MAY 1964 TV GOES BENKO ( See P;\Qt 132 ) - , - ", . -.-:...--. 60 CENTS - ., ' ..ifI - -­.- • • .-. .. '. \\ ... ", , . f' · ' .. criptio. Rote , • ~ • ""'E YEAR S6.S0 1 W hite to move and win 2 Black t o move and w in \'ou're It Have Not: It The world politic and tbe HAVES AND HAVE NOTS Pawn m in us and It piece wor ld of chess are never in under attack , The "seem, too c lose resemblance, W ho Here are some posit ions in which, generally, ing" lies in your greatel' de' was Have and who Ha ve Not you're a seeming " Have not" but, if you work out the \'elollment and moblllty, here Is not clear. But it ill solutions, an actual " Have." In these times, th e With sage usage, you can clear you've a piece sna gg ed couvert the latle l', and, so to In a hidden pin, That makes " Have Nots" get. You can prove it by sco ring ex­ speak, show how l'aw, unde­ you a Have Not. Now fi nd cellent for ten co rrect sol ut ions, nearly by scoring veloped resoul'CCS Clln pl'O' out how you can r edeem good for eight; and !iq uellk th rough wi th fa ir for six. mote a win, Do so! yourself and conect your So lutions on page 140, status! 3 White to move and w in 4 Black to m ove a nd wi n S Whit e t o move and win 6 Blac k to move and w in Ha\'iog It pleee ror t WO He re's It preu y how·dy·do: Well, here you m ust t r uly Another teaser to e\'alu· Pawns puts Black In that you're a Pawl) up bllt a piece sa y you're a H/I\'e: all men ale : material is even, and " H an~" statu!; bere. appar. down; and both s ides lla\'e a re on the board, and you who has the t rue edge! Call ently. Proof that aPPeltI" ])Ieees under attack - and have the be ller control of YOlll'self a Have Not as you allces are ofl de(:epllve Is Ill/He threatens yours! Write tenain, !\'ever say die, of have Pawns under attack, J your immediate task. You yourself do\\"n as a Have course, Occasionally, even In l'elUrn, you'll soon join the ! may find It easy, 01' nOl: but Not; and writhe yourself out in t hese days, the Haves PI'e, paJ"ade oC triumpllant Have work out that White hae a s the ultimat e Have. Hard? \"all, The question Is; just Nots , You will, that is, if enough, enough to l'n8Ure a Maybe . but give it It real how do you go nbout clinch· you can fi nd the proper war, win ! hal'd try. ing the game '! T'aln't easy, But try, guy! 7 Whit e to move and w in 8 Black to move and win 9 W hite to move atld win 10 Black to m ove and w in N o problem of evaluating Hold everything: material Who's t he Have 1'-:ot here! T I'u th fuH r. t hougb }'ou're here: YOII're II Ha\'e Not, by Is e \'en again. But. no you It IOGks pretty eve n, Dut , II ]llece down for two Pawns, measure of one piece Cor It can I'ate a s a Ha ve Xot, on mate , does It matter ? For you a re a Have hen~ -"nd in Pawn. It goes without say· "" grounds" of lesser terrain. any position, rou have JUSt all the posilion s - b('('au ~e ing. therefol'e, that t he rest So, with all the vim of the zero SCO l'e, till you solve It. you're set up to win- if }'OU is olle calabasb pille cinch. complaining Ha\'e Nots, yOll And that's Hal'e Not Insplra, !lee how, Do you-: Maybe. it takes It couple of can press fOl' a pl'eferred tion enough In illielf to In CRli e you ol'erlooked it bashes. But just can one, s tatus, One s imple insight, prompt you to proving you - and (for sh ame) tbink "Oll then the othel". Ami you C~tIl nnd you'll be on the Inside, can convert thlll level (n ml~8ed ally solutions, they smoke It. Yes? looking Ollt, How? position Into a win! are on page 110. CHESS A M TOWER REVIEW By D ... PETAR TRIFUNOVICH tIff I',n.,., CHlSl .AOAZIH' Volume 32 Number 5 May 1964 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY r. A. Horowitz Table of Contents Beverwijk, Holland, 1964 ........ .. 141 • 1 Chess Anagrams ..••.. .. .. • ... 139 j 1 Chess Club Directory ...•.......... 138 •, 1 Chess Traps . .. .... ... ... .. .... .. 135 \' I European Zone 3 Tournament ...... 139 • Finishing Touch ........ .... ..... 154 n Games from Recent Events .. ... .. 152 Great Day in Madrid . ... ... .... .. 136 How to W in in the Ending. _ ....... 142 Ivkov Prevails in Match ...... ..... 140 Modern Masterpieces .. ... .. ... .•. 130 On the Cover ...... .. .............. 132 Over the Board . ..... .. .... ... ... .. 144 Posta) Chess ......... .. ........... 156 Problemart ........................ 140 Replay ............................ 151 Solitaire Chess . ........ .. , ... .... 