant of her line. "Well of Winchester to her bedside. It seem- olllclals purposely arranged the function an hour ahead of the publlsuert From all parts ot the world there within view of her dying eyes there ed then very near the end, but when announcement, and life Inhabitants lUien they awoke were surprised to laid the are still pouring Into Cowes messages TAKES OATH hung a portrait of the Prince Con- things looked the worst the Queen had untlre way between St. James Palace and the city lined with troops." of condolence. They come from crown- ed heads, millionaires, and sort. It was he who designed the room one of the rallies due to her wonderful About 10,000 soldiers, life guards, horse guard's, foot guards and other caval- tradesmen eyes rec-- ' paupers, nnd ore variously addressed AT ST. JAMES' and every part of the castle. In constitution, opened her and ry and Infuntry regiments, had ucen brought from Aldershot and London bar- scarcely audible words the white-haire- d ognlzed of Wales, the Prin- to tie Prince of Wales nnd the King the Prince racks after midnight. All tho oMcorj crcpo on their arms, and tho dtums Bishop of Winchester prayed be- cesses and Emperor William. She asked bad of England, crepe. troops In Klng-Emper- side her, as he had often prayed with to see one of her faithful servants, a and brass Instruments wero shrouded with Tho themselves Emperor William's arrangements nro LONDON, January 23. The his sovereign, for he was her chaplain member of the household. He hasten- - made an Imposing spectacle, but they were entirely eclipsed by tho strange gpec-tacl- o not settled. His yacht will arrive hero who quietly left Osborne at Windsor. With bowed heads the ed to the room, but before he got there presented by tho olllclals of tho Collego of Arms. today (Wednesday), but It Is believed entered the capital at 12.55 ruler ot the German Empire and the the Queen had passed Into a fitful Tho proclamation announcing Edward VII ob King of Oteat llrltaln and thnt ho will not depart until after tho p.""m. today and proceeded to Mnrl-b- oi royal person begin- man who is now King ot England, the Bleep. Ireland and Emperor of India wbb read In Bt. James Talaco by William Hen- funeral. Several other ough House. Dense crowds, who succeeded to ages nro likely to be present at tho ning St. James street, lined the en- woman has the title THE END. ry Weldon, Klng-at-Ar- since 1801 and formerly Windsor herald. Tho Kin,; at Queen, and Princesses BEGINNING OP function. tire route to Victoria station from an of the Princes was not present. There was a. large as ernblugo of olllclals and collego herald . Four o'clock marked the beginning of s Tho record of tho last days of the early tho Mall nnd and those of less than royal designation and members of his licnd..-r-tcr- hour until tho front the end. Again the family were sum- - Among thoso In attendance were CJcneral Roberts reign of Victoria Is not eusy to tell. llBtencd to the Bishop's ceaseless start and other army olIlcerB. Th"re was a great concourso of people from of Buckingham Palace were especially prayer. nioned, nnd this time the relapse was tho commencement to tho close. The p oclamatlon was greeted by a fanfare of Tho correspondent of tho Associated thronged. All nlong tho former, from Six o'clock passed. The Bishop con- not followed by recovery. The Prince trumpets. At tho conclusion of the cere nony, the band belonging tho footguards Press was the only correspondent ad .the pnliieo to Marlborough Houhp, car- tinued his Intercession. One of the of WaleB was very much affected when In tho friary court played "God Save III King." mitted to Osborne House, nnd his In- - riages filled with ladles stood as It for in the doctors at last Informed him that The ceremony began at St. James I'aacp, where, at 9 o'clock, Edward VII tervlew with Sir Arthur John Blgge, it drawing room, except that tho coach- younger children asked a question ' was imme- his mother had breathed her last. Em- was proclaimed King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and private secretary of the lute Queen, wns men, footmen nnd occupants wero nil shrill, childish treble and was read by William Henry Wel- diately silenced. The women of this peror William, himself deeply affected, Emperor of India. Tho proclamation, which the only nlllclul Htntcment that had dressed In mourning. The police pre- don, Klng-at-Ar- since 1834, and formerly Windsor herald, was as follows: royul family sobbed faintly nnd tho did his best to minister comfort to his sover- been sent out. For several wcoks tho wero unusual. Men on font I "Whetons, It pleased Almighty God to call to HIb mercy our late cautions sorrow-stricke- n uncle, whose new dig- - has Queen been falling. men shuffled uneasily. eign lady. Queen Victoria, of bless H and glorious memory, by wtioro deceaso tho had On Monday land mounted guarded almost every nlty ho was the first to acknowledge. Is solely week she summoned Lord ItobertH and 'yard of tho route. Tho crowds waited DIED AT 6:!0 O'CLOCK. Imperial Crown of tho United Kingdom of a rent llrltaln and Iroland When the 4 p. m. bulletin unnounceil and rightfully como to tho high and mighty 1'rlnco Albert Edward, wu tlmrn-for- e, asked hlrn some senrchlng questions patiently for hours to greet their King At exactly 0:30 Sir James Reld held that the Queen wns sinking all the the Lords spiritual nnd temporal, of th'x realm, being hero assisted with regarding tho war In South Africa. On Finally, preceded by half a dozen up his head and the people then knew watchera at the gates of Osborne IIoiiho thoio of her late Majesty's Privy Council, with numbers of other principal Tuesdny she went for n drive, but wuh mounted policemen, tho new sovereign England had lost her Queen.
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