Angewandte News Chemie Royal Australian Chemical Institute institution for his PhD (completed in 1969). After Awards 2018 postdoctoral work with Hans Dahn (Universit de Awarded … Lausanne), William M. Jones (University of Flor- The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) ida), and Maitland Jones Jr. (Princeton University), presented its national awards in November 2018. he held academic positions at the Universit de We congratulate all the awardees and feature those Lausanne and a professorship at the University of who are associated with Angewandte Chemie and Marburg (1976–1985). He was made Professor of its sister journals as authors, referees, and board Organic Chemistry the University of Queensland in members. 1985, and is currently emeritus professor there. Amanda Ellis (University of Melbourne) Wentrups research involves experimental and received the Margaret Sheil Leadership Award. theoretical investigations of reactive intermediates Ellis studied at the Auckland University of Tech- using flash vacuum pyrolysis, matrix isolation, and nology and the University of Technology, Sydney, matrix photochemistry. He has reported in Chemis- and completed her PhD (supervised by Mick try—A European Journal on the photolysis of Wilson) at the latter institution in 2003. She trimethylsilyl azide to generate the triplet ground subsequently carried out postdoctoral research state trimethylsilylnitrene.[3] Wentrup was on the with Ganpati Ramanath at the Rensselaer Poly- Founding Editorial Board of Chemistry—A Euro- technic Institute (2002–2003) and Shay Curran at pean Journal. New Mexico State University (2003–2004), and was Katrina Jolliffe (The University of Sydney) won a research fellow with Jeff Tallon at Industrial the H. G. Smith Memorial Award, which is pre- Research Ltd (now Callaghan Innovations). In sented “for the greatest contribution to the devel- 2006, she joined the faculty at Flinders University, opment of some branch of chemical science”. and in 2017, she was made Australian Research Jolliffe was featured here when she received the Council (ARC) Future Fellow and Professor in A. J. Birch Medal from the RACI Organic Chemis- Chemical Engineering/Nanotechnolgy at the Uni- try Division.[4a] She has reported in Angewandte versity of Melbourne. Ellis and her group inves- Chemie on the self-assembly and cellular activity of tigate DNA and synthetic polymer hybrids for tubisomes.[4b] applications in DNA amplification and genotyping. Neeraj Sharma (The University of New South She is co-author of a report in Chemistry—An Wales; UNSW) received the Rennie Memorial Asian Journal on the adsorption and desorption of Medal, which is awarded for outstanding contribu- single-stranded DNA from single-walled nano- tions from younger chemists. Sharma studied at tubes.[1] The University of Sydney, where he worked with Colin Raston (Flinders University) was hon- Chris Ling for his PhD (completed in 2009). From ored with the Applied Research Award. Raston 2009–2012, he was a postdoctoral researcher with studied at The University of Western Australia Vanessa K. Peterson at The Bragg Institute, Aus- (UWA), where he worked with A. H. White for his tralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisa- PhD (completed in 1976). After working as a tion, and from 2012–2015, he was a research fellow research officer at the UWA (1975–1979) and a and lecturer at the Australian Institute of Nuclear postdoctoral researcher with Michael F. Lappert at Science and Engineering and the UNSW. He is the University of Sussex (1979–1980), he joined the currently an Australian Research Council Discov- faculty at the UWA in 1981. He subsequently held ery Early Career Award (DECRA) Fellow and professorships at Griffith University (1988–1995), Senior Lecturer at the UNSW, and a research Monash University (1995–2001), the University of affiliate at The University of Sydney. Sharma and Leeds (2001–2002), and the UWA (2003–2012). He his group are working to develop an atomic-scale was made Professor of Clean Technology at Flin- understanding of the limitations in current battery ders University in 2013. Raston is interested in the materials and systems. He is co-author of a Review development and applications of continuous-flow in Chemistry—A European Journal on hybrid solid thin-film microfluidic platforms including vortex polymer electrolytes.[5] fluidic devices. His report on high-shear-imparted Yuning Hong (La Trobe University) was tunable fluorescence in polyethylenimines was awarded the Rita Cornforth Lectureship, which is featured on the cover of ChemPhotoChem.