143 Spotlight on Openings ........ ... 149 happy events-wars, diseases and famine. Tournament Calendar .. ..... ...... 134 Rumors that Americans, Russians and United States Championship ... .. .. 145 World of Chess ... , ............. .. 131 fn Ihe small town of Budva, on the Chinese were about to land created serious Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia, the Student~ anxiety in the town. The people wen~ EXECUTIVE EDITOR Chess Olympics took place last year. A haH.appeased by the news that the' China· Jack Straley Battell photo of this pretty and charming townlct men were not coming, for they are well CONTRIBUTING EDITORS was published in the May issue (page aware of Nostradamus' pr ophecies and of A. B. Bisguier. I. Chernev. J. 'Yo comns. of RJ::V1J::W. T . A. Dunst. Dr. M. Euwe. Hans Kmoch. 133) 1963 Cm;ss "the yellow peril." \V. Korn, P. L. Rothenberg. and The inhabitants of this stllall town have Nonetheless, Soviet and American Dr. p. Trlrunovlch. become accustomed to a quiet and tranquil "commandos" did appear but with no CORRESPONDENTS life which cannot he disturbed even by the resemblance to the Turkish Janissaries, Alabama E. M. Cockrell. Alaska S. H. O'NeilL waves of tourists in the sultry summer These all Lore under their arms strange California Dr. H . Ralston. M. J. Roye,,, months. They spend their time, content, boards apportioned into black and white Colorado J. J . Reid. District 01 Columbia R. S. Cantwell. amid the hulwarb and walls which have boxes, like the new tower in the town. Florida R. C. Eastwood. mrrounrled !hem since their birth as silent And, when the townsfolk saw the Ameri_ Georgia Braswell Deen. wilJlesses of cen!uries past and which they Idaho R. S. Vandenberg, can grandmaster Lombardi's smiling and Illinois J. G. ·Warren. consider as part of their very being. good·natured face, it was clear to all that Indiana D. C. Hills. D. E. lthea<1. They have heard many stories about these there was to be no war. Soon it was Iowa J. M. Osness. Kansas K. R. MacDonald. walls from thcir fathers, grandfathers and learnt that the new tower was the symbol Louisiana A. L. McAuley. greatgrandfa!hers. T hey do not remem· and main attraction of these modern war· Ma ine L. Eldridge. Maryland Charles Barasch. Dr. 'V. P.. ber the origin of the~e buildings and walls riors who wage war without bloodshed. Bundick. but do know they have existed from time The pu~zling lower disappeared as sud­ Massachusetts R. B. Goodspeed, immemorial and are more than a thou­ denly a~ it had appeared. Sun, winds Mich igan R. Buska$er. Minnesota R. C. Gove. sand year~ old. and rain damaged it to such an extent Mississippi E. A. Durning, O ne day, however, a new, puzzling and that, though it was really a new· born in Missouri E. A. Talley, Nebraska B. E. Ellsworth. Jack Sp':-tlce. eltornWU$ tower appeared overnight among comparison to its very old neighbors, Nevada R. L. Wheeler. the old wall~ and sunburnt stones. It was soon. it seemed lllllCh older and dilapidated. New Hampshire Ralph M. Gerth. New York Edward Lasker, H. M. Phll1ips. checkered all jls length by black and The eud of the Students Olympics was North Carolina Dr. S. Noblln. white squares regularly arranged with also its death, mid the rejoicing of the North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. wouden pieces on its pedestal. town and its walls which could no longer Ohio R. B. Haye.'l. J. R. Schroeder. Oklahoma J. Haley. Old people know very well that the con· stand this intruder. The old towers and Pennsylvania J. E. Armstrong. struction of towers augurs ill. They re· walls remain, to defy the eternal on­ South Carolina Prof. L. L. Foster. South Dakota M. F. Anderaon. member the stories heard from their an· s laughts of wind, sea and time. Tennessee ~{rs. Martha Hardt. J. G. Sulli- cestuI's that every reconstrtlction uf old van. Jr. Texas Homer H. Hyde. walls wa~ inevit ably accompanied Ly Ult· Utah Harold Lundstrom. Virginia Leonard Morgan. West Virginia C. Pride. CHElSS REvrmw i.'l published monthly by Subscription Rates: One year ;6,W. two Wisconsin E. OUe. CHBSS REVlEW, 134 W. 72d St., New York. yelLI's $12.00, three yBars $15.75. world-w!de. Wyoming E. F. Rohlf!. C'<ew York 10023. Printed in U. S. A. Re_ Change of Address: Six weeks' notice re­ Quired. Please furnish an address stencil entered as second-class matter A~ust 7.
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