[2] given for outstanding work by early-career female Raston was on the International Advisory Board scientists. Hong studied at Sun Yat-sen University, of Angewandte Chemie from 2000–2005. and worked with Ben Zhong Tang at the Hong Curt Wentrup (The University of Queensland) Kong University of Science and Technology received the Leighton Memorial Medal, which is (HKUST) for her PhD (completed in 2011). After awarded “for eminent services to chemistry in the postdoctoral work with Ekaterina V. Pletneva at broadest sense”. Wentrup studied at the University Dartmouth University (2011–2012), she was a of Copenhagen and the Australian National Uni- research assistant professor at HKUST (2012– versity, and worked with W. D. Crow at the latter 2014). In 2014, she moved to the University of Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1 – 3 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &&&& Angewandte News Chemie Melbourne as a research fellow with Trevor A. reactions that they undergo. He has reported in Smith, and in 2016, she joined the faculty at Chemistry—An Asian Journal on a high-level La Trobe University. Hongs research focuses on theoretical study of the effect of hydrogen bonding the design and synthesis of new fluorescent probes, on peptide oxidation.[9] mainly aggregation-induced-emission fluorogens, Ashraf Ghanem (University of Canberra) was with sensitivity to protein misfolding and modifi- honored with a Citation of the RACI for his cations in the cellular environment. She is co- contributions to the chemistry profession. Ghanem author of a report in Chemistry—A European studied at Helwan University, Cairo and the Uni- Journal on the synthesis and characterization of versity of Stuttgart, and worked with Volker copper nanoclusters.[6] Schurig at the University of Tbingen for his PhD Amir Karton (UWA) was awarded the Le F- (completed in 2002). He subsequently carried out vre Medal, which is given together with the postdoctoral research with Paul Mller at the Australian Academy of Science. This honor is University of Geneva (2002–2004), and was Head presented for outstanding research by younger of the Biomedicinal Chemistry Unit at King Faisil chemists. Karton studied at the Ben-Gurion Uni- Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh versity of the Negev, and the Weizmann Institute of (2004–2008). From 2008–2010, he was a research Science, and completed his PhD (supervised by fellow and lecturer with Paul Haddad at the Jan M. L. Martin) in 2010. He subsequently held University of Tasmania, and after a visiting profes- research fellowships with Leo Radom at The sorship with Nobuo Tanaka at the Kyoto Institute University of Sydney (2010–2012) and an inde- of Technology, he joined the faculty at the Uni- pendent fellowship at the UWA (2012–2013). He versity of Canberra, where he was made professor joined the faculty at the UWA in 2014, and is in 2012. Ghanems research interests lie in the area currently associate professor and ARC Future of asymmetric and enantioselective catalysis and Fellow there. Kartons research interests are analysis. He has published a Microreview in the focused on the development of quantum chemical European Journal of Organic Chemistry on rho- theory for the calculation of highly accurate dium-catalyzed enantioselective CÀH functionali- chemical properties and the application of these zation reactions.[10] procedures to problems of chemical structure, mechanism, and design. He is co-author of a report in Chemistry—A European Journal on [1] C. J. Shearer, L. Yu, R. Fenati, A. J. Sibley, J. S. Quinton, C. T. Gibson, A. V. Ellis, G. G. Andersson, covalency and ionicity in siloxane systems.[7] J. G. Shapter, Chem. Asian J. 2017, 12, 1625. Mauro Mocerino (Curtin University) received [2] X. Luo, A. H. M. Al-Antaki, S. Pye, R. Meech, W. the Curtin Medal for exceptional contributions to Zhang, C. L. Raston, ChemPhotoChem 2018, 2, 343. chemistry education. Mocerino studied at UWA, [3] C. Wentrup, H. Lerssen, H. S. Silva, A. Dargelos, D. where he completed his PhD (supervised by Robert Bgu, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 14547. Stick) in 1990. He subsequently carried out post- [4] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 8329; Angew. doctoral work with Mark von Itzstein at Monash Chem. 2017, 129, 8445; b) J. C. Brendel, J. Sanchis, S. Catrouillet, E. Czuba, M. Z. Chen, B. M. Long, C. University (1989–1990) and Jack Harrowfield at Nowell, A. Johnston, K. A. Jolliffe, S. Perrier, UWA (1991–1994). He is currently associate pro- Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 16678; Angew. fessor at Curtin University. Mocerino is interested Chem. 2018, 130, 16920. in supramolecular chemistry (in particular chiral [5] S. Chua, R. Fang, Z. Sun, M. Wu, Z. Gu, Y. Wang, J. calixarenes) and chemistry education. He has N. Hart, N. Sharma, F. Li, D.-W. Wang, Chem. Eur. J. reported in ChemistrySelect on the synthesis and 2018, 24, 18180. antiparasitic activity of tetrahydroisoquinoline [6] J. Li, H. Z. Ma, G. E. Reid, A. J. Edwards, Y. Hong, [8] J. M. White, R. J. Mulder, R. A. J. OHair, Chem. derivatives. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 2070. Leo Radom (The University of Sydney) was [7] M. Fugel, M. F. Hesse, R. Pal, J. Beckmann, D. awarded a RACI Distinguished Fellowship for his Jayatilaka, M. J. Turner, A. Karton, P. Bultinck, G. S. contributions to the field and to the institute. Chandler, S. Grabowsky, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, Radom studied at The University of Sydney, 15275.
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